Jf7e 0< **nht
AD. 1323—1327.
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Preface v
Corrigenda - - vii
Calendar 1
Index - - - - - 661
S1394. W't. 714. ii 2
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( v )
The present volume forms part of a series of Calendars
of the Close Rolls from the reign of Edward II. to
that of Edward IV. the object and character of which
are explained in the Preface to the first volume for
the reign of Edward II. (a.d. 1307—1313.) In addition
to the rolls calendared in this and the three pre-
ceding volumes, there are in the series of Close
Rolls at the Public Record Office two rolls " de terris
forisfactis" belonging to the 15th, 16th and 17th
years of Edward II., which have not been calendared
separately, inasmuch as all the entries in them occur
also in the normal Close Rolls of the period, and have
consequently been calendared in their proper places.
The text has been prepared, with the sanction of the
Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, by
Mr. W. H. Stevenson, M.A., Eellow of Exeter College,
Oxford. The Index has been compiled by Mr. C. H.
Woodruff, B.C.L., Mr. Stevenson having assisted him
by identifying most of the places.
Public Record Office,
28 May 1898.
( vii )
Page 11, line 20, /or "Thomus" read "Thomas."
„ 50, „ 9, for " Rouhale" read " Konhale."
51, ,, 16, for "Clanuowe " read " Clanvowe."
„ 112, ,, 35, for "Bornden" read " Boruden."
„ 115, „ 28, for " Tondele " read " Toudele."
„ 149, ,, 48, for " Bathehamwell " read " Buchehamwell."
„ 150, „ 28, for "Marchham" read " Marthham."
„ 151, lines 1 1, 24, for " Marcham " read " Marthani ."
181, line 25, for " Hanstede " read " Haustede."
197, „ 1 3, for "Tondeby" read " Toudeby."
199, „ 1 2, for "Tendele" read "Teudele."
211, „ 14, for "Sussex" read "Suffolk."
211, 291, 299, 307, margin, for "Chippenham" read "Cippeuham."
237, lines 6, 15, for " Bytre"- read " Bycre."
„ 245, line 52, for " Alice" read " Alesia."
267, „ 32, for " Sholnyng " read " Sholvyng."
276, „ 12, for " Cofynestou " read " Cosyneston."
290, „ 23, for " Burndon " read " Burudon."
302, „ 27, for " Jo " read " To."
335, „ 10, for "Hanstede" read "Haustede."
342, „ 5, for " Pressen " read " Presfen."
847, „ 28, for " Ryvery " read " Kyuery."
351, „ 6, for " James " read " John."
453, „ 21, for "Lynesthorp " read " Lyuesthorp."
490, „ 4, for " Calewyth " read " Calewych."
523, „ 45, for " Fautini " read - Fantini."
557, „ 35, for " Arne " read " Arue."
596, „ 44, page 600, line 44,/or " Bony " read " Bovy."
597, „ 16, page 601, line 32,/or " Dendon " read" Deudon."
694, under Chippenham dele the references to " letters close dated at," and
transfer them to " Cippeuham."
784, col. 2, dele "Scheldt, Sheld, river."
„ „ „ insert " Sheld [name of a sandbank (?) between Hunstanton and
Cromer, co. Norfolk]." For "the Shelde " see fifteenth century
" Sailing Instructions for the Circumnavigation of England," Ilak-
luyt Society, 1889, pp. 11, 25, 35 (where it is wrongly identified
with Cromer).
July H.
July 8.
July 8.
July 10.
Fa \ fleet.
July 9.
Membrane 43.
To Robert le Power, chamberlain of North Wales. Order to pay the
fees and wages of the justices, constables, sheriffs, and officers in his baili-
wick from the time of his appointment, and to continue paying the same
To Henry le Scrop. Order to deliver to Hervey de Staunton, whom the
king wills shall be chief-justice to hold pleas before him, the rolls, writs,
memoranda, and other things touching that office that are in Henry's
custody. By K.
Vacated, because otherwise beloiv.
To Robert Power, chamberlain of North Wales. Order to repair the
houses, towers, and other buildings in the king's hands in his bailiwick,
and the bridges and ponds pertaining to the castles, by the view and testi-
mony of the justice of Wales or of him who supplies his place in those
parts. By C.
To Edmund, earl of Kent, constable of Dover castle and warden of the
Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place. Order to cause diligent
search to be made in all ports of all persons coming into the realm by sea,
and to seize any letters and the bearers thereof touching the bishoprics of
Winchester and Llandaff, or touching the person of Master John de Strat-
ford, and to send the letters and their bearers to the king, as the king
understands that Master John, who sojourned at the Roman court upon
the king's affairs, has accepted the bishopric of Winchester without the
king's knowledge and against his will, and that letters prejudicial to the
king will shortly be directed to England, another person having similarly
accepted the bishopric of Llandaff. By K.
The like to the bailiffs of Bristol, Southampton, and Portsmouth, and to
the sheriffs of Southampton, Somerset and Dorset, Devon, Cornwall, and
the mayor and sheriffs of London. [Ibid.']
To Roger Carles, keeper of certain rebels' lands in co. Hereford. Order
to restore to Thomas de Langeford, a late rebel, his lands, as he has made
fine with the king to save his life and lands. By K. and C.
To the sheriff of Hereford. Order not to molest Thomas for the above
To Master John Walewayn, escheator bpyond Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the lands of Robert de Keydon, and to restore the
is-iiifs thereof, as the king learns by inquisition token by the escheator that
Robert held no lands in chief of the king at his death by reason whereof tin-
custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king.
N't. 714. A
.Ink 10.
July S
July 8.
July 8.
July 19.
July 18.
July 16.
July 16.
Membrane 43 — cont.
To L. bishop of Durham, or to him who supplies his place in the
bishopric. Order to release from his prison at Durham Cuthbert son of
John de Dunolmpa], Gamelin le Monneor, Humphrey le Pestour, and
Robert de Hautwissell, upon their finding mainprise to have them before
the king when he will speak against them, the bishop having arrested them
in execution of the king's order to enquire concerning the attack made at
Durham by the said Cuthbert and other malefactors of Durham upon
certain members of the household of William, bishop of St. Andrews, who
lately came into the realm under the king's safe-conduct to treat of peace
between him and Robert de Brus. By C.
To Henry le Scrop. Order to deliver to Hervey de Staunton, whom the
king wills shall be his chief justice to hold pleas before him, the rolls, writs,
memoranda, and other things touching that office that are in Henry's
custody at York, and to cause to be delivered to the treasury all rolls,
writs, memoranda, and other things touching that office that are in Henry's
custody at London or elsewhere. By K.
To Robert le Power, chamberlain of North Wales. Order to appoint a
keeper of the victuals in the castle of Hardelaugh, and to pay him such
wa^es as the keepers of victuals in other castles in those parts receive.
By C.
To Hervey de Staunton, chancellor of the exchequer. Order to intend
the holding of pleas before the king with others to be appointed for this
purpose, as the king wills that he shall be chief justice to hold such pleas.
It is not the king's intention that Hervey shall quit the office of chancellor,
but that he shall cause that office to be executed by another fit person whilst
he is intending the said pleas. By K.
To Anthony de Lucy, constable of Carlisle castle. Order to pay to the
king's watchman in that castle the arrears of his wages and stipends from
the time of the constable's appointment, and to continue paying the same
hereafter until further orders. By K.
To the said Anthony, late sheriff of Cumberland. Order to deliver
Nicholas de Hewyk, a prisoner in his custody, to Henry de Malton, now
sheriff of that county, whom the king has ordered to receive the said prisoner
and to keep bim as Henry has been enjoined on the king's behalf.
To the sheriff of Dorset. Order to release Roger de la Dene, Robert de
la Dene, Richard his brother, and Richard Auntioche, parson of the church
of Tarente Auntioche, from prison at Dorchester, and to restore their goods
to them upon their finding mainpernors to have them before the king if the
king will speak against them, the sheriff having certified the king that they
were arrested by order of the earl of Kent, and that they were charged
before him with harbouring and maintaining certain alleged adherents of
Robert le Ewer. By C.
To the constable of Bristol castle, or to him who supplies his place.
Order to cause John de Sapy, late constable of Beaumaris [Castle] and sheriff
of Caernarvan, who is imprisoned in the constable's custody because he was a
rebel, to be brought to the exchequer at Westminster at the king's cost
under safe custody, so that he be there on the morrow of Michaelmas next,
in order that the account of the chamberlain of North Wales may be ren-
dered in his presence, as it cannot be rendered conveniently without his
presence, and the rendering has long been delaved for this reason.
By K.
To Thorn!) s de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with a shop built by Walter de Bibiri, deceased, and Cicely,
his wife, upon a plot of land in Conyngestrete, in the city of York, and to
July 20.
July 19.
July 16.
July 19.
July 12.
Membrane 43 — cont.
restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the
escheator that the plot is the free tenement of Cieely as that which she ami
Walter acquired to them and their heirs from Thomas de Barneby, and that
the said Thomas and his ancestors held the plot as their free tenement from
time out of mind, and that the plot was never a lane or common passage
(transitus), and that a dyer used to dwell there at one time, and that he had
his houses near the water of Ouse in order to exercise his office more con-
veniently, and that he had a gate in the street of Conyngestrete whereby he
entered and left his houses aforesaid, and that he permitted his neighbours
and friends to go to the water of Ouse by his said gate and houses of his
permission and free will, and that the plot is held of the king as a free
burgage of the aforesaid city by the service of 2d. yearly for house-gavel
(hoi(S(/abulum),&nd that the shop now built thereon is worth 5*. yearly, the
escheator having taken the shop into the king's hands by reason of the
common passage aforesaid.
To Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of North Wales, or to him who
supplies his place. Order to associate with him Robert Power, chamber-
lain of North Wales, and to receive ransoms at their discretion from the
Scots lately captured in the county of Angleseye aud now imprisoned in the
king's castles in North Wales, and to cause them to be released from prison
when they have satisfied the king for their ransoms, certifying the treasurer
and barons concerning the ransoms. By p.s. directed to the treasurer.
To Thomes de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
Joan, late the wife of John de Ulram, tenant by knight service of the heir
of Thomas de Cailly, a minor in the king's custody, two bovates out of the
said John's messuage and five bovates of land in Eston, co. York, which
the king has assigned to her in dower by the assent of Hugh, son and heir
of the said John.
To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with two tofts and
eight bovates of land in Eston, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king
learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that John de Ulram and Joan
his wife, who still survives, held the same jointly on the day of John's
death, to them and the heirs of their bodies, and that the tofts and land
are held of the aforesaid heir of Thomas de Cailly.
To the same. Order to restore the issues of the aforesaid land of the said
John de Ulram, the king having ordered the escheator to restore the lands
to Hugh, son and heir of the said John, who is of full age, as the king had
taken his fealty, saving the aforesaid Joan's dower therein.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with the lands of Laurence de Reppes, and to restore
the issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that
he held nothing in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his
lands ought to pertain to the king.
To the same. Like order concerning the lands of Nicholas Dengayne.
Membrane 42.
July 9. To the constable of Coneweye castle, or to him who supplies his place.
Faxflect. Order to cause certain rotten victuals in that castle to be removed by
Robert Power, chamberlain of Kaernervon, or by a person to be deputed by
him, as the king has ordained that Robert shall replace them by Buitable
victuals. The king gives the constable to understand that If will punish
him and charge him with the same victuals if he hinder the cliaml.ei lain in
removing and replacing the victuals. By K. and (J.
a 2
July 11.
July 11.
July 8.
July 12.
Membrane 42 — conl.
The like to the constable* of the following castles
Beaumareya, Crukyth.
I o Robert de Welle and "Richard de Ayremynne, keepers of the bishopric
of Winchester, void and in the king's hands. As they have certified
the king that, in passing through the lands of the bishopric, they found
that Walter de Abberbury, brother of Master Thomas de Abberbury,
acquired from Henry, late bishop of Winchester, a messuage and 96 acres
of land in Abberbury, which he entered, and that he and his heirs have
hitherto held the same without obtaining the king's licence, and that
the keepers received from John, his son, the present tenant thereof, a
fine of 10 marks for the king's use for the above trespass, believing that it
pertained to their office to receive such fines, and the king has confirmed the
letters of the aforesaid Henry made to Walter and John of the premises for
a fine of 10 marks, which he has caused to be enrolled in the rolls of his
chancery, the king orders the keepers not to molest John for the aforesaid
10 marks, and to restore the same to him if they have received them from
him, or to ordain otherwise with him that the 10 marks be paid to the king
at the exchequer, as the king wills that the fine shall be levied by the
estreats of the rolls of chancery, sis has been usual heretofore.
To Robert Power, chamberlain of Kaernarvan. Order to cause the
victuals that the king has ordered the keeper of his victuals at Carlisle and
Skynburnesse to bring to Kaernarvan for the munition of the king's castles
in Nortb Wales to be sold, in case they are unfit, and to cause others to be
bought out of the issues of his bailiwick in their place for the above
purpose. By bill of the treasurer.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas Andrew le
Botiller, clerk, was lately charged before Henry le Scrop and his fellows,
justices to hold pleas before the king, with the homicide of Thomas de
Holm, and was afterwards delivered by them to W. archbishop of York, the
ordinary of the place, according to the privilege of the clergy, before whom
he purged his innocence of the crime, and the king thereupon ordered the
sheriff of Nottingham to restore to Andrew his lands and goods unless he
had made flight, and although the sheriff delivered to him his lands, he
has not yet delivered to him his goods, and Andrew has accordingly prayed
the king to provide a remedy ; the king therefore orders the treasurer and
barons to cause Andrew's goods to be restored to him, if they find by inqui-
sition or otherwise that he did not make flight for this cause, and to cause
the township of Hokerton, which is charged with his goods, to be discharged
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
interfere further with the bedelery of the hundred of Bradeford, and to
restore the issues thereof, the escheator having certified the king that he
took a simple seisin of the bedelery in the king's name because he found
by inquisition that Mary, abbess of Shaftesbury, who held the hundred and
bedelery aforesaid with other lands of the king s progenitors in frankalmoin,
alienated the bedelery to Beatrice, daughter of Herbert, and that this
alienation was made in the time of King Richard. By C.
To William de Tatham, receiver of the issues of the castles, manors and
lands of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, and of other rebels in co. Lancaster.
As the king learns by inquisition taken by John Travers, late keeper of the
aforesaid castles, etc., that Nicholas du Lee held a messuage with appur-
tenances in Lancastre of Geoffrey, late prior of Lancaster, by the service of
2*. yearly, and that the prior and his predecessors were seised of that rent
during the time that Nicholas held it as of their very tenant, and that the
1323. Membrane 12— cont.
messuage afterwards came to the earl's hands by acquisition, and that after
that time Pttleher, then prior, was seised of the aforesaid rent all his life,
and that after his death Nigel, the present prior, was seised of the rent until
the earl's death, when the messuage came to the king's hands with other
lands of the earl ; the king orders the receiver to pay the prior the arrears
of the rent from the time when the messuage was taken into the king's
hands, and to continue to pay the same for so long as he is receiver.
July 14. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to inter-
Burstwick. meddle further with the temporalities of the priory of Combewell, now
void, which he has taken into the king's hands by reason of the minority of
the heir of Geoffrey de Say, tenant in chief, and to restore the issues thereof
to the sub-prior and convent, saving the king's right in the presentation of
the prior elect, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that
Geoffrey de Say and his ancestors, formerly parous of the priory, had no
administration of the goods and things pertaining to the priory in times of
voidance, but that the sub-prior and convent had at all times full adminis-
tration of all goods during voidance, and that neither tie king nor his
ancestors received any issues from the temporalities of the priory during
voidance by reason of the minority of Geoffrey's ancestors.
July 15. To the same. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Amice, late the
Burstwick. wife of Elias Martel of Canewyk, tenant in chief, according to the extent
made by him or according to a new one to be made, if necessary, in the
presence of William de Clif, to whom the king has committed the custody
of two parts of Elias's lands during the minority of his heir.
To the sheriff of York. Order to expend up to 20/. in repairing York
castle and the houses within the same, by the view and testimony of the
mayor of York. By bill of the treasurer.
July 9. To the sheriff of Dorset. Order to release Henry de Corton, John
Burstwick. Corny n, and Robert Golde, and to restore their goods to them, upon their
finding mainpernors to have them before the king when ordered, the sheriff
having returned that they were imprisoned by order of the earl of Kent,
because they were charged before him with maintaining certain alleged
adherents and receivers of Robert Lewer and his abbettors.
July 17. To Robert de Notingham and William de Kyrkeby, late vendors of the
Burstwick. king's victuals at Newcastle-on-Tyne. Order to place all writings obli-
gatory concerning the sale of the said victuals in a chest in the treasury of
the cathedral church of Durham under their seals, to be kept there until the
day of payment therein contained. The king has ordered the prior and
convent to receive and keep the chest. By C.
July 14. To the abbot of St. Nicholas, Angers, or to his proctor in England. The
Burstwick. prior and convent of Spalding, in the diocese of Lincoln, have shewn to the
king that whereas a composition was made between their predecessors and
the abbot's predecessors, whereby the prior and convent agreed to pay to
the abbot a yearly pension of 40/. to cherish peace between them, and for
the abbot's expenses by reason of the visitation and the profession of the
monks and the election of the prior to be made at Spalding ; and although
in all tenths, charges, and impositions imposed by the church of Rome upon
the clergy of this realm, and in such grants made by the clergy to the king
and his progenitors, the said 40/. [has been taxed] to the aforesaid charges,
and the charges have been hitherto allowed to the prior and convent in the
payment of the 10/., the abbot now refuses to allow them for other tenths
and charge! than those imposed upon them by the pope, and endeavours to
compel them by ecclesiastical censure to make full payment; ami as it
appears by the memoranda of the king's court that the aforesaid pension i
July 20.
July 16.
July 16.
July 12.
Membrane 42 — cont.
taxed to the tenth end Other charges and impositions; the king orders
the abbot to allow the Baid tenth and other charges to the prior and convent
in the payment of the pension as they have been usually allowed to them
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
to Eleanor, late the wife of Guy Ferre, the manor of Benhale, co. Suffolk,
which he has taken into the king's hands by reason of Guy's death and the
i-^iu's thereof from the time of Guy's death, as the king learns by inqui-
sition taken by the escheator that Guy and Eleanor held the manor jointly
by fine levied in the king's court to them and the heirs of their bodies, so
that if Guv died without an heir of his and Eleanor's bodies, the manor
should remain to Simon de la Borde and the heirs of his body, with
remainder in default of such heirs to William de Sancto Quintino and his
heirs, and that the manor is partly held of the king in chief as of the honour
of Eye by knight service and partly of other lords by divers services, and
that Guy died without an heir of his body.
To Robert Power, chamberlain of North Wales. Order to cause the
king's works in the castle of Karnarvan to be continued out of the issues
of his bailiwick. By p.s. directed to the treasurer.
To the same. Order to cause the victuals in the king's castles to be
doubled, and to cause them to be put in the said castles and renewed
according to the form previously enjoined upon him, as the king has now
ordained by his council that the victuals shall be doubled beyond the
previous ordinance for each castle. By p.s. directed to the treasurer.
To John de Louthre, keeper of the king's victuals in the parts of Car-
lisle. Order to send wheat in grain to North Wales to the amount of the
barrels of flour that the king previously ordered him to send thither, if they
have not been sent, for the munition of the king's castles there, as it seems
more expedient to the king and his council that the castles shall be pro-
visioned with wheat in grain. By K.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to assign dower
to Alice, late the wife of Richard de Cramelyngton, tenant in chief.
To the same. Order to assign dower to Joan, late the wife of John de
Ulram, tenant by knight service of the heir of Thomas de Cailly.
Membrane 42 — Schedule.
To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of
Rothyng Aytrop, co. Essex, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the
escheator that Guy Ferre held the manor at his death of the gift of John
Bacun by fine levied in the king's court, with remainder, in default of heirs
of Guy's body, to John de Clarun, knight, with remainder, in like default,
to Reginald Lupard, and that the manor is held of the earl of Oxford by
knight service, and that Guy died without an heir of his body.
Membrane 41.
July 20. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
Burstwick. intermeddle further with the manor of Cotes, co. Cambridge, and to restore
the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition that Nicholas Dengayne
and Amice his wife were enfeoffed thereof jointly by Joan, late the wife of
John Dengayne, and that Amice continued her joint-seisin thereof until the
death of Nicholas, and that the manor is held of John de Handloo by knight
To the same. Like order concerning the manor of Colne Engayne,
co Essex, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that the
aforesaid Nicholas and Amice jointly acquired the manor from Thomas de
July 22.
July 15.
July 24.
July 20.
July 25.
I :i\fleet.
Membrane 41 — cant.
Ardern and Ileury de Stradebrok bj fine levied in the king's court,
for their lives, with remainder to John Dengayne and Ellen his Wife
for their lives, with remainder to John son of the said Nicholas and
to the heirs of his body, with remainder to the right heirs of the said John
Dengayne, and that Amice continued her seisin thereof with the said
Nicholas until his death, and that the manor is held of John de Claveiyng
by knight service.
To the same. Order to deliver to Sarah, late the wife of John de
Crokedayk, tenant in chief, certain lauds in Little Paxton, co. Huntingdon,
of the yearly value of 41. 8s. 8d., and 12 acres of land in Wrestlingworth,
co. Bedford, of the yearly value of 6*., which the king has assigned to her
as dower with the assent of Thomas de Neubyggyng' and Joan his wife,
and of Michael de Appelby and Christiana his wife, kinswomen and heiresses
of the aforesaid John.
The like to Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent, to deliver to
Sarah a third of two parts of a water-mill in Gamelesby, co. Cumberland, of
the yearly value of 13*. 4d., and 8 acres, 3 [roods ?] of wood, and half an
acre of meadow in Glassanby, and a third of a water-mill in Gamelesby,
which are not extended.
To John de Crombwell, keeper of the Forest this side Trent. Order to
deliver to Thomas de Hoton, son and heir of John son of Thomas de
Hoton, the bailiwick of keeping the king's laund of Plumpton and his deer
there, which belonged to his grandfather at his death, as appgars by an
inquisition taken by Gilbert de Stapelton, late escheator this side Trent,
together with the issues received thence since 25 October, in the 14th year
of the king's reign, when the king took Thomas's homage and restored to
him the lands that his grandfather held in chief.
To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Trent. Order to cause Robert de Faunteston, keeper of the manor of
Feckenharn, to have sixteen oaks fit for timber, in order to repair therewith
the houses and buildings in the manor and the king's pond there.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
To Robert de Faunteston, keeper of the aforesaid manor. Order to
expend up to 20 marks in repairing the houses and other buildings in the
manor. By K. as above.
To ihe same. Order to expend up to 5 marks in repairing the king's
By K.
as above.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king, on
1 May, in the 8th year of his reign, committed to Eleanor, late the wife of
Henry de Percy, tenant in chief, the custody of all the said Henry's lands
in co. York during the minority of Henry, his son and heir, rendering
therefor 400/. yearly to the exchequer, and afterwards, on 25 July, in the
11th year of his reign, granted the above ferm in aid of the maintenance of
Edward, earl of Chester, his son, to be received from Eleanor ; the king orders
the treasurer and barons to audit Eleanor's account for all the time that,
she held the aforesaid lands, notwithstanding the above assignment to the
earl of Chester and notwithstanding the separation of the payments, and to
allow to her all payments made by her by virtue of orders previously sent
to her. Ry p.s. [6003, 6604.]
To Master John Walcwayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with the lands of .John de Leyk and to restore the issaea
thereof, u the l<in<_; learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that he
held nothing in Chief of the king at his death by reason whereof the custody
of his lands ought to pertain to the king.
July 2a
^ % iik.
Julj 86.
i \
July 26.
July 29.
July 28.
Membrane 41 — cont.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to assign dower
to Eawisia, late the wife of William Galon, tenant in chief, upon her taking
oath QOt to marry without the king's licence.
To Matter John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Whereas the
manor of Weetwode, whereof Richard de Rokesle was seised in demesne as
of fee, was taken into the king's hands by reason of Richard's death, and
was afterwards assigned in dower to Joan, late the wife of Richard, by
Walter de Pateshull and Joan his wife, eldest daughter and heiress of
Richard, and by Thomas de Ponyngs and Agnes his wife, younger daughter
and heiress of Richard, and the manor was afterwards wrongly taken into
the king's hands after Joan's death with the other lands that she held in
chief, and the king afterwards caused Agnes's purparty thereof to be
delivered to her and Thomas, retaining in his hands the manor with the
other lands of the said Joan for the purparty of the aforesaid Walter and
Joan until he should make further order; and partition has now been made
in chancery of all the aforesaid lands, as well those that were taken into the
king's hands after Richard's death as those that were so taken after Joan's
death, which partition the king ordered the escheator to deliver to the heirs
and parceners aforesaid ; the king, considering that the aforesaid manor
ought not to have been taken into his hands after Joan's death, as the heirs
and parceners were then of full age, and as Thomas and Agnes had their
purparty of Joan's lands as is aforesaid, now orders the escheator to deliver
to Walter and Joan the issues of the manor received by him.
To Richard de Potesgrave, keeper of the lands of certain rebels in
co. Kent. Order to deliver tp Thomas de Aldon, king's yeoman, his lands,
goods and chattels, which were taken into the king's hands because he was
against the king in Ledes castle, and was an adherent of Bartholomew de
Badelesmere and other rebels, the king having pardoned him the suit of his
peace and what pertains to him in this behalf.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
To Robert de Welle and Richard de Ayremynne, keepers of the bishopric
of Winchester, void and in the king's hands. Order to retain the beasts
and other implements concerning the bishopric, as ought to be done of
right, and to permit sale to be made of the other beasts and chattels of
R. the late bishop, so that the money thence arising be put in deposit, and that
the debts due to the king may be paid to him therefrom and from other
things, according to the form sent to them on the king's behalf at another
time. By K.
To Roger de Waltham, keeper of the wardrobe. As the king learns by
inquisition taken by William de Leycestre acd John de Louthre, his clerks,
that a ship called ' Portepeis ' of Melecombe, laden with 20 barrels of
wheaten flour and 500 quarters of beans by Thomas de Marlebergh, sheriff
of Somerset and Dorset, and another ship "called ' Seynte Marie Cogg' of
Melecombe, laden with 50 barrels of wheaten flour and 210 quarters of
beans by the said sheriff, which corn the king ordered to be bought and
purveyed with other corn in his bailiwick and to be sent to Skymburnesse
for the expedition of the Scotch war, were driven by storm on the voyage
to Skymburnesse [ashore] at Alandby near Skymburnesse on Wednesday
before St. Barnabas last, and were in such peril that 108£ quarters of
beans were thrown [overboard] from the former ship and two barrels of
wheaten flour and \1\ quarters of beans were thrown [overboard] from the
latter ship, and that the aforesaid victuals were wrecked (periclitata) and
lost by sea-tempest and not by anyone's fault, the king orders the keeper to
cause the sheriff to have allowance for the corn thus lost.
1323. Membrane 41 — cont.
July 24. To Henry de Cobeham, constable of Tonebrugge castle and keeper of tbe
Faxfleet. king's forest there. Order to cause the king's clerk William de (.'haillou,
keeper of the king's works in his palace of Westminster, to have oaks fit for
timber in the said forest and other dry limber (maherenium) of the king's
in the constable's custody, as shall seem expedient to him and William, for
the roof (cumulum) of the king's new chapel of the palace. By K.
July 22. To John de Cherleton, mayor of the staple of wool. Although the king
Burstwick. lately appointed him and others of his subjects to enquire concerning tres-
passes against the charter of the staple and to execute other things con-
tinued in the king's commissions to them ; as however the king has caused
the truce taken between the king and the subjects of the count of Flanders
until Michaelmas next to be prorogued until Easter next, and the king has
granted, amongst other things in the prorogation, that the merchants of
Flanders and other alien merchants may until Easter go from this realm to
parts beyond sea with their goods and merchandise without hindrance upon
payment of the due customs, the king orders the said John to lay all other
things aside and to go to the staple at St. Omer in Artoys, and to inform
the merchants and his fellows of the same staple concerning the prorogation
and the causes and conditions of the same, intimating to them that the king
has granted the prorogation aforesaid for the evident convenience of his
realm, and that it is his intention that after Easter the aforesaid charter of
the staple shall retain its force in all things, and the said John is ordered to
supersede meanwhile, or at least until further orders, the execution of tres-
passes made against the charter. By K.
To all and singular the merchants of the staple of wool at St. Omer in
Artoys. Order to give credence to the aforesaid John de Cherleton, whom
the king is sending to them to inform them concerning the aforesaid proro-
gation of the truce, and to conduct themselves according to his counsel in
these matters. The king wishes them to know that it is his intention that
after Ea6ter the charter of the staple shall retain its power. By K.
July 26. To Robert de Heldene and Robert de Mucheldevre, late keepers of the
Cowick. lands of John de Somery, deceased, tenant in chief. Order not to inter-
meddle further with certain lands in Hemeleye and Swyndon, and to
restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Master
John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent, that Roger de Engelfeld seven
years ago demised the aforesaid lands to John de Somery for life, and that
after John de Somery's death Philip de Engelfeld, son and heir of Roger,
entered the lands by Walter Beuyn his bailiff, and that he was seised thereof
until the aforesaid keepers ejected him by reason of the aforesaid custody,
and that the lands are in the king's hands solely for this reason.
The like, ' mutatis mutandis, to Master John Walewayn, escheator
beyond Trent.
July 24.
Membrane 40.
To Master Walter de Istlep, treasurer of [reland. Order to deliver to
Hugh le Despenser, the younger, or to Ins attorney, all his lands in Walter's
custody, and the issues thereof from the time when they were taken into the
king's hands, the king having, on 16 April, in the 16th year of his reign, ap-
pointed Walter supervisor and superior keeper of all the lands tlmt belonged
tO the said Hugh, Roger Damory, and I lugli Daudele, the younger, in I reland,
as the king has restored to the aforesaid Hugh le Despenser all his lauds
and the uwnefl thereof, upon the process against him being annulled hv
consideration of the king's court. By K.
] ; | •_>; | Membrane 40 — cont.
July 27. To tin* major and bailiffs of Newca*tle-on-Tyne. Wlierens at the corn-
et, plaint of John Vanele and Claisus Hourel of Brugge, merchants of Flanders,
that, after the truce lately made between the king's subjects and the men of
the count of Flanders until Michaelmas next and proclaimed at Easter last,
they and certain of their fellows loaded a ship in Flanders with wine, cloth,
wax, and other wares, to the value of 900/., in order to bring the same to
Newcastle-on-Tyne, John le Little, Roger Catour, Cokkus atte Wose, and
certain others with them entered the ship by force on her voyage
thither in the water of Tyne between Tynemuth and Newcastle, on
Wednesday before St. George last, and assaulted the men and mariners of
the ship, and arrested certain of them with the ship and goods, and
delivered them and the ship and a great part of the goods to the aforesaid
mayor and bailiffs to be detained under arrest, taking away with them
nevertheless a great part of the goods, the king ordered the mayor and
bailiffs, if they found the premises to be true, to release the said men and
the ship and goods, and the king caused the ship and goods in the posses-
sion of the mayor and bailiffs to be delivered to the aforesaid merchants;
and the king now understands that the aforesaid Roger and Cokkus have
returned to Newcastle ; he therefore orders the mayor and bailiffs to arrest
the said Roger and Cokkus, and to cause them to be kept under safe cus-
tody until the aforesaid merchants have been satisfied for all their goods
that came inco the possession of Roger and Cokkus.
By K. on the information of Master R. de Baldok.
July 26. To Richard de Bermyngham, constable of Bernard castle. Order to
Cowick. permit Elizabeth de Umframvill, countess of Angus (Danegos), to receive
50/. from the tenants of the towns of Lange Neuton and Neusom-on-Tese
who have not been ruined by the Scots or otherwise and are most sufficient
to pay the above sum, the king having granted to her that sum yearly from
the issues of the said towns, which are of the lordship of the castle, in the
king's hands by reason of the death of Guy de Bello Campo, late earl of
Warwick, to be received during the king's will by the hands of the tenants
of those towns, together with a shelter (recaptaculo) wherein she may have
convenient dwelling, as contained in the king's letters patent.
July 25. To the justiciary of Ireland, or to him who supplies his place. Order not
Cowick. to; pardon to any one the suit of the king's peace for the death of a man
henceforth without consulting the king, and not to grant protections to those
who have been insurgents against the king and his progenitors, as the king
has been heretofore frequently given to understand that, owing to the suit
of the peace of him and his progenitors for the death of a man having been
pardoned too lightly by the justiciaries, and owing to protections for certain
periods being granted to malefactors who had been insurgents against the
king and his progenitors, during which time the malefactors were in the
peace {de pace), and extorted during that time divers sums of money by
intolerable, threats from men who were in the peace, and many of them after
such time have returned to their evil ways and have committed greater
damage than before, the peace of the king and his progenitors in the people
of that land and tranquillity have not flourished and does not now flourish,
and homicides and divers other crimes have been perpetrated there with
impunity (facilius). The king has ordered the chancellor of that land not
to obey the justiciary if he send to him letters granting such pardons or
protections. By K. and C.
To the treasurer and chamberlains of the exchequer of Dublin. Order
to deliver to brother Roger Outlawe, prior of the Hospital of St. John of
Jerusalem in Ireland, the king's chancellor there, all rolls, writs, inquisi-
tions, and memoranda of the chancery of Ireland of the king's time, and of
1323. Membrane 40 — cont.
the time of bis progenitors, to wit those that Walter de Kynefare, late
keeper of the rolls of the said chancery, delivered to the treasurer and
chamberlains when the king's Scotch enemies were in that land, to be kept
by the prior to make execution and other things pertaining to the office of
July 28. To the sheriff of Westmoreland. Order to permit the abbot and convent
Cowick. of Hepp to receive four marks of yearly rent as below, as they and their
predecessors have been wont to receive from the time of the making of tho
charter of Robert son of John de Veteri Ponte, as the king learns by
inquisition taken by Robert de Barton and Henry de "Warthecopp, that the
aforesaid Robert granted to the abbey and convent by his charter 4 murks
of yearly rent of his cornage due to him from certain of his tenants in co.
"Westmoreland, to wit from Thomas de Hellebeck and his heirs 2 marks of
yearly rent for lands held of Robert in Ascom, from Robert de la Fierte and
his heirs 1 mark of yearly rent for lands held of Robert in Milneburn, and
from Eustace de Laval and his heirs 1 mark of yearly rent for lands held
of Robert in Milneburn, to be received at two terms of the year, for the
maintenance of a canon of the convent to celebrate divine service daily in the
abbey for the dead, saving to Robert and his heirs the homages, wardships,
reliefs, suits of court, and all other services that the said Thomus, Robert,
and Eustace have been wont to render for the aforesaid lands in addition to
the 4 marks aforesaid, and that the abbot and convent and their predeces-
sors have always been in full and peaceful seisin of the above rent from
the time of the making of the charter until the rent was taken into the
king's hands by the forfeiture of Roger de Clifford, the last lord of the
aforesaid tenants.
Afterwards, on 24 March, the like order was sent to the sheriff.
To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of John Monyword, who is incapacitated by illness and
To the collectors of the custom of wool, hides, and wool-fells in the port
of Kyngeston-on-Hull. Order to permit merchants of Flanders and other
alien merchants to go out of the realm to parts beyond sea with their goods
until Easter next, upon payment of the due customs, in accordance with the
truce between the king and the subjects of Louis, count of Flanders.
The like to the collectors in the following ports :
Boston. Ipswich.
Southampton. Lenne.
London. Newcastle-on-Tyne.
Aug. 8. To John de Twayt, keeper of the manor of Brustwyk. Order to deliver
Pickering, to W. archbishop of York his passage over the water of Hull where a
bridge called ' Hull Brigg ' used to be, together with the issues received
therefrom since it was tal- en into the king's bands by the said John For
certain reasons. The archbishop shall answer to the king for the issues of
the passage if they ought to pertain to the king.
July .30. To L. bishop of Durham, or to him who supplies his place, he being
Cowick. absent in remote parts. The king learns from the complaint of Dioni&ia,
late the wife of John Page, that although Jobs underwent the punishment
of death by consideration of the kind's court for being a rebel, the bishop
nevertheless, at the prosecution of divers men in the bishopric, disquiets
Dionisia in his court for debts for which the said complainants assen that
John was bound to them, concerning which the bishop bas not done her
justice, although she has frequently besought him to do so ; as persons thus
condemned to death iu the kind's court have neither heirs nor executors who
Aug. G.
Aug. 9.
Aug. 12.
Aug. 15.
Aug. 17.
Aug. 17.
Aug. 19.
Aug. 18.
Membrane 40— cont.
ought to be charged with their debts, the king orders the bishop not to
ieve Dionisia in his court by reason of the said debts, and to release to
her unv distress that he may have levied, so conducting himself in this
matter that it shall not behove the king to provide her with another remedy
in the bishop's default.
To Richard de Moeele, constable of Pontefract castle Order to release
Robert de Dalton, knight, a late rebel, from prison in that castle, so that he
may come to the king to make security for his good behaviour hereafter, as
certain persons have prayed the king to deliver him and have made security
for 100 marks, wherein they made fine to save the said Kobert's life and for
Other things touching him in this behalf. By K.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to deliver Thomas Henry, one of the
society of the merchants of the Seali of Florence, who is imprisoned in
Nengate at the suit of merchants of that society for an account to be
rendered by him, to Hu»h Bovill, knight, chamberlain of Charles, king of
France, and Master Andrew de Florencia, clerk, J.C.P., envoys of the king
of France, if the merchants of the society consent, to be taken by the envoys
to the presence of the king of France, who has requested the king to send
the said Thomas to his presence, as the merchants of the society have been
receivers of the issues of divers of his lands to a considerable sum, for which
they are still bound to render him account, and the said Thomas was factor
of the matter of the receipr,, and the merchants cannot render their account
to the king of France Without him. The envoys have promised, on behalf
of the king of France, to cause the said Thomas to be brought back into
this realm before Christmas, to stay in the aforesaid prison in the same
state as he is in now. \Fcedera.~\ By K.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to pay to John de Baryngton, constable
of Somerton castle, 10 marks for his expenses about mowing * the king'6
demesne corn of that castle this autumn.
By K. on the information of Master R. de Bald[ok].
To John de Lancastre, keeper of certain rebels' lands in co. Lancaster.
Order to deliver to Robert de Dalton, knight, his lands, which were taken
into the king's hands because he was a rebel, as he has made ransom with
the king for his life and lands; provided that if the lands, or any of them,
have been demised at ferm by the king's orders, Robert shall satisfy the
fermers by the keeper's view for their reasonable costs and expenses in the
lands from the time of the demises. By K.
The like to the following keepers :
Thomas Deyvdl, in co. York.
Robert de Gaddesby, in co. Leicester.
Roger de Belgrave, in the same county.
John de Kylvyngton, in co. York.
To Roger Heroun, constable of Dunstanburgh castle. Order to expend
up to 100«. in repairing an ancient hall in the castle or another house there,
in order to place the king's victuals therein. By K.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with a bovate of land and a moiety of a messuage in Wild-
mersley, and to restore to Matilda, daughter of Robert le Mareschal of
Wyldmersley, wife of William son of Gilbert le Sponer, the issues received
therefrom since the said William's death, as the king learns by inquisition
taken by the escheator that William married the said Matilda, and that she
had by hereditary descent after her father's death, whose heir she was, the
The intranda of the enrolment is probably a mis-reading ofmetenda.
1323. Membrane 40 — cont.
said bovate anil moiety, and that the novate and moietv were taken into the
kind's bands by Gilbert de Stapelton, late esoheator this side Trent,
because William went to Scotland and adhered to the king's enemies there
until the time of his death, and that the said Gilbert {sic) was slain in
M it ford castle whilst in enmity to the king.
To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Thomas de Akholt, who is incapacitated by blindness.
To the same. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in
place of Thomas Cuth, who is incapacitated by perpetual illness and
To Philip de Middilton, keeper of the castle and manor of Mongomery.
Order to expend up to 20 marks in repairing the houses within the castle.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
dower of the manors of Godington, co. Oxford, and Gestingthorp, co. Essex,
to be assigned to Eleanor, late the wife of Guy Ferre, tenant in chief, which
manors Guy held at his death of the grant of the late king to him and the
heirs of his body, and which have reverted to the king because Guy died
without an heir of his body.
Aug. 20. To John de Kylvyngton, keeper of the castle and honour of Pykeryng.
Pickering. Order to permit William de Daleby, hermit of Dalehy, to have pasture in
the said forest for three cows with their it«sue of three years, as the king
has granted that he shall have pasture in the forest for life and so long as
he remain a hermit there for one cow and its issue of two years, in addition
to the pasture for two cows and their issue for two years that he has now.
By K.
Aug. 16.
Aug. 22.
Aug. 20.
Aug. 2.
Aug. 5.
Aug. 6.
Membrane 39.
To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest beyond
Trent, or to him who supplies his place in the forest of Dene. Order to
cause Robert de Sapy, constable of St. Briavels castle, to have twelve oaks
fit for timber from the said forest in order to repair the houses of the castle.
To the aforesaid Robert. Order to expend up to 20/. in repairing the
houses of the castle. By C.
Tu the keeper of the honour of Tuttebery. Order not to distrain William
de Caumpvill for homage for the lands that he holds in chief as of that
honour, as the king has taken his homage. By p.s. [6626].
To W. bishop of Exeter, the treasurer. As the king understands for
certain that Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemor, the king's enemy and
rebel, wdio was imprisoned in the Tower of London, has broken the prison
and escaped from the Tower by night, and that during the perpetration of
this sedition Stephen de Segrave, late constable of the Tower, and many
others in the Tower were poisoned by artifice {subdolc), and that Stephen
in consequence is so seriously ill that he is now insufficient for the safe
custody of the Tower, and as the king fully confides in the fidelity and
circumspection of the treasurer, he has caused a commission to him of the
en-tody of the Tower and its appurtenances to be sent to him, and enjoins
and requests him to go to the Tower with his household and others whom
he irishei to take with him under the pretext of visiting the treasure or
other pretext, and when he has entered the Tower, to shew his commission,
.Tuly 31.
Con iok.
Aug. 0.
Aug. 10.
Aug. 14.
Aug. 12.
Membrane 39 — cont.
and to receive the custody of tho Tower according to the commission, and
to cause it to be kept safely by himself or another in whom he can confide
fuiiy. By K-
To John de Bcrmengeham, earl of Loueth, justiciary of Ireland, or to
him who supplies his place. As the king has ordained by his council that
henceforth a clerk appointed by him shall have the custody of the writs and
rolls before the justiciaries] of that land and those who supply their places
in pleas following the justiciaries] and those who supply their places, and
the king has committed that office to Henry de Thrapeston, and wills that
Henry, by himself or by other clerks for whom he will answer, shall
exei ute and exercise all things pertaining to the custody of the writs and
rolls and of indictments, records, bills, and all other things touching the said
pleas, and shall receive in all things from the justiciaries] and those who
supply their places as other clerks having that office heretofore have been
wont to receive, the king orders the justiciary or him who supplies his place
to deliver the aforesaid office with all things touching it to the said clerk,
and to pay to him what he ought to receive for himself and his clerks.
By K. and C.
The like to the justiciary of Ireland for the time being or for the future,
or to him who supplies his place, under date 5 August.
To the bailiffs of Kyngeston-oii-Hull Order to deliver to Ludekyn de
Aresto, merchant of Almain, a weigh (peciam) of wax, or its value, and
47. 10*. Od. in money by tale, which they arrested by virtue of a writ of judg-
ment under the seal of John de Cherleton, mayor of the Staple, whom the
king lately appointed with others to enquire concerning trespasses against
the Staple, for a trespass committed by Ludekyn against the Staple, as the
king wishes to shew special grace to Ludekyn. By K.
To William de Leycestre, clerk, and brother Nicholas de Flamstede, monk
of St. Albans Order not to intermeddle further with the custody of the
priory of Bynham, a cell of the abbey of St. Albans, or with any thing per-
taining thereto, although the king lately caused the priory to be taken into
his hands, by reason of divers destructions made therein, until its estate
should be relieved, the custody whereof he committed to them, as he now
understands that the priory and the estate thereof is improving (est in
relevando). By p.s.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to account with
John Darcy, late sheriff of Nottingham and Derby, and to cause allowance
to be made to him in his account at the exchequer for what they shall find
he expended iu the buying and carriage of seven cartloads of lead, which he
bought by virtue of the king's order by writ of privy seal to buy and purvey
twelve cartloads of lead and to send them to York, in order to cover there-
with the houses within the tower of York castle, notwithstanding that he
delivered the seven cartloads to John de Twynge, the king's serjeant, at
Nottingham by order of the king, to be carried thence to York. By K.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of John de Cotes, who is insufficiently qualified.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
Alesia, late the wife of Ralph, baron of Craystock, tenant in chief, the
following of his lands, which the king has assigned to her in dower : the
manor of Grymthorp, co. York, of the yearly value of 301. 16s. Id. ; certain
lands in Thorneton-on-the-Moor (super Moram), in that county, of the
yearly value of 9/. 65. \0d. ; a third of two parts of the manor of Dufton,
co. Westmoreland, -which two parts are of the yearly value of 13/. 9s 4±d. ;
a third of two parts of the manor of Craystok, co. Cumberland, which two
1323. Membrane 39 — cont.
parts are of the yearly value of 71/. 11*. 8$d. ; two parts of the manor of
Ulghham, co. Northumberland, of the yearly value of 21/. 13*. Id. ; two
parts of a moiety of tin* manor of Groat Benton, which two parts are of the
yearly value of 9/. 6s. 8<£ ; certain lands in Spyryden in the same county,
of the yearly value of 7*. 10^d. ; certain lands in Thornburn, in tlie Mme
county, of the yearly value of 6s.6\d.; certain lands in Rydyng*, in the
same county, of the yearly value of 21s. ; certain lands in North mi ddelton,
in the same county, of the yearly value of 2s.; certain lands in Hertburn,
in the same county, of the yearly value of 17*. 4d. ; two parts of a quarter
of the manor of Angerton, in the same county, which two parts are of the
yearly value of 6/. 13*. Sd.
Memorandum, that the aforesaid lands in co. Northumberland are ex-
tended according to what they used to be worth in time of peace, and that
now they are worth nothing.
Sept. 27. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent Like order to deliver
Haywra to Alesia the following of the said Ralph's lands : a third of two parts of a
messuage in Wyboldeston, co. Bedford, which two parts are of the yearly
value of 6s. 8d. ; 40 acres of arable land there, of the yearly value of 13*. 4d.,
each acre at 4^/. ; an acre of meadow there, of the yearly value of 2*. Ad. ; a
third of a several fishery there, which fishery is worth 2s. yearly ; a third of
a yearly rent of four capons, which capons are worth 8c?. ; a third of the
rents and services of twelve villeins, which are worth 43*. 6d. yearly ; a
third of 23*. Sd. of yearly rent from certain free tenants there ; and a third
of the pleas and perquisites of the court, which are not extended.
Aug. 22. To the sheriff of York. Whereas it is found by an inquisition taken by
l'ickering. William de Ayremynne, Humphrey de Waleden, aud John de Kylvyngton,
by the oath of the foresters, verderers, regarders, and other ministers of the
forest of Pykeryng', and of other lawful men of thai county, that the fol-
lowing persons committed trespasses of venison in the forest after it came
into the king's hands as escheat by the forfeiture of Thomas, late earl of
Lancaster : to wit, that on Saturday after St. Nicholas, in the 16th year of
the king's reign, William de Askeby and William son of Robert Todde
came into the place called ' Crossedale ' towards the north, and there
William de Askeby slew a hind, and carried the venison to the house of
Robert Campioun of Farmsnby, and Alan son of the said Robert and
Juliana, Robert's wife, received the venison, with Robert's knowledge and
consent, for the use of brother Austin (Astini) Stalworthman, a lay-brother
of the abbey of Ryvaus, then granger of Kekelmareys, who received and
had part of the venison ; and that on Friday before St. Thomas the Apostle,
in the aforesaid year, Roger Drye, Richard Drie, John le Someter of the
abbot of Whyteby, Henry Parker, Peter Daclom, Peter his groom, William
de Elredby, John Paulyn, the said Peter's groom, and Walter le Hunter came
with bows and arrows and live greyhounds, three of which belonged to the
abbot, into the place called ' Yearnolfsbek,' and there took a young hart
(sourum ccrvi), and carried the venison away with them; and that on Friday
the feast of Midsummer, in the aforesaid year, Peter Daclom, Peter his groom,
William Delredby, John Paulyn, Peter's groom, William Page of Aton,
William son of Ralph de Ruston, Walter le Honter, John de Seton,
Ambrose de laChaumbre, and Uobert Capoun, knight, came with live grey-
hounds, boWB and arrows to the moor of Hoton, and there took a young hart
{sourum cervi), and carried the veni.-on away with tlicm ; and that on Wed-
■ ('•slay the feast of SS. Peter and Paul, in the aforesaid year, John de
Faucomberge and Robert Capoun, knights, Robert Blaner, William son of
Ralph de Ruston, Walter le Honter, Peter Daclom, Peter his groom.
William Dalredby, John Paulyn, William Page of Aton, Ambrose de la
};;j;; Membrane 39 — cotil.
Chaumbre, John de Seton, Richard de Wyresdale, William de Boythorp,
Richard le Forester, Thomas Dounyour, and William de Eston, forester,
came into the place called ' Le Lylhowwaug and Ellerbek' with eight grey-
hounds, hows and arrows, and there took a hart and a hind, and carried the
sjiid venison away with them to Skelton castle; and that on Friday the
morrow ot Martinmas, in the aforesaid year, Robert Capoun, knight, Robert
son of Marmaduke de Tweng, and eight unknown men with bows and
arrows and four greyhounds came to the place called 'Ellerbek,' and there
took a hart and two other deer (feras), and carried the venison away; and
that on Thursday before the Invention of the Ho'y Cross, in the aforesaid
rear, Robert Capoun and seventeen unknown men came with bows and
arrows and greyhounds to the place called ' Ellerbek ' against the assize of
the Forest for the purpose of doing evil, but they took nothing; and that
on Friday after the Translation of St. Thomas last, Adam son of Simon the
miller of Farndale, Richard son of John the miller, and three unknown men
came to the place called ' Petrenedle,' and there took two hinds, and when
they were proclaimed by the foresters, they left one hind, which the fores-
ters carried to Pykeryng castle, and the said malefactors carried the other
away with them ; and that in summer, in the 15th year, William de Shupton,
forester, came into the Hay of Scalby to a place called ' Steppigate,' and
there slew a hind, and carried the venison to his chamber in Scaleby ; and
that in the time of William le Wode, parker, "William de Askeby came
into the park of Blandeby to do harm upon the venison, but that he took
nothing ; that William de Askeby and another man unknown came into the
moor of Kynthorp on their way to the said park for the like purpose, and
William le Wode, then parker, followed them, and spoke with William,
from whom he took as a gift a silk purse and 12d., so that he should not
reveal the said deed to any one, and that Adam de London was the com-
panion of William le Wode, parker, to commit harm in the park, but they
[the jurors] do not know what they took therein, but that what evil was
done was done in the time of the said William : the king orders the
sheriff to take with him John de Rithre, and to arrest all the aforesaid
men and Juliana, and to deliver them to John de Kylvynton, keeper of
Pykeryng castle, whom the king has ordered to receive them and to keep
them in prison in the castle until further orders. By K.
Au£. 10. To John de Kilvyngton, keeper of the castle and honour of Pykeryng.
Pickering. Order to cause a stone-wall barbican (barbicanum muro lapideo) to be
constructed before the gate of the castle, and to construct therein agate-
way with a drawbridge (ponte versa till), and a new chamber over the said
gateway, and a new private postern (posticum) in the castle wall near the
king's tower, and to construct a roof anew for a chamber near the little
hall, and to cover that roof and the roof of the little kitchen within the
castle with stone tiles, and to remove the old roof of the prison within
the castle, and to make the roof entirely (planum) anew, and to cover it
with lead, and to parget (perjactare) the walls of the castle and of the
tower inside and outside, and to cleanse and enlarge the ditches about
the castle, as the king has enjoined upon him by word of mouth. By K.
Membrane 38.
Aug. 20. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
Pickering, intermeddle further with the manor of Boclond, co. Surrey, which he has
taken into the king's hands by reason of the death of Guy Ferre, the
younger, and to restore the issues received thence since Guy's death, as the
king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Guy Ferre granted
the reversion of the manor to John Claron by fine, and that the manor is
17 EDWARD II. 17
L323. Membrane 38 — eont.
held of the fee of the earl of Gloucester by knight service, ami that Guy
died without an heir of himself, and it appears by part of a fine levied in the
late kind's court before Ralph de Hengham and hia fellows, then justices of
the Bench, between the paid Guy, demandant, and Guy Ferre, the elder,
deforciant, that the latter granted to the former the aforesaid manor and
the advowson of the church of tlie manor, to him and the heirs of hia body,
with remainder, in default of such heirs, to the aforesaid John, to have
and to hold to him and the heirs of his body.
Aug. 30. To the keeper of the castle of Wyggemor, in the king's hands by the for-
Greenbow. feature of Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wyggemor. Order to permit Edmund,
earl of Kent, to enter the castle with his household, and to stay therein
during Ins pleasure, as often as he may wish. By K.
Aug. 28. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
Greenhow. elected in place of Robert de Eccleshale, who was lately elected, who can-
not executo the duties of the office as he dwells continuously at Sutton-on-
Sore, co. Nottingham, in a remote part of that county.
Aug. 26. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to inter-
Daoby. meddle further with the manor of Swalefeld, co. Berks, and to restore the
issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that
John de Saneto Johanne of Lageham and Margery his wife, who were
enfeoffed thereof jointly, held the manor on the day of John's death, to them
and John's heirs, by surrender of Beatrice de Gyse by fine levied in the
king's court, and that the manor is held by knight service of the heir of the
earl of Warwick, a minor in the king's wardship.
To the same. Like order concerning the manor of Wolkenestede, co.
Surrey, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that the
aforesaid John and Margery held the manor for their lives by the render of
John de Ifeld by fine levied in the king's court, with remainder to John son
of the aforesaid John, and that the manor is held of John de Warblyngton
by the service of a pair of gilt spurs.
Aug. 24. To the same. Order to assign dower to the aforesaid Margery, upon her
Dauby, taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
Vacated, because it icas restored.
Aug. 2G. To the same. Order to deliver to John son of the said John de Saneto
Dauby. Johanne and to Katherine, daughter of Geoffrey de Say, the manor of
Great Barton, co. Oxford, and the issues received therefrom since the
escheator took it into the king's hands upon the death of the said John de
Saneto Johanne, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator
that the said John de Saneto Johanne held the manor for life of the render
of John de Ifeld by fine levied in the king's court by his licence, with
reversion to the aforesaid John, his son, and to the said Katherine, and to
the heirs of John's body, with remainder, in default of such heirs,
to the right heirs of the said John, and that tin; manor is held of the king
in chief by knight service.
To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause a coroner for that county
10 be elected in place of Waller de Pateshull, who cannot attend to the
duties of the office because he is clerk of the bailiffs of Northampton.
Aug. 31. To Alan de Cubbeldyk, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. Lincoln.
"how. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Mat ilda, late the wife of Giles
Randolf of Xortkelsey, of a messuage, two bovatea of land, ami 24 acres of
meadow in Nbrtkelsey, which were taken into the king's handd by reason
oi the adhesion of John Elaunaurd to John de Moubray, the king's rebel, as
the king learns by inquisition taken by Robert de .Malliert hoi p, Gilbert de
Toudeby, and Peter de Ludyngton that the said Giles was seised of the
B1SM. «
1 Q _ Mt ml/ranc 38 — cant.
premises in hi? demesne a- of fee on the day when he married Matilda and
- afterwards, when he alienated them to John Haunsard and
Juliana his wife and John their son, and to the heirs of their son, and that
this alienation was made fourteen years ago, and that there is no cause why
Matilda should not have ht-r dower thereof, and that Giles died in the quin-
■aine of Eatter last, and that Matilda never released her right of dower
therein to the said John, Juliana and John, and that the tenements are
held of Johu de Hardhull by the service of 2 marks yearly.
- L 4. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
\YhorIt>n. dower to he assigned to Juliana, late the wife of Philip Maubaunk, tenant
(II kencelton.) Dv knight service of the heir of John Biset, tenant in chief, a minor in the
king's wardship, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's
S :. 6. To Anthonv de Luev. keeper of certain forfeited lands in cos. Cumberland
l>srliDgton. and Westmoreland. Order to deliver to Ermeiarde. late the wife of John
de Hartcla, the following of the said John's lands, which the king has
assigned to her in dower, John's lands having come to Andrew de Hartcla,
a late rebel, by John's feoffment, and having come to the king's hands by
reason of Andrew's rebellion : 5 messuages, a third of a messuage, 20 acres
of kind. 3 acres of meadow, and a third of an acre of meadow in Penreth,
co. Cumberland, of the yearly value of 5 marks ; certain lands in Gaytscales,
in the same countv, of the yearly value of 39*. : certain lands in Kyrkeby-
thore, in co. Westmoreland, of the yeaily value of ~s. St/. ; a quarter of a
water-mill in Helton Bakoun, in the same county, of the yearly value of
6s. Sd. ; four messuages and 7 bovates of land in Slegil, in the same county,
of the vearly value of 14s. ; 10 acres of land in the same town, of the
yearly value of 2s. 6d. ; a moiety of an acre of meadow in the same town,
of the yearly value 1A<7. ; 7 s. l^d. of rent in Ullysby, in the said county,
from the free-tenants there : with provision that the premises shall revert
to the king after Ermeiarde's death. By K.
To Thomas de Burgo, escheator this side Trent. Like order to deliver
to the aforesaid Ermeiarde the following lands : a third of the chief
messuage in Holme ; 2^ acres of land and a third of half an acre of meadow
there, in co. York, of the yearly value of 5*. Ad. ; 5 bovates in the same
town, of the yearly value of 33s. Ad. ; two cottages in the same town, of the
yearly value of 5ff. ; a moiety of a windmill in the same town, which
moiety is of the yearly value of 8s. ; and 4s. of rent in the same town from
the free tenants there. By K.
Sept. 9. To Anthony de Lucy, keeper of the forfeited lands in co. Westmoreland.
Barnard Castle. Order to permit the prior of Wederhale to take 20 cartloads of dead wood in
the king's wood of Wynnefel, according to the charter of John de Veteri
Ponte, and as he has been wont to have, as the king learns by inquisition
taken by Robert de Barton and Henry de Warthecop, in the presence of
John de Skelton, supplying Anthony's place in Wynnefel, that John de
Veteri Ponte, formerly lord of Westmoreland, granted by charter to the
church of Sr. Mary's York, aDd to the prior and monks of Wederhale
20 loads of dead wood to be taken yearly from the dead wood lying in his wood
of Wynnefel, in frankalmoin, so that if they were unable to find sufficient
dead wood lying therein, they might take standing dead wood to make up
the 20 cartloads, by the view of his forester, and that the prior or monks of
"W ederhak have always taken the said dead wood yearly without hindrance
until the aforesaid wood came to the king's hands by the forfeiture of Roger
de Cliffoid, the king's rebel.
Sept. 12. To John de Kilvvngton, keeper of the castle and honour of Pikeryng.
Barnard Castle. Order to deliver to John de Bulmere a toft. 17 acres of land, and a yearly
17 EDWAKI) II. l'J
1323. Membrane 38— cant.
rent of 2lW. in Pikeryng, together with the issues received therefrom since
they were taken into the king's hands, as the king learns by inquisition
taken by the keeper that Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, on 12 December,
in the 12th year of his reign, granted to the said John tor life the toft, land,
and rent aforesaid, which had belonged to John de Thormodbv, together
with the reversion of certain lands that Ellen, late the wife of William de
Thormodbv, holds in dower of the inheritance of the said John de Thor-
modby, and with the services that she used to make to John de Thormodbv,
the said John de Bulmere rendering therefor to the earl Id. yearly, and
that John de Bulmere, in consideration of this grant, granted to the ear]
his pur party of the forestry in Pikeryng forest, together with his purparty
of certain land in Loketon, which Walter Boye formerly held, and that John
de Bulmere continued his seisin of the said lands in Pikeryng from the said
12 December until they were taken into the king's hands with other lands
of the earl by reason of his forfeiture, and that they are in the king's hands
for this reason and no other, and are worth 10*. yearly in all issues, and
that the purparties granted to the earl by John are worth 26s. Sd. The
reversion of the said lands to the king after John's death is saved.
Sept. 16. To John Wroth, keeper of the manors of Monyton and Dilue. Order to
Barnard Castle, pay to Katherine de Audele, a recluse of Ledebury, 30/. yearly out of
his ferm of the said manors until further orders, the king having granted
her that sum yearly for her maintenance. By K.
By the roll, because it was sealed at another time.
Sept. 17. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyoud Trent. Order to cause
Kichinoud. dower to be assigned to Margery, late the wife of John de Clare, tenant by
knight service of the lands of the bishopric of Lincoln, in the king's hands,
upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
Sept. 15. To Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of Wales, or to him who supplies his
Barnard Castle, place. Whereas the king, on 23 February, in the 1 lth year of his reign,
committed to Edmund de Dynieton, his clerk, his manor of Neugolf with the
mills of Neugolf, Kaernarvan, and Bodelok, their fisheries and appurten-
ances, for 10 years from Michaelmas then last past, rendering therefor
to the exchequer of Kaernarvan as much as had been usually rendered
therefor and 40s. of increment; and the king afterwards, on 14 November,
in the 1 2th year of his reign, at the request of the said clerk, committed the
premises to Hugh de Foston to hold for 10 years from Michaelmas then
last past, according to the form of the commission to the said clerk ;
and the said Hugh has died : the king orders the justiciary to permit the
king's clerk John de Ellerker, the younger, executor of the will of the
aforesaid Hugh, to have and hold the manor with their mills and appurten-
ances during the term of the said 10 years, and to restore to him anything
he may have received therefrom.
~~ [it 16. To the same. Like order concerning the manor of Aber with the mills of
Richmond. Aber, which the king, on 23 February, in the 11th year of his reign, com-
mitted to the aforesaid Edmund de Dynieton, to hold for 10 years from
Michaelmas then last past, rendering therefor the usual ferm and '20s.
of increment yearly, the king having afterwards, on 14 November, in the
12th year of his reign, committed the same to the aforesaid Hugh for
10 years from Michaelmas then last past.
pt. 20. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent Older not to inter
Kirkby meddle further with the lands of John son of William de Erlegh, and to
Mnizeard. restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the
escheator that he held nothing of the king in chief at his deal h l<\ reason
whereof the custody of bis binds ought to pertain to the king
B a
Sept 20.
Membrane 38 — cont.
To the treasurer ami chamberlains of the exchequer of Duhlin. Order to
pay i" John de Athi, constable of Crakfergus in Ireland, tlie arrears of
100 marks yearly that he ought, according to an indenture made between
him and the king, to receive for the custody of the said castle, which the
king lately ordered tbem by writ of liberate to pay to the said John, and to
pay him that sum yearly henceforth.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
Aug. 29.
Aug. 24.
Aug. 29.
Membrane 37.
To the sheriff of Stafford. Order to cause John son of Thomas de
Ferrers to have seisin of a messuage, 20 acres of land, and 2 acres of
meadow in Great Lokesle, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the
sheriff that William son of Richard le Hore of Frodeswell and Alice his
wife, who were outlawed for felony, held the premises of the said John, and
that they have been in the king's hands for a year and a day, and that
Robert le Hunte had the king's year, day, and waste, and ought to answer
to the king for the same.
To John de Kilvyngton, keeper of the lands of certain rebels in co. York.
Order to pay to Isabella, late the wife of Gilbert de Briddeshale, the arrears
of 8 marks yearly out of the issues of the manor of Hugate from the time
when it was taken into the king's hands, and to restore the manor to her
to be held in dower, unless he think it more to the king's advantage to
retain the manor in his hands for the unexpired year of the two years after
the death of Bartholomew Bakun, in which case he is ordered to pay her
8 marks for that year, and to restore the manor to her at the end of the
year, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the keeper that Isabella
was dowered of the aforesaid manor at the church door by the said Gilbert
on Thursday before Christmas, 22 Edward I., and that Gilbert dowered her
of the manor by charter, and that Gilbert afterwards demised the manor to
the aforesaid Bartholomew for life and for two years after his death for the
execution of his will, rendering therefor to Gilbert 8 marks yearly, and that
Isabella accepted the demise after Gilbert's death, and that she received the
said sura yearly from Bartholomew from St. Nicholas, 20 Edward I, until
St. Barnabas, in the fifteenth year of the present reign, when the manor was
taken into the king's hands by reason of Bartholomew's adherence to certain
rebels, and that she received the 8 marks in name of dower in form aforesaid.
If the manor have been demised at ferm by the king's order, Isabella shall
satisfy the fermers for their expenses in the manor from the time of the
demise by the keeper's view. By p.s.
To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
co. Berks. Whereas the king lately ordered him not to intermeddle furl.her
with a messuage and two carucates of land in Scryvenham, because it was
found by inquisition that Ralph son of John de Wylyngton was seised
thereof by feoffment of the said John, who enfeoffed him thereof on Monday
after St. Margaret, in the 15th year of the king's reign, to him and the
heirs of his body, and that Ralph continued his seisin from the said Monday
until the Epiphany following, when the premises were seised into the king's
hands by John de Brampton, then sheriff of that county, because the afore-
said John was an adherent of the rebels, and that Ralph did not adhere to
the rebels and was not an adherent in his father's rebellion, and it is now
found by another inquisition taken by the keeper by the king's order that
13/. 19s. 6c/. of rent of freemen and bondmen and boon-works of bondmen,
with a moiety of the perquisites of the hundred of Shrivenham, which formerly
1323. Membrane 37 — cont.
belonged to the said John in the manor of Shrivenham, pertain to the aforesaid
messuage and two carucates, and that William Longespeye, Bometime earl
of Salisbury, was seised of the said messuage and land, ami thai the said
rent, boon-works, and moiety of the perquisites then pertained to the
messuage and land, and thai the earl enfeoffed Reginald de Albo Monasterio,
ancestor of the aforesaid John de Wylyngton, of the aforesaid messuage and
land, and John was seised thereof together with the rent, boon-works and
moiety aforesaid, and so from heir to heir successively until John enfeoffed
Ralph of the messuage and laud, and that the rent, works, and moiety afore-
said pertain to the said messuage and land, and that they were taken into
tin' king's hands with the messuage and land for the above reason; the king
orders the keeper not to intermeddle further with the aforesaid rent, boon-
works, and moiety, and to restore the issues thereof to Ralph. By C.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to molest
Thomas de Benton for the issues of two parts of the manor of Great Benton,
co. Northumberland, which were demised to him by Ralph, late baron of
Graystok, for his life, as the king has assigned the two parts in dower to
Alesia, late the wife of Ralph.
To the same. Order to cause partition of a messuage in Wormhull,
co. Derby, to be made between Elizabeth, eldest sister (sic) and co-heiress
of Richard Danyel of Tyddeswell, tenant in chief, whom Thomas Meverel,
deceased, married, and Katheriue, the second daughter (sic) and co- heiress
of Richard, and Joan, the third daughter (sic) and co-heiress, so that each
of them have an equivalent portion of the tenement, and that Elizabeth
have a portion suitable to her esnecy, as it was the king's intention that they
shonld have equivalent portions when he assigned a third of the messuage
to each of them. If it be necessary to deliver a better part of the messuage
to any of the heiresses as in the easement of houses or other things, he is to
cause due compensation therefor to be made to the others out of other lands
of the inheritance.
Aug. (sic) 6. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
Whorlton. dower to be assigned to Margaret, late the wife of Nicholas Pecche, tenant
(H herlvton.) jn chief," upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence,
according to the extent made by the escheator or others to be made, if
necessary, in the presence of Richard Pecche, son and heir of Nicholas,
if he choose to attend.
Aug. 30.
Aug. 31.
( lr. i-nliow.
Sept. 4.
To the sheriff of Norfolk. Whereas Robert de Musgrave, burgess and
merchant of Newcastle-on-Tyue, lately caused his ship called ' La ('/tr/bert,'
value 140/. sterling, with her tackle, whereof Thomas de Bayous is master,
to be loaded at Newcastle with 110 chaldrons (celdrai) of sea-coal, juice
27/. 10*. Or/., and 70 mill stones, price 38/., and victuals to the value of 10/.,
together with 30/. in money, on Monday before Whitsuntide last, for the
purpose of taking them to Le Ray in Poitou to trade there with them, and
Claysns son of William, Claysus son of Martin, Wyserus Ernaud, William
Ormeson, and certain other malefactors of the power of the count of
Zealand, [attacked] the said ship on her voyage on the eve of Whitsuntide
on the sea opposite Sandwich, and attacked the men in her, to wit the Baid
Thomas and fourteen of his mates, and carried the ship away with them,
together with the goods aforesaid and the beds, chests, and other tiling-, of
the siid mariners to the value of 15/., and the king wrote the count request-
ing him to cause restitution and satisfaction to be made therefor to the eaid
merchant, but the count has failed to do him justice, although he besought
him to do so by the -aid Thomas, Robert son of Richard, Robert Flenn ng,
and John Bfouner, broker (abrocatorem) of Bruges, his attorneys, a- the
[323, Membrane 37 — cont.
mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle have testified by their letters patent; the
king, wishing to aid the said merchant in the recovery of his ships and
goods, orders the sheriff to arrest the goods and wares of the men and
merchants of the count's power in his bailiwick to the value of 100/., in
part satisfaction of the aforesaid 200/. 10*. 0d., and to cause the same to be
kept safely until the merchant have been satisfied for the former sum.
The king has ordered the bailiffs of the Tolbooth of Bishop's Lenne to
arrest goods to the value of 50/., and the mayor and bailiffs of King's Lenne
to arrest goods to the value of 50/., and the sheriff of York to arrest goods
to the value of 60/. 10s. Od.
Sept 7. To Master John Walewavn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to in-
Barnard Castle, termeddle further with 12/. of rent in Berewyk and Wyngeton, co. Sussex,
and with the manor of Gretham, co. Southampton, and with the manor of
Scrouteby, co. Norfolk, and with the manor of Plumpton and certain lands
in Flecchyng, co. Sussex, and with the manor of Berecompe, and certain
lands in Stapelford, with the advowson of the church of that town which he
has taken into the king's hands by reason of the death of Isabella, late the
wife of Hugh Bardolf, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns
by inquisition taken by the escheator that Master James de Moun gave to
her the said rent in Berewyk and Wyngeton and the manors of Gretham and
Scrouteby by fine levied between them in the king's court, and that William
Bardolf gave to her the manor of Plumpton and the lands in Flecchyng for
her life, with remainder to Thomas Bardolf and his heirs, and that she held
the manor of Berecompe in dower, and the lands in Stapelford and the
advowson for life only of the inheritance of the said Thomas, and that the
manors and lands are not held of the king but of divers other lords.
To the same. Like orders concerning the manor of Adynton, co. Surrey,
and the manor of Whatton, co. Hertford, which are held in chief of the
king, as the king learns by inquisition that Master James de Moun granted
them to the aforesaid Isabella for her life by fine levied between them in the
king's court by the king's licence, with remainder to Thomas Bardolf.
Sept. 11. To Henry le Scrop, justice of the Forest this side Trent, or to him who
Barnard Castle, supplies his place. Order to resume into the forest all the king's demesne
woods that he shall ascertain were afforested at the time of the making of
the charter of the Forest of Henry III., and that have been afterwards
put outside the Forest contrary to the said charter, and to hold them as
forest until further orders, notwithstanding any perambulation made in the
late king's time or since. By p.s.
Sept. 16. To the same. Order to cause the sheriff of York to have six oaks fit for
Barnard Castle, timber in the forest of Galtres, for certain works in York castle enjoined
upon him by the king. By K.
Sept. 12. To the sheriff of York. Order to supersede the king's late order to take
Barnard Castle. John de Faucomberge, knight, amongst others for trespass of venison in the
forest of Pykeryng', and the order to deliver him to John de Kylvyngton,
constable of Pykeryng' castle, as he has submitted himself to the king's
grace- By p.s. [6677.]
The like to John de Rythre. By p.s.
Sept. 15. To the sheriff of Bedford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
Richmond, be elected in place of Roger de la Legh, deceased.
To Ed. Dacre, keeper of the chace of Bouland. Order to cause 40s. to
be expended in repairing the paling of the king's park of Reddon, within
the said chace, by the view of the keeper of thekipg's stores (instauratoris).
By C.
Sept. 16.
Sept. 20.
K irk by
Sept. 21.
Sept. 20.
Membrane 37 — cont.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with 6^ acres of land in Churche Couele and Temple Couele,
co. Oxford, nnd to restore the issues thereof, the escheator having certified
the king that he took them into the king's hands when he wan escheator
at another time because the abbot of Osneye appropriated the land to him
and his house by Richard le Hert, his villein, as it is found by inquisition
taken by the escheator that Richard was the son and heir of Hugh le Bert
and Juliana his wife, both deceased, and that Hugh and Juliana were free
and new-comers (adventicii) upon the abbot's land, holding of him a certain
villein-land of his, and that they acquired the aforesaid 0^ acres in fee of
the feoffment of Andrew Amory, and that they held them all their time,
and that Richard entered them after them without the abbot or anyone in
his name laying hands upon the same.
To Roger de Horsley, constable of Baumburgh castle. Order to deliver
Geoffrey de Heydon, lately taken by him and imprisoned in the castle, to
the sheriff of Northumberland, to be kept by him as enjoined by the king.
By K.
Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with a messuage, 80 acres of land, an acre of meadow,
and 6 marks 2s. 2d. of yearly rent in Fretewell, co. Oxford, which he has
taken into the king's hands by reason of the death of Edmund le Bolyller,
and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears by a fine levied before the
justices of the Bench, in the 3rd year of the king's reign, between John
Pippard and the said Edmund that John acknowledged the premises to be
the right of the said Edmund, who granted them, in consideration of this
acknowledgment, to John for life, rendering therefor a rose yearly at Mid-
summer and doing the services therefor due to the chief lords, and it is
found by an inquisition taken by the escheator that John held the premises
from the time of the levying of the fine until Edmund's death without
change of his estate and that they are held of John de Grey, lord of
Somerton, by the service of one sore-coloured sparrow-hawk.
To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of William de Cicestre, who is ill and is insufficiently
Membrane 30.
Sept. 24. To the sherill's of London. Order to pay to Bertram de la More, king's
Dacre. serjeant, 10 marks for this Michaelmas term out of the ferm of the city, in
accordance with the king's grant of that sum yearly to him out of the
Sept. 26. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to release John de Swynford from prison
Scargill. at Lincoln, wherein he is detained because he adhered to John de Moubray,
a late rebel, upon his finding mainpernors to have him before the king at
the king's pleasure. Hy p.8.
Sept. 26. To the sheriff of York. Order to expend up to 20 marks in repairing
llavwra. the walls of the gaol within York castle, which greatly need repair.
My K.
Sept. 25. To Matter John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent Older to pay to
Bererle in Richard le Mareseha] 25/. for the presenl Michaelmas out )i tin- issues ox Ins
Ni.blcrdalc. bailiwick, in accordance with the king's grant to him of 50/, yearly out
of the issues of the escheatorship, in aid of his maintenance.
Sept 24,
Ski[>t ou-in-
Sept. 29.
Oct. 22.
Oct. 7.
Oct. 12.
Membrane 3(5 — cont.
To the Bheriffa of London. Order to pay to John de Weston, the elder,
•J.") marks for the present Michaelmas out of the ferm of the city, in accor-
dance with the king's grant to him of 50 marks yearly out of the ferm of
the city.
To the Bheriff of Leicester. Order to supersede until further orders the
exaction for outlawry of Robert de Holand for not appearing before the
justices appointed to hear and determine a trespass committed at Lought-
burgh by him and others named in the original writ upon Hugh leDespenser,
earl of Winchester, as the said Robert cannot appear before the said justices
or render himself to prison, because, he is now in prison by the king's
order. By K.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with a third of the manor of William Thorald, of Newcastle-
on-Tvne, of Westswynbume, and to restore the issues thereof to him, the
escheator having returned that Juliana de Morylegh, who held the said third
at one time in her demesne as of fee, alienated it to John de Middelton, with
remainder to her in case he died without an heir of his body, and that John,
having had seisin thereof, granted it to her for life, and that the escheator
took a simple seisin therein in the king's name because John afterwards
adhered to the Scotch rebels, and was for that reason drawn and hanged,
dying without an heir of his body, as Juliana, who thus held it for life,
alienated it in fee to the said William, and it is found by an inquisition
afterwards taken by the escheator by the king's order that Juliana, at
Michaelmas, 1.310, granted the said part to the aforesaid John, to have to
him and the heirs of his body, and not to him and his heirs in fee, with
reversion to her in case he died without an heir of his body, and that John
continued his seisin thereof from then until Martinmas, 1311, when he
enfeoffed Juliana thereof for life, and that she continued her seisin thereof
until SS. Philip and James, in the 13th year of the reign, because John
died without an heir of his body, at which time she granted the third part
to the aforesaid William and his heirs in fee, aud that the part is held of
John Darcy and not of the king.
To Robert Power, chamberlain of North Wales. Order to pay to
Madoc Floyt his wages for the time when he was escheator in North
Wales, as Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of Wales, placed him in that
office for a certain time when the escheator for that part was wanting;
provided that the wages do not exceed the yearly fee of 10/.
To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to cause a coroner for that county
to be elected in place of William de Colewich, deceased.
To the same. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in
place of John de Morton.
To Richard de Emeldon, keeper of certain rebels' lands in co. North-
umberland. Order to deliver to Alice, late the wife of John de Cartynton,
365. 8c?. and a cow and calf, price 1 mark, which he levied of the issues and
took of her land in Sliypley, in that county, the king having, at her suit,
ordered hirn not to intermeddle further with a moiety of the manors of
Cartyngton and Shepley, in that county, which he had taken into the king's
hands because the moiety was of the fee of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster,
and to restore to her two cows, two calves, a bullock, and a heifer, price
40*., and other goods, price 4Z., which he had taken into the king's hands
from the said manors, and the king again ordered him to deliver the said
cattle, goods and chattels to her upon her complaint that the keeper had
not delivered them to her with the moiety aforesaid, and the keeper
thereupon returned that the cattle, goods and chattels belonged to John, her
Oct. 11.
Oct. 1.3.
(II jhtenhill.)
Oct. 15.
Oct, 15.
Oct. 20.
Oct. 15.
Oct. 20.
M, mbrane 3'> — cent,
son, ninl not to her. and wen' forfeited because he was oi' the society of the
said earl, and the king afterwards, upon Alice appearing in chancery and
asserting that the cattle and goods were hers and not her sou's, appointed
Roger Heroun and Roger de Horsle to make inquisition concerning the
same, and it is found by their inquisition that the keeper levied 36*. Hd.
from all the issues of her lands in Shypley, and that he took a cow and calf,
price 1 mark, that belonged to her and not to her son.
To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Philip Prat of New Sarum, who is incapacitated by
infirmity and age.
To Hervey de Staunton and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the
king. Order to continue until the octaves of St. Hilary next all matters
moved against the bishop of London, the dean and chapter, the officials
and other ministers of St. Paul's London in the last eyre of the justices at
the Tower of London, which the king afterwards caused to come before
him, and which have been continued from time to time until All Saints
next. By K.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance
to be made to the taxors and collectors of the tenth and sixth in the parts
of Lyndeseye, co. Lincoln, for 407/. os. (id. for corn provided for the king's
use in that county, as appears by an indenture made between them and
Gilbert de Ebor[aco], king's clerk, in accordance with the king's order to
pay for the corn provided for the Scotch war by Simon de Lunderthorp, the
said Gilbert, and Alan de Cobbeldyk, whom the king appointed for this
To the sheriff of Lancaster. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of Adam de Ursewyk, who is incapacitated by illness
and infirmity.
To Master John Waleway'n, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
dower to be assigned to Elizabeth, late the wife of Walter de Gloucestre,
tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of William de Apethorp, who is incapacitated by illness
and infirmity.
To the sheriff of York. Order to expend up to 6 marks in repairing the
wooden peel about the tower of York castle, which peel is now fallen down.
By K.
Membrane 35.
Oct. 2.
( raven.
To Ranulph de Dacre and his fellows, keeper of the truce in Cumber-
land. Order to take and cause to be kept safely until I'm ther orders all men
of Scotland found entering the realm, or dwelling therein, or working
(tnanuoperantes) therein, certifying the king of the names of those thus
taken by thein. and of the names of (hose whom they have permitted to go,
and of the cause of their arrest and release, as the king is given to under-
stand that certain men of Scotland have entered the realm, and dwell and
work therein contrary to the form of the truce, for which the said keepers
have provided no remed) a- liny ought to do, and that the keepers have
permitted certain of the said men taken lor these reasons to go withoul
reasonable cause ami without consulting the king. By K.
[ I'd <li r(i.]
Oct. 2.
Oct. 2.
C raven.
Oct. 2.
Oct. 7.
Oct. 5.
Membrane 35 — cont.
To the keepers of the truce in co. Northumberland. Like order, omit-
ting the clauses about releasing the men. By K.
To Thomas do Grey, constable of Norham castle. Order to cause all the
in. n of Scotland who lately came from parts beyond sea to the port of Halie-
land, and went thence by land towards Scotland, and who were taken by
him and imprisoned in the aforesaid castle for that reason, to be sent to
York castle, there to be delivered for custody to the sheriff of York, whom
the king lias ordered to receive the said men.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause Thomas Blaunfrount, John
Haunsard, and Adam Breton, imprisoned in York castle for certain reasons,
to be taken to the castle of Skypton-in-Craven, there to be delivered to the
constable, whom the king has ordered to receive and keep them. By K.
To the treasurer, etc. Order to survey the house that was the earl of
Hereford's wardrobe in London and many other houses there that came to
the king's hands as escheats, and to ascertain the cost of repairing them
sufficiently, and to appoint workmen to repair them without delay, and to
certify the king in chancery of what it will cost to repair them. The king
has enjoined the chancellor to cause a writ of liberate to be made for the
sum required, when he shall be certified thereof. They are also ordered to
certify the king in chancery what; houses the king has there, and by whom
they were forfeited, in what places they are, and what buildings are in each
place, and their value in all issues. By K.
To W. bishop of Exeter, treasurer and keeper of the Tower of London.
Order to release the chaplain and damsel who lately served the wife of
John de Moubrai, a late rebel, from the Tower, if they are detained solely
because they served the said John's wife, upon their finding mainpernors to
have them before the king when ordered. By K.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to assign
dower to Elizabeth, late the wife of Hugh de Luccombe, tenant in chief,
upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to pay to Ralph
de Hastynges 8 marks yearly from two parts of the manor of Thorp Basset
for so long as they shall be in his custody, and to pay him the arrears of that
sum from the time when the two parts were taken into the king's hands,
as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator concerning the lands
of Ralph, late baron of Craystok, tenant in chief, which were taken into the
king's hands at his death by reason of the minority of his heir, that he held
in chief at his death two parts of the said manor of the abbot of St.
Albans, and that Elizabeth, late the wife of Robert son of Ralph, holds a
third of the manor in dower, and that the entire manor is charged with 8/.
yearly to the aforesaid Ralph de Hastynges and his heirs, and it appears by
a deed of Ralph son of William, formerly lord of the manor, exhibited in
chancery on behalf of Ralph de Hastynges, that Ralph son of William
granted the said 81. yearly from the manor to Nicholas de Hastynges and
his heirs, and it appears by another inquisition taken by the escheator that
Nicholas received the rent from the manor during his time from Alexander
de Thorp Basset, then reeve there, and that he continued his seisin thereof,
and that after his death the aforesaid Ralph de Hastynges, his son and
heir, was seised thereof, and received the rent in full from William son of
Roger, then reeve of the aforesaid Ralph de Craystok at Thorp Basset, and
that he continued his seisin thereof until the death of the said Ralph de
Craystok. The king wills that the third of the manor that Elizabeth
holds in dower shall be charged with a thud of the said 8/. yearly.
Oct. 0.
Membrane 35 — eont.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king lately
enjoined Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, his chancellor,
to hear and determine an inquisition taken in the king's presence at Skvpton-
in-Cravene concerning certain beasts and other goods that belonged to
Thomas, earl of Lancaster, a late rebel, which were taken at Ightenhill, co.
Lancaster, and were taken to Skypton aforesaid, and concerning others
likewise taken at Skypton and eloigned thence, and to hear and determine
the contents of the inquisition, and John de Farnhill, Thomas de Farnhill,
Robert Crokebayn, John son of Robert de Farnhill, Robert Buk', Elias
Buk', William son of Elias Fauvel, Constantine de Mouhaude, Henry the
chaplain of Skypton, William le Provost, Adam Bochetollok, Thomas de
Cheston, John de Cheston, Hugh del Hospital, and Godfrey son of William
de Alta Rypa, who were indicted before the king for the premises, have
been convicted of some things by an inquisition upon which they had placed
themselves before the chancellor, and Nicholas Mauleverer, who was like-
wise indicted, has found mainpernors to stand to right before the chancellor
and other subjects of the king specially appointed for this purpose by the
king's commission, and the aforesaid John, Thomas, and the others above
named are distrained to come before the treasurer and barons at the ex-
chequer to answer for the beasts and goods aforesaid ; the king orders the
treasurer and barons to supersede the distraint if the said John, Thomas,*
and Nicholas Mauleverer are distrained to come before them to answer for
the beasts, goods and chattels forfeited to the king and taken from Ighteuhill
to Skypton and for the other things taken at Skypton.
Oct. 8. To John de Kilvyngton, keeper of the castle and honour of Pikervng'.
Ightenhill. Order to deliver to Philip Darcy, a late contrariant, all his lands in John's
custody, which were taken into the king's hands for the above reason, as the
king has pardoned Philip the suit of his peace by reason of his adherence
to the rebels, and ordered, on 16 August last, his lands to be restored to
him, as he had found security for his good behaviour and for his ransom.
Oct. 13. To William Graraary. Order to restore to Thomas de Shirugg all his
Ightenhill. goods and chattels, which William retained in his custody because the king
(Heyhtenhull.) lately ordered Thomas to be arrested for certain reasons.
The like to the prior of Dudele.
Oct. 15. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of
Holland. Somerton to be elected in place of Reginald Hnse, lately elected, as he
cannot attend to the office as he is coroner of that county.
Oct. 20. To Ralph de Camoys, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to deliver
Holland. to the king's chaplains celebrating divine service in the chapel of the castle
bread, wine, oil, and other small necessaries for the maintenance of divine
service from Michaelmas last until next Michaelmas.
Oct. 20. To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain rebels' lands in co. Dorset. Order
Holland. to deliver to John Strug, a late contrariant, all his lands in Robert's custody,
as he had paid at the exchequer the 40 marks wherein he lately made fine
with the king for his life and lands, provided thai if any of the lands have
been demised at ferm by the kind's order, the said John shall Batisfy the
formers for their expenses in the lands from the time of the demise.
By letter of the treasurer testifying payment of the said 40 marks.
The like to Robert de Hungerford, keeper, etc., in co. Wilts.
Oct. 24. To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain rebels' lands in <•<>. Wilts,
Holland. Order to permit Peter de Skidemore, a late rebel, to hold his lands without
* ThiB seems to be intended to include all the other peraoni saaaed above.
1323, Membrane 85 — cont.
hindrance, and no! to molest him or his mainpernors, the king having lately
ordered the keeper to deliver to Peter his lands on condition that they
should be resumed into the king's hands if he or his mainpernors did not
pay the fine of 200 marks for his life and lands in the quinzaineof Michael-
mas last, as Peter has paid the said sum.
By letter of the treasurer testifying payment of the said 200 marks.
The like to Hobert de Aston, keeper, etc., in co. Gloucester.
28. To Hugh le Despenser, the younger, constable of Bristol castle, or to him
Holland. who supplies his place. Order to pay to Owen son of David ap Gryffith, a
Welsh prisoner in that castle, the arrears of his wages from the time of
Hugh's appointment, and to continue paying the same until further orders
out of the fenn of the castle. By K.
Vacated, because othcrivise below.
Oct. 28. To Richard de Musele, constable of Pontefract castle. Order to cause a
HolhiDd. chest (forccrio), containing certain charters and other muniments concern-
ing the manor of Berleye, which came to the king as escheat after the death
of Richard de Berleye by the forfeiture of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster,
which charters, etc., the king is sending to him under the seal of Master
Robert de Paldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, the chancellor, to be placed and
kept securely in the treasury within that castle, Sigrida (Segredam), late the
wife of the aforesaid Richard, and Robert de Berleye, executors of Richard's
will, having delivered the charters and muniments into the chancery.
Oct. 1. To the justices appointed to hold pleas before the king. Order to enquire
Skipton-in- diligently in the counties of Lancaster, Derby, and Stafford and elsewhere
Craven. jn tjje rea]m> as often as they shall pass through them to hold pleas, concern-
ing felonies, robberies, and other evils and trespasses inflicted upon the king
and his people, and concerning prises, conspiracies, conventicles, and con-
federacies, according to the articles delivered to them, as many felonies,
robberies, etc., have been perpetrated in divers parts of the realm by reason
of the late disturbance in the realm. They are ordered to hear the com-
plaints of all persons making complaints in this behalf, and to cause justice
to be done concerning the same, and to punish all those found guilty thereof,
and to continue their sessions from place to place and from day to day within
and without the usual term until the premises be determined finally.
Oct. 28. To Hugh le Despenser, the younger, constable of Bristol castle, or to him
Holland. who supplies his place. Order to pay to Owen (Audoeno) son of David ap
Gryrfith, a Welsh prisoner in that castle, and to his two keepers the arrears
of their wages, robes, and stipends from the time of the constable's appoint-
ment, and to continue to pay the same until further orders. By K.
Membrane 34.
Memorandum, that whereas Isabella de Lasceles held in dower at her
death certain lands in Escrik, co. York, and the manor of Kirkeby Under-
knol, in the same county, of the inheritance of Joan, late the wife of Thomas
de Colewenne, Avice, wife of Robert le Conestaple, Matilda, late the wife of
Robert Tilliol, and Ralph son and heir of Theophania, late the wife of
Ralph son of Ranulph, daughters and heiresses of Roger de Launceles, and
the aforesaid Joan, eldest daughter and heiress of Roger and Isabella,
granted the reversion after Isabella's death of her purparty of the said
lands and manor to Simon Warde, and he granted the reversion to Roger
Dammcry, a late rebel, and the lands and manor, which are held of others
17 EDWARD II. 29
1323. Membrane 34 — cant.
than the king, were taken into the king's bands after Isabella's death because
the purparty tliu< granted to 11 >ger pertained to the lc i 1 1 <_r by reason of his
forfeiture. By the king's assent partition of the lands and manor was made
into four parts by the aforesaid Robert, Avice, Matilda and Ralph, and the
said heirs and parceners granted to the king the choice of the purparties,
and he chose the following purparty by Sir Thomas de Sibthorp, clerk of
the chancery :
Partition of the manor of Escrik.
The chief messuage. — To this purparty there are assigned a chamber with
a wardrobe, two parts of the bakehouse and adjoining garden, with all the
bland and ditches of the same as divided by bounds from the south to the
north, containing 1 acre, 2 roods, and a moiety of the barn with the soil and
garden on the east, as divided by bounds. Demesne lands. — There are
assigned lo acres of land in the cultura called ' Pavilion ' on the east, as
divided by bounds ; G acres in the pasture of Hakyng on the east; 3 acres
1 rood in Le Estdail of Sonthflat in the west field on the east near the hedge ;
7 acres and 1 rood in Mideldail of Southllat on the east ; Q\ acres in Wot-
dail of the Southflat on the east; 5 acres in Westdail of the Xorthfiat on
the west; 5 acres in Mideldail of Northfiat on the west ; 2 acres 1 rood in
E-tdail of Northflat on the west ; 1 \ acres in Estdail of Rogerflat on the
east near the hedge ; 3 acres in Westdail of Rogerflal on the cast ; 1 ^ acres
in Estdail of Brekhirst on the east ; 2 acres and half a rood in Westdail of
Brekhirst on the east ; 2 acres 1 rood in Westboiitwayt on the west, as it
is divided. Meadow. — There are also assigned 1 acre 3£ roods of meadow
in Holmeng on the east ; 1^ acre in Ilalleng in Westdail on the east ; 2 acres
and 3 roods of meadow in Estdail of Haleng' on the east as it is divided.
Total of the demesne lands : GO.^ acres \ a rood. Total of the meadow :
(i acres £ a rood. For land. — There arc also assigned 7 acres of meadow in
Malkinhakyng on the west; 3 acres in Pullinreding on the south running
in length from west to east ; 1^ acres in the same on the other side of the
ditch on the opposite side running in length from south to north ; 1 acre in
Lollowreding on the west; 3 acres at Le Wra on the east; 2 acres in
Midilboylthwayt on the north; 1^ acres in Estboylthwayt on the east;
2 acres 1£ roods in Le Estdail of Westendhakyng on the east ; l\ acres in
the same Ilakvng in Pightiker on the east; 3 acres 1 rood in Le Westdail
of Westendhakyng on the east near Pightiker as it is divided ; l^ acres in
Haghthornthwayt on the east; 1 acre in Robertreding on the north ; 3 acres
in Simmesreding on the east in the west field; 4 acres * a rood in Child-
hag";' on the east; 4 acres in Levedircding on the south; 4 acres in Le
Estdail] of Xorthwod on the east ; 6 acres in Mideldail! of North wod on
the east ; 6 acres in Westdaill of Northwod on the east; 5 acres in West-
daill of the Frith in the hands of the tenants of Stivilingllet on the east ;
."> | acres in K-tdaill of the Frith on the east as it is divided; 1 \ acres in
Bnghthwayt on the south; 1 acre in Grimereding, which Roger son of
Hugh holds; £ an acre, which Allies Sty ward formerly held ; 3 roods of
land at Hallenyner, counting the fishpond ; 2 acres of land at Slak in the
hands of Robert Trippe ; 1 acre at (irenegail in the hand- of Emma
Lightfbt; 1 acre 3 roods at Rohreding, which Henry Louranz holds ; 1 acre
at Mikelthwayt in the hands of Matilda de Eskrik ; I acre in Wat-ike,
which Thomas Cade Formerly held; 3 roods in Le R rotes, which Henry le
Fevie formerly held ; :'> roods iii Robreding, which Robert Trippe holds ;
^ an acre at Brewehorne, which .loan de Midelton hold- and a close called
Le Convnger at the same part, containing L", acres of land, witli an acre of
land in the cultura of Coppelquenereding ; \ an acre in Qamelpightyn on
the we-t ; G a< -res and half a rood of land in Le E-td.iil of Croat flat (Mai/
tia/lut) of Ricalhag' 00 the west, as divided by bounds ; 6 acres and half ii
1323 Membrane 31 — cont.
rood in Li> Est Mideldail of Great Flat of Ricalhag on the west; G acres
; nd half a rood in Le VVestmideldail of Great Flat of Ricalhag on the west ;
6 Bcres and half a rood in Le Westdail of Great Flat of Ricalhagg on the
west ; 44 acres in Hoamehill in the same Hagg on the west ; 1 acre 1 rood
in Le Herber on the south ; 11 acres and half a rood of pasture in Ricalhag
on the west. Several pasture. — There are assigned to this part 2\ acres
of several pasture in Westker on the west ; 30 acres in Eslker on the east ;
64 acres in the pasture of Hill on the east. Total: 39 acres of pasture.
Wood. — There are assigned to tins part 18 acres of wood, as believed by
-timation, in Holaykhirst on the north, extending in length to the east ;
5 acres in Le Lund on the west, extending in length from south to north;
and there is there a common wood wherein the free tenants, bondmen, and
cotters have common of pasture for their boasts, and housebote and hedge-
bote (liaibot) by the view and delivery of the forester, which wood cannot
be measured or divided for this reason and by reason of the density of the
underwood, and the wood remains to the heirs and parceners to be held in
common ; and there is there a turbary and marsh, which cannot be mea-
sured and divided by reason of floods and the depth of the marsh, and the
turbary and marsh remain to the heirs in common. Total of the several
wood : 23 acres. Free ten[ants.~] — To this purparty Sd. of rent of assize
from the lands that William de Gryrnesby holds ; a pan* of gloves and \d. in
the same from the lauds that Emma, late the wife of Richard de Seieby,
holds ; 2\\d. of rent of assize from Matilda de Escrik ; 1 lb. of pepper,
price 18<i, and half a pound of cumin, price |e?., from William de Seieby.
Total: 4-s. 2\d. Bondmen. — William son of Ellen holds a messuage and
renders 4s. yearly ; he also holds 4 bovates of land and renders 38s. yearly,
and does four boonworks in reaping in autumn wTith one meal (repastwti)
daily, and boonworks beyond reprise 4(7., and gives a hen at Christ-
mas, and shall have back id., price of the hen \d. ; Henry Pigot holds a
messuage and renders yearly -is. ; he also holds 3 bovates of land and
renders 29s. 6^d. yearly, and does three boonworks as above, and gives a
lien as above ; Richard son of Gilbert holds a messuage and renders 4s.
yearly ; he also holds 3 bovates of land, and renders 30s. yearly, and does
three boonworks as above, and gives one hen as above. Tenants at will. —
Henry Lourautz holds 2 bovates of land and renders 20s. yearly ; he also
holds 2 bovates of uncultivated (frisc') land, which John Hare formerly
held, and for which he was wont to render 20s. yearly. Total 71. 10s. 6d.
Cotters. — William the smith holds a messuage and renders 3s. yearly, and does
one boonwork in autumn, and gives a hen as above ; Stephen de Foulstow
-holds one messuage and renders 2s. 6d. yearly, and does as above ; William
Alcok holds a messuage and renders 3s. yearly, and does as above ; Henry
son of Alexander holds a messuage and renders 3s. yearly, and does as
above ; Thomas Rayksrer holds a messuage and renders 4s. yearly, and
does as above; Joan de Middelton holds a messuage and renders 4s. yearly,
and does as above ; Robert de Flaundres holds a messuage and renders
2s. Qd. yearly, and does as above ; Agnes Stiward holds a messuage and
renders yearly 4s., and does as above ; John Copple holds a messuage and
renders 4s. yearly, and does as above. To this purparty [pertains] a waste
croft that Simon Orkel held, worth 18s. yearly. Matilda, daughter of Henry
the miller (molend'), holds a messuage and renders 2s. yearly. Total :
34s. 7\d. Mills. — To this purparty [pertain] a quarter of two mills, one
a watermill and the other a windmill, with their site and pond and profits,
and this part is worth 20s. Total : 20s. Herbert the miiler [is] tenant of
a messuage, and he is assigned to Simon Ward, and afterwards he was as-
signed to Roger Damory, and he is now tenant of the king, and renders 3s.
1323. Membrane 34 — cont.
Partition of the manor of Kirkib;/ I'mltrhnoll.
The chief messuage on the east. — The principal chamber with the cellar,
■wardrobe, a moiety of a chamber on the north of the hall, and a barn, with
the issue there to the highway, ami with a part of a garden on the north of
the church, with the ditch as divided by bounds. Mill. — There are
assigned to this part a quarter of a watermill with the site, pool, and profits,
and it is worth 10s. yearly; a quarter of the east [end] of a garden called
' Le Ellergrarth ' on the south of Le Beck. Demesne lands. — In Knares-
berghflat 3 acres of land on the east as divided in Staynefeld ; in the
same held in Ukmanriding 3^ acres of land on the north; in Westfehl in
Chapelfiai 2 acres and 3 roods of land near the chapel on the east ; in the
same field in Flatakogh 3 acres 1 rood of land on the west ; in Peswra
1 acre of land extending eastwards in the same field ; in the south field in
Braythflat 3 acres 1 rood of land, with half an acre of meadow adjoining on
the north ; in Paletflat \\ acres of land on the west; 2^ acres of land in
the same field of Swynkerflat and Brackenheved ; in Langrlat 2 acres of
land on the west ; an acre 3 roods lying on the east of Knoltlat near
Hermyr. Total : 25 acres. Meadow — To this part [pertain] 3 roods of
meadow in Swynkerheng on the east ; a quarter of a close of meadow called
Helysheng on the east. Bondmen. — To this part there are assigned
Robert Undrewod, who holds a messuage and 2 bovates of land, and renders
lO.v. \0d. yearly; and a messuage and a bovate of land that Thomas son of
William holds, who used to render 6*. 8d. yearly; 1 bovate of land that
William Maniell formerly held, who used to render is. 2d. yearly ; a quarter
of a bovate of land that Richard Lock formerly held, of the yearly value of
12^(7., containing 2 acres 1 rood, to be divided equally through the middle
of the field. Cotters. — William Mantell holds a messuage and renders
yearly 2s. 6d. ; and [there are assigned] a toft that Emma, late the wife of
Gregory, holds, rendering yearly 2s. (jd. ; a waste toft that Agnes Predelok
formerly held, of the value of 2s. 6d. ; Matilda Gervays holds a toft and
renders \2d. yearly ; a waste toft that Thomas Gervays formerly held, of
the value of 6d. Free tenants. — To this part there is assigned half a
pound of pepper, price Id., from Thomas de Manneby, with 2d. of rent
from John son of Alexander. Total : 32*. b\d. Also there is there a fish-
pond within the several court, which cannot be divided, but each parcener
shall receive a quarter of the profit of the fishery. Fishpond, fisher//. —
There is there a fishery called Hermyr', wherein the free [tenants] have
common, for which reason it cannot be divided, but each parcener shall
receive the profit equally. J food. — There are there three woods, wherein
. the free [tenants] have common with their beasts, housebote and hedgebote
{vsebot et haybot), which woods cannot be divided or measured for that
reason, aud they remain to the heirs and parceners in common. And this
part was chosen for the king by the oath of Robert Undrewod, Edmund
servant of Alexander the forester, Thomas son of Andrew, John sou of
Beatrice, and William the farrier (rnarescalli).
Sept. 27. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver
Hajwra. to Robert le Conestable and Avice his wife, daughter and co-heiress of
Boger de Launceles, the lands contained in a schedule that the king
sends to him sub pede iiffilli, which lands the king has assigned to
them as Aviee's purparty of certain lands in ESscrik, co. York, and of
the manor of Kirkeby Underknol, in the same county, which belonged
lO her father. He is ordered to deliver to them the issues of the lands
thus assigned to them from the time when the lands were taken into the
king's bands.
1323 Membrane 34 — cont.
Partition of the manor of Escrik.
To this purparty there are assigned the hall with pantry, butlery, a third
of t he bakehouse, the dovecot with the garden adjoining [divided] through
tlir middle from south to north, containing 1 acre and half a rood as it is
divided; 15 acres of land in the cirltura called ' Pavilion ' ; 6 acres in tho
pasture [of] Rakyng; 3 acres 1 rood in Le Estdail of Le Southflat in the
weal Geld ; 7 acres 1 rood in Mideldail of Le Southflat ; 6| acres in West-
dail of Le Southflat ; 5 acres in Westdail of Le Northflat ; 5 acres in
.Mideldail of Le Northflat; 2 acres J rood in Estdail of Le Northflat;
H BCrea in Estdail of Rogerflat; 3 acres in Westdai[le] of Rogerflat;
l\ acres in Brok hirst ; 2 acres £ a rood in Westdail of Brokhirst; 2 acres
1 "rood in Westbolthwayt. Forland. — There are assigned to this purparty
7 acres in Malkynhakyng ; 3 acres in Pulsinreding near the ditch ; \\ acres
in the same beyond the ditch; 1 acre in Lullowreding; 3 acres at Le Wraa;
2 acres in Midelboltvvayt ; 1 acre in Eatboltwayt ; 2 acres 1^ rood in
Estdai of Westendhakyng; 1^ acres in the same Hakyng in Pightinker;
3 acres 1 rood in Westdail of Westendhakyng ; \\ acres in Hakthorntwayt;
1 acre in Robertreding ; 3 acres in Symmereding ; A\ acres in Childhag ;
4 acres in Levedireding ; 4 acres in Estdail of Northwod ; 6 acres in Midel-
dail of Northwod; G acres in Westdail of Northwod; 5 acres in Westdail
of Le Frith in the hands of the tenants of Styvelyngflet ; 3^ acres in
Estdail of Le Frith in the hands of the said tenants ; 1^ acre in Rughthway ;
1 acre in Grymereding, which John Chapman formerly held ; 11 acres at
the head of Midelbolthwayt in the hands of Warin son of Henry; 3 acres in
a close near the watermill on the west of the highway ; 2 acres at Robredyng
in the hands of Robert Trippe ; 1 acre at Keldstrend, which Matilda de
Eskrik holds; 2), acres in Robredyng, which Hugh Mauld and Thomas le
Swynhird formerly held ; half an acre in the hands of Richard son of
Gilbert on Keldstrend; a moiety of Horspasture, which is extended to
3^ acres; half an acre in Gamelpightyn ; 6 acres and half a rood in Le
Estdail of Great Flat of Richalhag ; G acres half a rood in Le Est Midel-
dail of Great Flat of Richahag ; 6 acres and half a rood of land in Le West
Mide dail of Great Flat of Ricalhag ; 6 acres and half a rood in Le West-
dail of Great Flat of Ricalhag; 6 acres and half a rood in Le Westdail
of Great Flat of Ricalhag; 4^ acres of land in Iloumehill in the same
HaL'g; 1 acre and 1 rood in Le Herber; 11 acres and half a rood of
pasture in Ricalhag. Meadow. — There are assigned to this purparty 1 acre
3 j roods of meadow in Holmeng; H acres in Westdail of Halleng; 2 acres
3 roods in Estdail of Halleng. Total : 6 acres and half a rood. Pasture. —
Also 21 acres of several pasture in Westker; 30 acres of several pasture in
Estker ; Q>\ acres of several pasture in Pasturhill. Tota' : 49 acres. Wood. —
Also 18 acres of wood, as it is believed by estimation, in Holaykbiist ;
5 acres of wood in Le Lund; and there is there a common wood wherein
the free tenants, bombnen. and cotters have common of pasture with their
beasts, housebote and hedgebote by the view and delivery of the forester,
which wood cannot be measured or divided for this reason and by reason of
the density of the underwood, and it remains in common to the heirs and
parceners ; and there is there a turbary and marsh, which cannot be
measured or divided by reason of flood and of the depth of the marsh, and
they remain to the heirs in common. Total : 23 acres of several wood.
Free tenants. — There are assigned to this purparty 21 |r/. of rent of assize
from Matilda de Escrik ; and 1 lb. of pepper, price 18c?., and half a pound
of cumin, price \d., from William de Seleby at Christmas. Total : 3s. Ad.
Bondmen. — Richard Copple, the elder, holds one messuage and renders 4*.
yearly ; he also holds 4 bovates of land and renders 405. yearly, and does
4 boonworks in reaping corn in autumn with one meal daily, and the boon-
17 EDWAKl. II.
lo23. Membranes 31, 33 — cont.
works arc worth beyond reprise W/., and lie gives a hen at Christmas, when
he has back Id., price of the hen \d. ; Warin son of Robert holds
1 messuage and renders 3s. yearly; he also holds 1 bovates of land and
nnders 36*. yearly, and does 4 customary works (//// consuef) as above, and
gives a hen, as above; William son of Matilda holds a messuage, and
renders yearly 4*. ; he also holds 2 bovates of land and lenders 20*. yearly,
and does 2 boonworks as above, and gives a hen as above. Tenants at
trill. — Gamaliel the carpenter holds a bovate of land and renders yearly '.'v..
and does one custom-work as above; Matilda de Escrik holds a borate of
land and renders half a mark yearly. Also there are assigned to this pur-
party '1 bovates of uncultivated land, which Henry Pechard held, which u<cd
to render 20s. Total : 11. 3s. S^d. Cotters. — Matilda .Sutor holds a messuage
and renders 3*. yearly, and does one customary- work in autumn, as above, and
gives a hen, as above ; Constance Lavendre holds a messuage, and renders
yearly 4*., and does oue custom- work and renders a hen, as above; Dionisia
Copple holds a messuage and renders 4s. yearly, and does a customary-work
and gives a hen as above ; Matilda, late the wife of Thomas the lleeve, holds
a messuage and l'enders 4*., and does in all things as above ; John Capnian
holds a messuage and renders 4s. yearly, and does the same as Matilda ;
Emma Tayt holds a messuage and renders 2s. 6d. yearly, and does the same
as Matilda; Roger son of Hugh holds a messuage and renders 4.s\, and does
the same as Matilda ; Alice Wymplister holds a messuage, and renders 3s.
yearly, and does the same as Matilda ; Thomas Colstan holds a messuage,
and renders 3s. 6d., and does the same as Matilda; Gilbert Dekeu holds a
messuage and renders 4.?. yearly, and does the same as Matilda ; and a toft that
Robert Trippe holds, rendering 2.9. yearly; Gamel the carpenter (carpenf)
holds a messuage and renders 3*. yearly. Total : 42i'. 3d. There are
assigned to this purparty a quarter of a windmill and of a watertnill, with
the site and pond, their profits to be received equally and the char
supported equally, and this part is extended to 20.?.
Partition of the manor of Kirheby Undreknol.
The chief messuage. — The hall with pantry, butlery, a moiety of a
chamber on the north, with a third of a stable on the east, with a moiety of
a garden called ' Le Skipengarth,' together with a part of a garden on the
east to Le Ellergarth ; a quarter of a waterniill with pond and site, the pro-
fits and charges to be equally divided ; a quarter of [a garden] near the east
of Le Ellergarth on the south of Le Bek. Demesne lands. — Also in Knares-
berghnat 3 acres in Staynfeld ; in the same field 3\ acres in Ukmanridyng ;
* in Westfeld in Chapelflat 2 acres 3 roods; in Flatskogh in the same field
3 acres ; in Peswra 1 acre and 1 rood in the same field ; in the south field
in Braythfiat 3 acres and 1 rood, with half an acre of meadow adjoining; in
1'aletllat H acres; in the same field in Knolflat \\ acres on the west near
the way ; in the same field in Knoltlat 1 acre and 3 roods. Total : 25 acres.
Meadow. — There are assigned to this part 3 roods of meadow in Swynker-
heng ; a quarter of a close called ' Elysheng.' Rents. — There are assigned
to this part Robert Andreu, who hold- a messuage and 2 bovates of land,
and renders 10.9. \Qd. yearly ; a messuage and 2 bovates that Robert le
Forester holds, and renders 10s. lOrf. yearly ; a quarter of a bovate of land,
which Richard I, ok formerly held, extended to i2v/\, an I containing
2 acres and 1 rood to be divided equally through the middle of the fleld.
Cotters. — There are ■■■ signed to this part a toft that Edmund le Serjanl
hold-, rendering 2s. (id. yearly ; a toft that Walter de Couton holds, render-
ing yearly 2s. 'id. \ a toft of waste that John IVrsonesniaii formerly held,
which is extended to 2.?. (id ; John le Sour holds a toff and renders
* Membrane 83 commenc - here.
1323i Membrane 33 — ro>if.
\<d. yearly. Freemen. — There are assigned to this part half a pound of
pepper appraised at 7<7. from the rent of assize of Thomas de Manneby ;
also 'Id. of rent of assize of Gilbert le Spenser. Total : 32s. b\d. Fish-
pond.— -There is there a fishpond within the several court, which cannot be
divided, but each parcener shall receive a quarter of the profits of the
fishery. Fisher;/. — There is there a fishery called ' Hermyr,' wherein the
freemen have common, so that it cannot be divided, but each parcener shall
receive an equal part of the profits thereof. Woods. — There are there three
woods, wherein the freemen have common, which remain to the heirs and par-
ceners in common, as it cannot be measured or divided for the above reason.
Sept. 27. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
Haywra. Matilda, late the wife of Robert Tilliol, daughter and co-heiress of Roger
de Launceles, the lands contained in a schedule that the king sends to him
sub pede sigilli, which lands the king has assigned to her as her purparty of
certain lauds in Escrik, co. York, and of the manor of Kirkeby Underknol,
in the same county, which belonged to her father. He is ordered to deliver
to her the issues of the lands thus assigned to her from the time when the
lands were taken into the king's hands
Partition of the manor of Escrik.
The chief messuage. — To this part there are assigned the kitchen, knights'
chamber, and gate, with adjoining garden containing 1 acre and half a rood
of land ; the barn or its value, which is 6/. 13s. 4c?., to be received from the
third purparty. Demesne lands. — There are assigned 15 acres in a cultura
called 'Le Pavilion'; 6 acres in the pasture [of] Hakyng; 3 acres
and 1 rood in Estdail of Southflat in the west field; 7 acres 1 rood
in Middeklail of Southflat; 6| acres in Westdail of Southflat; 5 acres
in Westdail of Northflat; 5 acres in Middeldail of Northflat; 2 acres
1 rood in Estdail of Northflat; l\ acres in Estdail of Rogerflat ; 3 acres
in Westdail of Rogerflat; \\ acres in Estdail of Brochirst; 2 acres and
half a rood in Westdail of "Brochirst ; 2 acres and 1 rood in Westboille-
thwayt. Total : 60^ acres and half a rood. Forlancl. — There are assigned
to this purparty in Malkynhakyng 7 acres ; 4^ acres in Pulsinridding ;
1 acre in Lulliridding ; 3 acres in Le Wra; 2 acres at Middelboiltwayt ;
1£ acres in Estboilletwayt ; 2 acres \\ roods in Estdaille of Westendhagg-
yug; H acl-es in the same cultura in Pyghtynker ; 3 acres and 1 rood in
Westdail of Westendhaggyng ; 11 acres in Haghthornthwayt ; 1 acre in
Robridding; 3 acres in Michelridding ; 4| acres in Chilhag; 4 acres in
Levediryding ; 4 acres in Estdail of Northwod; 6 acres in Middeldail of
Northwod ; 5 acres in Le Westdail of Le Frith in the hands of the tenants
of Sty velvngfleth ; 3| acres in Estdail of Le Frith in the hands of the said
tenants; 1£ acres in Rughtwayt; 1 acre in Grimriddiug, which Joan de
Middelton formerly held ; 1 acre of land at Gaylende in the hands of
William de Goldale; 2 acres of land in a close near the watermill on the
east of the highway ; 1 acre at Whaytwall in the hands of Robert Tripp ;
3 acres in Mar . . . reding in the hands of Richard Cuppull, the elder ;
3 acres in divers places in Robridding, which John Hare and William
Copple formerly held; a moiety of a pasture called ' Horspasture,' containing
3£ acres; 6 acres in Westdail of Northwode ; half an acre in Gamelpyghe[l] ;
6 acres and half a rood in Le Estdail of Great {Magna) Flat of Ricalhagg ;
6 acres and half a rood in Estmideldail of Great Flat of Ricalhagg; 6 acres
and half a rood in Le Westmideldail of Great Flat of Ricalhag ; 6 acres and
half a rood in Le West Dail of Great Flat cf Ricalhagg; A\ acres in Houm-
hill in the same Hag; 1 acre and 1 rood in Le Herber; lit acres and half
a rood of pasture in Ricalhagg. Meadow. — There are assigned to this
purparty 1 acre and Bh roods in Holmeng ; 1£ acres in Westdail of Halleng ;
17 EDWARD II. 35
1323. Membrane 33— emit.
2 acres and 3 roods in Estdail of Halleng. Total : G acres and half a rood.
Severn/ pasture. — There are assigned 2i acres in Westker; 30 acres in Le
Bstker; (>.', acres in Pasturhill. Total: 39 acres. Wood. — There are as-
signed 18 acres of wood, it is believed by estimation, in Holaykhirst ; 5 acres
in Le Lund by estimation. And there is there a common wood, wherein the
free tenant.-, bondmen, and cotters have common of pasture [</<■.. tu at
page 30 above.'} And there is there a turbary and marsh [etc., as at
page 30 above] Total: 23 acres of several wood. Free ten[ants~\.
There are assigned to this purpart v 2s. of rent of assi/.e from divers tene-
ments that Emma, late the wile of Richard de Selbv, holds; 2s. 8|<7. of rent
of assize from Matilda de Escrik ; 1 pound of pepper, price 18<7., yearly from
the said Emma ; half a pound of cumin, price },d., from William de Selby.
Total : 6s. 2hd. Bondmen (nativi). There are assigned to this purparty
Agnes, late the wife of Robert le Provost, wdio holds 1 messuage and
renders 6s. 6d. yearly ; she also holds 5 borates of land and renders 50s.
yearly, and does five boonworks at harvest-time with one meal daily, and
the work is worth Id., and [she gives] a hen and receives back Id., and so
it is worth ^d. ; William Poleyu, who holds a messuage and renders 3s.
yearly ; he also holds 4 bovatcs and renders 37s. yearly, and does four boon-
works and renders a hen, as above ; Thomas Toye, who holds a messuage
and renders 4s. ; he also holds 3 bovates and renders 27s., and does three
boonworks and gives a hen, as above. Total : 61. 9s. I0\d. Tenants at
will. — There are assigned to this purparty 2 bovates of uncultivated land,
which Henry Pechard and Robert de Kelkcfeld formerly- held, and for
which they used to render 20s. Total: 20s. Cotters. — There arc assigned
to this purparty Joan, late the wife of Nicholas le Serjaunt, who holds a
messuage and renders 4s., and does a customary-work, and gives a hen, as
above T Henry Pechard, who holds a messuage and renders -l.v. 2d., and does
one customary-work and gives a hen, as above ; William le I^orester, who
holds a messuage and renders 3s., and does as above; William le Fevre,
who holds a messuage and renders 2s., and does as above ; Christiana del
Hill, who holds a messuage and renders I2d., and does as above; Richard
Sothilman, who holds a messuage arid renders 3s., and does as above;
Nicholas the miller (molendtnar'), who holds a messuage and renders 4s.,
and does as above; Sibyl le Grete, who holds a messuage and renders is.,
and does as above; John le Carter, who holds a messuage and renders lv.
and does as above ; John Lambe, who holds a messusge and renders 2s.,
and does as above ; and a waste toft that Thomas Grayne formerly held,
worth 2s. yearlyr. Mills. — There are assigned a quarter of a watermill and
windmill [etc., as at page 30 above], and this part extends to 20s.
Partition of the manor of Kirkcby Underknol.
The chief messuage. — There are assigned the kitchen, brewhouse, and
bakehouse under one roof; two pails of a stable on the west; a moiety of a
chamber called ' le Knyght Chaumbre,' witii a moiety of the wardrobe and
of a garden called ' Le Skipingarth,' together with Ellergarth on the north
of be Bek ; a quarter of a garden called ' Le Ellergarth ' on the south of
Le Bek. Demesne lands. — There are assigned three acres in Knaresbergb-
llat in Staynefeld; 3\ acres in rjpmanriddyng j 2 acres and ;; roods in
Chapelnat ; 3 acres inFlatskogh; 1 acre and 1 rood in Crokidnal at the
end of Platskogh ; 51, acres in the SOUtfa field of Marllat, with half an acre
adjoining; I acre and 8 roods in Grengatnat 5 2 acres in Langeflat j 1 acre
and 3 rood- in Knoltlat. Total: 25 acres. MeadotO. — There are assigned
3 rood- oi meadow in Braighenges. Freemen, — There are assigned 1 1 hi.
of rem of assize from Elizabeth de Faghilston; \d. of rent bom .John bod
Alexander. Bondmen. — There are assigned John bot of Beatrice, win)
• 2
1323 Membrane 33 — cont.
holds a messuage and 2 borates of Land and renders 10.?. 10^7. ; Thomas
Andreu, who holds a messuage and a bovate and renders 6s. 8d. ; a quarter
of a bovate, which Richard Lok formerly held, of the yearly value of I2^d.,
containing two acres and 1 rood, to he divided equally through the middle of
the field ; 1 bovate of land, which Hugh Palmer formerly held, which used to
render Is. 'Id. Cotters. — There are assigned to this part a toft that Thomas
Gervays holds, rendering 2s. 6d. yearly ; a toft that Robert Barker holds,
rendering 2s. 6d. yearly ; a toft that Evota le Mareschall holds, rendering
I5d. yearly; a waste toft that William Lyng formerly held, which used to be
worth 2s. 3d. yearly. Total : 32s. b\d. Mills. — There is assigned a quarter
of a watermill with site and pond, the profits and charges to be equally borne,
and it extends to 10s. Fishery. — There are assigned a quarter of the fish-
pond within the several court, which cannot he divided, but each parcener
shall receive a quarter of the profits of the fishery ; and a quarter of a fishery
called ' Hermyre,' wherein the free tenants have common [etc., as at page
31 above]. Woods. — There are there three woods [etc., as at page 31
S pt. 27. To Thomas dc Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
Hnywra. Ralph son of Theophany, late the wife of Ralph son of Ranulph, daughter
and co-heiress of Roger de Launceles, the lands contained in a schedule that
the king sends to him sub pede sigilli, which lands the king has assigned to
him as his purparty of certain lands [etc., as at page 31 above].
Partition of the manor of Fscrik.
Chief messuage. — There are assigned to this part a stable with a garden,
containing an acre and half a rood; a moiety of a barn, with the cowhouse,
soil, and a moiety of a garden called 'Lathgarth.' Demesne lands. — There are
assigned 15 acres lying in Le Pavillion near the hedge ; 6 acres in Le
Pasturhakyngg ; 3 acres and a rood in Estdail of Southflat in the west
field ; 7 acres and 1 rood in Mideldail of Southflat ; 6\ acres in Westdail of
Southflat; 5 acres in Westdail of Northflat; 5 acres in Mideldail of North-
flat; 2 acres and a rood in Estdail of Northflat; \\ acres in Estdail of
Rogerflat ; 3 acres of Westdail of Rogerflat ; 1 \ acres in Estdail of
Brochirst; 2\ acres in Westdail of Brochirst ; 2 acres and a rood in West-
boilthwayt. For/and. — There are assigned in Malkynhaggyng 7 acres;
4A_ acres in Pulfinridding ; an acre in Lolliridding ; 3 acres in Le Wra;
2 acres in Middelboiltwayt ; 1^ acres in Estboiltwayt ; 2 acres and half
a rood in Estdail of Westendhasgino; near Pigditinker ; 1A acres in
i i OCT O O ' &
Pightinker in the same Hagging ; 3 acres and a rood in Westdail of
Westendhagging near Le Styvate ; 1A_ acres in Hagthornthwayt ; 1 acre
in Robertridding ; 3 acres in Michelridding ; 4 acres and half a rood in
Childhagg ; 4 acres in Levediridding ; 4 acres in Estdail of Northwod ; 6 acres
in Middeldail of Northwod ; 6 acres in Westdail of Northwode ; 5 acres in
Westdail of Frith in the hands of the tenants of Styvelingflet ; 3| acres in
Estdail of Frith in the hands of the said tenants; 1^ acres in Rughtwayt ;
1 acre in Gryinridding, which Nicholas the miller {molendinar') holds; an
acre of land at Gaylend in the hands of Nicholas the miller ; an acre
at Rimiand, which Agnes, wife of Robert the Reeve, holds; an acre at
Rymiand, which Matilda de Escrik holds ; 2 acres at Grenegail, which Agnes,
wife of Robert the Reeve, holds ; an acre near the windmill, which Matilda
de Escrik holds ; an acre at Robriddyng in the hands of Richard Tocard ;
3 acres in 6 selions at Robriddyng, lying waste ; 3^ acres of pasture in
Brakanthwaytuok ; half an acre in Gamelpyghel; 6 acres and half a rood in Le
Estdail of Great Flat of Ricalhag near Holaykhirst ; 6 acres and half a rood
17 KDWAH1) II.
132;; Mi mbram i 33, 32 — eont.
in Le Estmideldail of Groat Flat of Eticalhagj 6 acres and half ;i rood
in Le Westmideldail of Great Plat of Ricalbagg ; 6 acres and half a rood in
Le Westdail of Great Flat of Ricalhagg; I.1, acres in the same Hag in
Ilouinhill; 1 acre and 1 rood in Le Heilier; 1 1 .', acres and halt a rood of
pasture in Ricalhag. Meadow. — There are also assigned to this purparty
1 acre 3$ roods of meadow in Holmeng ; 1\ acres in Westdail of Ilaleng;
2 acres and 3 roods in Estdail ol Haleng. Total : 6 acres and half a rood.
Several pasture.- — There are assigned to this purparty 2.1, acres of several
pasture in Westker ; 30 acres in a marsh called 'Esther'; and 6J acres
of several pasture in 1'atrihhill. Total: 39 aero. Wood. — There are
assigned to this purpart}' 18 acres of wood as estimated, with a meadow
adjoining, in Holaykliirst ; 5 acres in Le Lund ; and there is there a common
wood, wherein the free tenants, hondmen, and cotters have common of
pasture [efc, as at page 30 above] ; and there is a turbary and marsh [etc.,
as at page 30 above]. Total: 33 acres of several wood. Free tenants. —
There are assigned to this purparty 2s. 9%d. from Matilda do Kscrik, and
1 11). of pepper from her ; half a pound of cumin from William de Seldy (sic).
Total : J.v. ~)\(L Bondmen. — There are assigned to this purparty Henry Ser-
jaunt, who holds a messuage and renders 4*. yearly, and he holds 4 bovates
of land and renders 39s. yearly, and does four customary-works {cons'') in
reaping corn with one meal daily, price of the work Id., and [he gives] a hen
at Christmas and has back again Id., price of the hen \d. ; Richard Copple,
the younger, who holds a messuage and renders 4s. lid. yearly ; * he also
holds 2 bovates of land and renders 20s. yearly and a hen at Christmas, and
has 1^. back, price of the hen ^d., and two customary works in autumn in
reaping corn with one meal daily, price of each Id. ; Agnes le Smyth, who
holds a messuage and renders Is. yearly, and holds 3 bovates and renders
28s. 3d. yearly, and a hen, etc., and does three customary-works, etc., as
above. Total: 4/. 19s. 4 \d. Tenants at will. — Henry Game!, who holds
a messuage and renders Is. yearly, and two bovates of land and renders 10s.
yearly, and a hen, etc., and one customary- work, etc., as above; Simon,
rector of the church, holds 2 bovates and renders 13s. 4.d., and holds
2 bovates of land that John Dauson and William the forester (forestai-')
formerly held, who were wont to render 20s. yearly. Total: 46s. 5},d.
Cotters. — There are assigned to this part Alice Hare, who holds a messuage
and renders 3s. yearly, and does one custom-work as above, price Id., and
gives a hen, etc., as above; Adam Thelavre, who holds a messuage and
renders .'j.v. yearly, and does a customary-work as above, and gives a hen,
a- above; Richard Totard, who holds a messuage and renders l.v. yearly, and
docs a customary-work as above and gives a hen, as above ; Roger the car-
penter, who holds a messuage and renders 4s. yearly, and does a customary-
work as above, and gives a hen, as above; John Pag, who holds a messuage
and renders 4s. yearly, and does a customary-work as above, and gives
a hen. as above; William de Goldale. who holds a messuage and render- is.
yearly, and does a customary-work as above, and gives a hen, as above ;
Alice Moy,who holds a messuage and render- 2s. (h/., and does a customary -
work a- above, and gives a hen. as above; Joan Slegh, who holds a messuage
and renders 14r/., and din-.- a customary- work as above, ami gives a lien, as
above; John Wygan, who holds a messuage and renders l.v. yearly, and does
a customary-work and gives a hen, as above; a waste toft, which Henry
P< chard formerly held, worth 2s. yearly; Hugh Maid, [who] holds a messu
aid renders I v. yearly and due- a customary-work and gives a hen, ai above
Total : :;s,> id. There are assigned to Ibis purparty a quarter of a water-
mill and of a windmill [as at page '■'>*> above],
* Membrane 32 c >ui
1 323, Membrane 32 — cont.
Partition of the manor of Kirheby Underhnol.
The chief messuage. — There are assigned to this purparty a moiety of a
knights' chamber, with a moiety of the wardrobe, with the great gates of
the manor, the barn ami gardens on both sides of the way ; a quarter of
Le Ellergarth on the south of Le Bek. Demesne lands. — There are
assigned to this purparty 3 acres in Knaresberghflat in Staynfeld ; 3^ acres
in (Jpmanridding in Stainfeld; 2 acres and 3 roods in Chapelflat in West-
feld ; .'$ acres in Flatshough ; 1 acre and 1 rood in Crokidflat at the end of
Flatshough ; 5 acres in Marflat and Liveland, with half an acre of meadow
adjoining; 2 acres and 1 rood in Grengairflat ; 2 acres in Langeflat near
the highway; J acre 3 roods in Knollefiat. Total: 25 acre3. Meadow. —
There are assigned to this purparty 3 roods of meadow in Braighend ; a
quarter of a close called ' Elisheng.' Free [tenants']. — There are assigned
t<> this purparty 6d. of rent of assize from Robert le Serjaunt and Edmund
le Orfevre ; l^d. of rent of assize from Hugh de Myton ; J pound of cumin,
appraised at lhf., from Thomas de Manneby. Bondmen. — There are
a.-signed to this purparty John son of Juliana, who holds a messuage and
two borates and renders 10s. KM. ; a bovate that Gregory de Hoton for-
merly held, which used to render 4s. 2d. ; a bovate that John son of
Jul[iana] formerly held, which used to render As. 2d. yearly; a quarter of
a bovate, which Richard Lok formerly held, which is extended to I2\d.,
and contains 2 acres 1 rood equally divided through the middle of the field.
Cotters. — There are assigned to this purparty a toft that William Smyth
holds, rendering 2s. Gd. ; a toft that Adam Kaye holds, rendering 2s. 6d. ;
a toft that Alexander le Forester holds, rendering 2s. 6d. ; a waste toft that
Joan Lang formerly held, which used to render 2s. 6d. ; a waste toft that
Walter the Miller formerly held, which used to render 18c?. Total : 32s. b\d.
Mills. — There are assigned to this purparty a quarter of a watermill [etc.,
as at page 31 above']. Fishery. — There are assigned a quarter of a fish-
poud within the court [etc., as at page 31 above], and a quarter of a fishery
called 'Heremire' [etc., as at page 31 above]. Wood. — There are there
three woods [etc., as at page 31 above].
Nov. 4. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to pay to
Lice Thomas de Boulton, knight, the arrears of 20 marks, a robe and saddle
«*« ) yearly from the time when the manor of Hilderskelf and certain lands in
Galmethorpe came to the king's hands, and to continue paying the same
henceforth for so long as the lands are in the king's hands, as the king
learns by inquisition taken by the escheator concerning the lands of Ralph,
late baron of Craystok, tenant in chief, that Ralph held the aforesaid manor
in fee of John le Bygot and the said lands in Galmethorp of Ralph de
Nevill, and that the manor and lands are charged to the aforesaid Thomas
m 20 marks, two robes, one with fur lining {pelurd) and the other with
plain lining (linura), and a saddle suitable for a knight, yearly, to be
received during his life, and it appears by another inquisition taken by the
escheator that Thomas was seised of the above by virtue of a deed made to
him by Ralph, and that he continued his seisin thereof until Ralph's death.
Nov. 10. To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of forfeited lands and tenements in
-Nottmgham. Co. Wilts. Order to pay to John de Torney of Worston 60s. yearly for so
long as the undermentioned lands, etc., are in the king's hands, as the king
learns by inquisition taken by William de Harden and the keeper that
John demised to Thomas Maudut, knight, for John's life, a messuage,
31 acres of land, 3 acres of meadow, 3 acres of pasture, 17*. 10c?. of rent,
and a moiety of a mill in Crosly, rendering therefor 60s. yearly, and that
John was seised of that rent at Easter, in the 13th year of the reign, and at
Nov. 9.
Nov. 1.
Nov. 15.
\'->v. 15.
Nov. 13.
Membrane 32 — cont.
Easter, in the 1 ltli year, and that he did not remit the rent to Thomas, and
did not make any other estate thereof, and that the lands were taken into
the king's hands by reason of the rebellion of Thomas, and that they are
held of the prioress of Stodeleye, and are worth yearly in all issues MS*. 8<7.,
and it appears by the deed, exhibited before the king and his council, that
the demise was made to Thomas in form aforesaid, and that John has power
to enter the tenements in case the rent were unpaid. By C.
To John de Rythre, keeper of the castle and honour of Skypton-in-
Cravene. Order to deliver to Henry, the chaplain celebrating in the chapel
of that castle, a quarter of wheat every twelve weeks and 13*. 4d. for his
robe at Christmas yearly, out of the issues of the castle and manor, as the
king learns by inquisition taken by the keeper in the presence of William
de Ayremynue and William de Herlaston that Alice de Romelay, formerly
lady of that castle, ordained that the chaplain of the said chapel and his
successors should receive the wheat and money aforesaid in aid of his main-
tenance, and that the chaplains were seised thereof for the greater part in
the times when the castle was in the hands of the king's progenitors. By C.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to supersede
until further orders the king's late order to go in person to Christiana, late
the wife of Edmund de Wylyngton, otherwise called Christiana de Lumene,
and examine her, and to ascertain if she has been an idiot from her birth,
etc., which order was issued because the king was given to understand that
she had been an idiot from birth, so that the custody of her lands ought to
pertain to him, as a fine levied in the late king's court, in the 27th year of
bis reign, before John de Metyngham and his fellows, then justices of the
Bench, between Juliana, late the wife of Ralph de "Wylyngton, and the said
Edmund and Christiana, has been now exhibited in chancery, whereby it
appears to the king that Edmund and Christiana acknowledged the manor
of Knyghton, co. Dorset, and the manor of Riddelcombe, co. Devon, to be
the right of Juliana, so that Christiana after such an acknowledgment made
and accepted before the aforesaid justices cannot be henceforth reputed an
To John de Lancastre, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
co. Lancaster. Order to pay to Alina, the recluse of Wygan, the arrears of
29*. 6c?. of yearly rent from a moiety of 5 messuages, 36 acres of laud, and
8£ acres of meadow in Wygan and Shevynton from the time when they
were taken into the kiug's hands by the forfeiture of Robert de Holand, and
to pay the same rent to her duriDg the life of William de Cestrc, chaplain, as
the king learns by inquisition taken by the said John that Robert granted
the above rent without special deed to Alina during the life of the said
AVilliam, in consideration of William's grant to him of the moiety aforesaid
for William's life, and that Alina was seised of the aforesaid rent by the
hands of the said Robert until Easter, in the loth year of the king's reign,
when the tenements were taken into the king's hands by Robert's forfeiture.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the lands of Robert Relet, and to restore the issues
thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Robert
held nothing in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his
lands ought to pertain to the king.
To the keeper of the manor of Cristeshale, in the king's hands. Order to
pay to tli.' rector of the church oi < Iristeshale the arrears of the tithe of pay
of the demesne lands of that manor from the time when it was taken into
the king's hands, and to pay him the said tithe henceforth for so long as the
manor is in the keeper's custody, the rector having besOUghl the king t.>
1 323 '/( mbrane 32 — cont.
cause tho tithe to be paid to him, asserting that it has not. been paid to him
Bince the manor was taken into the king's hands, to wit for two whole
ars. By K.
I "acated, because otherwise below.
Nov. 15. To the treasurer, barons, and chamberlains of the exchequer. Order to
Nottingham, examine the estreats of the bailiwick of the Forest beyond Trent, and to
cause half a mark to be levied from the issues thereof and to be paid
to William de Cleydon, supplying the place of Ayrner de Valencia, earl of
Pembroke, keeper of the said forest, and to Hugh de Hampshvp for every
dav that they have been and shall be employed in measuring the assarts in the
forests beyond Trent, the king having lately appoined them by letters patent
to measure the assarts and to certify the treasurer, barons, and chamberlains
concerning the same, and having granted that they shall receive half a mark
daily lor the expenses of themselves and their household with eight horses
for every day whilst thus employed from the time of the commission and
henceforth for every day whilst thus employed about Easter next. By K.
Nov. Hi. To the keeper of the king's peel (peli) of Clipston. Order to deliver to Joan
Nottingham, de Hoys, Petronilla de la Dale, Robert de Couelond, and Joan de Oselaston,
poor tenants of Edward de Chaundos, four oxen, six cows, and three calves,
which were taken from them by certain men who were pursuing Thomas,
late earl of Lancaster, on his flight from the bridge of Burton, when the
-aid men took many beasts in co. Derby from those who were believed to be
the earl's adherents, and drove them to the said peel, and delivered them to
the keeper for custody. By K. and C.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with certain lands in Scartbowre and Salfletby, co.
Lincoln, and with 30s. of yearly rent in Boston, which Thomas, late earl of
Lancaster, and Alesia de Lacy, daughter and heiress of Henry de Lacy,
late earl of Lincoln, late the wife of the said Thomas, held jointly on the
day of Thomas's death, and with certaiu lands in Aumbersbury, co. Wilts,
and in Staynwath, co. Lincoln, and with the manor of Kyngeston, co.
Dorset, which Joan, late the wife of the said Henry, held in dower at her
death, which lands are in the king's hands by the forfeiture of the said earl.
The like to Robert de Stok, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co.
Buckingham, concerning the manor of Holemere, in that county, which
Thomas and Alesia held jointly.
The like to Alan de Cubbeldyk, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co.
Lincoln, concerning the aforesaid lands in Scarthoweand Salfletby, the said
rent, and the lands in Staynwath.
Membrane 31 — Schedule.
Nov. 16. To Robert de Stok, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. Buckingham.
Nottingham. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Holmere, which the
aforesaid Thomas and Alesia held jointly ; provided that, if he have demised
the manor at ferm by the king's order, the aforesaid Alesia or her attorney
shall satisfy the fermers for their expenses about the manor from the time
of the demise. By K. and C.
Nov. 10. To Thomas Wake. Order to pay to the prior and convent of Newstead
Nottingham. in Shirewode the arrears of 40s. and a quarter of wheat yearly from the
manor of Kyrkeby, which belonged to John de Stotevill, for the time that
Thomas has had the custody of the manor by the kings commission, and to
17 EDWARD II. 11
1323. Membrane 31 — Schedule— cont.
]>ay the same to them henceforth for so Long as he sliall have the custody,
u it was lately found by the inquisitions concerning John's lands thai tin-
manor is charged with the aforesaid 10v. yearly to buy wine for the cele-
bration of divine service, and with the said quarter of wheat for oblati
to be received from the bailiff of the manor, and that the prior and convent
were seised thereof until the time when the manor was taken into the king's
bands by reason of the minority of John's heir, the king having committed
the custody thereof to Thomas during the heir's minority for a yearli sum
to be rendered to the exchequer, by virtue of which commission Thomas is
bound to pay the said sum and quarter of wheat to the prior and convent,
in addition to the sum due to the king. By C.
Membrane 31.
Oct. 20. To the keeper of the forfeited lands in eo. Lancaster. Whereas it is
Holland. found by an inquisition taken by Gilbert de Singclton and John de
Laneastre that William de Etheleswyk enfeoffed Thomas de Singelton and
Joan his wife by an indented deed of 3 messuages, a mill, aud 2 bovates of
land in Etheleswyk, on condition that they should find him honourable
maintenance such as free men received iu their house during his life, to wit
a robe at Christmas yearly of the suit of their free servants, and that they
should pay him 4s. 6d. yearly ar Michaelmas for shoelcather, and that be
was seised of the above during the life of Thomas, and, after his death,
during the life of Joan, and that after their deaths and the deaths of Joan,
sister and heiress of Thomas, aud of William, her son and heir, the tene-
ments descended to Adam son of William Banastre, kinsman and heir of
Thomas, and that they came to the hands of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster,
by reason of Adam's minority, because the said Thomas de Singelton held
them of the earl by knight service, and that they afterwards came to the
kind's hands by the earl's forfeiture, and are still in his hands, and that
William was seised of the maintenance aforesaid from the time of the feoff-
ment without changing his estate until the tenements came to the king's
hands ; the king orders the keeper to inspect the aforesaid deed, and to pay
to William the arrears of the maintenance, robes, and -Is. (3d. yearly from
the time of the keeper's appointment, and to pay the same henceforth for so
long as the tenements remain in the king's hands. By p.s. [6713, 6711. J
Oct. 30. To Master Walter de Istlep, treasurer of Ireland. Order to pay to John
Liverpool, de Duncastre, merchant of Chester, the arrears of 10/. 10*. Od. due to him
for 30 crannocks of wheat taken and purveyed from him in Dublin by the
treasurer when making purveyance of victuals in Ireland for the Scotch
war, when the treasurer made letters patent under the seal of the exchequer
of Dublin, for payment of the above sum in fifteen days from Michaelmas,
in the 16th year of the king's reign, as the king learns that the treasurer
has paid John 4/. only.
Nov. 4. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, Order to permit Stephen
luce. de Abyndon, the king's butler, to receive all the issues of the custom of
wine- brought into England by foreign and alien merchants from Whitsun-
tide next for a year, the king having granted him the same on is April
last] in consideration of 1,400/., which be is to paj to the exchequer, and
not to distrain the collectors to render account for that lime at the
Soy. 10. To the same. Order to discharge the prior and convent of St. < >-wald'»
Nottingham. Nostel of 40 marks, which were allowed to them by the abbot and OOnvfenl
Not. 10.
Ndv. 11.
Nov. S.
Nov. 13.
Nov. 15.
Membrane 31 — cont.
of St. Mary's York, sub-collectors in the archdeaconries of York and Rich-
mond of the tenth of the clergy granted to the king by pope John XXIL,
in the eleventh year of his reign, in the paymentofthe tenth due from them,
by virtue of the letter of the bishop of' Winchester, principal collector of
the tenth, and by virtue of the king's order to the bishop, in accordance
with the king's grant that 50 marks received from them by William de
Melton, now archbishop of York, as a loan for certain affairs of the king,
and paid by him to John de Weston, then chamberlain of Scotland, should
be allowed to them in the next payments due from them for tenths or other
iul its, as the king now learns from their complaint that the sheriff of York
exacts the aforesaid 40 marks from them.
To Edmund de Assheby, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
co. Lincoln. Order not to intermeddle further with a rent of 20 marks in
^Yadington belonging to John de Barkeworth, unless the rent was assigned
to him by any of the king's enemies, and to restore to him any issues
received therefrom, as the keeper has returned to the king that he took
the rent into the king's hands because it was said that John was an
adherent of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, and of other rebels, but that he
afterwards learned that the said John was with John de (sic) Darcy, late
sheriff of Nottingham and Derby, in the company of Aymer de Valencia,
earl of Pembroke, when the aforesaid enemies rebelled.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made
that a market shall be held at Pikeryng on Monday in every week, in
addition to the market held there on the Saturday. By K»
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause the rolls of the Bench to be placed
in barrels, and to cause them to be carried through his bailiwick by the
advice of William de Bereford, chief justice of the Bench, or of another to
be deputed by the said justice for this purpose by his letters patent, and to
make an inventory with the justice or his deputy of the costs expended in
this behalf, as the king wills that the Bench shall be transferred from York
to Westminster. By K.
To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to meet the said William or his
deputy when he comes into the sheriff's bailiwick with the rolls aforesaid
at a day to be appointed by William or his deputy, and to cause him to have
sufficient carriage for the rolls aforesaid through the sheriff's bailiwick.
The like to the sheriffs of the following counties :
Lincoln. Rutland.
Middlesex. Cambridge and Huntingdon.
Northampton. Essex and Hertford.
To William de Bereford, chief justice of the Bench. Order to ordain for
the placing of the rolls in the barrels aforesaid, and for the carriage of the
same to Westminster, in person or by another to be deputed in his place,
and to certify the sheriffs aforesaid of his daily journeys (dietis) and of the
places through which he intends passing, so that the sheriff's may meet him
or his deputy according to the above order. By K.
To the justices of the Bench. Order to adjourn from term to term until
further orders all pleas before them against the prior of the Hospital of
St. John of Jerusalem in England concerning the lands, churches, or posses-
sions that belonged to the master and brethren of the military order of the
Temple in England. By K. and C.
To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to provide the expenses
incurred and to be incurred about the inquisitions and extents of the lands
17 EDWARD II. 43
1323. Membrane 31 — eont.
forfeited to the king, and in connexion with the keepers and receivers of
tlu- issues thereof, and about auditing their accounts and levying the debts,
and other things thence arising in the exchequer.
To John de Kilvyngton, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. York.
Order oof to distrain the tenants of the manors of Esingwold and Iloby for
their ferins for last year, and to acquit them of their ferms for the present
year, as the king has pardoned them their ferms for two years from Michael-
mas, in the 10th year of his reign, because their lands, goods and chattels
have been destroyed by the Scotch rebels. By K.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to supersede their
demand made upon Alexander le Peyutour hy the sheriff of Middlesex for
15/. 12*. Sd., which he received from the wardrobe, and for 11. 0s. Sd., which
he received from the treasurer and chamberlains of the exchequer, as it appears
to the king that he expended the said sums about the expenses of himself
and others sent with him to Normandy to buy plaster (blastro), canvas,
and other things, and for divers tackle for the king's barges. By K.
Nov. 16. To Ralph de Camoys, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to cause the
Nottingham, houses, tower, walls, and bridges of the castle, with the wall of the garden
without the castle, and the houses and walls of the manor of Kenyngton,
with the paling and wall of the park, to be repaired.
To the same. Order to pay to Edmund de Algate, keeper of both gates,
4d. a day ; to Alexander le Peyntour, one of the viewers of the king's
works, 2d. a day ; to Thomas le Rotour, the other viewer of the works, 2d.
a day j to Adam the gardener of the garden without the castle, 2\d. a day;
to tlie four watchmen of the castle, 2d. a day ; to Robert de Wodehain,
captain forester of Wyndesore forest, \2d. a day ; to Ralph de la More,
clerk of the works in the castle, 2d. a day ; to Thomas le Parker, keeper
of Kenyngton park, \\d. a day : being their wages and stipends from
Michaelmas last until next Michaelmas.
Nov. 23. To the treasurer, barons, and chamberlains of the exchequer of Dublin.
Nottingham. Order to pay to John Darcy, whom the king has appointed justiciary of
Ireland, the usual fee for that office a quarter in advance, as the king wishes
to shew him favour so that he may be able to provide himself with victuals
and other things.
Membrane 30.
Nov. 17. To Almaric la Zousche, constable of Rokynghara castle. Order to
Nottingham, expend up to 100s. in repairing the houses within the castle. By K.
Nov. 17. To Humphrey de Walcden and Robert de Grondon. Order to deliver to
Nottingham, the executors of John de Grey, tenant in chief, all his goods and chattels
for the execution of his will, notwithstanding their appointment by the king
to take into his hands all the castles, lands, goods and chattels of the said
John in Wales and in the marches of Wales. By K.
The like to the following :
Simon de Balderston, appointed by letters of the secret seal for the
above purpose in England.
Robert de Grendon and Robert Power, chamberlain of North Wales,
appointed by letters under the secret seal for the above purpose in
North Wales.
Richard de IMunipton, appointed by letters under the secret seal for the
above purpose in co. Chester.
Master John Walcwayu, cscheator beyond Trent, appointed by letters
under the privy BetU for the above purpose.
N>>\. I 7.
Nov. IS.
Nov. 18.
Membrane 30 — cont.
i Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of Wales, or to him who supplies
his place. Order not to intermeddle in any way with the offices of the
escheators whom the king has appointed in England and Wales concerning
the lands of -John de Grey, deceased, in Wales or the marches.
To Eleanor, late the wife of John Bluet. Order to deliver to William de
Ousancia, king's clerk, the bodies of Margaret and Eleanor, daughters and
heiresses of John Bluet, as Thomas, earl of Norfolk, and Aymer de Valencia,
earl of Pembroke, have sold the marriage of the heiresses to the said
William, the said earls having lately impleaded her before the justices of
the Bench for the custody of the heiresses, which each of the said earls
claimed because John held land of both of them by knight service, when
Eleanor came into court and asserted that she claimed nothing in the
marriages of the heiresses, her daughters, and prayed that she might have
the custody of their bodies, by reason of their tender age, until it should he
determined which of the earls was entitled to their marriages.
To John de Ellerker, the elder, keeper of the hanaper of chancery.
Order to cause all charters of acquittance in his custody made by virtue of
the parliament at Westminster in three weeks from Midsummer, in the
1.5th year of the king's reign, to be broken and annulled, as the statute, ordi-
nance, provision, and acquittance made in the aforesaid parliament at the
prosecution of Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex, and other
magnates of the realm, wherein the suit of others was remitted incon-
siderately by the king and other errors intervened, have been revoked and
annulled by the king in the parliament at York in three weeks from Mid-
summer, in the same year, by the common counsel of the prelates, earls,
barons, and other pi'oceres of the realm. By K.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
Thomas, son and heir of Thomas, son of Eustace de Wylsthorp, tenant in
chief, to have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the
escheator, and the king has taken his homage. By p.s. [6739.]
Nov. 10. To the justice of Chester of Edward, earl of Chester, or to him who
supplies his place. R. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, has shewn the king-
that whereas lately, whilst a plea in the earl's court of Chester was pending
between the earl and John de Sutton that John should permit the earl to
present a suitable person to a moiety of the church of Malpas, in that
county, the six months' (semestre) time [for presentation] had lapsed, and
Walter, the bishop's predecessor, conferred the moiety, which pertained to
him by lapse by common right, upon a clerk of his, and the earl afterwards
recovered his presentation to the said moiety against the aforesaid John, by
reason of a seisin that the earl took after the death of Richard de Sutton,
father of the aforesaid John, of the said Richard's lands in that county, and
ordered Walter, then bishop, to admit a person to the moiety at the earl's
presentation, notwithstanding the claim of the said John, and because
Walter did not admit the earl's clerk to the moiety aforesaid, the earl,
claiming the prerogative that no time ought to run against him in his
presentations to churches in that county, impleaded the said bishop Walter
in his court of Chester by his writ of quare non admisit, and Walter died
whilst the plea was pending, and the earl impleaded Roger, the present
bishop, before the justice of Chester in like manner, and although the
bishop asserted that he had done no wrong in this behalf, the justice has
compelled him to answer further to the prerogative aforesaid ; wherefore
the bishop has besought the king to provide a remedy as well for the king
as for himself, especially as such prerogative, it is said, ought to pertain to
the king and to no one else in the realm ; the king, therefore, orders the
Nov. 16.
I. -j
1323. Membrane 30 — cont.
justice to conduct himself circumspectly in the matter, bo thai prejudice or
wrong may not be done to the king, or wrong to the bishop in this matter.
By pet of ('.
To the same. The aforesaid bishop has shewn the king thai whereas he
lately caused his archdeacon of Chester and certain of bis ministers to be
cited before him to answer for certain tilings, the cognisance whereof
pertains to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction, the justice, asserting that the
aforesaid earl had the liberty in that county that none of his subjects might
to be impleaded out of the county, caused the earl's writ of prohibition to be
made and directed to the bishop forbidding him to cite the aforesaid arch-
deacons, his official, or other ministers to appear before him, by reason of
which prohibition the bishop is hindered from doing what pertains to his
office; the king, as he does not himself intermeddle with matters touching
the spiritual jurisdiction of the ordinaries in this realm, and does not forbid
them by Ins prohibitions, orders the justice not to intermeddle in any way
by prohibitions in matters concerning the spiritual jurisdiction of the
bishop, and to cause any prohibitions made to the contrary to be revoked
without delay. By pet. of C.
Nov. 17. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Richard
Nottingham, de Ayremynn, king's clerk, parson of Elvele church, diocese of York, of
K)»., which they exact from him for the arrears of a tenth of that church,
as the king has pardoned him this sum. By K.
To the sheriff' of York. Order to supersede the exaction of the above
sum. By K.
Xov. 18. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to pay to Rober-t de Wardyngtou,
Nottingham, carter, who is staving by the king's orders at Somerton castle with a cart
and six horses of the king's to carry Stone and limber to the castle, his wages
by indenture for so long he shall stay there, to wit 4.W. a day for himself
and groom, and to deliver to him hay, oats, and other necessaries for the
horses. By K.
To Anthony de Lucy. Order to send to the exchequer for delivery to the
treasury all rolls, inquisitions, and indictments of the time of Robert de
Clifford, late keeper of the Forest this side Trent, and of the time of Andrew
de Harcla, afterwards supplying the place of John de Crumbewell, then
keeper of the said Forest.
To the keepers of the lands of John de Grey in Wales and the marches,
Order to permit Alexander de Saunderton, William de Munden, and Robert
de Blechele, or one of them, to till and sow the arable lands peutaining to
the aforesaid lands at their own charge in the king's name, by ihe view of
the keepers or of one to be deputed by them for this purpose. By K
The like to the keepers of the said John's lands in England.
Nov. 1G. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause two verderers for the forest of
Nottingham. Pikering to he elected in place of Alexander de Bergh and John Moiyn.
who are 90 occupied about the affairs of others that they cannot attend to
the duties of the office
To tie- Bame. Like order for the election of a verdcrer in place of
William Thuruef, who is incapacitated by age.
Nov. 20. I'd the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to cause a verderer l'<>r the
Nottingham, forest of [nglewode to be elected in place of Robert d>- Wintering, who is
incapacitated by age.
NoV. 2o. To Kerrey ■!■• Staunton and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the
ogham, kieg. Order to admit a person to lie appointed by Thomas, earl of Norfolk,
marslia] of England, t" i the office of the marehalsea before them in
N'ov. 20.
Nov. 20.
Nor. 20.
Nov. 20.
Nov. 17.
Nov. 20.
Nov. 30.
Dec. 6.
Membrane 30 — cont.
the earl's place, as (he king has restored that office, which was lately taken
into the king's hands by the earl's default, to the earl for a fine made by him,
which fine the king has remitted to him. By K.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with a rent of 29/. 2*. 9d. in Brydlyngton of the prior of
Brydlyngton, and to restore the issues received therefrom to the prior, the
escheator having returned to the king that he took the rent into the king's
hands because Thomas de Outhenby, to whom the prior was bound at one
time in 20/. 2s. 9d. of yearly rent for certain tenements in Bridlyngton,
released the said rent to the prior, contrary to the statute of mortmain.
To William de Aune, constable of Tykehull castle. Order to deliver
John de Actcn, who is imprisoned in the constable's custody for adhering to
certain rebels, to Ingelram Berenger and Matthew de Clyvedon, knights,
and William de Monte Acuto, who have mainperned to have him before the
king at Christmas next to make ransom and security for his good behaviour.
To William de Herle and Geoffrey le Scrop. Whereas the king lately
appointed them justices to hear and determine certain trespasses and con-
tempts in the forfeited castles, honours, towns, and manors in co. York com-
mitted upon the king by certain persons, and he afterwards sent to Master
Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, his chancellor, certain inqui-
sitions taken by his order before Master Robert de Ayleston, keeper of his
privy seal, and Robert de Holden containing certain contempts and tres-
passes committed against the king at Skipton-in-Cravene, and he ordered
the chancellor by writ of privy seal to hear and determine the said trespasses
and contempts, and he afterwards appointed the said chancellor and William
de Ayremynne and William de Herlaston, or two of them, justices to hear
and determine the said trespasses and contempts committed at Skipton-in-
Cravene, and they began to hear and determine the same ; as, however, they
are attending to the king's affairs elsewhere, so that they cannot proceed
further in the matter, the king sends the tenor of the inquisitions aforesaid
and the record and process in this behalf before the chancellor by himself
and before him and the said William and William to the aforesaid William
de Herle and Geoffrey le Scrop sub pede sigilli, and he orders them to
proceed further in the matter according to their aforesaid commission. „.
To the sheriff of Bedford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of William Bonum of Bedeford, whom the king has
amoved from office, as he is incapacitated by age and infirmity.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Thomas
Gubyoun, sheriff of Essex, what he has paid in execution of the king's
order of 16 February, in the 16th year of his reign, to pay 2s. daily to
Margaret, late the wife of Bartholomew de Badelesmere, staying at the
house of the Minorite Sisters without Algate, London, for her maintenance.
To the sheriff of Hertford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of John Legat, who is insufficiently qualified.
Nov. 15.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to place a
porter or keeper at the gate of the priory of Eye during the present void-
ance, and not to intermeddle further with the other things pertaining to the
Nov. 24.
N'ov. 22.
M> mbrane *Ji) — eont.
priory, a<, ii pi .ii its being lately found by an inquisition taken by John de
Thorp and William de .Morewode, clerk, that Robert Malet founded the
priory of certain lands and possessions to be owned in I'rankalmoin by the
prior and convent, and that the priory is subjected the abbey of Bernay in
Normandy as a cell of that abbey, so that neither a prior nor a monk can be
promoted without the will and consent of the abbot, and that this has been
so since the foundation, ami that the said Robert Malet or his heirs received
nothing of the goods or tilings pertaining to the priory in time of voidance,
but that they placed a porter or keeper at the gate of the abbey iu sign of
lordship, who had suitable maintenance out of the goods of the priory, and
who used to receive upon the instalment of a new prior 5s. only or an ox,
and that Henry III., to whose hands the advowson of the priory came as
escheat by the forfeiture of the Normans in England, and Edmund, earl of
Cornwall, who had the advowson of his gift, received nothing in the priory
at any voidance, except a simple seisin by reason of lordship, appointing a
porter as aforesaid, the king ordered John Abel, then escheator beyond
Trent, to whose office it pertained to intermedddle with such custodies, to
put a porter or keeper at the gate in the king's name in form aforesaid, and
the priory is now void by the cession of brother Durand, the last prior, and
brother Robert Morpayn, monk of the abbey of Bernay, has been made
prior of the said priory by the abbot of Bernay, and the king has been
desired by the said Robert and the monks of the priory to place such porter
or keeper at the gate of the priory, and to cause any other
grievances to be amoved thence.
To Walter Faucon, keeper of the honour of Eye. Order not to inter-
meddle in any way with the custody of the said priory, and to restore to the
monks any issues received therefrom, and to remove the porter, if he have
placed one there, as the king, after the aforesaid inquisition was taken,
ordered Roger de Morewode, then keeper of the honour, to do the like.
To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order not to deliver any money to
Robert de Wodehous, keeper of the wardrobe, by reason of the king's late
order to deliver to him 20,000/. for the expenses of the king's household.
To the sheriff of Essex and Hertford. Order to supersede the proceed-
ing to outlawry against John son of Nicholas de Stebbyng in the county
[court] of Hertford on Thursday next, by reason of the prosecution against
him by Master Jordan Moraunt, deceased, in the king's name and in
Jordan's name, for a trespass committed upon the king and Jordan at
Sabrichesworth, by reason whereof John was put in exigent to be outlawed
in the said county on Wednesday after 15 June, in the 14th year of the
king's reign, the king having, on the said 15 June, ordered the sheriff to
supersede the proceeding to outlawry at the king's suit because the king
was given to understand that Jordan had remitted his suit to the said John;
as the king understands that John is now newly put in exigent to be out-
lawed at his suit on Thursday aforesaid.
To Hervey de Staunton and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the
king. Order to cause the proceeding to outlawry in the above case to be
To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to pay the costs of erecting
wooden peels about the walls of the castle and city of Carlisle by the view
and testimony of the mayor and two citizens and by indenture to be made
between him and Anthony de Lucy, constable of the castle, as the king,
understanding that the walls of the castle and city are in many places BO
out of repair and fallen down that it ifl Q6CeS0Bry to make a wooden peel
about the places until the time when the defects can be repaired with a
wall of Itone and lime, has ordered the constable to cause wooden pi i !- tO
Dec C
x..v. :*o.
Dec 14.
Dec. 4.
Nov. 20.
Dec. 18.
Membrane 29 — cont.
be erected by the view of the sheriff or a deputy and the mayor and two
citizens. The king lias ordered Henry le Scrop, justice of the Forest this
Bide Trent, or him who supplies Ins place in the forest of Ingelwode, to
cause as manv oaks and leaHcss trees as shall be necessary for making the
said peels to be delivered from that forest, for which the sheriff is to provide
carriage. By K.
To the sheriff of Essex. Order to pay to Margaret, late the wife of
Bartholomew de Badelesmere, staying at the house of the Minorites with-
out Algate, London, the arrears of the 2s. daily that the king lately
ordered to be paid by the sheriff for her maintenance, and to pay her
2*. every day until otherwise ordered.
By C. because it was sealed at another time by K.
To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to cause the destrier-horse (equ\_u~\m
dextrarium) that belonged to Robert de Feides, which was lately arrested
by the king's orders and is in the sheriff's custody, to be kept safely, and
to find it in hay, oats, and other necessaries until otherwise ordered.
To Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Lincoln, Rutland, and Northampton.
Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Totel, and to restore
the issues thereof, the king having lately ordered Master John Walewayn,
then escheator in those counties, to deliver the manor, which he had taken
into the king's hands by reason of the death of Guy Ferre, to Ralph de
Gorges and Eleanor his wife to hold until the quinzaine of Michaelmas last,
because it was found by inquisition taken by the said Master John that Guy
held the manor at his death to him and the heirs of his body by fine levied
in the king's court between John de Claroun, demandant, and Guy,
deforciant, Avith remainder to the said Ralph and Eleanor in case he died
without such heir, with remainder, in case Ralph and Eleanor died without
an heir of their bodies, to the'right heirs of Eleanor, and that Guy died with-
out an heir of his body, and that the manor is held of the king in chief by
knight service, as it now appears to the king by a transcript of the foot of
the fine that he has caused to come into chancery from the treasury under
the exchequer seal that the fine was levied by his order.
The like to Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent.
To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to pay to William de Embleby,
carpenter, and William de Bramcote, mason (cemcntario), 300 marks by
instalments, upon their finding security to complete well and truly all the
houses, three chimneys (caminos), sewers (cloacas), doors, windows, iron-
work (ferr amenta), and other things within the tower of Notingham castle
ordained in the presence of the bishop of Exeter, the treasurer, and of the
sheriff, with carriage and other things pertaining to the work, excepting
only the covering with lead and the glass for the windows, making an
indenture of agreement with the said William and William, one part whereof
is to be sent to the exchequer, of which indenture the sheriff is to retain a
To William de Dogmanfeld, steward of Shirewod forest. Order to
deliver to the said William and William timber for the aforesaid works,
together with sufficient branches for the necessary scaffold (scaffeto) and
bridge for the same work.
The like to John de Erleshwe (sic), keeper of the wood of Beskwode.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
Alesia, late the wife of Ralph, baron of Craystok, the following of his
knights' fees and cornages, Avhich the king has assigned to her in dower : a
1323. Mewtbrane 29— eont.
quarter and an eighteenth of a fee in Spaldyngton, co. York, which Peter
del Have holds, of the yearly value of 11/. ; an eleventh of a fee in Thirnum,
in the same county, which John de Hasthorp holds, of the yearly value of
4/. ; a fifth of a fee in Thirnum, Cranncemore, and Harpham, in thai
county, which the heirs of Edmund de Colevill hold, of the yearly vahn
16/.; a ninth of a fee in Dringhon and Olram, in that county, which John
de Paghill and William de Stutevill hold, of the yearly value of 20 marks;
a quarter of a fee in Erghes, in the same county, which William de Percy
and Adam de Somervill hold, of the yearly value of 8/. ; a quarter of a fee
in Ellerton and Beleby, in the aforesaid county, which Thomas de Pikeryng
and Peter Bekard hold, of the yearly value of 10/ ; an eighth of a fee in
Hilderskelf, in the same county, which William Bret holds, of the yearly
value of 35s. ; an eighth of a fee in Ampleford, in the same county, which
Adam de London holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a quarter of a fee in
Swynton, in the same county, which William Bret holds, of the yearly
value of 60s. ; and the rents of the following coinages : 2s. 9>\d. of such
rent that Walter de Cirezy renders yearly for certain lands in Neubigging',
co. Cumberland, of the yearly value of 10 marks ; 2s. of such rent that
Thomas de Laton renders yearly for certain lands in Aldeby, in the afore-
said countv, of the yearly value of 20s. ; 9d. of such rent that Thomas de
Dolfanby renders yearly for certain lands in Craystok, in the aforesaid
county, of the yearly value of 13s. 4rf. ; Qd. of such rent that Alan de
Kyntborp renders yearly for certain lands in the same county, of the yearly
value of 13s. Ad. ; 6d. of such rent that William Holleye renders yearly for
certain lands in Motherby, in the same county, of the yearly value of
13s. 4d. ; Ss. Gd. of such rent that Henry de Threlkeld renders yearly for
certain lands in Yanewith, co. Westmoreland, of the yearly value of
10 marks.
To the same. Like order to deliver to the said Alesia the following of
her late husband's advowsons : the advowson of the church of Horseley,
co. Northumberland, of the yearly value of 20/. ; the advowson of the
church of Thorpbasset, co. York, of the yearly value of 10/.
To Walter de Bello Campo, marshal of the household. Order to release
Thomas Perle, who is detained in prison in the marshal's custody upon a
charge of adhering to the late rebels, as William de Arcalwe, knight, of
co. Salop, Simon de Baddeshore, of the same county, John le Walissh, of
the same county, and Robert de Aketon, of the same countv, have main-
perned before the king to have the said Thomas at the next parliament, to
be holden at Westminster in three weeks from the Purification next, to
answer to the king. By K.
[Pari. Writs.]
Membrane 28.
Nov. 26. To the sheriff of Berks. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
Ravensdale. elected in place of Nicholas atte Barre of Walyngford, deceased.
Nov. 25. To Master John Waleweyne, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
Ravensdale. intermeddle further with the manor of Driby, and to restore the issues
tin n of, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator thai Simon
de Driby, deceased, and Margery his wife held the manor jointly at Simon's
death of their purchase, and thai Margery continued her sei-in of the same
jointly with him until his death, and thai the manor is held of Henry de
Bello Monte by knight service.
!>" 8. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of
:••• Bocland, and to restore the tones thereof, as the kiny learns by inquisition
81294. r>
Dec. 26.
Dec. 30.
Dec. 16.
Dec. 16.
Dec. 27.
Dec. 27.
Dec. 28.
Membrane 2S — cont.
taken by the escheator that John de Lenham and Matilda his wife were
jointly enfeoffed thereof, to them and the heirs of John, by fine levied
between them and Michael le Rous in the king's court, and that the manor
is held of the king in chief by knight service, and that the fine was levied
by the king's licence, as the king has ascertained by inspection of his letters
patent granting the licence and of a transcript at the foot of the fine.
To Simon de Baldereston, keeper of the lauds of John de Grey in co.
Bedford, in the king's hands. Order not to intermeddle further with the
manor of Ron hale, in that county, and to restore any issues received thence
to John Amory of Carleton, as the king learns by iuquisition taken by John
de Morteyn and Philip de Aylesbury that the abbot and convent of Wardon,
on Friday after St. Hilary, in the 13th year of the reign, demised the
manor to John de Grey for eleven years, with a provision that if he died
within that time the manor should remain to the aforesaid John Amory for
the remainder of the term, and that the aforesaid Simon seized it into the
king's hands with other lands of the said John de Grey upon. his death,
and that the abbot and convent never made any other estate of the manor
to John de Grey, and that the manor is held of John de Botetourte and
Matilda, his wife, John Pycot, and John de Pateshull, and it appears by the
other part of the indenture of demise sealed by John de Grey, remaining in
the possession of the abbot and convent, which the king has inspected, that
the demise was made in form aforesaid.
To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of
Melbruk, and with the lands, rents, and services of freemen and villeins
of the aforesaid abbot and convent in Melbruk, Amethull, Stepingle,
Prestelegh, and Feltewyk, and to restore the issues thereof to the abbot and
convent, as it appears by inquisition taken as above that the abbot and
convent, on Tuesday the feast of St. Hilary, in the 14th year of the king's
reign, demised the said manor and lands, etc., to the aforesaid John de Grey
for ten years, with provision that they should revert to the abbot and con-
vent if he died within that term, and that the aforesaid keeper took them into
the king's hands with other lands of the said John upon his death, and that
the abbot and convent never made any other estate thereof to John, and
that the manor and lands are held of John de Sancto Amando, and the king
has inspected the other part of the indenture, etc., as above.
To Hervey de Staunton and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the
king. Order not to molest Ralph le Botiller, late keeper of the manors of
Lodelawe, Clebury, Staunton, and Cresseche, which belonged to Roger de
Mortuo Mari of Wygemore, a rebel, by reason of the forfeited issues wherein
he was condemned (positus) because he did not appear before the king to
answer for certain trespasses whereof he was indicted, and to cause the
said issues to be taken out of the rolls, as Ralph was in person before the
treasurer and barons of the exchequer at Westminster from the morrow of
Martinmas last until Sunday before St. Thomas the Apostle following by
summons of the exchequer, for the purpose of rendering account of the
issues of the aforesaid manors, so that he could not appear before the king
during that time. By K.
To the king's bailiffs and the bailiffs of Thomas Wake at Ware. Order
to cause all the goods of Master Pancius de Controno to be restored to him
or to his attorney without delay, which goods were taken and carried away
by William Aschild of Wydeford, and which [were arrested] by the bailiffs
in the said town on suspicion, as appears by their certificate to the king.
To Richard de Emeldon, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. North-
umberland. Order to restore to John de Layburn, knight, of co. Salop, an
Dec. 28.
KenU worth.
Dec. 27.
Dec. 23.
Dec. 31.
Ki nihvorth.
Jan. 1.
Membrane 28 — coat.
adherent of John de Moubray and other rebels, his lands in Richard's
custody, as he has made ransom with the king for his life and lands.
By K.
The like to Roger Caries, keeper of forfeited lands in co. Salop. By K.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Robert
de Ardent of the lands, goods, and chattels of Richard Danunory in cos.
Oxford, Buckingham, and Somerset, the custody whereof the king com-
mitted to him on 2(5 February, in the loth year of his reign, and of the
issues of the same, a< the lung, on 16 March following, ordered
Robert to release Richard from custody, and to restore to him his lands,
goods, and chattels, and the issues thereof, upon Richard tiuding mainper-
nors for his good behaviour, and to answer to the king.
To Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of Wales. Order to release Cadugan
ap Bowel and David Vaghan, Welsh prisoners, as Robert de Watevillj
Richard Talbot ' le uncle,' Rhys (Resus) ap Griffuth, Thomas de Wynnes-
bury, Ralph de Seint Owen, Philip de Clannowe, and Philip de Grete have
mainperned to have them before the king in his next parliament, to be
holden at Westminster in three weeks from the Purification next, to answer
to him.
Afterwards, at the said parliament, Richard Talebot, knight, of co. Here-
ford, William de la Mote, knight, of co. Norfolk, Walter de Coumbe of co.
Wilts, dames de Ho of co. Suffolk, Thomas de Haukeston of co. Stafford,
and Robert de Hale of co. Northampton, mainperned to have the said
Cadugan and David before the king at his will. By K.
To John de Cherleton. Order to release John de (sic) Waleys and
William de la Hill, imprisoned in his custody, upon their finding mainper-
nors to have them before the king at the next parliament to answer to him.
To Thomas de Eyvill, keeper of certain rebels' lands in co. York. Order
to restore to Robert de Wbmbewell his goods and chattels, upon his finding
security to answer to the king for the same if they be found to pertain to
the king, the keeper having returned to the king that he took the said
goods and chattels into the king's hands because he understood that Robert
was an adherent of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, which return the king
considered insufficient as it did not mention the manner of his adherence,
whereupon he ordered the keeper to' certify him of the manner and time
of such adherence, and it appears by the inquisition taken by the escheator
in execution of that order that Robert was not an adherent in any wise of
the said carl or of any other rebel, and did not bear arms against the king.
To the bailiffs and men of Orford, co. Suffolk. Order not to make suit
to the windmill newly erected in that town by William de Cleydon, and not
to permit any others to make suit to it to the king's prejudice, until further
orders, as the kinj; learns that William has caused a windmill to be made
newly in that town, and has drawn to it a great part 01 the suit that the
king used to have to his mills in that town, whereby the profits of the king's
mills are greatly diminished. By K.
To William de Cleydon. Order to cause the aforesaid windmill to be
removed, or to be at the parliament al Westminster in three weeks from the
Purification next to certify the king if there be any- reason why he should
not remove the said mill. By K.
To Richard Le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford,
Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to intermeddle further with
the manors of Lavenden, W. ston, and C'lii!t<.n, and with the adrowson of
i. 2
Jan. 6.
Jan. 5.
Jan. 10.
Membrane 28 — cont.
the church of Wblston, co. Buckingham, and to restore the issues thereof,
BS the king learns by inquisition taken by Master John Walewayn, late
escheater this side Trent, that Paulinus Peyvre and Elizabeth his wife held
the Raid manors and advowsons jointly when Paulinus died by virtue of a
tine levied in the king's court, and that the manor of Chilton is held of the
king as of the honour of Gloucester as of the purparty that belonged to
Hugh de Audele, in the king's hands, by the service of a moiety of a
knight's fee, and the other manors and the advowson are held of others than
the king, and it appears by the other part of the fine exhibited before the
king in chancery that Hugh Besyn granted to Paulinus and Elizabeth the
.-aid manors and advowsons, and rendered them to them in court, to them
and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder in default of such heirs to
the right heirs of Paulinus.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to assist Richard de Ayremynne and
William de Pyllaunde, king's clerks, keepers of the bishopric of Winchester,
and those whom they may depute in levying the ferms and rents in the city
of London due to the king from the tenements of the bishopric from the
time when the temporalities of the bishopric came to the king's hands.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to the
executors of John, bishop of Winchester, principal collector of the tenth for
one year imposed upon the clergy by pope John and granted to the king,
for 100/. paid to Thomas, earl of Norfolk, marshal of England, and for 10/.
paid to Robert de Barton, then receiver of the king's victuals in the parts of
Carlisle, in the bishop's account of the tenth aforesaid, the king having
ordered the bishop to pay 200/. to the earl out of the tenth, in part payment
of 500/., which the king promised to give the earl for the stay of Edward de
Balliolo in his company by the king's order, and having ordered the bishop
by another writ to pay 100/. out of the second term of payment of the tenth
to the said Robert for the maintenance of the men-at-arms staying in gar-
rison of the city and castle of Carlisle, in execution of which orders the
prior and convent of Durham, sub-collectors of the tenth in the diocese of
Durham, paid 100/. to the earl, and the prior and convent of Carlisle, sub-
collectors in the diocese of Carlisle, paid 10/. of the said 100/. to the afore-
said Robert, by the bishop's order, as his executors assert.
To the sheriff of Hertford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of William de (sic) Northern of Berghhamstede, deceased.
Jan. 5.
Jan. 6.
Jan. 4.
Membrane 27.
To the keeper of the manor of Cristeshale. Order to pay to the rector
of the church of Cristeshale the arrears of the tithe of hay of the demesne
lauds of the manor since it was taken into the king's hands, and to pay him
the tithe hereafter, the rector having prayed the king to cause him to be
satisfied for the said arrears, to wit for two years. By K.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause the sluices of the mills of York castle,
which the king understands are partly broken, to be repaired by the view
and testimony of the mayor of York and of another man of that city. By K.
To Hervey de Staunton and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the
king. Order to continue until the quinzaine of Easter next all matters
moved against the bishop of London, the dean and chapter, officials, and
other ministers of St. Paul's, London, in the last eyre at the Tower, which
the king caused to come before him, and which he ordered to be continued
until the present octaves of St. Hilary. By pet. of C.
132 1 . '/' "<!"'"i>( 27 — tout.
Jan. 9. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the
Worcester, recognisances made in chancery to certain of the king's rebels and their
adherents, the tenors whereof the king sends them sub ptde siijilli, to bo
levied for the king's use, except 20,000/. therein contained that Peter de
Malo Lacu, the elder, acknowledged to Bartholomew de Badeleemere, a
rebel, coDcerning which the king has caused a process to be begun in
; Jan. 6. To Roger de Waltham, king's clerk. Order to receive the account of
Hanley. John de Ellerker, late keeper of the hanaper of chancery, for the loth,
lGth, aud 17th years of the king's reign and beyond that time until
1 January last in one account and not separately, the king having ordered
the said John to render his account before Roger for all the said time.
The king orders Roger to keep the account, when he has received it,
amongst his other memoranda, aud to answer to the king therefor, together
with the account of the aforesaid John, for Roger's time in his own account
at the exchequer. By p.s.
Jan. 11. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas by the tenor
Worcester, of the foot of a fine levied before the justices of the Bench between Henry
de Boclond and Alice his wife, demandants, and Master Simon de Gledeseye,
deforciant, concerning the manor of Boclond, co. Hertford, the tenor
whereof the king lately caused to come before him in chancery, it was
found that Simon granted and rendered the manor to Henry and Alice in
court for their lives, with remainder to Reginald, Henry's son, and the
heirs of his body, with remainder, in default of such heir, to Richard,
brother of Reginald, and to the heirs of his body, with remainder, in
default of such heir, to Eleanor, sister of Richard, and to the heirs of her
body, with remainder over to the right heirs of Henry, and it was found
by an inquisition taken by Walram de Rocheford and Geoffrey de la Lee, at
the suit of the aforesaid Richard, that Henry and Alice were seised of the
said manor jointly for six years and more, and that Reginald died without
an heir of his body during the life of Henry and Alice, and that, after his
death, Alice, who thus held the manor for life, granted the manor to
Bartholomew de Badelesmere for the term of her life, subject to a yearly
rent of 20/., and that the mauor was taken into the king's hands during her
life with the other lands of Bartholomew by his forfeiture, and that Alice
has now died, for which reason the manor ought to remain to Richard,
brother of the said Reginald, according to the form of the line; whereupon
the king ordered William de Poleye, then keeper of the manor and of other
forfeited lands in co. Hertford, to deliver the manor to Richard ; and tlie
king now understands that Richard remitted his right in the manor to
Bartholomew by deed, wherefore the king was deceived in the delivery of
the manor to Richard : the king therefore orders the treasurer and barons to
examine the aforesaid deed, which is in their custody, and to do further in
this matter what they shall see fit to be done on the king's behalf.
Jan. 12. To the sheriffs of London. Order to deliver to William de Stanford and
Worcester. Roesia his wife a moiety of a messuage in (lie parish of St. Bartholomew
the Little, London, to hold during the king's pleasure in recompenos for the
rent due to them from it, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the
mayor and sheriffs that William and Koesia, at E aster in the Kith year of
the reign, demised the moiety at ferm to Ralph de Bokton and Agnes his
wife for the term of seven years, rendering to them therefor 4 marks yearly,
and that the moiety is held of the king in free burgage and is worth 4 marks
in all issues, and the two moieties render yearly in common to the wardens
of London Bridge .5*., to the prior of Holy Trinity, London, 4*., to the
master of St. G hospital 2s., and thai the repairing of the moiety is
1324, Membrane 27 — cont.
worth 15s. yearly, 80 that the moiety is worth 32s. 4d. clear yearly, and
that William and Roesia made no other estate of the moiety or of the rent,
and that the moiety is in the king's hands hy Ralph's forfeiture because he
adhered to Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wyggemor, and it appears to the king
by the demise exhibited in chancery that the moiety was demised to Ralph
and Agnes in form aforesaid. By C.
Jan. 18. To John de Blumvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge,
Gloucester. Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Whereas, upon its being found by
inquisition taken by Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent,
that Robert Burguilloun held at his death certain lands in Gedeney, co.
Lincoln, of the king in chief as of the honour of Albemarle by knight
service, and that he liold no lands in chief as of the crown by reason
whereof the custody of his lands ought to have pertained to the king, but
that he held a moiety of the manor of Great Narrynges, co. Norfolk, in
socage of Thomas Bardolf by the service of 10s. yearly, and that Hugh his
son is his next heir and is aged twelve years, the king ordered Master
John to restore the aforesaid moiety to Joan, late the wife of the said
Robert, as nearest [friend] of the heir, and the king afterwards granted to
John, bishop of Norwich, the late chancellor, the custody of the said
Robert's lands held in chief as of the honour aforesaid and of the lands
that Joan held in dower of the heir's inheritance, which were in the king's
hands by reason of the heir's minority, to have during the heir's minority,
together with the marriage of the heir, and afterwards the king granted
that the bishop should have the custody of the lands aforesaid with the
advowsons of the churches pertaining thereto during the heir's minority,
and it is found by an inquisition taken by the said Master John, concerning
the lands that Sarah, late the mother of Robert, held in chief at her death
of the heir's inheritance, that Sarah held in dower a moiety of the manor of
Great Narringes, with the advowsons of a moiety of the churches of Great
Narringes and Thirsford, and that the moiety, with the advowsons, is held
in free socage of Thomas Bardolf by the service of 10s. yearly, and that she
held in dower at her death a third of the manor cf Kerdeston, which is held
of the heir cf Geoffrey de Say, a minor in the king's custody, by the
service of a third of a knight's fee, and that she did not hold any lands in
chief as of the crown by reason whereof the custody of the moieties afore-
said ought to pertain to the king : the king therefore orders the aforesaid John
de Blumvill not to intermeddle further with the moiety of the said manor
or with the advowsons of the moiety of the said churches, and to restore to
the aforesaid Joan, as nearest [friend] of the heir, any issues received
Jan 16. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to supersede the king's order to cause
Tewkesbury. William son and heir of William atte Halle of Lafford to come before the
king's council, which order was issued because the king was given to
understand that he was an idiot from birth, and not to molest him in any
way in this behalf, as he has appeared personally before the king's council
and has been examined, and he is found to be of sound mind and not an
idiot from birth, as had been previously suggested. By C.
Jan. 23. To Roger de Waltham, late keeper of the wardrobe. Order to make
Gloucester, account with John Devery, king's clerk, for the time that he was employed
in supervising the grinding, boulting, and packing of the wheat that the
king, on 21 April, in the 16th year of his reign, ordered the sheriffs of
London to purvey and grind for the expedition of the Scotch war, and to
make a bill under his seal for \2d. for each day that the said John was
thus employed, by which bill the king will cause that sum to be paid to
him. By C.
Jan 10.
Jan. 20.
Jan. 20.
Membrane 27 — cont.
To John de Kilwvnton, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. York.
Order to acquit the tenants of the kind's manors of Esyngwald ami Iloby
of their ferms for two years from Michaelmas, in the Kith year of the
king's reign, the kins; having pardoned them the same in consideration of
the destruction of their lands, goods, and chattels by the Scotch rebels.
To Simon de Balderston, keeper of the manor of Erlyde near Stanes, co.
Stafford. Order to deliver the said manor to the abbot and convent of
Cumbermere, together with the goods and chattels found therein on the
day of the death of John de Grey, as the king learns by inquisition taken
by Master John "Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, that the abbot and
convent, at Michaelmas, in the 3rd year of the king's reign, demised to
the said John the manor with all their goods and chattels therein for his life,
with provision that if he died within twelve years of the date of demise,
then the manor should remain to his executors until the end of that term,
and that the abbot and convent did not demise the manor in any other
manner and did not afterwards make any agreement concerning the demise
or the goods in the manor.
To John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, "Worcester, Hereford,
Salop, and Stafford. Order to cause Richard Aubrey to have seisin of the
lands that Adam Aubray held of the king as of the lands that belonged to
Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, as the king learns by inquisition taken by
Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, that Adam held at
his death a sixth of a messuage and half a virgate of land in Bradewardyn
as above by the service of 8d. yearly, and that he held no other lands of the
king in chief by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to
the king, but that he held other lands of divers other lords, and that the
aforesaid Richard, his kinsman, is his nearest heir and of full age, the king
having taken Richard's fealty for the lands held of him.
Membrane 26.
Jan. 23. To John de Lancastre, keeper of certain lands in co. Lancaster. Order
Gloucester, not to distrain William, son of Marmaduke de Tweng, for his homage for
the lands that Marmaduke held of the king, and to release any distress that
he may have made in this behalf, as the king, on 26' May, in the 16th year
of his reign, ordered Thomas de Burgh, escheator beyond Trent, not to
distrain William for his homage, because it was found by inquisition taken
by the said Thomas that Marmaduke, long before his death, granted to
William for life, certain lands in Helsyngton, Kirkeby in Kendalo, Warton,
Kerneford, Hellehale, Caterhale, Esseton, Stodehagh, Tyrom, and Rothe-
clif, which Marmaduke held of the king by knight service, and that William
was seised thereof long before Marmaduke's death, and that Marmaduke
held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Holm in Hohlcrnesse of the
chapter of St. John's Beverley, and that he did not hold any lands of the
king at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to per-
tain to the king, and that William is his son and heir and is of full age, the
king having previously taken William's homage for the lands that Marmaduke
thus held of the king.
Jan. 23. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator beyond Trent Order not to inter-
(ilniiccster. meddle further with the lands of Henry de t'rasxiey, and to restore the
met thereof, a- the king learns by inquisition that he held nothing of the
king in chief by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to
the king.
Jan. -20.
Jan. 23.
Jan. 20.
Jan. 24.
Jan. 28.
Jan. 20.
Membrane 26 — cont.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow the men
of the county of Northumberland to have respite until Sunday in Mid-Lent
next for all the debts due from them to the king, the king having continued
until then the respite granted by him until Michaelmas last, in consideration
of the damages sustained by them at the hands of the Scotch rebels.
To John Everard, escheator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and
Dorset. Order not to intermeddle further with the manors of Bradepole,
Luitone, and Combe, and with the hundreds of Bemynistre and Redehone,
co. Dorset, and with certain lands in Sturmenstre Mareschal, in the same
county, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition
taken by Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, that Ralph
de Gorges and Eleanor his wife, who still survives, were jointly enfeoffed
of the said manors and hundreds, to them and to the heirs of Ralph, by fine
levied in the late king's court, and were jointly enfeoffed of the said tenements,
to them and to the heirs of Ralph, and that Eleanor continued her seisin
thereof jointly with Ralph until the time of his death, and that the manors,
hundreds, and tenements are held of others than the king, the premises
having been taken into the king's hands by reason of Ralph's death.
To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to expend up to \0l. in repairing the
houses within Norwich castie, by the view and testimony of "William But
and John Cusin. By bill of the treasurer.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Henry
Darcy and Hugh de Totehill of 41. 10s. Od. yearly for the lands that
belonged to Geoffrey de Fresshelay in Shelf and Fressheley, co. York, and
to cause the letters patent granting the same to them for life to be cancelled
in the estreats in the original roll of the chancery delivered to them for the
11th year of the reign, the king having, on 8 March, in the aforesaid year,
granted the said lands, which Richard Wade held for life, and which were
in the king's hands as escheat by reason of Geoffrey's adhesion to the Scotch
rebels, to them for the term of their lives, rendering 41. 10s. Od. therefor
to the exchequer yearly, as the king, forgetting this grant, on 13 March, in
the same year, committed the custody of the said lands to Adam de Stirke-
land during pleasure, on condition that he answered to the exchequer for
all issues, as appears by the rolls of chancery, and the said Henry and
Hugh have appeared in chancery and restored the letters patent made to
them and the king's writ to deliver seisin to them, which letters the king
has annulled.
Leicester, Notting-
To John de Bolyngbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick,
ham, Derby, and Lancaster. Order not to intermeddle further with the
lands of William de Monte Gomery, and to restore the issues thereof, as the
king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that William held no
lands in chief of the king at his death by reason whereof the custody of his
lands ought to pertain to the king.
To Roger de Belgrave, receiver of Leicester. Order to
pay to
prebendaries of the church of St. Mary near the Castle, Leicester, the
arrears of 10s. yearly from the time when the lands of the earl of Lancaster
came to the king's hands, and to pay them that sum yearly for so long as
the lands are in his custody, as the king learns by an inquisition taken by
the receiver and by Robert de Gaddesby that Robert, late earl of Leicester,
at the time of the foundation of the said prebends, granted to the pre-
bendaries that sum yearly, to be received from the receiver of the earls of
Leicester, to provide a candle (mortario) of tallow to be burned in the
church every night, and that the prebendaries were wont to receive the said
1324. Membrane 20 — cont.
sum all the time of the said earl Robert, and afterwards all the time of
Simon de Monte Forti, sometime earl of Leicester, and in all the time of
Edmund, the king's uncle, and in all the time of Thomas, late earl of
Leicester and Lancaster, until the hauls of the said Thomas came to the
king's hands by his forfeiture.
To John de Boljngbrok, escheator in co. Lancaster. Order to deliver to
William son of William de Clifton and of Alina his wile certain lands in
Clitton and Westeby, co. Lancaster, as the king learns by inquisition taken
by Thomas de Burgh, late escheator in that county, that William de Clifton
held the said lands for life by fine levied in the king's court of the gift of
Eustace de Goddesberh. who gave them to William and Alina, his first
wife, lately deceased, for their lives, with remainder to William their son
and the heirs of his body, and that the lands are held of the king by fealty
and suit at the county [court] of Lancaster from six weeks to six weeks,
and by suit at the wapentake of Amundernesse from three weeks to three
weeks, and by the service of 40*. yearly, the king having taken the fealty
of the said "William son of William.
Jan. 25. To the sheriff of Westmoreland. Order to pay to Robert de Welle and
Gloucester. Matilda his wife, late the wife of Robert de Clifford, tenant in chief, the
arrears of a third of the profit of that county from the time of the sheriff's
appointment, and to pay them the same during the time of his office, the
king having, on 27 September, in the 8th year of bis reign, assigned the
said third to Matilda in dower with other lands of the said Robert de
The like to Hugh de Louthre, late sheriff of that county.
Jan. 28. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit W. bishop
Bristol. of Exeter, in his account at the exchequer, of the custody of the chaplain
and damsel who served the wile of John de Moubray, the king's rebel, and
who were imprisoned in the Tower of London, the king having ordered the
bishop, when he was keeper of the Tower, to release the said chaplain and
damsel, if they were detained for no other reason than that of having served
the said John's wife, upon their finding mainpernors to have them before
the king to answer to him when ordered, as the bishop released Thomas de
Thorp, who was chaplain of the said John, aud Wymarea de Brandos, who
was damsel of the said John's wife, from the Tower, and has returned into
chancery the names of their mainpernors, to wit John de Padyngton, John
Coterel of Lodelawe, John de Crykkeleye, John Ilardyng, and Richard
Coterel of Lodelawe, of the city of London.
Jan. 18. To the same. Whereas it appears by an indenture between John de
Gloucester. Hampton, late sheriff of Gloucester, and John le Longe, then master of the
ship called * MigheV of Bristol, sealed by the said .John le Longe and by
the mayor of Bristol, which has been exhibited before the king in chancery,
that the said John de Hampton delivered to John le Longe, of the com
bought and purveyed in his bailiwick for the expedition of the Scotch war,
12.'3 quarters 1\ bushels of wheat by rased measure, to wit 21 quarters as
20 quarters, and !.'> barrels full of DOulted wheateu Hour, containing
265 quarters 2\ bushels and a peck (pek') by the aforesaid measure, the
product (proveniencia) of 25*9 (dueentu quart viginti decern (t movent)
quarters and a bushel of wheat by the same measure, and 300 quarters of
be as, 10;i quarters 3 bushels <d bailey, and 200 quarters of oats by the
same measure, and with the eighth bushel of each quai ter of oats heaped up
(cumulate), for the purpose of taking the same from Bristol to Slivm-
bernesse, there i<> be delivered to the receiver of the king's victuals, and it
appears by an inquisition taken by Henry de Maltun and Adam dfl Skeltou
Igo [ Membrane 26— cont.
that, on 10 Juno, in the Kith year of the king's reign, out {procul) at sea
near n place called ' Alingbank,' between Whithavene and Shymbernesse,
tho aforesaid ship was wrecked (dimpta) and wholly sunk by the raging of
tho soa and the beating of the waves, so that John le Longe and the other
Bailors of tho ship barely escaped in a float-boat {naviculam /lotantem), and
that all the corn, victuals, and other goods in the ship were lost, except
lii) barrels of wheaten flour, which were afterwards thrown on shore and
saved towards the parts of England at a place called ' Wolsstibay ' : the
king therefore orders the treasurer and barons to acquit John de Hampton
of the corn and flour thus lost, provided that he answer for the barrels of
flour thus saved. By C.
Jan. 28. To the bailiffs of Great Yarmouth. Order to cause to be kept until
Berkeley, further orders the three ships of the power of the count of Zeeland, laden
with barley, oats, salt, and other merchandise, which were lately arrested in
La Rode and brought to Yarmouth, where they are now in the bailiffs'
custody, the ships having been arrested for a robbery committed by malefac-
tors of the count's power by his special order upon Robert de Sancto
Botulpho and John Child of their ship called ' La Katerine ' and of the
goods in her. By K. and C.
To the bailiffs of the bishop of Norwich, Robert de Monte Alto and Joan
de Tateshale at Bishop's Lenn. Order to arrest all ships of the power of
the count of Zeeland now in that port or arriving there henceforth, and to
keep the same safely until further orders without losing any of the goods
found in them, as the king is given to understand that certain malefactors
of the count's power have robbed many ships of this realm at sea of goods
to a great value by the count's order, and have slain certain mariners of the
same ships, and inflict such damage upon the king's subjects from day to
[Feeder a.']
Jan. 28. To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford,
Iron Acton. Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to intermeddle with the
lands that Richard de Peveneseye, deceased, and Ela his wife held in
Bochampton, co. Berks, of Ela's inheritance, who still survives, and to
deliver the issues thereof to Ela, as the king learns by inquisition taken by
Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, that Richard and
Ela held the lands jointly on the day of Richard's death by the service of
keeping and housing the king's harriers {canes hayericeos) and of carrying
the king's horn when he came to those parts to chase, and that Richard did
not hold any other lands of the king in chief at his death by reason whereof
the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king.
Vacated because otherwise below.
Membrane 25.
Jan. 25. To John Everard, escheator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and
Gloucester. Dorset. Order to assign to Eleanor, late the wife of Ralph de Gorges,
tenant in chief, dower of the manor of Wrokeshale, co. Somerset, and of a
third of the manor of Braunton, co. Devon, as she has taken oath before the
king not to marry without his licence.
To the same. Order to deliver to Gervase de Bray and Elizabeth his
wife, mother of William son and heir of Geoffrey de Bodbran, as nearest
[friends] of the said heir, the hamlet of Hiskyn, co. Cornwall, and the issues
thereof from the time of Geoffrey's death, as the king learns by inquisition
17 K!>W\RD TT.
^32 J., Membrane 2J — cant.
taken by John Abel, late escheator this side Trent, that the said Cieoffrey
held at his death 20s. of yearly rent iu Carkiile of the icing in chief as of
tin- honour of Tivmeton, in the king's bands, by knight service, ami that be
did not hold any other lands in chief as of the crown at his death hv reason
whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, hut that be
held the said hamlet in socage of Hugh le Curteneye by the service of 5*.
for all service, and that the said William is his next heir and was then aged
one year and twelve weeks.
Jan. 25. To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford,
Gloucester. Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order to deliver to Queen Isabella, or
to her attorney, 10 marks of yearly rent in Masseworth from a manor of
I'aulinus IVwre there, together with the issues received therefrom since
tht1 death of Paulinus, as the king learns by inquisition taken by .Master
John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, that Paulinus held the said
rent at his death, issuing from a manor of his there that he had demised,
long before his death, to Ralph le Mareschale and Clarice his wife for the
term of their lives, and that the manor is held in chief as of the honour of
Walyngford by the service of a quarter of a knight's fee, the king having,
on 22 April, in the 10th year of bis reign, granted the castle and honour of
Walyngford to the queen for her life.
Jan. 20. To John Everard, escheator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and
Gloucester. Dorset. Order not to intermeddle further with the manors of Knv<diteton,
co. Dorset, and Ridelcumbe, co. Devon, and to deliver to John de Wylyngton
the issues thereof from 1G Xovember last, upon which day the king restored
to him all his lands, which were in the king's hands because John had
adhered to certain rebels, as it appears to the king by the foot of a fine
levied in the late king's court, in the 27th year of his reign, between
Juliana, late the wife of Ralph de Wylyngton, demandant, and Edmund de
Wylyngton and Christiana, his wife, deforciants, concerning the aforesaid
manors, that the deforciants acknowledged the manors to be the right of
Juliana, and granted, for themselves and the heirs of Christiana, that the
manors, which Robert de Pudele and Margery his wife held in dower of the
said Margery of Christiana's inheritance, should remain after Margery's
death to the aforesaid Juliana and her heirs, and it appears by an inquisition
taken by Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, that John
de Wylyngton, son of the said Juliana, is her next heir, and that Juliana
never afterwards changed her estate in the said manors, but that she died
-eised thereof, and that the manor of Knyghteton is held of Elizabeth de
Burgh as of the honour of Craneburn by the service of an eighth of a
knight's fee, and is worth yearly in all issues lOO.v., and the manor of
Ridelcumbe is held of the heir of the earl of Gloucester as of the honour of
Gloucester by the service of a quarter of a knight's fee, and is worth yearly
in all issues 10 marks.
Jan. 18. To Richard le Wayte, escheator in co. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford,
Iron Acton. Berks. Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to- intermeddle further with
the lands of Richard de Peveneseye, and to restore the issues thereof) as the
king learns by inquisition taken by Master John Walewayn, late escheator
this side Trent, that Richard and Ela his wife, who still Burvives, held
jointly on the day of Richard's death certain lands in Bokhampton,
co. Berks, as of ber inheritance, by the services of keeping ami bousing the
king's harriers [canes hajfericeos) and of carrying the king's born when be
caiiie to those parts to chase, and that Richard did not hold any other lands
of the king in chief at bis death by reason whereof the custody of his lands
OOght to pertain to the king, and that Richard ami Ida held on the said day
certain other land- in Chepynglamhourne and Bstbury, which are held of
others than the king.
March 1.
\\> stminster.
Membrane 25 — cont.
To William do Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Loudon,
and Middlesex. Order not to intermeddle further with the aforesaid
Richard's lands in his bailiwick, for the above reason.
To John Everard, escheator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and
Dorset. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of Roger de Meles,
as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that he held nothing in
chief of the king at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands
ought to pertain to the king.
Jan. 28. To Robert de Stok. Order to deliver to the heir of William de Keynes
Iron Acton, of Faldho all the said William's lands, together with the issues thereof from
11 May, in the 15th year of the king's reign, upon which day the king, at
the instance of Master Gilbert de Middelton, archdeacon of Northampton,
pardoned the said William the suit of his peace and what pertained to the
king by reason of William's adherence to Thomas and Humphrey, late earis
of Lancaster and Hereford, and to other rebels of their confederacy, and
restored to William his lauds, when he ordered Robert to deliver to William
his lands, Robert having returned that he had not done so because William
died before the king's writ came to him.
Feb. 1. To Matthew Broun, keeper of the manors of Louth (Luda) and Norton
Berkeley, in Lyndeseye. Order to deliver to Master Giles de Ridmere, canon of
St. Mary's Lincoln, and William de Baiocis of Lincoln, the said manors,
together with their goods therein, which were taken into the king's hands
by his ministers who were assigned to take into his hands the temporalities
of the see of Lincoln, the said Giles and William having suggested to the
king that Henry, bishop of Lincoln, in consideration of a mainprize made
by them for him agaiust the dean and chapter for 546/. 19s. 2^d., in which
the bishop was bound to the dean and chapter for corn, hay, and other
fruits pertaining to the dean and chapter of the time of the last voidance of
the bishopric, and for beasts and other sorts of stock on the manors of the
bishopric when the said bishop obtained it, which were sold to the bishop,
demised to the said Giles and William the aforesaid manors, which are of
the bishopric, for the term of ten years from All Saints, 1321, so that if
they had not fully levied the above sum from the manors in that time, then
the manors were to remain to them until they had levied the money fully,
according to the conditions contained in a deed indented made between the
bishop and them, and that the king's ministers took the manors into his
hands as above although Giles and William were seised thereof long before
the said bishop was charged with any trespass against the king, for which
they prayed the king for a remedy, whereupon the king appointed Lambert
de Trykyngham, Henry de Fenton, and Nicholas de Bolingbrok to enquire
in the presence of the keeper of the manors concerning the premises, and it
appears by the inquisition taken by Henry and Nicholas that Giles and
William were seised of the manors from 2 November, in the aforesaid year,
until the eve of St. James the Apostle next following, and that the keeper
then took the manors into the king's hands, aud that at that time no goods
or chattels of Giles and William were fcuud therein except the growing
corn, which was extended to 28/. 16s. Gd. in gross, and that the manors are
worth in all issues 701., and are held of the king with other temporalities of
the bishopric, and it appears to the king by the aforesaid deed, which was
exhibited before him in chancery, that the demise was made to Giles and
William in form aforesaid. By C.
To John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Worcester, Hereford,
Stafford, and Salop. Order to cause Ralph de Stafford, son and heir of
) Edmund de Stafford, tenant in chief of the late king, to have seisin of his
Dec. 6.
Feb. 8.
Iron Acton.
Jan. 30.
Membrane 25 — cont.
father's lands, as he has proved his age before Master John Walewayn, late
eator this side Trout, auil the king has taken his homage.
By p.s. [6759].
To Robert <le ITungerford, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
CO. Wilts. Order to deliver to John Manger his lands in Wermenstre and
Amssepestre and his goods, together with the issues received therefrom,
upon his finding security to answer to the king if he will speak against him,
the keeper having certified the king that the lands were taken into tin-
king's hands 1))' .John de Tvcheburn, late sheriff of Wilts, because the said
John Manger was the bailiff of Thomas Mandnvt, a late rebel, at
Werminstre, and because he did not come to Coventry in the king's
service, as he was summoned to do, and that the sheriff delivered the said
lands to the keeper. By C.
To John Bluuvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Hun-
tingdon, Kssex, and Hertford. Order to assign dower to Margery late the
wile of Simon de Driby, tenant in chief, in the presence of Robert de
Driby, sou and heir of Simon, if he choose to attend.
The like to Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Lincoln, Northampton, and
Membrane 24.
Jan. 28. To William de Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Middle-
Gloucester, sex, and the city of London. Order not to intermeddle further with the
lands of William de Colebrand, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king
learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that William held no lands in
chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to
pertain to the king.
Feb. 10. To William de Birchovre. Order not to intermeddle further with the
Iron Acton, manor of Nethcrhaddon, which belonged to Richard son of Richard de
Vernoun, and to restore the issues thereof, the king having lately ordered
Thomas de Burgh, escheator beyond Trent, not to intermeddle further with
the lands of the said Richard, because it was found by an inquisition taken
by the escheator that he held no lands in chief on the day of his death by
reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, and
the king now learns that the aforesaid William, as his sub-bailiff of the
honour of Tuttebury in the parts of the Peak, co. Derby, asserting that the
escheator ought not to exercise his office in the lands of the said honour,
has occupied the aforesaid manor, which is held of the honour, as it is said,
from the time of Richard's death.
Feb. 12. To Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Lincoln, Northampton, and Rutland.
Iron Acton. Whereas at the suit of Thomas Wake that he and his anci stors, lords of the
manor of Brunne, and patrons of the abbey of Brunne, have had, from time
out of mind, upon each voidance of the abbey, a certain custody of the
abbey, and ha\e granted licence for the election of the abbots, and have
given the assent of a patron to the election, .and have received the fealty of
the abbots, and that the aforesaid escheator, asserting that a certain abbot
had acquired to himself and his successors in fee certain tenements in
Morton, CO. Lincoln, and that the tenements are lull of the king in chief,
has taken the abbey into the king's hands during the present voidance by
reason of the tenements aforesaid, not permitting Thomas to have the
custody thereof, as his ancestors have been wool to have heretofore, the
king ordered the e-eheator to make inquisition concerning the premise-,
and it is found by his inquisition that Baldwin son of (Jilhert, one of the
Membrane 24 — cont.
ancestors of the lords of Wake, founded the abbey a hundred and eighty-
five Tears ago, from which time each lord of Wake, his heirs, have had the
custody of the abbey upon each voidance, appointing a man to keep,
together with the prior and other obedientiaries, the goods and possessions
of i1h> abbey until the installation of the new abbot, without taking any
profit for the use of the lords, -who gave licence for the election of the
abbots, and gave their consent to their election, and took their fealty
as patrons and advocates, and that Everard Cut, sometime abbot of Brunne,
a bundled and six years ago, to wit in the time of Henry III., acquired six
bovates of land and two parts of a messuage in Morton near Brunne by
bovates, acres, roods, and perches from certain tenants of Ralph de
Morton by divers charters, to wit from Agnes daughter of William de
Morton and others named in the inquisition, to bold all the said tenements
of the feoffors in frankalmoin, and that the feoffors bound themselves and
their heirs to make warranty and acquittance of the tenements aforesaid,
and that they have acquitted the abbots successively hitherto from all
services, and that the aforesaid Ralph de Morton held of Henry III. in
chief 2 messuages and 32 bovates of land in demesne and service in
Skaupewyk and Morton by the service of a moiety of a knight's fee,
whereof a messuage and 14 bovates are in Morton, and that the inheritance
descended from Ralph, who died without an heir, to Agues and Cicely as
his sisters and heirs, between whom the inheritance was parted, and that
there were assigned to the purparty of Agnes the services of the aforesaid
Agnes daughter of William and of other tenants of the said Ralph named in
the inquisition, and that from the said Agnes, sister of Ralph, issued Joceus
Russel as her son and heir, who gave all his purparty of the inheritance to
Hugh Wake, great grandfather of the aforesaid Thomas, and that he is now
mesne between the king and the feoffors of the aforesaid abbot, and that
Hugh died seised, after whose death Baldwin Wake entered as son and
heir, to whom succeeded John Wake, son and heir of Baldwin, and that
John gave all his lands in demesne and in service in co. Lincoln to the late
king to hold in fee, and that the late king, having had seisin thereof, granted
them to John and Joan his wife, to hold to them and the heirs of their body,
from whom issued the aforesaid Thomas as their son and heir, and that Master
John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, to wit in the twelfth year of
the reign, in the time of William de Abbotesle, late abbot of that place, by
whose death the abbey is now void, seised the tenements into the king's hands,
asserting that the said 6 bovates and two parts of a messuage in Morton had
been acquired from the aforesaid Ralph de Morton, who held in chief of
Henry III., and detained them until the abbot obtained the king's charter
to have the tenements back again and to hold them in chief of the king,
although he had never held anything of the king, which charter was to the
prejudice of the aforesaid Thomas Wake and the heirs of his feoffors, who
were and are mesne between the king and the abbot for the aforesaid
tenements, and that the said abbot William never attorned himself to the
king for any service therefor : the king, considering that Thomas ought
not to be prejudiced by reason of the premises, orders the escheator not to
intermeddle further with the custody of the abbey or of any thing pertain-
ing to it, and to restore any issues received therefrom. By C.
Feb. 26. William atte Coumbe, imprisoned in the gaol of Lydeford castle for the
Westminster, death of John Peyk, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him.
Feb. 28. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas Walter de
Westminster. Pavely, lately a rebel, has found security by Richard Damory, knight, of
co. Oxford, and Thomas de Bradestan, of co. Gloucester, for the payment
of 200 marks for his fine for saving his life and lands, to wit 25 marks at
Easter and 25 marks at Michaelmas next, and so yearly until the sum be
Feb. 23.
March 1.
Feb. 2G.
March 4.
M<mbranc 21 — cont.
paid, the king orders the treasurer and batons to cause Walter to have
terms and to cause them to be enrolled. By K.
[Purl, [frits.]
To the keeper of the lands of certain rebels in co. Cornwall. Order to
deliver to Reginald de Muhun his lands, together with the issues received
therefrom From 20 November last, when the king pardoned him the suit of
his peace for adhering to certain rebels and ordered the said keeper to
restore his lands to him, as the keeper delays restoring the lands because he
had demised the lands to certain tenants at ferm before he received the
aforesaid order; provided that Reginald satisfy the fermors for their
expenses on the lands by the view of the keeper.
Pari. I Frits.']
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to supersede the
demand made upon Ralph de Crophill, late escheator beyond Trent, for the
i — ties of the lands whereof William de Monte Acuto, tenant in chief, was
seised in his demesne as of fee in Ralph's bailiwick, and to cause Ralph to
be acquitted thereof, the king having, on 6 November, in the 13th year of
his reign, ordered Ralph to take into the king's hands the lands whereof the
said William was seised on the day of his death, and that he should cause
inquisition to be made as to what land William held in chief in his bailiwick
on the day of his death, and what lands he held of others, etc., and the said
Ralph was amoved from office before he could make inquisition concerning
the premise-;, whereupon the king ordered Gilbert de Stapelton, then
escheator beyond Trent, to cause inquisition to be made concerning the
premises, and it was found by such inquisition that William and Elizabeth
his wife had jointly by the king a moiety of the manor of Ughtrebv and of
Bampton, with the advowson of the church of Bampton, co. Cumberland,
and a moiety of the manor of Crosseby near the Water, in the same county,
and 10 bovates of land in Brunnesby in Gillesland, in the said county, and
a moiety of the town of Cumynyntyn, in the said county, and 11. of rent
from divers tenants in Carlisle, and 13*. 4cf. of rent or a sore-coloured gos-
hawk yearly in the same county, and that Elizabeth continued her seisin
thereof together with William from the time of the gift until William's
death, ami that the lands were held of others than the king; whereupon
the king ordered Gilbert not to intermeddle further with the said moiety
and rent, and to restore the issues thereof to Elizabeth, as appears by the
rolls of chancery. The king wills that Ralph shall answer to Elizabeth
for any of the said issues that he may have received.
To Ralph de Crophull, late escheator this side Trent. Order to restore
the issues received by him from the lauds of Robert de Maneriis during the
time that they were in his custody, the king having, on 21 August, in the
13th year of his reign, ordered Ralph to take the said lands into bis hands
and to make inquisition concerning the same, because it was said that Robert
was a tenant in chief, as the king, on 20 April, in the 1 lib year of his reign,
ordered Gilbert de Stapelton, late escheator beyond Trent, not to inter-
meddle further with the said lands and to restore the issues thereof, because
it WW found by the inquisition taken by Ralph that Robert held nothing of
the king in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands
ought to pertain to the king.
To the sheriff of Bedford. Order to restore to Stephen de Recco,
par-oii of the church of Kdworth, his lands, goods, and chattels, which were
taken into the king's hands by the dieiiiv upon his, being charged before
William [nge ami his fellows, justices to bear pleas before the king at
Westminster, with the rape of Joan, wife of Eamo Serych of Ruscoumbe,
and with carrying away his goods, as he has purged his innocence before
132 1.
March B.
March 6.
March 5.
March 4.
March 8.
March 8.
March 6.
Jfembrane 21 — cont.
the abbot of Westminster, the ordinary of that place, to whom he was
delivered by the justices according to the privilege of the clergy.
To ill1' sheriff of Middlesex. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of Henry de Charryngge, ' bakere,' deceased.
To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of
Claryndon to be elected in place of John de Boclond, who is insufficiently
qualified, inasmuch as he has no lands in that county.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance
to be made to Master John Walewayn, late eseheator this side Trent, for
what he paid to the prior and convent of the abbey of Thorneye for their
maintenance when the temporalities of the abbey were in the king's hands,
the king having ordered him by writ of privy seal to find them maintenance
as was usual in such cases.
To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of John Everard, whoni the king has amoved from
office because he cannot attend to the duties of the office, as he is the king's
eseheator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and Dorset.
Nicholas son of William de Stanton of Notingham, imprisoned at
Notingham for the death of William de Assheburn, has letters to the
sheriff of Notingham to bail him until the first assize.
To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Robert de Brudecombe, deceased.
To John de Bloumvill, eseheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge,
Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to cause Henry de Helion, son
and heir of Henry de Helion, tenant in chief of the late king, to have
seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before Master John
Walewayn, late eseheator this side Trent, and the king has taken his
homage. By p.s.
To Thomas de Pencathlan, keeper of the manor of Burreth, co. Lincoln.
Order to pay to Richard Tuchet the arrears of 1035. of yearly rent from the
time when that manor was taken into the king's hands by the forfeiture
of William Tuchet, his brother, deceased, and to pay him the same rent
henceforth, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Nicholas de Bolyng-
brok, Peter de Luddyngton, and Alan de Cubbeldyk that William granted
the above rent to Richard for life, to be received from the said manor, and
that William bound himself and the manor to the distraint of the said
Richard, and that Richard was seised of the rent and continued his seisin
from the time of the grant until the manor came to the king's hands by the
forfeiture of William, and that the rent has been detained from Richard
since the manor was taken into the king's hands, and that the manor is held
of the bishop of Lincoln by kuight service, and is worth yearly in all issues
20 marks. By pet. of C. [7152].
To John de Hampton, eseheator in cos. Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester,
Salop, and Stafford. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of
Stanedissh, co. Gloucester, and to restore the issues thereof to the abbot of
St. Peter's Gloucester, the eseheator having returned that he took the
manor into the king's hands in name of distraint because he found by in-
quisition that the abbot withdrew without the king's licence a certain alms
of a quarter of corn weekly, the abbot holding the manor in chief for main-
taining that and other alms, and that the alms had been withdrawn ten
years ago, as it appears to the king by the inspection of the charter of
William, sometime king of England, his progenitor, that the abbot holds,
and ought to hold, the said manor in frankalmoin, no mention being made
of the aforesaid alms of a quarter of corn weekly. By pet. of C.
Feb. 28.
Wi -tiniiisttT.
Membrane 24 — Schedule.
To the sheriff of Cornwall. Order to attach John de Carmynou, William
de Pafford, Thomas Qneynt, William le Doizare, Osbern Hamelyn, John
Dyn, Alexander Cantock, John Tint, Gerard Curteys, and Henry de Nor-
hampton. and Christiana, lute the wife of Ed. de Wylyngtou, and to cause
them to be brought to the king under safe-conduct without delay to Btand lo
right concerning the attack made by the said men upon John tie Leycestre,
the king's serjeant-at-arms, whom the king lately sent by his letters of privy
seal to that county to seek the said Christiana, who is, as the king learns,
an idiot from birth, so that the custody of her lands ought to pertain to the
king, and to bring her to him, when the said serjeant attached her at Lost-
wit hiel, and would have brought her to the king as he was ordered, but
the aforesaid men took her out of his hands by force and arms, and led her
away whither they wished.
Membrane 23.
Jan. 28. To John de Bolingbrok, escheator in cos. Nottingham, Derby, Warwick.
Gloucester. Leicester, and Lancaster. Order to deliver to William Scargil and Joan his
wife, mother of Robert de Holand, son and heir of William de Holand, as
nearest [friends] of the heir, the lands that William de Holand held in
socage as below, together with the issues thereof from the time of his death,
and not to intermeddle further with the lands that he held of other lords
than the king, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Thomas de Burgh,
late escheator beyond Trent, that the said William de Holand held at his
death certain lands in Eukeston of the king in socage as of the fee of Pen-
wortham, in the king's hands, by fealty and suit at the county [court] of
Lancaster from six weeks to six weeks and by suit at the wapentake of
Laylamhshire from three weeks to three weeks, by the service of one pound
of cumin at Midsummer for all service, and that he held certain lands in
Ulneswalton of the king in socage by the service of \d. yearly for all service,
and that he did not hold any lands of the king in chief as of the crown on
the day of his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to
pertain to the king, but that he held other lands of divers other lords, and
that Robert his son is his next heir and is aged eleven years and twenty
To Stephen de Abyndon, the king's butler. Order to deliver to the abbot
and convent of King's Beaulieu a tun of wine of the right prise at South-
ampton, in accordance with the grant of Henry III.
To Robert de Stok, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in co.
Oxford. Order to deliver to Elizabeth de Burgo, late the wife of Roger
Damory, a rebel, the manor of Halghton in that county, together with
the issues thereof from 2 November, in the 16th year of the king's reign,
when the kin" ordered all Elizabeth's lands, which were taken into the
king's hands by Roger's forfeiture, to be icstored to her, the keeper having
signified to the king that he had deferred delivering the aforesaid manor to
Elizabeth because he does not know whether the manor, which belonged
to Roger, belonged to her or not, as it appears to the king by the rolls of
chancery that, on 1 December, in the twelfth year of his reign, he gave to
Roger and Elizabeth the aforesaid manor, to have to them and the heirs
of Roger's body. By 0.
Feb. 20. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
Fulhani. elected in place of Gilbert de A male of York, who i- incapacitated by
infirmity arid ajje
81394. R
Jan. 28.
Iron Acton.
Feb. 8.
Iron Acton.
]32 J. Membrane 23 — cont.
The like to the same for the election of a coroner in place of William rie
Grantham of York.
The like to the same for the election of a coroner in place of William de
Grymesby of York.
Feb. 27. To the sheriff of Devon. Order to expend up to 20 marks in repairing
w —t minster, the houses anrl towers of Exeter castle, by the view and testimony of John
de Shireford and Thomas de Witteney. By bill of the treasurer.
Feb. 26.
Feb. 28.
To Anthony de Lucy, keeper of the lands of Andrew de Harcla,a late rebel,
in co. Cumberland. Whereas at the prosecution of the abbot of St Mary's
York, suggesting that Simon, formerly abbot of that place, granted by deed
indented, which the king has inspected, to Michael de Harela, knight, a certain
place of the said abbot's called ' Kyrkandres,' with the wood and lands
adjoining, which lands and wood Adam son of Swain and Alexander de
Creuquer gave in frankalmoin to the said abbey and to the monks of Holy
Trinity and St. Constantine of Wederhale, together with an appurtenance
(pendenti) in Neubiggyng called ' Iterertobank,' and with a cultura of land
that the said abbot Simon had in Neubiggyng, to have and to hold to the
said Michael and Joan his wife, and to Michael's heirs, rendering therefor
yearly to the prior of the abbot's cell of Wederhale 40.$. yearly for all
exactions and demands, saving to the monks aforesaid the great and small
tithes of the said place and lands with the usual obventions, and that although
the present abbot and his predecessors have been always seised of the afore-
said rent from'the time of the said deed by the hands of the aforesaid Andrew
and of the said Michael, his father, the abbot has not obtained payment thereof
from the time when the tenements aforesaid came to the king's hands with
the other lands of the said Andrew by his forfeiture, the king many times
ordered the aforesaid keeper to pay the arrears to the abbot and to pay the
rent to him as long as the lands remain in his custody, and the keeper has
returned that all the things contained in the king's writ relating to the
grant of the said place of Kirkandres and the wood and lands adjoining are
true, and that the abbot was seised of the aforesaid rent from the time of
the grant until the time when the tenements came to the king's hands, and
that he could not satisfy the abbot for the arrears of the rent or for the rent
because the said place with the adjoining lands is now worth less than 10*.
yearly, and was not worth more than 20*. yearly in the time of the afore-
said abbot Simon, Michael, or Andrew, but that as the said place with wood
and adjoining lands was near a certain town of Michael's called ' Colgayth '
and was convenient for habitation and to chase there, Michael [built] there
a house for himself and his heirs, therefore Michael rented the place with the
woods (sic) and lands adjoining for 40*. yearly as aforesaid ; the king, being
unwilling that wrong should be done to the abbot concerning the said
rent, and considering that the value of the place and land aforesaid are in-
sufficient for payment of the rent, orders the keeper to deliver the place and
land to the abbot in recompence for the said rent, to be held at the king's
pleasure. By C.
To Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Lincoln, Northampton and Rut-
land. Order not to intermeddle further with the priory of Depyng, or with
the temporalities:, moveables, or other things pertaining to the priory by
reason of the voidance of the abbey of Thorneye, of which it is a cell, and
to restore to the prior any issues received therefrom, as the king learns
by inquisition taken by Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side
Trent, that the escheator or other minister of the king or his progenitors
never intermeddled with the temporalities or other goods pertaining to the
priory by reason of the voidance of the abbey, and that there is not in the
1321. Mi mbrane 23 — cont.
priory anything temporal, but that the whole is spiritual, and the treasurer,
barons, and chamberlains of the exchequer, whom the king ordered to
examine the exchequer rolls of his time and of kings Richard, John,
Henry III., and Edward I., have not found that anything was answered tor
to the king or his progenitors for the temporalities or moveables pertaining
to the priory in the times when the temporalities of the abbey were in tin-
hands of his progenitors or in his hands by reason of voidance.
The like to Master John VValewayn, escheator this side Trent.
March 2. To the sheriff of Bedford and Buckingham. Order to expend up to 10/.
Westminster, in repairing the king's gaol of Bedeford and Aylesbury, as the king learns
that they need repair greatly. By K.
.March 2. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit the
Westminster, executors of the will of William de Cray of the issues of the lauds that
Eleanor, late the wife of Walter de Traylly, grandfather of Walter, son and
heir of John de Traylly, held of the said Walter's inheritance, from
30 November, in the 16th year of the king's reign, when the king took
Walter's homage for the lands that his father held in chief of the late king,
and ordered them to be restored to him, Walter having proved his age
before Master John Walewayn, then escheator beyond Trent, whereupon
the king ordered William to deliver the said lands to the heir, the king
having, on 8 June, in the 8th year of his reign, granted to William,
whom he had appointed captain and admiral of the fleet of ships setting out
for Scotland by the Irish Sea, in remuneration of his service in this behalf,
the custody of all the lands that Eleanor, late the wile of Walter de Traylly,
grandfather of the aforesaid Walter, who was then a minor in the king's
custody, held of the said heir's inheritance, which lands were in the king's
hands by reason of her death, to have the custody aforesaid from Mid-
summer then next following during the heir's minority, so that William
should receive 50 marks yearly from the issues of the lands, and shonld
answer to the exchequer for the remainder of the issues, according to an
extent to be made and according to the form of an indenture made between
him and the king, the second part of which remains in the wardrobe.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to
Humphrey de Bassingburn, late sheriff of Northampton, in his account at
the exchequer, 134/. 5*. Od. for the goods of certain rebels in that county,
as Humphrey paid that sum into the king's chamber by the hands of
Thomas de Useflet, who received the money for the king's use, as appears
by three letters of acquittance under the privy seal in Humphrey's possession.
To John Everard, escheator in COS, Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and
Dorset. Order not to distrain John de Weston, constable of the Tower of
London, for his homage and fealty for the lands thai John de WestOD, his
lather, held in chief at his death, as the king, on 28 December last, ordered
the said escheator to deliver seisin <>t the lands to John upon his finding
security for his relief, the king having rendered the lands to John and
respited his homage and fealty during pleasure because John could not then
leave the custody of the Tower, as the king has now taken hi- homage and
The like to Richard Le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton,
Oxford, Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham.
To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Fared 'hi- side
Trent, or to him who mpplies his place. Order t.> deliver tom oaks tit for
timber in the forest of Wanberge to Hugh le Deepenser, the younger, or bis
attorney. a) K.
b -1
March 6.
March G.
March 12.
, 0 -, . Membrane 22.
lo- 1
March 7. To John de Mutford and his fellows, justices to take assizes in co. Suffolk.
Westminster. Whereas at the prosecution of Isolds, late the wife of Gilbert Pecche,
tenant in chief, suggesting that Stephen, brother of Thomas de la Chaumbre,
knight, granted by his charter to the aforesaid Gilbert the manor of
Peseh ngworth, in that county, and that the taking of an assize of novel
disseisin that William de Hemenhale and Isabella his wife arramed before
the said justices, against Stephen de la Chaumbre and Gilbert son of the
said Gilbert and others named in the writ, concerning the said manor, might
be prejudicial to the king, because the said Gilbert son of Gilbert was a
minor in bis custody, and the custody of the manor ought on that account to
pertain to the king during Gilbert's minority, and might be to the disin-
heritance of the said Gilbert, the king ordered the aforesaid justices to view
the said charter and to attempt nothing in this behalf that could be to the
prejudice of the king or to the peril of the heir ; and the king afterwards,
learning from the complaint of the said William and Isabella that, although
the said Gilbert son of Gilbert as principal disseisor had, together with
the others named in the writ, disseised them of the manor unjustly and
without judgment, and that he was seised thereof together with his father
before his death, and at the time of his death, by the aforesaid disseisin and
not otherwise, as they were prepared to prove, the justices nevertheless
deferred proceeding to the taking of the said assize by pretext of the above
order, ordered the justices to take the said assize notwithstanding the
above order, if it appeared to them that these allegations were true> pro-
vided, however, that they did not proceed to render judgment without
consulting the king ; and it appears by the tenor of the record and process of
the said assize taken by the justices, which tenor the king has caused to
come before him in chancery, that the aforesaid Stephen, Gilbert son of
Gilbert, Simon Pecche, clerk, John son of Adam Noriold, William Hok,
William de Hemstede and Richard Mone, together with the said Gilbert
Pecche, deceased, disseised the aforesaid William de Hemenhale and
Isabella of the manor aforesaid, appropriating the free tenement of the
manor to Stephen, and that Stephen was seised thereof for two days by
reason of that disseisin, and immediately enfeoffed the aforesaid Gilbert
Pecche and Gilbert his son thereof, which Gilbert son of Gilbert continued
his estate therein during his father's life and afterwards to this time, and is
still seised thereof in form aforesaid : the king therefore orders the justices
to proceed to render judgment notwithstanding any order sent to them.
By pet. of C.
March 8. To Thomas de Dunstaple. Order to deliver to Richard Tristrem,
Westminster. ' harpour,' his horse, price 20 marks, as the king has received complaint
from him that whereas he was at the bridge of Burton on the king's service,
and ought to have returned thence to his own parts by the king's licence,
certain malefactors assaulted him at Trentham, and took and carried away
the said horse, which came, it is said, to the hands of Geoffrey Detheyk,
from whose custody the aforesaid Thomas touk it for the king's use in name
of ' wayf ' when he was keeper of the king's manor of Beaurepayr. By K.
March 8. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit John de
Westminster. Langeleye, John de Hampton, and Robert de Aston of the following rebels'
beasts, which Hamo Quarel and Simon Lawe, yeomen of the king's
chamber, received from them in the 15th year of his reign : seven oxen and
a plough -horse, which belonged to Roger Mayel ; thirteen oxen, a cow, a
bullock, and five plough-horses, which belonged to Humphrey, earl of
Hereford; thirty oxen, which belonged to Henry ae Wylinton ; seventeen
oxen and a cow, which belonged to William de Wauton ; two oxen, a cow,
and two plough-horses, which belonged to Walter Wiche; two plough-
17 EDWARD 11.
Marrl, 7.
March 12.
March 11.
March 11.
March 6.
Membrane 22 — co/it.
horses, two bulls, seven cows, a bullock and four heifers, which belonged to
Henry son of William; three plough-oxen, which belonged lo John de
Wvlinton. They are ordered to receive indentures of receipt t'roin the
Said John, John, and Robert, and to charge Hanio and Simon with the
aforesaid beasts, By K.
To the same. Like order concerning thirty oxen, a hull, and five plough-
horses, which the said Hanio and Simon received in the aforesaid year from
the said John de Hampton, then sheriff of Gloucester, of the goods of John
Giffard of Weston, a late rebel. By K.
To Stephen de Abvndon, the kind's butler. Order to deliver to the
abbot and convent of St. Edward's Netley (Lutele) a tun of wine of the
right prise at Southampton, in accordance with the grant by Henry 111. to
them of a tun yearly.
To the sheriff of Huntingd >n. Order to cause a coroner for that county
to be elected in place of Roger de Cantu Lupo, who cannot attend to the
duties of the office as he has been elected verderer of Wanberge forest.
To John le Porter, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. Essex. Order
to pay to Hasculph de Whitewell the arrears of a rent of two marks from
the issues of the manor of Aungre, co. Essex, from the time when the
manor was taken into the king's hands by reason of the trespass of Hugh
de Handele, the younger, the lord thereof, and to pay him the same rent so
long as the manor is in his custody, as the king, at the petition of Hasculph,
suggesting that John de Bipariis, formerly lord of the manor, had granted
to him by deed the aforesaid rent for life, and that he had received the same
from the time of the grant until the time when the manor came to the king's
hands as above, and that the rent has been detained from him since then,
appointed John de Bousser and William de Gosfeld to make inquisition
concerning the same in the presence of the keeper of the manor, and it is
found by the inquisition that the said John granted the rent to Hasculph
as above, and that Hasculph received the rent until the manor was taken
into the king's hands for certain reasons, and that the rent is in arrear B ince
that time, and that Hasculph never remitted his estate in the rent to any
lord of the manor, or changed it in any way, and that the manor is worth
in all issues 151. yearly, and that the manor is held in chief as of the honour
of Boulogne by knight service, wherefore Hasculph has petitioned the king
in parliament at Westminster to cause the rent and the arrears thereof to be
paid to him. By pet. of C.
To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. Berks.
Order to pay to Margery, late the wife of Alexander atte Hoo, the arrears
of a rent of 33*. 4<L from the time when the lands of John dc la Beche
were taken into the king's hands by reason of his rebellion, and to pay her
the same rent for so long as Robert has the custody of the said lands, as the
king learns by inquisition taken by John de Foxle, Master John de Hlebury,
and John de Benham that Margery, after she was dowered of the said
Alexander's lands in Bcnetfeld, demised them to the said John de la Heche,
to hold from Monday after All Saints, in the 11th year of the king's reign,
during her life, rendering to her yearly the aforesaid rent, as contained in
the indenture made between them, and that Margery received the said rent
from that time yearly until the said lands were taken into the king's bands
with other land- of the said John's bv reason of his rebellion, and that
Margery never afterwards remitted the said rent, nor changed her estate
therein in an\ way.
To Richard de Potesgrave, keeper of forfeited lands in co. Kent. Order
to deliver to John de Beggebj hie lands, goods and chattels, ns he hai
132*i. Membrane 22 — cont.
shewn the king by his petition before the king and his council that whereas
be was indicted before Geoffrey de Say and his fellows, then justices to hear
and determine divers felonies, trespasses, and confederations made in that
county, tor adhering to Bartholomew de Badelesmere, a late rebel, and for
other felonies, trespasses, and unlawful assemblies in that county, and was
taken and imprisoned at Rochester for this reason, and his lands, goods and
chattels were taken into the king's hands, his lands, goods and chattels are
still detained in the king's hands although he was acquitted of the above
charges before Henry de Cobeham and Edmund de Passele, justices
appointed to deliver Rochester gaol of the said John, and although he has
not withdrawn himself, so that he ought not to lose his goods and chattels,
and the king learns that he was thus acquitted by the record of the said
Henry and Edmund, which he has caused to come before him in chancery.
By pet. of C.
March G. To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Westminster. Trent. Order to desist, and to cause his ministers to desist, from hindering
the abbot of St. Peter's Gloucester from felling and receiving wood or
timber for his houses and for firewood in his woods of Bride wode and
Hopemaloysel, which at e within the bounds of the forest of Dene, if the abbot
and his predecessors have been wont to do so, as he alleges in his petition in
the present parliament, that they have been wont to do so from time out of
mind at their will without the view or delivery of any minister of the forest,
in which petition the abbot states that the said keeper and his ministers
have of late hindered him doing so.
To Master Walter de Istlep, treasurer of Ireland, or to him who supplies
his place there. Order to restore to the burgesses of the city of Cork the
victuals bought from them for the expedition of the Scotch war, or to make
suitable payment or allowance therefor to them, the king having lately
ordered him to restore or pay for the victuals thus provided, as he learns
that he has not restored or paid for the victuals bought from the said
The like to the same for the burgesses of Youghyl, omitting the clause
about making allowance therefor.
March 16. To John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Worcester, Salop,
Westminster, and Stafford. Order to cause Laurence de Lodelawe, son and heir of
William de Lodelawe, tenant in chief, to have seisin of his father's lands, as
he has proved his age before the escheator and the king has taken his
homage. By p.s. [6834.]
March 12.
March 8.
Membrane 21.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Robert
Bretoun the expenses incurred by him in taking the castle of Bolyngbrok,
which the king ordered him to take into the king's hands when he was
sheriff of Lincoln, and for the wages of the men-at-arms and archers that he
had in the castle, as he has shewn by his petition exhibited before the king
and his council that he incurred divers charges about taking the castle, and
that after he had taken it, he placed six men-at-arms and ten archers in it
for its safe custody, who remained in garrison there from 18 March, in
the loth year of the reign, until 16 April following, at which time he
delivered the castle to Alan de Cubbeldvk by the king's writ.
By pet. of C. [1762.]
To the same. Like order to allow the said Robert for the wages of the
men-at-arms, crossbowmen, and archers placed by him in Lincoln castle, in
execution of the king's order to take it into the king's hand and to keep it
132 k
March 8.
March 12.
March 9.
March 3.
March 10.
W i Btminster.
Membrane 21 — cont.
nfeljr, as he has shewn by his petition that he pat twenty men-at-arms,
twenty-fonr crossbowmen, ami twenty-six archere in the castle, who
remained in garrison there from 2*1 February, in the 15th year of the
reigu, until 16 April following, at which time he removed the garrison
from the castle by the king's order. By pet. of C. [17o2.]
To John de Bloumvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge,
Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to cause Thomas le Brut, son
and heir of Simon le Brut, tenant in chief, to have seisin of his father's
lands, as he has proved his age before Master John Wa'ewayn, late
escheator this side Trent, and the king has taken his homage.
By p.s. [6826.]
The like to Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton,
Oxford, Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. By p.s. [6826.]
John Lyon, imprisoned in Chichester gaol for the death of Roger le
Taillur, has letters to the sheriff of Sussex to bail him until the first assize.
To the sheriff of York. Order to release from prison in York castle
James, formerly the barber of William de la Beche, upon his finding
mainpernors to have him before the king to answer to him, as he has
prayed the king by petition before the king and his council to cause him to
be released from the said prison, wherein he has been long detained by the
king's order. By pet. of C.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit the men
of the town of Baumburgh of 52 marks due from them for their ferm of the
15th and 16th years of the reign, as the king has pardoned them the same
in response to their petition, because their lands, goods and chattels are
wasted by the frequent comings of the Scotch rebels to those parts.
By pet. ofC. [1563, 1566.]
To the treasurer, barons, and chamberlains of the exchequer. Whereas
lately, during the time of the war between the king and the Scotch rebels,
the king, by reason of their frequent attacks in this realm, ordered by
letters of privy seal Laurence de Castellay, constable of his castle of
Sandale, to cause the said castle to be kepi safely and securely, and after-
wards, at the prosecution of the said constable, suggesting that he had kept
divers men at different times in the castle for the custody thereof, and paid
them their wages, to wit 3d. a day, and that ho had not been satisfied for
their wages, the king ordered John de Donccastre, keeper of certain lands
in the king's hands in co. York, to make inquisition concerning the men
put in the said castle, the time they stayed there, their wages, etc. ; the
king, at the petition of the said constable exhibited before him and his
council, sends to the treasurer and barons sub pedc sif/il/i the inquisition
made by virtue of the above order, and orders them to cause payment to be
made for the wages aforesaid, after they have examined the inquisition.
By pet. of C.
To Robert de Welle and Richard de Ayromynnc, king's clerks. Order
to pay to the prior of St. Swithin's Winchester 30 marks out of I he issues
of the" last fair of St. Giles without Winchester, as the prior has shewn the
king that whereas Henry, sometime bishop of Winchester, granted to the
prior and convent of St. Swithin's 30 marks yearly from the rents of his
fair of St. Giles, for the repairing of the prior's church, which grant baa
been ratified and continued by many of the bishop's successors, and the king
has confirmed the gift and confirmations by his charter, and the prior and his
predecessor- have always received thai sum yearly from the time ol the
grant until the fair cum.' to the king's hands by the 'hath ol John, the late
bishop, the 6aid Robert and Richard, who have the custody of the bishopric
^30 i. Membrane 21 — cont.
by the kind's commission, have not paid that sum to the prior for the last
fair, wherefore the prior has praj'ed the king for a remedy. By pet of C.
March 12. To Alan de Cuheldyk, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in co.
Westminster. Lincoln. Order to supersede until further orders the demand upon John
la Wane to do homage to the king for the manor of Sixle, in that county,
which Edmund Bacoun holds for life by demise of the aforesaid John.
March 12. To John Everard, escheator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and
Westminster. Dorset. Order to cause Theobald Russel, son and heir of William Russel,
tenant in chief, to have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age
before Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, and the king
lias taken his homage. By p.s. [6829.]
The like to Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton,
Oxford, Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham.
The like to John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Hereford, Gloucester,
Worcester, Salop, and Stafford.
March 11. To the sheriffs of London. Order to permit the bodies of the late rebels
Westminster, still hanging on gibbets {f ureas) in their bailiwick to be taken down by
those who wish to do so, to be buried in the churchyards of parish churches
or of the mendicant orders nearest to the places where the rebels were
hanged and not elsewhere, as the king has granted to the prelates and
proceres in the present parliament at Westminster that the bodies of the
rebels shall be taken down and committed to ecclesiastical burial in manner
aforesaid. By K.
The like to the sheriffs of the following counties :
Middlesex. York.
Kent. Buckingham. [Ibid.]
March 11. To Gilbert de Talbot, constable of Gloucester castle, or to him who
Westminster, supplies his place. Whereas lately at the suit of William de Thunneyk,
rector of Menstreworth church, which is of the king's advowson, suggesting
that the weirs of Duny and Menstreworth are within the limits of the said
parish church, and that the tithes of the fisheries of the said weirs are due
to the church aforesaid, and that the tithes have been withheld for a long
time, the king ordered the treasurer and barons of the exchequer to search
the accounts of the constables of the castle and of other receivers of the
profits (appruatorum) of the fisheries aforesaid, and other memoranda
touching this matter, and to certify the king in chancery under the exchequer
seal of what they should find, and also ordered John de Staunton and John
de Hampton to make inquisition concerning this matter, and the treasurer
and barons have certified the king that it is found in the 26th roll in
Gloucester that allowance was made to Walter de Bello Campo, in the ferin
of the said castle, tyna and barton of Gloucester for the repair of the weirs
there, and that allowance was made to him in the 33rd roll for the repair of
the weirs aforesaid in the water of Severn near Gloucester, and that it is
not found that any mention is made of the compensation for the tithe afore-
said or of the tithe itself, aud it is found by inquisition taken by the said
John and John that the weirs are within the limits of the parish church
aforesaid, and that the tithes of the fisheries of the said weirs of Duny and
Menstreworth were assigned to the fishermen of the weirs by the constable of
ih« casile sixty years ago for the repair of the weirs, and that they are partly
paid to the church and partly withheld, and that the tithe of the fishery of
the weirs ought to be given by common right, just as the neighbouring
fisheries give a true tithe, and that nothing is given or assigned to the
church in recompease for the said tithes ; wherefore the said William has
1324. Membrane 21 — cant.
prayed the king by his petition to pay the said tithe to hi^ church; the king
therefore orders the constable to pay the tithe of the fisheries of the said
weirs to the said William and his chinch yearly henceforth.
By pet. of 0. [3784.]
March 12. To Johu le Porter, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in co.
Westminster. Essex. Order not to distrain Thomas Priou[r] for his fealty for the lands
that he holds of the king as of the castle of Angle, which is in the king's
hands, as the king has taken his fealty.
March 12. To William de AVeston, cscheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent,
Westminster. Middlesex, and in the city of London. Order not to intermeddle further
with a third of the manor of Morton, co. Sussex, and to restore the issues
thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Blaster John Walewayn,
late escheator this side Trent, that Philip de Maubaunk held at his death
the manors of Clifton and Perret, co. Dorset, of the heir of Johu Beset,
tenant in chief, by knight service, and that he did not hold any lands in
chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to
pertain to the king, but that he held a third of the manor of Horton, co.
Sussex, of William de Brewosa in free socage.
March 10. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
Westminster, elected in place of Peter Camm of Grymesby, who is incapacitated by
Membrane 20.
March 20. To William de Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Middle-
Westminster, sex, and in the city of London. Order to expend up to 100*. in repairing
the houses and mills of the king's manor of Chatham, co. Kent.
By K. on the information of the treasurer.
To Hervey de Staunton and his fellows, justices to hear and determine
certain trespasses committed against the king. Order not to molest
Edmund Hakelut, knight, of co. Worcester, for what pertains to the king
by reason of his adhesion to the late rebels, as he has made fine with the
king in 100/. to save his life and lands, as appears by the rolls of chancery ;
provided that he answer to the king if he have been indicted before tin
king for goods and chattels forfeited to the king and eloigned or for other
trespasses against the king.
The like in favour of the following :
Thomas de Hare path of co. Devon, for a fine of 20/.
John de Wanton of co. Hereford, for a fine of 10 marks.
Thomas de Wylinton of co. Gloucester, for a fine of -10 marks.
Simon Basset of the same county, for a tine of 10 marks.
Gilbert de Thynden of the same county, for a tine of 20 marks.
Thomas le Botillor of co. Gloucester, for a fine of 20 marks.
Adam Martol of the said county, for a fine of 20/.
John de Auro (sic) of co. Gloucester, for a fine of 10 mark-.
Thomas de Baddesley and Simon his son of co. Warwick, For a fine of
10 marks.
May .".. Richard Dansy of co. Hereford has like letters to Geoffrey le Serop and
w » i ■ ' Ins fellows, justices to hold pleas before the king.
March 15. To the sheriff of Stafford. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of
u < -tiniiM. r. Canok to I c elected in place of Alan de Acton, deceased.
The like for the (lection of a verderer for the said fori si in place of
Richard de Wolsel, dect as< d
March 21.
March 12.
Wt -tllll!
March 12.
Membrane 20 — cont.
To Geoffrey le Serop. Order to intend, together with the others deputed
for this purpose, (he pleas to be held before the king, as the king wills that
he shall be chief justice to hold such pleas. By K.
| Pari. Writs.']
To Hervey de Staunton. Order to deliver to the said Geoffrey the rolls,
writs, memoranda, and all other things touching the above office. By K.
To Hervey de Staunton, Henry Spigurnel, John de Stonore, Robert de
Malberthorp and Master Robert de Ayleston. Whereas the king, upon
being lately given to understand that the beasts and other goods and chattels
in the castles, manors, and tenements in cos. Gloucester, Salop, Worcester,
ami Hereford, and elsewhere in those counties that belonged to certain of his
subjects lately insurgent in war against him, and which ought to have come
to him by their forfeiture had been withdrawn and eloigned from him by
certain malefactors, and that certain of the said castles, manors, and tenements
of the said men and of others in that county in his hands for other causes that
he lately ordered to be demised at ferm for a certain time, had been demised
at a less value than they might have been demised for, and that the beasts,
corn and other goods found in the same that he lately willed should be sold
for his benefit had been sold for a smaller value than what they were
worth, and that certain demesne lands in the castles, manors, and lands
aforesaid that used to be cultivated now lie uncultivated through the default
of the keepers, and that the cbaces, parks, warrens, woods, fishponds and
fisheries thereof are insufficiently kept, and that the goods in the same at the
time when they were. taken into the king's hands were wasted and consumed
by the keepers of the castles, manors, and lands and by many other persons,
and that the said keepers have misbehaved and do misbehave themselves in
their bailiwicks about those things that they had and have in their custody
and towards the people of these parts, and that they have kept insufficiently
the chaces, parks, warrens, and woods, fishponds, aud fisheries, and that
they have chased and fished therein, and that they have taken and
carried away fish and deer therefrom, and that many of the ministers
of the king's household and elsewhere and some others, feigning to have
commissions from the king, have taken and carried away the goods and
chattels of divers men in the aforesaid counties for the king's use without
making satisfaction therefor, appointed the aforesaid Hervey, Henry, Johu,
Robert, aud Master Robert his justices to make inquisition concerning the
conduct of the said keepers and concerning the above matters, and to hear
the complaints of all persons wishing to make plaint for the carrying away
of their goods as aforesaid, and to do justice to them, and to punish all those
who should be convicted of these offences at the suit of the king or of
others, and to receive fines and ransoms from those wishing to make fines
and ransoms for those things that pertain to the king in this behalf, and
to certify the treasurer and barons concerning the same ; the king now
orders the said justices to cause the matters aforesaid that have been begun
before them and that have not yet been determined to be placed before the
king in fifteen days from Easter day next, to be determined according to
law and custom. By K.
To the same. Whereas the king, upon being lately given to understand
that the sheriffs in divers counties, and his clerks, bailiffs and ministers,
constables and keepers of his prisons, and his bailiffs of liberties and other
bailiffs of his, and the sub-escheators in the same counties have made
oppressions and grievances by colour of their offices from the men of those
counties and from other men coming into the same by false indictments, im-
prisonments, appeals, grievous ransoms, aud intolerable distraints made from
unjust causes, and have made extortions of divers sums of money and things,
1324. Membrane 20 — cotit.
and that the principal taxors and collectors and the .-ub-taxors and Bob
collectors of the sixth and tenth lately granted to the king and of other such
grants made to him and their clerks have mishehaved themselves against the
king and against his people, and have aggrieved his people in this behalf in
many ways, and that they have received great sums of money from the
townships of those counties for their own use in order to spare the men of
the townships, appointed the aforesaid Hervey, Henry, John, Robert, and
Master Robert his justices to enquire concerning the aforesaid matters in the
aforesaid counties, and to hear and determine the complaints of all wishing to
make plaint concerning these matters from the time of the king's accession,
except against those upon whom justice has been previously done, and to
receive fines and ransoms for the king's use (as in preceding order) ; the
king now orders the justices to cause the matters aforesaid that have been
commenced before them and that have not yet been determined to be placed
before him in fifteen days from Easter day next. By K.
To the same. "Whereas the king hertofore appointed certain men of
divers counties to choose in the same counties a certain number of footmen
for the Scotch war and for the repulse of the contrariants, and to array the
men of the said counties between the ages of sixteen and sixty, so that they
should be ready to come to the king when summoned, and the king after-
wards, learning from the complaint of the prelates and proceres and people
of the realm that the men thus assigned and [Incomplete.]
March 16. To the same. Whereas the king, upon learning that many persons of
Westminster, cos. Salop, Stafford, Gloucester, Worcester, and Hereford had aided the
rebels in men, horsemen and footmen, money and other things, and that they
had adhered to the said rebels, appointed the aforesaid Hervey, Henry,
John, Robert, and Master Robert his justices to enquire concerning the
men who had thus lent aid to the rebels, and to hear and determine the
matter; the king now orders them to cause the matters aforesaid that have
been commenced before them and that have not yet been determined to be
placed before him in fifteen days from Easter day next. By K.
March 18. To Robert de Bures, keeper of the lands of certain rebels in co. Suffolk.
Westminster. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Holebrok, in that
county, and to deliver the issues thereof to Robert de Aspale and Robert
de Cantuaria, executors of the will of Alice, late the wife of Roger le Bygot,
late earl of Suffolk and marshal of England, and to deliver to them the
custody of the heir of John de Holebrok, as the king, at the petition of the
aforesaid executors, suggesting that during Alice's life the custody of the
manor and heir came to her hands by reason of the heir's minority because
John held the manor by knight service of her by reason of the lands that
she held in dower, and that after her death, Bartholomew de Badelesmere,
one of her executors, had the manor by the assent and at the will of the
aforesaid executors to answer for the issues thereof, and in no other manner,
and the manor has been taken into the king's hands with the body of the
heir upon Bartholomew's forfeiture, appointed Walter de Norwico, Hervey
de Staunton, and William Visdelou to make inquisition concerning the
premises, by whose inquisition it appears that Alice had the custody of the
manor and heir in her lifetime as is above said, and died seised thereof, and
that after her death the custody came to the hands of her executors, and that
Bartholomew, one of the executors, had the manor in form afor< laid.
By pet. of C.
March 26. T<> Henry le Scrop, keeper of the Foresl beyond Trent. Order to deliver
Wtstminstcr. to Thcin.i- de lloion, kin-man and heir ofTbonUM de 1 loton, tenant in chief,
the custody of the laund of I'lunipton in the lore-t <>t Jnglewo.ie and of the
king's deer in the same brand, which the Bald Thomas, hi- grandfather, held in
^32 | Membrane 20 — cont.
chief ;it his death, as appears by inquisition returned into chancery, as the king,
on '!'> October, in the 11th year of his reign, took the homage of Thomas
for all the lands that his grandfather held in chief, and ordered Gilhert de
Stapelton, then escheator beyond Trent, to cause him to have seisin of the
said lands, he having proved his age before the escheator.
Membrane 19.
March 11. To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford,
Westminster. Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to intermeddle further with
the manors of Harewold, Podyngton, La Leye, Brockberwe, and Wrast,
which he has taken into the king's hands by reason of the death of John de
Grev, and to restore the issues thereof to Roger, son of the said John, as it
appears by part of a fine levied before William de Berefbrd and his fellows,
justices of the Bench, in the 5th year of the king's reign, between John de
St ok, parson of Strixton church, demandant, and the said John de Grey,
deforciant, that John de Grey acknowledged the aforesaid manors to be the
right of John de Stok as those that he had of his gift, and that John de
Stok granted them to John de Grey and rendered them to him, to hold for
life, so that after his death they should remain to the aforesaid Roger and
the heirs of his body, with remainder, in default of such heirs, to John, son
of Ralph Basset of Drayton, and the heirs of his body, with remainder to
Ralph, brother of the said John son of Ralph Basset, and the heirs of his
body, with remainder to the right heirs of John de Grey, and it appears by
inquisition taken by the escheator that John de Grey at his death held the
manors for life according to the form of the fine, and that the manors are
held of others than the king.
To the same. Like order concerning the manors of Great Brikhull,
Overbletchele, and Snellestone, as it appears by part of a fine levied before the
aforesaid justices in the aforesaid year between the said John de Stok and
John de Grey that the latter acknowledged the manors to be the right of the
former, and that the former granted and rendered them to the latter, to hold
for life, with remainder to the aforesaid Roger and the heirs of his body, and
with remainder to Roger son of John de Mettles, and the heirs of his body,
with remainder over to the right heirs of the said John de Grey.
To the same. Like order concerning the manor of Stokhamund, as it
appears by part of a fine levied in the aforesaid year before the said justices
between the said John de Stok and John de Grey that John de Grey
acknowledged the manor to be the right of John de Stok, and that John de
Stok granted the manor to John de Grey and rendered to him two parts thereof,
to hold for life, and granted that the third of the manor, which John de
Eton and Lettice his wife held in dower of the inheritance of the said John
de Stok (sic), should remain to the said Johnde Grey, to hold, together with
the aforesaid two parts, for life, with remainder to the aforesaid Roger, his
son, and the heirs of his body, with remainder to the right heirs of the said
John de Grey.
To John de Bloumvili, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge,
Huntingdon, Essex and Hertford. Like order concerning the manors of
Gillyng and Henimyngford Turbervill, except four virgates of land in the
latter manor, as it appears by part of a fine levied before the aforesaid
justices in the said year between William de Strixton, parson of Deneford
church, demandant, and the said John de Grey, deforciant, that John
acknowledged the manors to be the right of the said William as of John's
gift, and that William granted and rendered the manors to John for life,
with remainder to Roger his son and the heirs of his body, with remainder
132-1. Membrane 1!) — cant.
to John son of Ralph Basset of Drayton and the heirs of his body, with
remainder to Ralph, brother of the said Johu son of Ralph Basset, and the
heirs of his body, with remainder to the right heirs of the said John de
I i ivy.
To the same. Like order concerning the manor of Holewell, as ii
appears by part of a fine levied before the said justices in the same rear
between John de Stole, parson of Strixton church, demandant, and John de
Grey, deforciant, that John de Grey acknowledged the manor to be the
right of John de Stok as of John de Grey's gift, and thai John de Stok
granted and rendered the manor to Johu de Grey to hold for life, with
remainder to Roger son of the said John de Grey and the heirs of his body,
wilh remainder to the right heirs of the said John de Grey.
To the same. Like order concerning a messuage, a mill, 2 carucates of
land, 12 acres of meadow, 10 acres of pasture, and 10/. 12*. 0<l. of yearly
rent in Depeden, co. Essex, and the manor of Syweneston, and the advowson
of the church of the manor, and of a mill, 41 acres of land, l'.)\ acres of
meadow, and 6/. (5*. Orf. of yearly rent in Bollebukhull and Caldecote and
the advowson of a moiety of the church of Walton, co. Buckingham, as it
appears by part of a fine levied before Ralph de Hengham and his fellows,
justices of the Bench, in the 35th year of the late king's reign, between
Roger, parson of the church of Syweneston, demandant, and -John de Grey,
deforciant, that. John acknowledged the premises to be the right of Roger
as those that he had of John's gift, ami that Roger granted and rendered
them to John, to hold for life, with remainder to Roger son of the said John
and the heirs of his body, with remainder to Henry brother of the said
Roger son of John and the heirs of his body, with remainder to the right
heirs of John.
March 11. To Simon de Baldreston, king's clerk. Order not to intermeddle further
Westminster, with the under-mentioned manors, etc., the custody whereof the king com-
mitted to him, and to restore the issues thereof to Roger de Grey, son of
John de Grey, as it appears by parts of certain finrs levied before the
justices of the Bench in the kite king's time and in the time of the present
kind's time and by inquisitions taken by the escheators in divers counties of
the realm that the said John held for life at his death the manors of
Harewold, Podyngton, La Leye, Brockburwe. and Wrast in co. Bedford,
Holewell, co. Hertfoid, Great Brichull and the advowson of the church of
that manor, Overblecchele, Snelleston and Stok Ifaniund in CO. Bucking-
ham, Gillyng, Heinnivngford Turbervill, except four virgates of land in
the latter, CO. Huntingdon, and a messuage, a mill, two carucates of land.
12 acres of meadow, 10 acres of pasture, 10/. 12s. Or/, of rent in Depeden,
co. Essex, and tin; manor of Syweneston and the advowson of the church of
that manor, and a mill, 44 acres of land, l.*5.L acres of meadow, (>/. (i.v. Or/, of
rent in Bollebrekhull and Caldecote, and the advowson of a moiety of the
church of Walton, co. Buckingham, and it is found by other inquisitions
taken by other escheators that .John held for lite the manors of Swanton,
Flitte, and Hoghton, co. Bedford, Walton and Woketon, co Buckingham,
and that the aforesaid manors, rents, advowson s, etc., ought to remain to
Roger de Grey, sen of the said John, and to the heirs of his body,
wherefore the king has ordered the manors, rents, ,.)(•., (,> !„. delivered to
B _'e|\
The like to the aforesaid Simon ami to Robert Bower singly.
To Richard le Wayte, escheator, in en-. Wilt-. Southampton, Oxford,
I! rks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to intermeddle further with
the manors of Swanton, Flitte, and Hoghton, co. Bedford, and Walton and
Woketon, co. Buckingham, and to restore the i>-ues thereof, as it appears by
inquisition taken by the escheator that John de Grey held them for life at
J3')j. Membrane 19 — cont.
bis death of others than the king, and it is found by inquisitions taken by
other escheators this side Trent that John held no lands of the king in chief
at his death, except the castle of Ruthyn with the cantred of Deffreyncloyt,
which he held for life only and which the king has ordered to be delivered
to Roger de Grey by virtue of a fine levied in the king's court.
March 1 1. To Edward, earl of Chester, or to the justice of Chester, or to him who
Westminster, supplies the justice's place. Notification that the king has caused the
lands that John de Grey held for life to be delivered to Roger de Grey, his
son, by virtue of the fines above mentioned. The king makes this notifica-
tion so that the earl or his justice may cause to be done what ought to be
done concerning the manor of Rusdon, co. Chester, which John held for
life by fine similarly levied in that county, and which ought to remain to the
said Roger.
March 11.
March 16.
Membrane 18.
To Robert de Grendon and Robert Power. Order not to intermeddle
further with the castle of Ruthyn and the cantred of Deffrencluit,
which they have taken into the king's hands by reason of the death of
John de Grey, and to restore the issues thereof to Roger, son of the said
John, as it appears by a part of a fine levied before William de Bereford
and his fellows, justices of the Bench, in the 13th year of the king's reign,
between John de Grey, demandant, and John Amory and William de
Deneford, deforciant, that John de Grey acknowledged the castle and
cantred to be the right of the said John and William as of his gift, and that
John and William granted and rendered them to him, to hold of the king
for life, with remainder to the said Roger and the heirs of his body, with
remainder to the right heirs of the said John, and it is found by an inquisition
taken by John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Worcester, Here-
ford, Salop and Stafford, and in the adjoining marches of Wales, that John
de Grey held the castle and cantred for life according to the form of the
said fine, and that they are held of the king in chief by the service of three
knights' fees, and the king has taken Roger's homage for the castle and
cantred. By p.s.
To John le Porter, keeper of certain rebels' lands in co. Essex. Order
not to intermeddle further with a messuage and 40 acres of land of Matilda,
late the wife of William le Engleis, in Bridbrok, which were taken into the
king's hands by Geoffrey Dode and William de Neweport, as the king
learns by the certificate of the said Geoffrey and William that William le
Engleis, son of the said Matilda, was indicted before the king at Aungre, in
the said county, for certain offences, and that they took the aforesaid
messuage and land into the king's hands by virtue of their appointment to
take the lands of the said William into the king's hands, and that they
delivered them to the aforesaid keeper by the king's order, and that the
said William was never seised of the aforesaid messuage and land, but only
held them at the will of Matilda in order to find his maintenance, and it
appears by inquisition taken by William de Gosefeld and Aumfrid de
Staunton, whom the king appointed to make further inquisition concerning
this matter, that William le Engleis and the said Matilda, late his wife,
were seised of the said messuage and land as of their freehold by fine levied
in the king's court, and that William is dead, and that William le Engleis,
son of Matilda, had nothing in the said messuage and land on the day when
they were taken into the king's hands or afterwards, and it appears by the
second part of the aforesaid fine exhibited before the king that William le
Harpour granted, before Ralph de Hengham and his fellows, justices of
March 11.
March 12.
If arch 28.
March 18.
March 16.
Membrane IS — cont.
the Bench, in the 30th year of the late king's reign, the messuage and land to
the aforesaid William le Engleis and Matilda for their lives. By pet of C.
To John de Lek, constable of Tuttebury castle. Order to deliver to
Robert de Whitefeld the issues of his lands from 20 March, in the
16th year of the king's reign, when the king ordered Roger de Waltham,
then keeper of the aforesaid castle, to deliver to Robert his lands upon
his finding mainpernors to have him before the king if the king would
speak against him to answer for wearing the robes of Thomas, late earl of
Lancaster, as Roger has certified that Rohert has found the following main-
pernors : Thomas de (sic) Chaumberleyn of Marchyngton, William Curt. lis
of Hambury, Robert de Melburn, Richard de YVhittenhull of Adgarsleye,
Henry de Kinoton of Marchyngton, and Nicholas de Colton.
To John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester,
Salop, and Stafford. Order not to intermeddle further with the house
called 'La Bothhail ' in the town of Shrewsbury, and to restore any issues
received therefrom to the burgesses, the escheator having certified that he
took the said house into the king's hands because he found by an inquisi-
tion taken before him that the community of the town had appropriated to
themselves a plot of land of the king's soil in that town, upon which they
had built the said house, as it appears by a charter of Henry III., which
the king has inspected, that he granted to the burgesses of the said town
that they might approve themselves on land and in water within the liberty
of the town without hindrance from the king or his bailiffs. By C.
To the chamberlain of Kaermerdyn. Order to pay to Edmund, earl of
Arundel, justiciary of Wales, the arrears of a moiety of the fee that he
ought to receive for that office from the time of the chamberlain's appoint-
ment, and to pay the same moiety henceforth.
The like to the chamberlain of Caernarvan.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver to
Nicholas son of Lucy daughter of Robert de Twenge a moiety of the
manors of Wlovre, Hethpol, Heddreslawe, Lowyk, and Bedford, and the
issues received therefrom, as Mary, daughter of Margery de Muschaunce,
acknowledged, by a fine lately levied by the king's licence before the
justices of the Bench, between her, Nicholas de Meynill, and the aforesaid
Nicholas son of Lucy, demandants, and Thomas de Hibernia. deforciant,
concerning the moiety of the aforesaid manors, which are held in chief, that
the moiety was the right of the said Thomas as of her gift, and Thomas
granted and rendered it to her, to hold for her life, with remainder to the
said Nicholas de Meynill and the heirs of his body, with remainder to the
aforesaid Nicholas son of Lucy and the heirs of his body, with remainder to
the right heirs of the aforesaid Nicholas de Meynill, and it is found by in-
quisition taken by the escheator that the said Nicholas de Meynill died on
2(5 April, in the loth year of the king's reign, and that he died without an
heir of his body, and that when he died Mary was still living, and that -he
died on 18 October, in the Kith year of the reign, and that she continued
her estate in the moiety for her time according to the tenor of the line, and
that no one named in the tine hafi changed his estate; in any wise, and that
the moiety is held of the king in chief by the Ben ices pel tabling lo a moiety
of the barony of Miwhauncc, which barony Owes suit to the county [curt |
Of Northumberland, finding four armed horses in the king's war, wherefore
the king has taken the I of the said Nicholas son of Lucy for the
moiety aforesaid. By p.s.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereat the late king,
on 20 September, in the 6th year of his reign, granted to John son of
j 30 [ Membrane 18 — cont.
Reginald de Grey and his heirs that he should render the debts due from
him to the exchequer for the debts of Ralph Morin, which were attermined
at 20/. yearly, at the rate of 5 marks yearly, and he ordered the treasurer
and barons of the exchequer to allow the said terms and to cause them to be
enrolled, and afterwards, on 8 November, in the 8th year of his reign, he
ordered the treasurer ami barons to permit the attorneys of Eleanor, queen
of England, his consort, to receive the said sum yearly from John in the
exchequer, the late king having assigned hirn to the queen to pay to her
the debts v. herein Ralph Morin was bound to Hagin son of Master Moses
(Mossei), a Jew of London, which debts were attermined at the exchequer,
and afterwards, on 3 February) in 19th year of his reign, he appointed John
Bacoun and Richard de Kancia to levy all the debts due to the said queen
at her death, on condition that they answered to the executors of her will
therefor, and although the said John son of Reginald paid 5 marks yearly
to the late king's exchequer from the 20th September aforesaid until the
8th November aforesaid, and paid that sum yearly to the said queen from
the latter date, the treasurer and barons are exacting all the debts aforesaid
from the executors and heirs of the aforesaid John as if the grant had not
been made to the said queen; the king therefore orders them to examine
the rolls and memoranda of the late king's exchequer, and if they find that
John observed the attermination aforesaid until the said 8th November,
they are to cause the said demand to be superseded and to cause the
executors and heirs of the said John to be acquitted thereof.
March 27. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to release Roger de Antyngham upon
Westminster, his finding mainpernors to have him before the king when ordered, the
sheriff having taken him by reason of the king's appointment of John de
Weston, constable of the Tower, and Henry de Amyne to pursue and take
the said Roger and bring him to the king. By K.
Membrane 17.
March 15. To Thomas de Burgh, eseheator beyond Trent. Order to pay to Hugh
Westminster, de (sic) le Despenser of Hilderskelf the arrears of the pension wherein that
manor is charged to him from the time when the manor last came to the
king's hands, and to pay the same for so long as it is in the escheator's
custody, and to permit him to receive the profits mentioned below, as the
king learns by inquisition taken by the eseheator concerning the lands of
Ralph, late baron of Craystok, tenant in chief, that the said manor is held
of John Bigot, and that it is charged to the said Hugh with a yearly
pension of 5 quarters, one bushel and a peck of good wheat and a robe
yearly for Hugh's life, for the custody of the woods and warren of
Hilderskelf, and that Hugh ought to have all the strippings and cuttings
(ramale et sculpas) from the trees in the woods given by the heirs of
the said Ralph in any manner, and all windfall-wood therein, with free
ingress and egress to carry the same away, and that Hugh was seised of
the said pension and profits from the time of the making of a deed by
Sir Ralph son of William, formerly lord of that manor, granting the same to
him, and that he continued his seisin thereof until the manor came to the
king's hands by the death of the said Ralph, late baron of Craystok.
To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. Berks.
Order to deliver to Edmund de Bohoun all his lands, as the king has
pardoued him the suit of his peace and what pertains to him for adhering
to Humphrey de Bohoun, earl of Hereford, a late rebel, and has restored to
him his lands, which were forfeited for this reason ; provided that if the
March 5.
March 8.
March 8.
March 27.
April 1.
March 30.
April 1.
Membrane 17 — cont.
lands have been demised at ferm by the kind's oi'der, the said Edmund shnll
satisfy the fermors by the said keeper's view for their expenses in the lands.
[Pari. Writs.'] By p.s. [6822.]
The like to Alan de Cubbeldyk keeper in co. Lincoln, and to Richard
de Whatton, keeper in co. Northampton. [Ibid.]
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow Robert
Bretoun his expenses about the taking of the castle of Bolyngbrok, and
for the wages of the men-at-arms and archers placed therein for the safe
custody thereof, as he has prayed the king by his petition before the king
and council to cause such allowance to be made to him, showing that,
when he was sheriff of Lincoln, he expended divers sums about the taking
of the castle by the king's order, and that he afterwards put six men-at-
arms and ten archers in it for safe custody, who remained in it from
18 March, in the loth year of the reign, until 16 April following, when
he delivered the castle to Alan de Cubbeldyk by the king's order.
By pet. of C. [1762.]
To the same. Like order for the allowance of the said Robert's expenses
about the taking into the king's hands of Lincoln castle and the custody of
the same, Robert having shewn by his petition before the king and his
council that he took the castle and placed twenty men-at-arms, twenty-four
crossbowmen, and twenty-six archers therein, who stayed therein from
27 February, in the 15th year of the king's reign, until 16 April following,
when Robert removed them from the castle by the king's order.
By pet. of C. [1762.]
To John de Bloumvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge,
Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to deliver to Agnes, late the
wife of John Dargentaine, tenant in chief, the following of her late
husband's knights' fees, which the king has assigned to her in dower : a fee
in Waudlyngton, co. Hertford, which John de Waudlyngton holds, of the
yearly value of 10/.; a quarter of a fee in Meldebourn, co. Cambridge,
which Anna Paynel holds, of the yearly value of 15*.
To the same. Order to deliver to the said Agnes the advowson of the
church of St. Benedict, Cambridge, of the yearly value of 100*., and the
advowson of the chapel of SS. Simon and Jude, Newmarket (de Novo
Mercato), of the yearly value of 40*., which the king has assigned to her as
dower of her husband's advowsons.
To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford,
Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Like order to deliver to the said Agnes
a knight's fee in Asshendon, co. Buckingham, which John de Adyngrave
holds, of the yearly value of 101.
To John Everard, escheator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and
Dorset. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of John do
Ferariis of Cbircheston, and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears hy
inquisition taken by the escheator that he held no lands in chief at his
death in the escheator's bailiwick by reason whereof the custody of his
lands ought to pertain to the king.
To Griffin ap Res, constable of Buelt castle. Order to expend up to
20 marks in repairing the houses, walls, and other buildings within that
To Richard de Musle, constable of Pontefraet castle. Order to release
John de Chelmersford, clerk, from thai castle* wherein he i-- imprisoned for
adhering to tin; rebels, as Qilea de Trumpeton of co. Cambridge, Blaster
Richard de Clare of co. Wilts, and Gilbert de Chelmersford, parson of tho
March 22.
-March 13.
April 6.
March 20.
Membrane 17 — cont.
church of St. Michael, Long Stretton, diocese of Norwich, have mainperned
for payment of the 200 marks in which he made fine with the king and have
also mainperned for his good behaviour. By K.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to
Geoffrey de Sutton and Robert Rut, collectors of the custom at Boston, for
700/., paid by them by the king's order by privy seal to Thomas de Usflete,
clerk of the great wardrobe, for the purpose of making divers provisions
for the office of the wardrobe in Boston fair, which the king lately charged
him to make.
To Thomas de Fetherstanhalgh, keeper of the king's peel of Hegheved.
Order to deliver to Ermeiarda, late the wife of John de Harcla, her dower
of an assart called ' Hegheved,' and the issues of the same from the time
when it was taken into the king's hands, as she has shewn by her petition
before the king and his council that a third of the said assart was assigned
to her as dower after her husband's death by Andrew de Harcla, and that
6he was seised thereof, and that the said keeper took the said part into the
king's hands without cause, wherefore she prayed the king for a remedy,
especially as her husband forfeited nothing to the king in his life and she
has not trespassed against the king in anything by reason whereof she
ought to lose her dower, whereupon the king ordered the keeper to deliver
to her her dower aforesaid, together with the issues of the same from the
time when it was taken into the king's hands, the keeper haviDg
returned that he has not delivered the dower to her because the assart was
committed to him by writ of privy seal.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Thomas Wak
of 30/. yearly from 1 April last out of the 90/. yearly due from him for the
custody of the lands of John de Stutevill, tenant in chief, in Ekyngton and
Kyrkeby-in-Asshefeld, for the latter manor, the king having committed to
him, on 19 December, in the 16th year of his reign, the custody of the
manors during the minority of John's heir, as the king, on 1 April
aforesaid, assigned the manor of Kyrkeby to Laura, late the wife of the said
John, in dower by the assent of the said Thomas.
To Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent. Order to
deliver to Richard, son and heir of Richard de Aumundevill, the issues of
his father's lands, the king having ordered John de Bloumvill, escheator in
cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford, not
to intermeddle further with the lands of the said Richard the elder, and to
restore the issues thereof, because it appears by an inquisition taken by the
said John that the said Richard the elder held no lands in chief at, his death
except the manor of Okenhill, co. Suffolk, whereof Elizabeth, late the wife
of the said Richard the elder, was enfeoffed jointly with him, which manor
is held of the king as of the honour of Eye by knight service, as Richard de
Aumundevill, son and heir of the said Richard, has entered the said lands,
as it is said.
Membrane 16.
March 26. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king, on
Westminster. 8 May, in the 14lh year of his reign, committed to John de Rithre, his
yeoman, the custody of the castle of Corf with the chace of Purbyk during
pleasure, so that he should answer to the exchequer for the issues thereof,
and ordered Roger Dammory or him who supplied his place in the castle to
deliver to John the castle and chace, together with the arms, victuals, and
other things in the castle, and the aforesaid commission was delivered at the
exchequer in the estreats of the fines of the rolls of chancery, by reason
whereof the treasurer and barons have caused John to be summoned to
17 EDW.Mi!) II.
March 24.
W 'I'stiuinster.
1321. Membrane 16—cont.
render account of the issues aforesaid ; and the king on 3 December, in the
loth year of Ids reign, committed the custody of the castle and chace afore-
said to John le Latimer during pleasure, when lie ordered the said Roger or
him who supplied his place in the castle to deliver the castle and chace to
the said John le Latimer, whereby it appears that the castle and chace
remained in the custody of the said Roger from the said 8 -May until th"
said 3 December continuously: the king therefore orders the treasurer and
barons to discharge the said John de Rithre of the issues aforesaid.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allow-
ance to be made to Richard, brother and heir of Henry de Cokefehl, in the
debts due from Henry at his death and the debts of Simon de Cokefeld,
brother* of the said Henry and Richard, for 15/. due to Henry from the
king by an account made in the king's wardrobe for the time when Henry
was of the king's household, and to do what they shall see fit concerning
the attermination of the rest of the aforesaid debts, Richard having prayed
by his petition before the king and his council for allowance for the said 15/.
and that the king would grant him attermination at the rate of -iOs. yearly
for payment of the aforesaid debts. By pet. of 0. [196.3, I960.]
March 1.5. To John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Worcester, Hereford, Gloucester,
Westminster. Salop, and Stafford. Order not to intermeddle further with an acre of land
in Kingesnorton, and to restore the issues thereof, the escheator having taken
it into the king's hands by reason of its acquisition by the abbot and convent
of Bordisle, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Master John
Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, that the predecessors of the abbot
and convent acquired the aforesaid acre from Richard de la Woxthallef long
before the publication of the statute of mortmain, to wit 70 years ago and
more, rendering therefor to the said Richard and his heirs (><7. yearly, and
that the aforesaid acre is held of the aforesaid Richard by the service of Or/,
yearly for all service, and that Richard held the said Gd. of yearly rent with
other lands in Brimesgrave and Norton of the late king as of the manor of
Brimesgrave and Norton, which is of the ancient demesne of the crown, by
the service of the aforesaid Gd. of yearly rent, and that Richard released the
aforesaid rent to the predecessors of the abbot 50 years ago and more, and
that he charged himself with the said rent to the late king, and that the
aforesaid acre is worth in all issues 8d. yearly. By pet. of C. [1707.]
March 11. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to the
Westminster, proctor of the abbot of Fecamp in England 50/. in the debts due from the
abbot, as the proctor has prayed the king by petition to cause allowance to
be made to him for the above sum, wherein the king is bound to the proctor
by letters patent under the exchequer seal for money received by way of
loan, which sum the king promised to pay to him at Martinmas, in the 1 3th
year of his reign, or to allow it in tenths or other contributions from him.
By pet. of ('.
To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. Berks.
Order to pay to Margery, late the wife of Alexander atte Hon, the arrears
of 33*. 4d. yearly from the time when he received the custody of Alexander's
lands in Benetfeld, and to pay her that sum yearly for BO long as they are in
his custody, as it is found b\ inquisition taken by John de Foxle, Master
Johu de Blebury, and John de Benham, thai Margery, after she was dowered
of the aforesaid lands in Benetfeld, demised them to John de Is Beche, to
hold from Monday after All Saints, in the 11th year of the Ling'- reign, for
the term of her life, rendering to her yearly 33*. Id., as is contained in a
d< eil between the said .John and Margery, and in uo other wise, and thai Bhe
* Described u ,; 'l"- petition.
+ ( tiled I 'I"1 petit
i 2
March 20.
March 8a
March 23.
March 20.
?Itmbrane 16 — row/.
ak oeived lhat sum from the time of the demise until the said lands
■were taken into the king's hands with other lands of the said John's, and
that the lands aforesaid are worth 33*. id. vearlv, and that thev were taken
into the king's hands with the other lands of the said John by reason of his
rebellion, and that Margery never afterwards released the said rent or
changed her estate therein in any way.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to John
Travers, king's clerk, the expenses that they shall find by inquisition that
he incurred about the safe guarding of the castle of Horneby, co. Lancaster,
as he has shewn the king by his petition before him and his council that
whereas he had the custody of the said castle amongst other lands in the
king's hands in that county at the time when the Scotch rebels entered that
county, when they stayed for thirteen days about the castle and at Lancaster
and elsewhere in those parts from Friday before St. Thomas the Martyr, in
the 16th year of the king's reign, and the said clerk incurred great expense
for the safe-guarding of the castle by the retaining of men-at-arms, hobelers,
and others in the same at the king's wages, and he has prayed the king to
cause allowance to be made to him for the same. By pet. of C. [3776.]
To John de Bloumvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge,
Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to deliver to Simon de la Borde
the manor of Hilketlishale,* co. Suffolk, which the escheator took into the
king's hands by reason of the death of Guy Ferre, and to deliver the issues
thereof since Guy's death to Simon, as the king learns by inquisition taken
by Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, that Guy held at
his death the said manor by fine levied in the king's court, to him and the
heirs of his body, of the king in chief as of the honour of Lancaster by the
service of a moiety of a knight's fee, with remainder to the said Simon and
the heirs of his body, with remainder to John de Claroun and the heirs of
his body, with remainder over to the right heirs of the said Guy, and that
Guy died without an heir of his body, by reason whereof the manor ought
to remain to Simon, the king having taken Simon's homage for the manor.
By p.s. [6848.]
To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of
Okenhill, co. Suffolk, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by
inquisition taken by the said Master John Walewayn that Richard de
Aumundevill and Elizabeth his wife were jointly enfeoffed of the manor by
fine levied in the king's court, to them and to the heirs of Richard, and that
the manor is held of the king in chief as of the honour of Eye by the
service of one knight's fee, and by the service of 20d. to the ward of the
castle of that honour at the end of everv 32 weeks yearly, and by the service
of doing suit at each court of the honour, and that Elizabeth continued her
seisin jointly with Richard until his death, and it appears by inspection of
the fine in chancery that it was levied at Westminster in fifteen days from
Holy Trinity, in the oth year of the king's reign, before William de Bereford
and his fellows, justices of the Bench, at which time the honour was not in
the king's hands.
To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain eontrariants' lands in co. Gloucester.
Order to pay to Thomas, parson of the church of Weston-under-E^ge, a
tithe of the agistments of beasts in the park of Weston and in other lands
and pastures pertaining to that manor and to the manor of Norton within
the limits of his parish, if it appear to the said keeper that Thomas and his
predecessors have been wont to receive such tithe, as Thomas has shewn
the king by his petition before him and his council that he ought to receive
such tithe and that his predecessors have been wont to receive it from
* Calied HilUschishale in the privy seal.
March 24.
March 30.
March 3 1 .
March 27.
March 30.
Membrane 16 — cont.
time out of mind, and that the tithe has been detained from him since the
manors were taken into the king's hands by the forfeiture of John son of
John Giffard. By pet. of C. [7528.]
To the sheriffs of London. Order to release Richard de Bristol], Richard
de Whatele, Walter de Charteseye, William de Hampton, William Testa,
John de Hertford, Simon Oulepenne, Thomas le Mureschal, and Richard de
Staunford from Newegate prison, upon their finding mainpernors to have
them before the king when called upon, they having shewn by their petition
that whereas they were lately hired by the citizens of that city to go with
the king in his service against certain of the rebels, and they remained with
the king in the said service for some time, they were afterwards attached
by the mayor of the city and committed to Newegate because they returned
to the citv without the king's licence to seek the costs of themselves and their
fellows in the said expedition. By pet. of C.
To the constable of Bristol castle, or to him who supplies his place.
Order to deliver John de Sapy to Thomas de (sic) Blound and Richard
Rivers, knights of co. Gloucester, John de Hardeshull, knight of co.
Warwick, William Rydell, knight of co. Northumberland. Rogor Pichard,
knight of co. Hereford, and Matthew de Clyvednn, knight of co. Somerset,
as they have mainperned to have the said John before the king in the
quinzaine of Easter next to answer for his adherence to certain rebels.
By K.
To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to restore to Robert de Leybourn
his lands, which the king lately ordered the sheriff to take into the king's
hands, to hold at the king's will, and the issues thereof, retaining in the
king's hands his goods and chattels, which the king also ordered to be
taken into his hands. By K.
The like to the sheriff of Lancaster.
To the sheriff of Lancaster. Order to supersede entirely the exaction of
the said Robert at the king's suit in that county [court], although he is placed
in exigent to be outlawed because he did not appear before the king to
answer him at his suit for his alleged adherence to certain rebels in that
county. By K.
To the bailiffs of J. bishop of Norwich at Bishop's Lenne. Order to
permit John Taillour, burgess of Berwick -on-Tw7eed, to go whither he will,
if he have letters of safe conduct under the seals of Robert de Umframvill,
earl of Angos, and Roger de Horsle, keepers of the truce with the Scots
in the parts of Northumberland, and to restore the said letters and his goods
and chattels to him, as he has shewn by his petition that whereas he set out
on pilgrimage (peregre) towards Canterbury with the said letters of safe
conduct, and came to the said town, the aforesaid bailiffs have arrested and
detained him, retaining the said letters and his goods and chattels in their
possession. By pet. of C. [3712.]
Membrane 16 — Schedule.
March 27. To William de Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Middlesex,
Westminster, and in the city of London. Order to deliver to H. bishop of Lincoln, or to
his attorney, his lands in the town of Stutyng, co. Kent, and the Old
Temple, London, and all the other lands of the bishopric in the Mcheitor'fl
bailiwick, as the king has restored the temporalities ol the -. .- to the hi.- hop
at the request of the prelates carls, and other magnates of the realm.
B) K.
1324. Membrane 16 — Schedule. — cont.
The like to the following:
.John de Blumvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge,
Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford, concerning the manors of Bokeden
and Spaldewik, and all other lands of the bishopric.
Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford,
Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham, concerning the manor of Bykel-
iswade, co. Bedford, the manors of Tynghirst and Wobourn, co.
Buckingham, and the manors of Tham and Dorkcestre, co. Oxford.
Robert Darcy, concerning Sleford castle and other lands of the
bishopric. Et erant patentee.
Donald de Mar, concerning the castle of Neuwerk and other lands of
the bishopric.
Robert de Arderne, concerning Banbury castle and other lands of the
Roger de Watton, concerning the manor of Ledyngton, co. Rutland,
and the manor of Kildesby, co. Northampton, and other lands of the
bishopric. Et erant clause.
June 2-1. Henry de Cobham, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in co.
Tuubridgo. Kent, conceining the town of Stoutyng and Tunstal, and the issues
thereof from the said 27 March.
Memorandum, that it was and is the intention of the king that the
collations and presentations of benefices void during the time when the
temporalities aforesaid were in his hands shall be saved to him, and Master
Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, the chancellor, intimated this
to the bishop at the sealing of the writs by the king's order, admonishing
him to conduct himself in the premises so that the king should not have any
other cause to place his hands upon the temporalities aforesaid.
Membrane 15.
March 15. To Simon de Baldreston, king's clerk. Order not to intermeddle further
Westminster, with the custody of a messuage, 90 acres of land, and 24s. of rent in Hoclive,
and to restore the issues thereof to John Amory, as the king learns by
inquisition taken by Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton,
Oxford, Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham, that John de Grey and John
Amory held the premises on the day of John de Grey's death jointly of
the gift of Joan, late the wife of Richard Kereseye, to them and the heirs
of John Amory, and that they are held of others than the king.
April 1. To John de Bolyngbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Not-
Westminster. tingham, Derby, and Lancaster. Order to deliver to Laura, late the wife
of John de Stotevill, tenant in chief, the manor of Kirkeby-in-Asshe-
feld, co. Nottingham, which the king has assigned to her as dower of
her husband's lauds by the assent of Thomas Wake, to whom he had
committed the custody of John's lands during the minority of his heir.
March 10. To John de Bolinbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Nottingham,
Westminster. Derby, and Lancaster. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands
that John son of Ingelram de Luda held of the bishopric of Lincoln at his
death, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition
taken by Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, that the
said John held in his demesne as of fee at his death certain lands in Louth
{Luda) of the bishopric of Lincoln by the service of 22s. yearly and making
an appearance yearly at Michaelmas at the bishop's court of Louth, and of
being his reeve of the manor of Louth for one year only when elected to that
March 24.
April 6.
March 14.
1324. Membrane 15 — cont.
office, and that he held no other lands of the bishopric or of the king as of
the crown by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pet tain to
the king. The king wills that the issues of the aforesaid land- Bhall In-
answered for by his bailiffs of that manor, which is in his hands, as has
been usual heretofore in the times of the bishops.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to release Richard de Bristol!, Richard
de Whatele, Walter de Cherteseye, William de Hampton, William Testa,
John de Hertford, Simon Oulepenne, Thomas le Mareschal, and Richard de
Staunford from Newegate prison, upon their finding mainpernors to have
them before the king when called upon, they having shewn by their petition
that whereas they were lately hired by the citizens of that city to go with
the king in his service against certain of the rebels, and they remained with
the king in the said service for some time, they were afterwards attached by
the mayor of the city and committed to Newegate because they returned to
the city without the king's licence to seek the costs of themselves and their
fellows in the said expedition. By pet. of C.
To John de Weston, constable of the tower of London. Order to release
Robert de Stanford, chaplain, from prison in the Tower. The king makes
this order of his especial grace. By K.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Ralph de
Sharpenham, who now holds the lands of John Styne, deceased, whose
lands were in the king's hands during his lifetime by reason of his madness,
of the issues of the aforesaid lands received by him, as the king, on
15 December, in the 3rd year of his reign, ordered Walter de Gloucestre,
then escheator this side Trent, not to intermeddle further with the lands of
the said John, because it was found by an inquisition taken by him that he
held nothing in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands
ought to pertain to the king.
April 6. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause Margaret, wife of Roger
Westminster, de Mortuo Mari of Wygemore, who is in his custody, to be conducted to the
castle of Skipton-in-Craven, co. York, together with a damsel, an esquire,
a laundress, a groom, and a page (uno pagetto) serving her, there to be
delivered by indenture to John de Rithre, constable of the aforesaid castle,
whom the king has ordered to receive her from the aforesaid sheriff. The
king has ordered the treasurer and barons of the exchequer to cause 13.v. id.
daily to be paid to her for the expenses of herself and the aforesaid servants
on their journey to the said castle, and to cause 13s. Ad. weekly to be paid
to her during her stay in the said castle, and 10 marks yearly at Easter and
Michaelmas for her robes. By K.
April 9. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to supersede entirely the exaction for
Fuliner. outlawry and the promulgation of outlawry in his county [court] of Richard
de Eurneux, parson of Fraunkton church, for his failure to appear before
Richard de la Bere and his fellows, the justices appointed to hear and
determine certain trespasses committed upon Hugh le Despenser, the
younger, at Fraunkton, in that county, to answer to the -aid Hugh for the
aforesaid trespasses, as he has satisfied Hugh for the trespasses, as Hugh
has testified personally before the king.
To the same. Like order, as tin' said Richard has .satisfied the king for
certain trespasses committed upon him at Fraunkton.
April 7. To Roger de Waltham, late keeper of the wardrobe. Order io act at
Fulmar. with Richard de Emeldon for the time when he hail thecustodi of Don&tan-
burgh castle by the king's commission, allowing him the following waji
!■■! id men-at-arms and l<> bobelera whom he retained iu garrison of the
April 1.
March 18.
April 7.
Fu liner.
April 7.
Membrane 15 — cont.
castle ■foresaid, to wit \2d. a day each for ten of the said men-at-arms and $d.
a day each tor the other thirty, and -id. a day for each of the hobclers, for
so long as he retained them in the garrison, and to make him a bill therefor
under the said Roger's seal, receiving Bret from him the oath usual in this
case. By K.
To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain forfeited lands in the city of
London. Order to deliver to John de Chelmersford, clerk, all his lands in
the said keeper's custody by reason of his adherence to certain rebels, as
Giles de Trnmpeton of co. Cambridge, Master Richard de Clare of co.
Wilts, and Gilbert de Chelmersford, parson of the church of St. Michael,
Long Stretton, diocese of Norwich, have mainperned for the payment of
the 2(X) marks in which he made fine with the king and for his good
behaviour ; provided that if the keeper have demised John's lands at ferm,
John shall satisfy the fermors for their expenses upon the same. By K.
The like to the following :
Richard de Potesgrave. keeper, etc., in co. Surrey.
William de Fulbourn, clerk, termor of John's lands in co. Surrey.
John le Porter, keeper, etc., in co. Esses.
Robert de Hungerford. keeper, etc., in co. Berks.
Robert de Bures, keeper, etc., in co. Suffolk, By K.
To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. Berks.
Order to pay to Simon de Xorton the arrears of a rent of 2s. '2d. yearly and
of 4hd. yearly for hidage from the time when a messuage, a carucate of land,
and 40s. of rent in Peseniere, in the said county, which Warin de Insula
held of him by the above service, were taken into the king's hands with
Warin's other lauds upon Warin's forfeiture, if it appear to the keeper that
Simon was seised of the rent uutil the said forfeiture, and to pay him that
sum yearly henceforth, Simon having shewn by his petition before the
kin? and his council that he was seised of the aforesaid reut until Warin's
forfeiture, and that is in arrear since then, to wit for 3 vears.
By pet. of C. [3178.]
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause Margaret, daughter of
Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemor, to be conducted to the priory of
Shuldham, and Joan his second daughter to be conducted to the priory of
Srmplingham, and Isabella his third daughter bo the priory of Chikessand,
to be delivered to the priors of those places, to stay amongst the nuns in the
same priories. The king has ordered the priors to receive the said Margaret,
Joau, and Isabella into their houses. By K.
To the prior and convent of Shuldham. Order to receive the aforesaid
Margaret from the said sheriff by indenture, and to cause her to be kept safely
in that house amongst the nuns, so that he may be able to answer to the
king for her body when ordered. The king has ordered his treasurer and
chamberlains to cause 15</. weekly to be paid to the prior and convent for
her expenses from the day when they receive her and a mark yearly for her
The like to the prior and convent of Svmplinsjham for the aforesaid
Joan, receiving \2d. weekly and a mark yearly for her expenses and robe.
The like to the prior and convent of Chikessond for the aforesaid
Isabella, receiving I2d. weekly as above.
To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to cause 3s. a day to be paid
for the expeuses of the aforesaid Margaret and 2s. a day each for the
expenses of Joan and Isabella to be paid until thev come to the aforesaid
priories, and to cause \od. weekly to be paid to the prior and convent of
Shuldham for the expenses of Margaret, and \2d. weekly to be paid to the
prior and convent of Sjmplingham for the expenses of Joan, and I2d.
April 1.
2321. Membrane 15 — cont.
weekly to be paid to the prior and convent of Chikessond for the expenses
of Isabella, from the time when they are received in the said priories for so
long as they remain therein, and a mark yenrly to be paid at Michaelmas
for the robe of each of them. By K.
To Geoffrey le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the
king. Order not to permit Thomas de Hastang' to be aggrieved before
them at the suit of the king or any one else by reason of the goods of the
rebels that he took and occupied whilst pursuing them in the king's
company, as the king has granted that those who were in his company to
pursue the rebels shall not be molested or aggrieved for the rebels'
goods that they took and occupied in the pursuit between 17 October,
in the loth year of the king's reign, and 5 April following. By K.
March 17. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. John, son and heir of
"Westminster. Ralph de Bokeland, has shewn the king that whereas queen Eleanor, the
king's mother, received in her lifetime certain ferms in co. Southampton
and amongst others the ferm of the manor of Brighton and La Freynsshe-
more, by the late king's grant, and the late king after her death granted
to the executors of her will that they might receive all the ferms that she
had in her lifetime during those ferms for the execution of her will, and
that although Ralph, father of the said John, paid the ferm of 46/. yearly
due from him for the aforesaid manor, which was committed to him bv the
late king, to the said executors for all the time that he held the manor, as
John asserts is contained in the memoranda of the exchequer of the said
executors' accounts of such ferms received by them, the treasurer and
barons nevertheless cause John to be distrained for 230/. for the arrears of
the said ferm, as if the executors had not received the ferm ; the king
therefore orders the treasurer and barons to search the rolls and memoranda
of the exchequer, and to call before them the said executors, and to cause
John to have discharge and acquittance of the said ferm if they find that
the executors received the ferm for the time that Roger held the manor
and charged themselves therewith. By pet. of C. [1699.]
Membraxe 14.
^h 23. To Edmund, earl of Kent. Order not to intermeddle further with the
Westminster, abbev of St. Marv's Winchester, and to restore the issues thereof to the
abbess thereof, the earl having returned that he took the abbey into the
king's hands because it was found by divers inquisitions taken before him,
by virtue of the king's commission to pursue, arrest, and do justice upon
Robert Lewer and his adherents and to take their lands and goods into the
king's hands, that the wife and goods of the said I . to wit two coffers
with jewels and other goods and chattels to the value of 200/., were
received into the abbey by two nuns of the abbey, sisters of Robert's wife,
and by their accomplices, without the knowledge of the abbess. The king
wills that the abbess shall answer for her nuns for the said trespasses.
By K. and C.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Richard
de la March's goods and chattels, which wen- taken into the king's hands by
Richard Love), late constable of Bristol castle, and Richard Tilbv, major of
that town, by the king's orders by reason of his adheren<
Berkel.-, a late rebel, to be restored to him, and to acquit the said Richard
Lovel and Richard Tilby of the said goods, as it ap; the record and
em of an inquisition taken before Hervey tie Staunton and his fellows,
justices api»ointed to enquire concerning the l r adherents and
March 20.
I324i Membrane 14 — cont.
to hoar and determine such cootrariancies and adhesions in co. Gloucester,
thai the said Richard de la March, who was indicted for adhering to the
Bftid Maurice, wafl not of Maurice's adherence nor of that of any other rebel,
and was not aiding or counselling any of the rebels against the king,
wherefore he went quit by consideration of the court.
The like in favour of John Chaumpeneys, concerning his goods taken into
the king's hands by the aforesaid constable for this reason.
April 7.
March 12. To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. Berks.
Westminster. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage, 24 acres of laud, and
2 acres of meadow in Kingeston Bakepuiz, as the king learns by inquisition
taken 1>\ Master Robert de Ayleston and the said keeper that William
[Beaumond] of Kyngeston Bakepuiz, deceased, demised, at Michaelmas,
in the loth year of the king's reign, the premises to Robert atte Beche for
twelve years, and that the tenements are of the inheritance of Alice, late the
wife of the aforesaid William, because Nicholas Peytevyn, her father, died
seised thereof in his demesne as of fee, and that the tenements, which were
lately in the hands of the aforesaid Robert [atte Beche], were taken into the
king's hands at the Purification, in the aforesaid year, with other lands of
the aforesaid Robert, by John de Brompton, then sheriff of that county,
because Robert wore the robes of Philip atte Beche, his father, and that the
aforesaid William Beaumond died at the feast of St. Gregory the pope, in
the 16th year of the king's reign, and that Alice, after the death of the said
William her husband, made no estate in the said tenements to the aforesaid
Robert, and that the tenements are held of William de Burmyngham, and
are worth 5*. 6d. yearly in all issues according to their true value.
By pet. of C. [10157-9.]
To the sheriff of Cornwall. Order to cause proclamation to be made in
his county [court] that a market shall be held on Tuesday and on Friday in
every week at queen Isabella's port and water of Sutton, pertaining to her
manor of Tymmeton. By K.
April 28. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Henry de Cobeham has
Westminster, shewn by his petition before the king and his council that whereas he ought
to have received for the time when he was constable of Dover castle and
warden of the Cinque Ports, to wit from 16 October, in the 34th year of the
late king's reign, until 30 September, in the first year of the present reign,
87/. 13*. 4</. at the exchequer yearly, in part payment of 300/. yearly, which
the king granted to him for that custody, as appears by his letters patent,
the said 87/. 13s. 4d. are in arrear, and he has prayed the king to cause
that sum to be paid to him at the exchequer, or to cause allowance therefor
to be made to him in the debts due from him to the exchequer ; the king
therefore orders the treasurer and barons to see the letters patent aforesaid,
and to account with Henry for what he has received, and for what is due
to him for the late king's time, and for what is due to him for
the present king's time, and to do further what of right ought to be done
concerning the premises. By pet. of C. [4866.]
April 2. To Ralph de Cammoys, constable of Windesore castle, or to him who
Westminster, enpplies his place. Order to deliver Nicholas de Clare, who is imprisoned
in that castle by the king's order, to Master Richard de Clare and John de
Blebury, clerks, who have mainperned to have him before the king before
the octaves of Easter next. p,v K.
March 30. To Henry de Cobeham, constable of Rochester castle. Whereas
Westminster. Bartholomew de Rummeney, William Gerounde, William de Rippele,
William Cokshot, John Bonesarsh, Robert de Canterbury, Robert atte
1321. Membrane 14 — cont.
Saueerye, William Archer, Robert de la Chaumbre, John de Teukesbury,
John Wygemor, John do Creswell, Ralph de Brenesfeld, Nicholas de Home,
Godfrey de RotheweU, Thomas de Northam, William Holme, Simon de
Hameldon, John de Nettlecrop, William de la Marche, Hamo Flecher,
John, canon of Alnewyk, William Bulkyng, Roger de Gatesdon, and
Nicholas Colepeper are imprisoned in Rochester castle because they
adhered to certain rebels who held the king's castle of Ledes against him ;
the king, compassionating their estate and being unwilling to detain them
longer in prison, orders the constable to release those of them who he shall
find by inquisition have no lands, and to cause those of them who have
lands to come before the king in fifteen days from Easter at their own cost
to do and receive what the king's court shall consider in the matter. By K.
March 26. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Whereas upon the annulling of the order of
Westminster, the Temple the lands in the hands of the brethren of that order at the time
of the adnullation, which were held of the king and of other lords in this
realm, were seised into the hands of the king and the other lords, who
claimed them as their escheats, and it is agreed and ordained in the present
parliament at Westminster that neither the king nor any other lord of the
fees nor other person whatsoever shall have any title or right to retain the
said lands in name of escheat, or to claim them hereafter by reason of the
adnullation of the order, of which lands the brethren of the order were
seised in their demesne as of fee at the time of the adnullation, and that,
inasmuch as the order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem was similarly
instituted and canonised for the defence of Christians and of Holy Church,
and the said order of the Temple is annulled, all the lands, fees, and liberties
shall be assigned to the prior and brethren of the order of the said Hospital
in England by the king, of the plenitude of his royal power and with the
a -sent of the magnates and others in the said parliament, and not otherwise,
to have and to hold to the said prior and brethren and their successors of
the king and of the other lords of the fees by the same services as the
brethren of the order of the Temple held them by at the time of the
cessation of the order, such as in feeding the poor, hospitalities, celebration
of divine service, defence of the Holy Land, and other charges and services
previously due, notwithstanding that the said lands, etc., came to the hands
of divers persons after the cessation of the order by hereditary succession,
gift, or purchase, or otherwise, and notwithstanding any law or custom of
the realm whereby the aforesaid agreement, ordinance, and statute may be
hindered, impugned, or pleaded against, saving to every one his action, if he
had any against the Templars at the time of the cessation in any of the
said lands, etc., in rents, services, customs, pensions, corrodies, liberties,
celebrations of masses, alms, and other charges whatsoever, to prosecute
his right against the prior and brethren of the Hospital; the king, in order
that this assignment may be made known to all whom it concerns, orders
the sheriff to cause proclamation to be made in his county [court], in cities,
boroughs, market towns, and other places in his bailiwick that all tenants of
the aforesaid lands and all others whom it may concern shall be at West-
minster in a month from Easter next, if they will, to hear the agreement,
ordinance, provision, and statute aforesaid, and to certify the king at that
date of his proceedings in this matter.
The like, 'mutatis mutandis] to the following:
All the sheriffs of England.
The bishop of Durham.
The earl of Chester.
The justice of Wales.
April 7. Hatter John de Pinions. Although the king lately prohibited his
^ • -nuiuster. citing Master Richard de Aston, archdeacon of Loudon, to appear before any
Membrane 14 — cont.
lodge outside the realm to answer concerning anything the cognizance
whereof pertains to the king, or attempting anything against the said
Richard in derogation of the king's prerogative, especially as the arch-
deacoa was prepared to stand to right within the realm in all things, the
king now signifies to the said Master John that he may make prosecution so
far as pertains to ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the matter of the provision of
the aforesaid archdeaconry made by the pope; provided that he do not cite
the aforesaid Richard to appear before any judge outside the realm and do
not attempt anything in derogation of the king's royal dignity. By K.
The like, ' de verbo ad verbum,' to Master Raymund Gabryel.
March 18. To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. Berks.
Westminster. Order to deliver to Edmund de Bohun his lands, in accordance with the
king's order of 5 March last, Robert having signified that he has not yet
delivered the lands because Edmund has not satisfied John de Holte, termor
of his manor of Uplamburne and of his lands in Edwyneston, for the said
termor's expenses in the said lands, because the termor has counted in his
expenses the term that he ought to pay to the king from the morrow of
Michaelmas, in the 17th year of the reign until the aforesaid 5 March, for
Avhich term Edmund refused to satisfy him, which cause the king considers
June 10. To "William de Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Middlesex,
Westminster, and in the city of London. Order to deliver to H. bishop of Lincoln, or to
his attorney, his lands in the town of Stutyng, co. Kent, and the Old Temple,
London, and all the other lands of the bishopric in the escheator's bailiwick,
as the king has restored the temporalities of the see to the bishop at the
request of the prelates, earls, and other magnates of the realm. By K.
Vacated, because otherwise above, in the month of March, as in the
schedule appendent there.
The like to the following :
John de Blumvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge,
Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford, concerning the manors of
Bokeden and Spaldewik, and all other lands, etc.
Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. "Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Berks,
Bedford, and Buckingham, concerning the manor of Bykeliswade,
co. Bedford, the manors of Tynghirst and Wobourn, co. Buckingham,
the manors of Tham and Dorkcestre, co. Oxford.
[ Vacated as above.^
Membrane 13.
April 6. To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford,
Langley. Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to intermeddle further with
the church of Shynyngfeld, co. Berks, which is of the bishopric of Here-
ford, and to restore any obventions and other profits thereof received by
him, as it was not and is not the king's intention that the spiritualities
of the bishopric, to wit ecclesiastical benefices or other such spiritualities,
should be taken into his bands by virtue of his order to take the temporalities
of the bishopric into his hands. By K.
The like to the sheriff of Berks.
April 20. To the constable of Berkhamstede castle. Order to release John de
Langley. Bybelesworth from prison in that castle, as he has found the king security
for his good behaviour. By K.
April 21.
April 16.
April 7.
April 20.
April 22.
April 24.
April 28.
April 20.
Membrane 13 — cont.
To Richard de Musele, constable of Pontefract castle. Notification that
the king holds him discharged of the body of John de Hereford, clerk, who
whs imprisoned in that castle, and whom the king lately ordered the con-
stable to bring into chancery, as John has found security in chancery for
his good behaviour, and the king thereupon, of his especial grace, caused
him to be delivered from the custody under which he was sent by the
constable into chancery at St. Albans. By K.
To Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Northampton, Lincoln, and Rutland.
Order to cause Richard de Whitacre, son and heir of Jordan de Whitacre,
tenant in chief, to have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age
before John de Bolyngbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Notting-
ham, Derby, and Lancaster, and the king has taken his homage. By p.s.
To Roger de Waltham, late keeper of the great wardrobe. Order to
account with Richard de Emeldon, to whom the king lately committed the
custody of the castles, manors, and lands that belonged to Thomas, late earl
of Lancaster, and other rebels in co. Northumberland, within and without the
bishopric of Durham, together with all the king's chattels within the same,
for the time that the said Richard had the custody of Donstanborgh castle,
which belonged to the said earl, receiving from him first the usual oath, and
to allow him the usual wages for forty men-at-arms and forty hobelers,
whom he kept in garrison of that castle, to wit 12</. a day each for ten of
the said men-at-arms, Sd. a day for each of the remaining thirty men-at-arms,
and 4d. for each of the hobelers, and to make him a bill therefor under the
said Roger's seal. By K.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of William de Grymesby, who is incapacitated by age and
The like to the same sheriff for the election of a coroner in place of
William de Grantham, who is similarly incapacitated.
The like to the same sheriff for the election of a coroner in place of
Gilbert de Arnall, who is similarly incapacitated.
To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to cause two coroners for that, county to
be elected in place of John Appelderlee and Roland de Wykford, whom the
king has amoved from office because they are insufficiently qualified.
To John de Lancastre, keeper of certain rebels' lands in co. Lancaster.
Order to cause 100/. of the issues of the said lands to be carried to Carlisle
and delivered to Anthony de Lucy, constable of Carlisle castlp, for certain
works in the castle and city that the king has ordered to be done. By K.
Like order for the same amount to William de Tatham, receiver of the
issues of the rebels' land in the aforesaid county and in [co.] York.
By K.
To John de Bolingbrok, escheator, etc. Order to retain in the king's hands
until further orders three bovates of land in Heethhouses, co. Derby, and
not to intermeddle further with the lands that Margaret, late the wife of
Ralph de La[the]bury, held at her death, as the king learns by inquisition
taken by the escheator that Margaret held at her death the said three
bovates of the king by the service of a pound of cumin yearly for all
services, as of the honour of Tuttebury, and that she held no other lands in
chief at her death by reason whereof the custody of her lands ought to
pertain to the king, but that she held divers other lauds of other lords.
Vacated^ because on the Fine Roll under flic same dale.
To Richard le Wavte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford,
Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to intermeddle further with
April 20.
April 30.
May 1.
April 30.
May 1.
May 2.
May 3.
May 4.
Membrane 13 — cont.
the lands of Roger ile Leye, and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears
1>\ inquisition taken by Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side
Trent, that he held no lands of the king in chief at his death by reason
whereof the custody of his lauds ought to pertain to the king.
To the sheriff of Derby. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of Stephen le Heir, who is incapacitated by weakness
and nge.
To tlu1 same. Order to cause a coroner to be elected iu place of William
de Tissyngton, who is incapacitated by weakness and age.
To Richard de Ayremynne and William de Pillonde, keepers of the
bishopric of Winchester. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor
of Tystede, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition
taken by Ralph de Bereford and James de Norton that Robert de Tystede
held the manor at his death of John de Sancto Johanne by the service of
2d. yearly and by scutage only for all service, without heriot, relief, ward,
and marriage, and that the said John holds the manor of the bishopric by
knight service, the keepers having taken the manor into the king's hands
under the belief that it is held immediately of the bishopric.
By pet. of C.
To John de Aulton, keeper of the manor of Odyham. Order to cause
the king's barns (grangias) of that manor to be repaired, and to cause the
mills of the manor, and a house in the park for the king's colts and their
keepers, and for hay and maintenance for the colts, to be newly built, by
the view and testimony of Thomas, vicar of Aulton church, and to buy the
timber necessary for the premises or to cause it to be taken from the old
oaks in the park or woods of the manor, by the view and testimony of the
king's homage there. By C.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order not to permit John
Triminel to be aggrieved before them in the exchequer at the suit, of the
king or any other by reason of the goods of the rebels that he took and
occupied whilst in the king's company in the pursuit of the rebels, as
the king has ordained that those who were in his company to pursue
the rebels shall not be aggrieved for the goods of the rebels that they took
and occupied in the said pursuit from 17 October, in the 15th year of
his reign, until 5 April following.
The like in favour of the following :
John le Flemyng, Henry de Lascy, and Thomas de Tothill, addressed
to Geoffrey le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before
the king.
Nicholas Trymenel, addressed to the treasurer and barons of the
To Geoffrey le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hear pleas before the
king. Order to continue until the quinzaine of Michaelmas all matters
touching the bishop of London, the dean and chapter, officials, and other
ministers of St. Paul's London, moved in the last eyre at the Tower of
London, which the king afterwards caused to come before him, and which
he afterwards ordered to be continued until the quinzaine of Easter last.
To Walter de Friskeneye. Order to intend the holding of pleas before
the king with other subjects of the king, as the king wills that he shall
intend ths holding of the said pleas. By K.
To Richard de Gatesbury and Geoffrey de Brochole, fermor of the manor
of Melkeleye. Order to pay to Alice, daughter of Robert de Mclkeleye,
132A. Membrane 13 — cont.
knight, the arrears of 100*. yearly from the time when the said manor was
taken into the king's hands, and to pay to her that Bum yearly oat of the
farm of the manor, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Hubert do
Asshele and John de la Have of Hemelhampstede that William son of
Walter le Baud, knight, eharged himself and his heirs to the suid Alice in
the above sum yearly, to be received for her life from the said manor after
her father's death, and that he charged all his lands to her distraint for that
sum, and that she received that sum yearly from William after her father's
death until the manor was taken into the king's hands by William's for-
feiture, and that Robert died in the said manor at the feast of the Conver-
sion of St. Paul, in the 9th year of the king's reign, and that the manor is
held of Hugh de Audele and Margaret his wife as of Margaret's right by
homage and the service of a knight's fee and by paying 26s. 8d. yearly to
Elizabeth de Burgo, sister of the said Margaret, at her manor of Staundon,
which she holds in her purparty of the inheritance of Gilbert de Clare, late
earl of Gloucester, and by doing suit of court at the said manor of Staundon
from three weeks to three weeks, and that the manor is worth in all issues
24/. yearly, and it appears by William's deed, exhibited before the king in
chancery, that the grant was made in form aforesaid. By pet. of C.
To Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent. Order to pay
to Joan de Torthorald 10 marks for Easter term last out of the issues of
his escheatry, in accordance with the king's grant to her, on 1 1 June, in
the 11th year of his reign, of 20 marks yearly in aid of her maintenance
from the issues of the escheatry this side Trent.
Membrane 12.
May 4. To the sheriff of Oxford. Whereas lately at the complaint of the abbot
"Westminster, of Oseneye that a bridge anciently constructed over the water of Thames
near the castle of Oxford, whereby the canons of Oseneye were wont to go
to celebrate divine service in the king's chapel of St. George in the castle,
which they are bound to do daily, had been broken down and wholly
removed by John de Brumpton, late sheriff of that county, by reason of
the late disturbance in the realm for the greater security of the castle, so
that the canons have been unable to go to the castle for the above purpose
from that time, and that the bridge ought to be remade at the king's
expense, the king ordered the sheriff to cause the bridge to be constructed
anew for the passage of footmen, so that the canons might be able to go to
the castle by the bridge aforesaid ; and the sheriff has returned that he
found by inquisition that the said John caused the bridge to be broken and
removed by reason of the disturbance aforesaid for the security of the castle,
and for no other cause, wherefore the canons have been unable to come to
celebrate divine service in the chapel aforesaid from that time, and that
he found by the inquisition that the bridge ought to be remade at the king's
expense, and has always been so made in times past, and that it can bo
remade for 60*. for the passage of men on foot, for which reason ho
deferred remakine the bridge until he received further orders from the
kin;;, so that he might have sufficient allowance therefor in his account
at the exchequer : the king now orders him to cause the bridge to be newly
constructed for the passage of men on foot, and to permit the canons to
pass by the same to the castle for the aforesaid purpose, as they have been
wont to do heretofore without prejudice to the king or peril to the castle
May 6. To the bailiffs of the city of York. Order to pay to William de Boa of
Westminster. Hamelak 71 marks out of the Perm of the city for Easter term last, in
1324, Membrane 12 — cont.
accordance with the king's grant of 22 August, in the 16th year of his
reign, of that sum yearly at Michaelmas and Easter from the ferm of that
citv ami of the tike amount from the ferm of the city of Lincoln, until the
king should provide him with 300 marks of land or rent yearly between the
water- of Thames and Tees (Tet/s') or until the king should restore to him
the castle of Werk, which William grauted and released to the king.
The like to the bailiffs of Lincoln.
May 11. To Richard le "Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford,
YWtuV.uster. Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to intermeddle further with
the lands of Roger de Cutecombe, and to restore the issues thereof, as the
king learns by inquisition taken by Master John Walewayn, late escheator
this side Trent, that he held no lands in chief at his death by reason
whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king.
May 10. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to account for the
Westminster, sums of money that William de Ayremynne received from the king's
treasure after 26 October, in the 10th year of the king's reign, by virtue
of the king's order of that date to the treasurer and chamberlains to pay to
the said William, to whom the king, on 20 August, in the said year, had
granted the custody of the house of the Conversi, London, the arrears of the
yearly sum of 123/. 10s. 6c?. that the king ordered them by writ of liberate
to pay to Adam de Osgodeby, deceased, then keeper of the said house, wbich
sum pertained to the said keeper and the Conversi then surviving, two
chaplains and one clerk of the church out of the yearly sum of 202/. 0s. 4c?.
granted to them by the late king for their maintenance, when the .king
ordered the treasurer and chamberlains to continue to pay that sum yearly
to William, provided that upon the death of each conversus so much be
deducted therefrom as the deceased received for his portion.
May 12. To Hugh le Despenser, the younger, keeper of Bristol castle, or to him
Westminster, who supplies his place there. Order to repair with all speed the houses, gates,
bridges, walls, turrets, engines, mills and ponds of the castle, by the view and
testimony of Roger atte Mull and Edward the carpenter, and to cause the
castle to be provided with victuals, arms, men, and other things necessary
for the munition of the same out of the ferm of the castle, by the view and
testimony of the said Roger and Edward. By K.
May 13. To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain forfeited rebels' lands in co.
London. Gloucester. Order to pay to Walter Pikerel a yearly rent of 12/. from the
manor of Norton, in that county, from the time when it was taken into the
king's hands, and to pay him the same henceforth, as it is found by part
of a fine levied before the justices of the Bench, in the 33rd year of the late
king's reign, between John Giffard, demandant, and the said Walter,
deforciant, concerning a messuage, 3 carucates of land, 2 mills, and 50*. of
rent in Little Scherston, that Walter acknowledged the aforesaid tenements
to be the right of the said John, and rendered them to him in court, and
John, in consideration of this acknowledgment, granted to Walter 12/. yearly
for life, and it is found by an inquisition taken by the aforesaid keeper and
by John de Peytou that the said John Giffard, on Monday the eve of the
Purification, in the aforesaid year, granted to Walter 12/. of yearly rent for
life from his manor of Norton for the aforesaid 12/. yearly, and that he
charged the manor with payment of the same, and that Walter was seised
of the said rent peacefully without change of his estate until the manor was
taken into the king's hands by reason of the rebellion of John son and heir
of the said John. The king makes this order although the manor is held
in chief, as appears by the aforesaid inquisition, for a fine that Walter has
made with him for the trespass committed in this behalf.
By C. and by a fine of 20s.
May 13.
The Tower.
May 16.
The Tower.
April 20.
Mny 12.
March 30.
Membrane 12 — cont.
To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford,
Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to intermeddle further with
the manor of Little Parle, co. Berks, or with the other lands of Henry (h-
Malyns, and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken
by the escheator that Henry and Cicely his wife held the said manor at the
time of his death, to them and the heirs of Henry, of the king in chief by
knight service and by the service of 5*. yearly forward of Wyndesore castle,
by fine levied in the late king's court by his licence between Henry and
Cicely, and that Henry held no other lauds in chief by reason whereof the
custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, but that he held divers
other lands of other lords.
To the sheriff of Warwick. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of William de Sutton, who is insufficiently qualified, as
he has no lands except those that are of the dower of Alice his wife.
To the sheriff of Berks. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Gregory de Havill, whom the king has amoved from
office because he does not dwell in the county, as the king learns by trust-
worthy testimony.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king, on
5 March, in the 4th year of his reign, by letters under the exchequer seal,
committed to Robert de Malo Lacu the custody of Horeston castle, co.
Derby, from Easter following, during pleasure, rendering therefor 20/.
yearly to the exchequer, as, it is said, is contained in the rolls and
memoranda of the exchequer, aud afterwards, on 5 June, in the 5th year of
his reign, he granted that Robert should hold the castle quit and discharged
of the above sum yearly until he should be satisfied for 240/. 8s. 6d. due to
him from the king, being 128/. 7s. 6d. for wages and recompence of horses
of the knights and inen-at-arras in his company in garrison at Rokesburgh
castle, by a bill sealed with the seal of office of the chamberlain of Scotland,
and 96/. 7s. Or/, for. the wages of the soldiers (stipendiariorum) of the
garrison of the said castle by a bill under the seal of John de Sandale, late
chamberlain of Scotland, and 15/. 14s. Od. for recompence for a horse lost
when he was in the late king's service in Gascony in the time of war as
contained in the late king's letters patent made to the said Robert ; and
afterwards the king, on 15 March, in the 15th year of his reign, committed
to Roald de Richemund the custody of the castle aforesaid and of the forest
of Duffeldfrith during pleasure, and afterwards, on 13 May, in the 15th year
of his reign, ordered Roald to deliver the castle and appurtenances to Robert,
with the issues thereof from the time of the king's grant to Roald, as appears
by the rolls of chancery : the king orders the treasurer and barons to compel
Roald to answer to Robert for the issues aforesaid, and if he be unable to
do so, to cause due allowance to be made to Robert therefor in the aforesaid
To John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester,
Salop, and Stafford. Order not to intermeddle with the priory of Llanthony
near Gloucester, which is now void, or with anything pertaining thereto,
and to restore any issuee received therefrom to the sub-prior, provided that
a man be deputed in the king's name for the custody of the priory, with the
-aid BUD-prior, to stay therein with two horses and two grooms, if he. wish,
intermeddling in nothing with tlie goods of the house and receiving
nothing except reasonable estover in victuals by the delivery of the sub-prior
or of him who BUppliefl his place during the voidance, as the king learns by
inquisition taken by the esch< ator thai Humphrey de Bohun, Bometime earl
of Hereford and Esse] and constable of England, granted and continued
that the sub-prior for the time being should, upon the cc>-ion or decease of
the prior, have the custody of the priory ami of all its appurtenances with
Membrane 12 — cont.
■ man of the carl's, until the confirmation of a new prior, so that the man
appointed by the earl should stay there in the meantime with two horses and
two grooms, as above, and that the carl "ranted to the sub-prior and convent
power to choose B lit person from their church or another person as prior,
without hindrance of the earl or his heirs, provided that such person should
be presented to the earl and his heirs as patrons, and that the sub-prior has
had the custody and administration of all the temporal and spiritual goods
pertaining to the priory in all voidances since the time of the grant, and has
disposed thereof ai bis will, without the earl or his heirs intermeddling with
the priory in any way from the time of the making of the charter aforesaid,
except that they joined a man with the sub-prior as aforesaid, and the sub-
prior and convent continued the said grant in all voidances until Sunday
the feast of the Annunciation last without any change.
By pet of C. [2785-6.]
The like to Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Oxford, Berks,
Bedford, and Buckingham.
The like to "Walter de la Puyle, escheator in Ireland.
Membrane 11.
April 20. To John de Frelonde, keeper of certain lands in co. Gloucester. Order
Palmer. to cause Richard de Blakeneye to have the arrears of 4 quarters of wheat,
4 quarters of oats, and 2 quarters of beans yearly from the time when the
lands of Thomas de Berkeleye, son and heir of Rohert de Berkeleye, in
Beleye were taken into the king's hands upon his forfeiture, and to cause
him to have the same yearly henceforth from the issues of the said lands,
as the king learns by inquisition taken by Robert de Aston and John de
Hampton that the said Robert de Berkeleye, on Friday before the Nativity
of St. Mary, in the 4th year of the king's reign, granted the aforesaid corn
yearly to Richard for life, to be received from his lands in Beleye, and that he
charged payment thereof upon his said lands, and that Richard, in consider-
ation of this grant, granted to Robert a messuage and a virgate of land in
Nethereston in fee, which are worth 26s. 8d. yearly, and that Richard
was seised of the corn without change of his estate from the time of the
making of the said deed until the said lands in Beleye were taken into the
king's hands by the forfeiture of Thomas de Berkeleye, and that Richard
never afterwards released the aforesaid corn to anyone, and that the tenements
in Beleye are held in chief of John de Berkeleye, lord of Burseleye, by
knight service, and are worth 108s. 10c?. yearly, and it appears by the afore-
said deed exhibited in chancery that the grant was made in form aforesaid.
By p.s.
Afterwards, on 24 May, like order was made to Robert de Aston, keeper,
etc., in the aforesaid county, and the letter addressed to the aforesaid John
was restored.
May 4. To the same. Order to cause Thomas Hathulf to have the arrears of a
Westminster, quarter of wheat and a quarter of beans and two garments {gamiamenta),
price 6s. 8r/., yearly from the time when the said (sic) manor * was taken
into the king's hands upon the forfeiture of Maurice de Berkeleye, son and
heir of Thomas de Berkeleye, and to cause him to have the same yearly
henceforth out of the issues of the manor, as the king learns by inquisition
taken by Nicholas de Kyngeston and Robert de Aston that, on Sunday
after St. Matthias, in the 10th year of the king's reign, Thomas, formerly
lord of Berkeleye, granted to the said Thomas Hathulf for life the aforesaid
corn and garments, the latter to be of the same cloth as the said Thomas de
Berkeley was wont to give to poor men, and that he charged the said manor
* The name of the manor is not given.
May 4.
May 3.
May 6.
May 8.
Membrane 11 — cont.
with payment thereof, and that Thomas Hathulf, in consideration thereof,
granted to Thomas de Berkeleic a messuage and a moiety of a virgate of
land in Ettelawe, which are worth 20,9. yearly and are in the king's hands
by the forfeiture of John son of Maurice de Berkeleye, and that Thomas
Hathulf was seised of the aforesaid corn and garments from the time of the
grant without ehange of his estate until the manor was taken into the king's
hands by the forfeiture of Maurice de Berkeleye, son and heir of the said
Thomas de Berkeleye, and that Thomas did not afterwards release the corn
and garments, and that the manor is held of the king in chief by knight
service, and is worth yearly 136/. 145. \0\d., and it appears by the aforesaid
deed exhibited in chancery that the grant was made in form aforesaid.
By p.s.
To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain contrariants' lands in co.
Berks. Order to pay to Lucy, late the wife of John de Somery, 2 marks of
yearly rent, together with the arrears of the same from the time when
certain lands in Basteldon were taken into the king's hands by the forfeiture
of John de la Beche, as the king learns by an inquisition taken by Master
John de Blebury and John de Brampton that John de la Beche held certain
lands in Basteldon, for which he rendered 2 marks yearly to the manor of
Bradefeld, and that John de Somery was seised of the said rent by the hands
of Miles de la Putte, and afterwards by the hands of the said John de la
Beche continuously until the lands were taken into the king's hands by the
aforesaid forfeiture, and that the manor, together with the aforesaid 2 marks
of rent was assigned in dower to Lucy, late the wife of the said John de
Somery, and that the rent has not been paid to her from the time when the
lands whence it is due were taken into the king's hands.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order (o allow to Robert
de Kendale, executor of the will of Nicholas de Bosco, in his account at the
exchequer for the debts due from Nicholas, for 20/. paid by the executor to
Adam de Greldo and Furtinus de Bermeio, in execution of the king's order
of 13 August, in the 6th year of his reign, to pay them that sum in part
payment of 65/. then due to them from the king for iron bought from them
for his use.
To the same. Order to discharge Hugh de Louthre, late sheriff of
Westmoreland, of all ferms due to the king, which they shall ascertain, by
inquisitions to be taken in Hugh's presence or by other means, that he was
unable to levy by reason of the destruction committed by the Scots, as he
has shewn the king that they charge him with all the ferms due to the king
in that county although the lands in that county were so wasted by the
Scots that he could not levy the ferms.
The like in favour of the following :
John de Fennewyk, for the time when he was sheriff of Northumber-
William Rydel, for the time when he was sheriff of Northumberland.
To the same. Like order in favour of Gilbert de Burghdou, late sheriff
of Northumberland.
To Geoffrey le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the
king. Order not to permit Ed.de Impeton of Gaynesburgh, whom the
kiiii,' lately appointed to take into hie bands the lands, goods, and chattels
of John d(> Moubray in the [§Je of Axiholm and to do other things touching
tin- repulse of the contrariants, to be aggrieved or sued {oeauionari) before
them at the king's suit by reason of the goods of the said .John or his
adherents taken by him in the Isle tforesfid in pursuing the said John or
hi- adherents at that time, or for anything that then happened in inch
O 2
May 14.
The Tower.
Membrane 11 — cont.
pursuit or in the repulse of the contrariants, as the kino; has ordained that
those who were in hi^ service by his order in pursuing the rebels shall not
be molested ai his or any one's suit for the goods of the rebels taken and
occupied by them in the said pursuit from 17 October, in the 15th year of
the king's reign, until 5 April following.
The like to Lambert do Trikyngham and his fellows, justices to enquire
concerning the oppressions, damages, and grievances committed by the
king's bailiffs and ministers on the king's people in co. Lincoln.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Richard
Dammory, to whom the king, on I October, in the 5th year of his reign,
committed the manor of Selveston, co. Northampton, to hold at ferm during
the king's will, rendering therefor 18/. yearly to the exchequer, of the issues
of the aforesaid manor from 25 March, in the seventh year of the reign,
when the king granted the manor with other manors to Richard de
Arundell for life for his maintenance in the king's service, as of the value
of 80/. yearly.
To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to release Robert Gaz
from Neugate prison, as Roger de Suthcote, Robert Treyer, and Walter de
Elledon, of the city of London, and Thomas Doule of Canterbury, of the
county of Kent, have mainperned to have him before the king upon due
summons to answer for certain suspicions and suspected words, for which
he was imprisoned, and they have also mainperned for his good behaviour
to the king in work and word. By K.
May 8. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit John
Westminster. Biset, to whom the king, on 12 October last, granted the custody of the
manors of Clifton and Perret, co. Dorset, of the yearly value of 21/. Is. 8d.,
and of a third of the manor of Horton, co. Sussex, of the yearly value of
6/. Gs. 2d., which belonged to Philip Maubank, deceased, who held them of
the heir of John Biset, a minor iu the king's wardship, which manors were
in the king's hands by reason of the minority of Philip son of William son
of the said Philip Maubank, the heir of the said Philip, during the minority
of Philip's heir, with the marriage of the heir, saving to the king the
knights' fees and advowsons of churches in the said manors, rendering
therefor 54/. yearly, of the ferm of the aforesaid third part of the manor of
Horton from 12 March then next following, when the king ordered William
de Weston, his escheatorin cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Middlesex, and in the
city of London, not to intermeddle further with the said third part, and to
restore the issues thereof, because it was found by an inquisition taken by
Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, that Philip held at
his death the said manors of Clifton and Perret of the aforesaid heir by
knight service, and that he held no lands of the king in chief by reason
whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, but that he
held the said third of the manor of Horton of William de Brewes in free
May 10.
! D n
i D f
To the justices of the Bench. Order not to permit Roger le Hunte to
be molested or aggrieved whilst coming into the realm, staying therein, or
returning thence, by virtue of any writ directed to them, as the king, on
10 November last, granted protection for one year to the said Roger, who
was staying in the king's service in the duchy [of Aquitaine] in the company
of Kalph Basset of Drayton, seneschal of Gascony, and Roger afterwards
, "^scarne to this realm to the king and other magnates with letters from the
"WRalph for the king's affairs upon divers occasions, and returned to the
r£/%L aDC* tneJustices have ordered Roger, now in England on the king's
seojica. to be attached by reason of a writ of deceit sued out in chancery
r°1iQ, UO..^^
1324. Membrane 11 — cont.
at the suit of the prior of Coventre and Bhewn to them, because the action
that was before them between the said prior and Roger concerning a tics]
committed upon the prior by Roger remained sine die by virtue of (he
king's protection shewn to them on Roger's behalf. By K.
The like, 'mutatis mutandis,' to the sheriffs of London and the sheriff of
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Anthony
de Lucy, to whom the king, on 10 March, in the 16th year of his reign,
committed I lie lands that belonged to Andrew de Harcla, a late rebel, in
cos. Cumberland and Westmoreland, of the issues of the manor of King's
Meburn, co. Westmoreland, from 20 July last, when the king granted to the
said Anthony, in addition to the lands that he had previously granted to
him in fee, the said manor and the manor of Grendon, co. Northumberland,
which belonged to Roger de Clifford, a late rebel, which came to the king
as escheats, and which the king afterwards gave to Andrew, upon whose
forfeiture they came to his hands, to have and to hold to the said Anthony
for life by the same services as Roger held them by, as of the yearly value
of 100 marks, the said manor of Meburn being in Anthony's custody by
virtue of the above commission.
Membrane 10.
May 13. To John de Nevill, Richard de la Bere, and Peter de la Rokele, justices
The Tower, to hear and determine certain trespasses committed upon the king at
Fraunkton, co. Lincoln. Order to supersede entirely the exaction and
outlawry of Richard de Furneux, parson of Fraunkton church, for not
appearing before them to answer concerning the said trespasses, and to stay
all process against him, as he has satisfied the king for the aforesaid
trespasses. By K.
To the same, justices to hear and determine certain trespasses committed
upon Hugh le Despenser, the younger, at Fraunkton, co. Lincoln. Like
order, the said Richard having satisfied Hugh. By K.
May 11. To Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent. Order to
v\ '■ -tminster. restore the issues received by him when he was escheator from the lands
that belonged to Roger de Cotecombe, the king having ordered Richard le
Wavtc, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford, Berks, Bedford, and
Buckingham, not to intermeddle with the said lands and to restore the
issues thereof', because it was found by an inquisition taken by the said
Master John that Roger held DO lands in chief of the king at his death by
reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king.
To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Thomas de Musegrave, who has no lands in that county
to qualify him for the office.
To John de Stonore and his fellows, justices to enquire concerning cer-
tain rebels' chattels forfeited to the king in co. Stafford taken and carried
away by certain persons. Order not to molest Robert de Insula by reason
of the rebels' goods found at Tuttebniy when the king was there, concern-
ing which lie is disquieted before them, as the king committed the custody
thereof to him. Bj K.
May 15. To Henry de Sockele, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. Warwick.
Hi'- Tower. Order nol to intermeddle with the purparty of John de Watevill and
Dionisia, his wife, daughter and co-heiress of [sabefla de Elulles, of
certain lauds iu l'alyngtou in that couuty of the inheritance of the said
May 16.
The Tower.
May 20.
1324 Membrane 10 — cont.
Dionisia and of Alice, wife of John de Liiungele, her sister, and to deliver
to them the issues of the said purpart? from 17 August last, when the king,
having taken the homage of the said John de Watevill for the said purparty,
rendered the purparty to them and ordered Master John Walewayn, then
l soheator this side Trent, to make partition of the lands aforesaid into two
parts in the presence of the said John de Laungele and Alice, if they chose
to attend, and to cause John de Watevill and Dionisia to have seisin of her
purparty as csuescy of the inheritance aforesaid, because it was found by
inquisition taken by the said escheator that Thomas, late earl of Lancaster,
held, on the day of his forfeiture, the said lands iu name of wardship,
and that the lands came to him after the death of the said Isabella, who
held them of him by knight service, by reason of the minority of the said
Dionisia and Alice, which lands afterwards came to the king's hands by the
earl's forfeiture, and that Dionisia is full age.
May 19. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king lately
Westminster, granted amongst other things to Henry de Percy, son and heir of Henry de
Percy, tenant in chief, that if his mother Eleanor, late the wife of the said
Henry, to whom the king had granted the custody of the lands whereof her
husband died seised in co. York during the minority of her said son, should
die before Henry came of age, Henry should have the custody of the lands
until he came of age, rendering therefor to the exchequer as much as
Eleanor was bound to render for the same, and because Eleanor, by reason
of the destruction wrought in the said lands by the Scotch rebels, rendered
the lauds to the king with the issues thereof from Michaelmas, in the
13th year of the king's reign, the kiug granted to Henry, on 27 April, in
the said year, the custody of the said lands until he came of age, rendering
therefor to the exchequer 400 marks yearly ; and the king afterwards,
because he had assigned the ferm that Eleanor used to render for the said
lands in aid of the maintenance of Edward, earl of Chester, his son, on
3 June, in the said year, ordered Henry, who had the custody of the lands
with the issues thereof from the aforesaid Michaelmas, to pay the said ferm
to the king's son from Michaelmas aforesaid : the king therefore orders
the treasurer and barons to cause Henry to be discharged of the issues of
the said lands from Michaelmas aforesaid and of the 400 marks yearly thus
a .-signed to the king's son.
May 16. To the same. Whereas the king, on 3 March, in the 4th year of his
The Tower, reign, granted to Henry de Percy, deceased, that he should have during the
king's pleasure the custody of the wapentake of Staynclif, rendering therefor
40 marks yearly to the exchequer, and it is now shewn to the king on
behalf of Henry de Percy, son and heir of the aforesaid Henry, that
although Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, held the said custody on tha afore-
said 3 March, and from then until his forfeiture, and received the issues
thereof in full, so that Henry, father of the said Henry, did not and could
not receive anything therefrom, and the custody has been in the king's
bands from the time of the forfeiture until now. as the said Henry son of
Henry is prepared to verify, the said 40 marks yearly for the custody are
exacted by summons of the exchequer from his lands from the said 3 March,
as if Henry his father had had the custody, and the said Henry son of
Henry is distrained in this behalf : the king orders the treasurer and barons
to supersede the demand made in this behalf, and to cause Henry to be
discharged thereof before them, if they ascertain by inquisition or in
other lawful manner that the earl had the custody on the said 3 March and
from then until his forfeiture, and that it has been in the king's hands since
that time.
TKIaT18' v-T° the Same' Whereas tb-e king, on 13 November, in the 12th year of
me Jower. his reign, granted to Henry de Percy, son and heir of Henry de Percy,
17 EDWARD II. 103
1321. Membrane 10 — eont.
tenant in chief, then a minor in his wardship, the custody of the castle and
manor of Alnewyk, which belonged to Henry's lather at his death, daring
Henry's minority, with all things pertaining thereto, without rendering
anything to the king therefor, for the defence of the castle against the
Scotch rebels, and committed to Henry the custody of all his father's lands
in all the counties of England except Yorkshire during his minority,
rendering therefor to the exchequer as much as those who then had the
eustody thereof rendered to the king for the same; and afterwards, on
26 May, in the aforesaid year, the king, because he had granted in aid of
t lie maintenance of Edward, earl of Chester, the ferru that W. archbishop
of Canterbury was bound to render for the manor of Pa) tewdth, co. Essex,
which belonged to Henry, father of the said Henry, and which the arch-
bishop then had of the king's commission, ordered the said Henry to be
intendent and respondent to the said Edward for his ferm of the said manor
from 13 November then last past, upon which day the king committed to
Henry the custody of the manor until Henry came of age, rendering to the
exchequer as much as the said archbishop rendered yearly : the king there-
fore orders the treasurer and barons to cause Henry to be discharged
and acquitted of the issues of the said castle and manor of Alnewyk from
13 November aforesaid, and to cause the archbishop to be discharged
of the ferm that he was bound to render for the aforesaid manor before the
aforesaid day, and to cause Henry to be discharged of the same after that
May 16. To the same. Order to cause the aforesaid Henry, son of Henry de
The Tower. Percy, to be acquitted of the issues and ferms of the lands that his father
held in chief at his death from 26 December, in the 15th year of the king's
reign, when the king took his homage and rendered the said lands to him,
although he had not then proved his age.
Membrane 9.
May 13. To the mayor, bailiffs and men of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Order to expend
The Tower, up to 100/. out of the ferm of that town, by the view and testimony of
Richard de Emeldou, in the construction and repair of the walls about the
.-aii I town in Panipedene. By bill of the treasurer.
May 11. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause
The Tower. Alesia, late the wife of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, to have the corn,
hay, and grass growing or being in the manors of Colham, Eggeswere,
Everle, and Colyngbourn, from 10 July, in the 16th year of the king's
reign, when the king granted to her the corn, etc., in the said manors,
which had been taken into the king's hands upon the death of the said
Thomas, and which the king afterwards rendered to her, and to discharge
Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain lands then in the king's hands in
cos. Middlesex and Wilts, and the other keepers, bailiffs, and reeves of
the manors aforesaid of the corn, hay, and grass aforesaid and of the
costs about sowing of the corn and mowing of the hay aforesaid.
May 1.5. To the sheriff of Lancaster. Order to cause a coroner for that county
'I In- Tower, to be elected in place of Thomas de Hale, who cannot attend to the duties
of the office as lie doe- not reside in thai county.
21. To John de BlounvilL escheator in cos, Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge,
11 "-'•'• Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Whereas lately at the prosecution of
[sold*, late the wife of Gilbert Pecche, tenant in chief, suggesting that
Stephen, brother of Thomas de la Chaunibre, knight, granted l>y charter to
J3>"> | Membrane 9 — cont.
tlio said Gilbert the manor of Peselyngworth, co. Suffolk, and that by the
taking of an assize of novel disseisin arramed by William de Hemenhale
and Isabella bis wife before John de Mutford and his fellows, justices to
take assizes in that county, against Stephen de la Chaumbre, Gilbert
bis brother, and others named in the original writ concerning the said
manor, prejudice might be done to the king (vobis), because the said
i lilhort. heir of the aforesaid Gilbert, is a minor in the king's wardship and
the custody of the manor ought therefore to pertain to the king during
his minority, and peril of disinheritance might fad upon the said Gilbert
son of Gilbert, the king ordered the said justices to view the charter afore-
said and to attempt nothing in this matter that might be to the king's
prejudice or the heir's peril; and the king afterwards, upon learning from
the complaint of the said William and Isabella that although the said
Gilbert son of Gilbert, as principal disseisor, had with others named in the
aforesaid writ disseised them of the said manor, and was seised thereof
with his father and after his father's death by that disseisin and not other-
wise, as they were prepared to prove, nevertheless the said justices deferred
proceeding to the taking of the assize by virtue of the said mandate,
ordered the said justices that, if it appeared to them that the said Gilbert
son of Gilbert bad, together with others named in the writ, disseised
William and Isabella of the aforesaid manor, and was seised thereof by
that disseisin and not otherwise, they should take the aforesaid assize not-
withstanding the aforesaid order, provided that they did not proceed to
render judgment without consulting the king; and afterwards, because it
appeared by the tenor of the record and process of the aforesaid assize thus
taken by the said justices, which the king caused to come before him in
chancery, that the aforesaid Stephen, Gilbert son of Gilbert, Simon Pecche,
clerk, John son of Adam Noriold, William Hok, William de Hemstede,
and Richard Mone, together with the said Gilbert Pecche, deceased,
disseised the aforesaid William de Hemenhale and Isabella of the aforesaid
manor, appropriating the free tenement of the manor to Stephen, and that
Stephen was seised thereof by that disseisin for two days, and forthwith
enfeoffed the aforesaid Gilbert Pecche and Gilbert his son thereof, which
Gilbert the son continued his estate therein throughout his father's life and
afterwards, and was seised thereof in form aforesaid, the king, having
inspected the tenor and record of the process aforesaid, being unwilling
(volentcs) further to defer justice to the said William and Isabella, ordered
the justices aforesaid to proceed to render judgment notwithstanding any
order to the contrary ; and the king now learns from the said William and
Isabella that, although the justices proceeded to render judgment, they have
not obtained seisin of the aforesaid manor according to the judgment
because the manor was taken into the king's hands after the death of the
aforesaid Gilbert Pecche, the elder, in name of wardship by reason of the
minority of the said Gilbert his son, and it is still in the king's hands, and
they have prayed the king for remedy: as it appears by the record and
process of the whole matter, which the king caused to come before him in
chancery, that judgment is rendered in this behalf, and that it is considered
that William and Isabella shall recover their seisin thereof by the view of
the recognitors, and their damages, which are taxed by the same at 220/.,
the king orders the escheator not to intermeddle further with the said
May 20. To Richard de Musele, constable of Sandale and Conynggesburgh castles.
\\ citiainster. Order to expend up to 40 marks in repairing the walls and towers of the
May 22. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause to be
etminator. levied for the king's use the suras contained in certain recognisances made
M iv 20.
May 22.
May I.",.
The Tower.
May 2G.
Wi stmiuster.
May 20.
Membrane 9 — coat.
before the king ami before the justices of the Beach to certain rebels and
their adherents, the tenor of which recognisances the king sends them here-
with sub pcde sigilli. By K.
To Geoff rey le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the
king. Order not to permit Nicholas Frymenel to be aggrieved by reason
of the rebels' goods that he took and occupied whilst in the king's company,
Bfl the king has granted that those who were in his company to prosecute
the rebels shall not be aggrieved at his suit or the suit of any other for the
goods of the rebels and their adherents taken and occupied between
17 October, in the 15th year of the king's reign, and 5 April following.
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to release Gregory de Compton,
who is imprisoned in Winchester castle for adhering to Henry le Tyew, a
late rebel, and to other rebels, and to deliver him to William de Aylemere,
king's clerk, who has niainperned to have him before the king upon reason-
able summons. By p.s.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king, on
18 December, in the 5th year of his reign, committed to Henry de Percy,
deceased, the custody of the castle of Bamburgh with the king's truncage
there and a rent in the town of Wcrnemuth, during pleasure, rendering
therefor 110/. yearly to the exchequer, and although afterwards, on 28 May,
in the aforesaid year, the king committed the castle to John de Esshlyngton
during pleasure, and ordered Isabella de liello Monte to deliver to him by
indenture the said castle with the arms, victuals, and other things of the
king's therein, as appears by the rolls of chancery, whereby it is not presumed
that Henry had the custody of the castle by virtue of the aforesaid com-
mission, the treasurer and barons nevertheless exact 890/. (sic) from Henry
de Percy, son and heir of the aforesaid Henry, for the ferm of the castle
for the 5th, 6th, and 7th years of the king's reign as if his father had had
the custody, whereas he had not and did not intermeddle therewith in any
wise: the king orders the treasurer and barons that, if they find by in-
quisition or by other means that Henry the father did not have the custody
of the castle, and did not intermeddle therewith, to cause the demand made
upon Henry the son "to be superseded, and to cause him to be discharged
thereof before them.
To Anthony de Lucy, keeper of the wood of Whynfel. Order to deliver
to the sheriff of Westmoreland and the keeper of the king's [castle] of
Appelby six leafless oaks from that wood fit for timber, for the repair of the
houses of the said castle and of the mills of the same.
To the sheriff of Westmoreland. Order to cause victuals to be bought
and purveyed up to the value of 10/. for the munition of the said castle,
and to cause tliem to be kept in the same castle, and to cause them
to be changed as often as necessary, so that they may be found ready and
fresh (recenci(/) when they shall be required. The sheriff is ordered to
expend LOO*, in repairing the castle and the mills of the same, by the
view and testimony of Henry de Warthecop.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowanco
to be made to John de Tycheburn, late sheriff of Wilts, for 360/. received
in the kind's chamber 00 7 May, in the 1 5th year of the reign, by the
hands of Thomas de Useflet, and for 189 A 2\. ■')[(/. received from him on
l July following of the issues of the rebels' lands In his custody, a-~ appeari
by two letters patent sealed with the king's privy seal.
To John de Frylond, keeper of certain lands iii the King's hands in
CO. Gloucester. Order to deliver to Desiderata de Gosyntun, late the wife of
May 27.
W< stminster.
May 26.
Membrane 9 — cont.
Roger de Gosynton, a third of a rout of 73*. 6^d. in Gosynton and Cromhale,
which the king has assigned to her in dower, as he learns by inquisition taken
ii\ Robert de Aston and John de Hampton that the said Roger enfeoffed
Thomas de Berkeleye, the elder, of 4/. 3s. 10|rf. of rent in Gosynton and
Cromhale, and that at the time of the feoffment Desiderata was his wife,
so that Bhe otiirht to have dower of the rent, and that she did not afterwards
release her dower to the said Thomas in his lifetime or to Maurice de
Berkele, his son and heir, or to any other, and that 73s. 6\d. of the afore-
said tent came to the king's hands by Maurice's forfeiture.
To John Everard, escheator in cos. Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, and
Dorset. Order to restore to John de Blakeston, of co. Devon, his lands,
her with the issues received therefrom since they were taken into the
king s
hands, the escheator having taken them into the king's hands
because the custody of his body and lands ought to pertain to the king by
reason of his idiocy, as the king ordered the sheriff of Devon to cause
John's body to come before the king in chancery on the morrow of the
Ascension, and the said John, being examined personally before the king
in chancery, is found by the king to be of sound mind and not an idiot.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause Joan, wife of Roger de Mortuo
Man, the younger, who is staying in the castle of Skipton-in-Craven, to have
13s. Ad. weekly from Midsummer next for the maintenance of herself and
her household and 10 marks yearly for all other necessaries of herself and
household, until further orders. By bill of the treasurer.
To John de Rythre, constable of the said castle. Order [to intend] the
payment of the said wages and stipends. By the said bill.
May 26.
May 26.
Membrane 8.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to deliver to Master Robert de
Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, the chancellor, the cloth, jewels, goods
and chattels lately found in the possession of William le Waleys, wherewith
he was taken and imprisoned in Neugate prison, where he now lies, because
he was suspected of evil, which goods he acknowledged belonged to the
chancellor. By K.
To Henry de Cobeham, constable of Rochester castle. Order to cause
John de Staunford, canon of Alnewyk, to be released from prison in that
castle, to which he was committed by the king's order for certain causes.
May 22. To Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent. Order to
Westminster, deliver to Thomas de Ponynges and Agnes his wife, youngest daughter and
coheiress of Joan de Rokesle, a moiety of the issues of a third part of the
manor of Westwode and the issues of 24 acres of land there, the king
having, amongst other things that he caused to be done by the said
escheator concerning the lands of the said Joan, ordered the escheator to
deliver to Walter de Pateshull and Joan his wife, eldest daughter and co-
heiress of the said Joan, the issues of the aforesaid manor, which had been
taken into the king's hands by the escheator by reason of Joan's death, and
the king having afterwards, at the suit of the said Thomas and Agnes,
suggesting that a third of the said manor and 24 acres of land there in
addition had been previously assigned to them in Agnes's purparty, and
that the issues thereof ought to remain to them, given to Walter and Joan
a day now past to appear in chancery to shew cause why a moiety of the issues
of the third part and the issues of the 24 acres should not be delivered to
17 EDWARD 11.
May 26.
W( stminater.
May 24.
May 28.
M iv 26,
YV< -linn
Membrane 8 — coat.
Thomas and Agnes, and the said Walter in person and the said Joan by John
de ShaIdef[ord], her attorney, appealed before the king in chancery on the
said day, and acknowledged that a moiety of the issues of the said third
part and the issues of the said 24 acres ought to pertain to Thomas and
Agnes, and granted that they should be delivered to them.
To Anthony de Lucy, constable of Carlisle castle. Order to pay to the
watchman of the castle the arrears of his wages and stipends from the time
of the constable's appointment, and to pay him the same henceforth.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the late king,
on 30 Juuc, in the 28th year of his reign, granted to William de
Mulecastre, deceased, the manor of Boulton-in-AUerdale, co. Cumberland,
which belonged to Geoffrey de Moubray of Scotland, deceased, which was
in the late king's hands as escheat by reason of Geoffrey's rebellion, to
have to the said William for life, saving to the king the knights' lees,
advowsona of churches, wards, reliefs, escheats and dowers, rendering
therefor yearly 10/. to the exchequer by the hands of the sheriff of
Cumberland, and the late king, on 26 December in the same year, granted
the said ferm to John de Sancto Johanne, deceased, for life amongst
1,000 marks yearly of lands, ferms, and rents that he granted to the said
John because he could not have seisin of 1,000 marks of land in Galloway
(Gafivit/iio), which the king had granted to him for his good service, and
hereupon the said king ordered the treasurer and barons of the exchequer to
cause the ferm to be delivered to John, as appears by the late king's rolls
of chancery : the king orders the treasurer and barons to inspect the said
writ, and to discharge the heirs and executors of the said William of the
aforesaid 10/. yearly from the said 26 December until the day of John's
death, provided that answer be made to the king therefor from the day of
the said John's death.
To Richard de Wyngefeld, fermor of the manor of Badyngham. Order
to pay to William le Noreys, out of the ferm of the manor, the arrears of 12<7.
weekly for his wages and a robe yearly, price one mark, or one mark at his
option, for the time that Richard has had the custody of the manor, and to
pay him the same henceforth so long as Richard has the custody of the
manor, as the king learns by inquisition taken by John de Bloumvill,
escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Essex, and
Hertford, that William de Bovill, knight, granted to the aforesaid
William for life the custody of his park of Badyngham and of his warrens
of that town and of Dynyeton, Burndissh, and Tatington, co. Suffolk,
living therefor from the manor the said wages and robe, and that
William le Xoreys was seised of the same from the time of the gift
throughout the life of the said William de Bovill and after his decease,
when the manor was in the kind's hands by reason of the minority of
Margaret, daughter of John de Bovill, kinsman and heiress of the said
William, during all the time of Richard de Rodeneye and of Master John
Walewayo, late escheatora this side Trent, until the manor was demised at
ferm to the said Richard de Wyngefeld, and it appears by the deed of gift,
which William le Xoivys has exhibited before the king in chancery, that
he ought to have such wages and robes from the manor for life.
To the chancellor of Ireland. Order to cause brother Roger Utlagh,
prior of the Hospital of St; John of Jerusalem in Ireland, the king's chief
justice, and other subjects previously deputed, or others to be deputed by
the chancellor if necessary, to go on eyre to hear pleas in county Meath, as
the king is given to understand that certain of the pleas summoned before
his justices lately in eyre in thai county are nol yet determined. By K.
Vacated, because ut/icnctsc below.
1 -
ftf»j 24.
W< stminster.
Membrane 8 — cont.
To Robert tie Hungreford, keeper of certain forfeited lands in the city of
London. Order to deliver to Nicholas de Clare, knight, all his lands in the
Baid keeper's custody, which were taken into the king's hands for his
adherence to the rebels, as he has made fine Avith the king in 100/. for
Baving his life and lands; provided that if the lands are demised at ferm,
Nicholas shall satisfy the fermors for their expenses about the same.
The like to John Giffard, keeper of certain forfeited lands in the marches
of Wales.
May 15. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king, on
Tin Tower. IS December, in the 5th year of his reign, committed to Henry de Percy,
deceased, the custody of the castle of Baumburgh with the king's truncage
there and a rent in the town of Warnemuth, during pleasure, rendering
therefor 110/. yearly to the exchequer, and afterwards, on 28 May, in the
aforesaid year, ordered Isabella de Bello Monte to deliver to him by indenture
the said castle with the arms, victuals, and other things of the king's therein,
the king by other letters patent committed to John de Esshlington the castle
and appurtenances during pleasure, and ordered Isabella to deliver the same
to him in form aforesaid, as appears by the rolls of chancery, whereby it is
not presumed that Henry had the custody of the castle by virtue of the
aforesaid commission ; the treasurer and barons nevertheless exact 890Z. (sic)
from Henry de Percy, son and heir of the aforesaid Henry, for the ferm of
the castle for the 5th, 6th, and 7th years of the king's reign as if his father
had had the custody, whereas he had not and did not intermeddle therewith
in any wise : the king orders the treasurer and barons that, if they find by
inquisition or by other means that Henry the father did not have the custody
of the castle, and did not intermeddle therewith, to cause the demand made
upon Henry the son to be superseded, and to cause him to be discharged
thereof before them.
May 26. To brother Roger Utlagh, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem
Westminster, in Ireland, chancellor of Ireland. Order to be chief-justice in eyre in county
Meath in place of A. archbithop of Dublin, the late chief justice, and to
make eyre in that county with others previously deputed for this purpose, or
to be deputed by him, as the king is given to understand that certain of the
pleas summoned before the justices lately in eyre in that county are not yet
determined. By K.
April 15. To Alan de Cubeldyk, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in co.
\\ estnunster. Lincoln. Whereas, upon its being found by certificate of the treasurer and
barons of the exchequer that John de Whytynton, clerk, ought to receive
for life in the manor of Wylghton, co. Lincoln, which belonged to the
Templars, and which was then in the king's hands for certain reasons,
3d. daily for his food and 20*. for his robe at Christmas and 20s. yearly for
his other necessaries, and 2d. daily for the food of his groom and 5*. yearly
for other necessaries of the groom, for 16 acres of land in Thevelby, a
messuage and three acres of land in Mething[by], which he gave to the
said manor, and that he ought to give to the manor at his death 20*., the
king ordered the keeper of the manor to pay to the said John the wages and
stipends aforesaid, and the arrears of the same from the time of the keeper's
appointment; and afterwards, because the manor came to the hands of John
de Moubray, a late rebel, for certain causes, who satisfied the said John de
n hytinton for the aforesaid wages and stipends for the time that he held
the manor until the manor came to the king's hands as escheat by reason of
the rebellion of the said John de Moubray, the said John de Whytinton
prayed the king to cause such wages and stipends to be paid to him from
the time when the manor came to the king's hands, and the king thereupon
appointed the eaid Alan, Peter de Ludington, and John de Crossholm, the
1324. Membrane 8 — cont.
younger, to make inquisition concerning the same, and it is found by their
inquisition that the said John de Whytinton gave 16 acres of land in
Thevelbv and a messuage and 3 acres of land in Methyngby to the said
house of Wylghton, in order to have maintenance in that house for himself
and a groom, and lie preferred a charter under the name of William de la
More, sometime master of the order of the Temple in England, which
testified that the master, with the common counsel and assent of his chapter
celebrated at Dynneslev in the feast of St. Barnabas, 1304, granted to the
aforesaid John, for his good service and for the tenements aforesaid, his
food in their house at Wylghton at the table of the brethren of the house,
a suitable clerk's robe at Christmas, price 20*., yearly for life, and 20*. for
Ins other necessaries from the preceptor's purse or from him who supplies
his place there, and food for the said John's groom at the squire's table and
os. for the groom's necessaries, and it was found by the inquisition that John
w:is always seised of the aforesaid maintenance for himself and groom from
the time of the said grant, as well during the time of the order aforesaid as
when the manor was in the king's hands upon the annulling of the order and
during the time when the said John de Moubray occupied it, without change
of his estate in any wise, and that he continued his seisin thereof, wherefore
he has prayed the king to cause the wages and stipends to be paid to him
from the time when the manor thus came to the king's hands: the king
therefore orders the said Alan to pay to John the wages and stipends afore-
said out of the issues of the manor, and their arrears from the time when the
manor thus came to the king's hands.
June 6. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause Christiana,
Westminster, late the wife of Ingelram de Gynes, to have seisin of the lands that she held
jointly with her husband on the day of his death of her inheritance, and
to deliver to her the issues thereof, as the king has taken her homage for the
said lands. By p.s.
The like to John de Bolingbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester,
Nottingham, Derby, and Lancaster.
Membrane 7.
May 27. To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford,
Westminster. Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to intermeddle further with
a messuage, a carucate, and 2$ virgates of land, 9 acres of meadow, and 4*.
of rent in Godyngdon, co. Oxford, and to restore the issues thereof, as the
king, at the suit of Simon de la Borde, nephew and heir of Guy Ferre,
suggesting that the late king granted the manor of Godyngdon to Guy, and
that Guy afterwards acquired the aforesaid tenements from Godfrey son of
Peter and Joan his wife by fine levied before the late kind's justices of the
Bench in the 9th year of his reign, and that Master John Walewayn, late
escheator this Bide Trent, after the death of Guy, who died without an heir
of his body, took the manor and the aforesaid tenements into the king's
hands, as if the reversion of the tenements pertained, like that of the manor,
to the king, ordered the aforesaid Richard to make inquisition concerning
the above, and it is found by BUcb inquisition that the tenements aforesaid
were not in the late king's seisin when he granted the manor to Guy, and
were not delivered to Guv with the manor, but thai Guy, after he had
obtained seisin of the manor, acquired the tenements from the aforesaid
Godfrey and Joan in tin- 9th rear of the late king's reign by fine levied
before Thomas de Weylond and his fellows, then justices of the Bench, and
that the tenements wore taken into t lie present king's hands on 1 A pril, in the
1 fit li year of his reign, by John de Bury, then sub-eschcator of the said John
May 20.
May 27.
May 30.
Membrane 7 — cont.
Walcwayn in co. Oxford, by reason of Guy's death, who held the manor of
thf king and died seised thereof, and that the tenements are held of the fee
of tic earl of Lincoln by the service of the twelfth of a knight's fee, and are
w orth in all issues 41. 6s. 8<7.,and it appears by part of the fine shewn before
the king In chancery that Guy acquired the tenements in form aforesaid.
To Geoffrey le Scrop and his felloAvs, justices to hold pleas before the
king. Whereas at the prosecution of Roger Morteyn and Isabella his wife,
suggesting, by their petition before the king and his council, that William
Tocnet feoffed them of 2 messuages, 4 tofts, 12 bovates of land, and 6 marks
of rent in Appelhy, co. Lincoln, to them and the heirs of Isabella's body,
and they afterwards demised the tenements aforesaid to the prior and
convent of Thornholm for ten years, and William, asserting that they
had alienated the tenements to the prior and convent and that the prior aud
convent had entered them contrary to the statute of mortmain, seised the
tenements into his hands, whereupon the prior and convent ejected him from
the said tenements, and that William afterwards, in the late king's time,
arramed an assize of novel disseisin against the prior concerning the
tenements before William de Mortuo Mari and Roger de Bella Fago, then
justices appointed by the late king, and although it was found by the recog-
nition of the assize taken before the said justices that the tenements were
granted to Roger and Isabella in fee tail, and were afterwards demised by
them to the prior aud convent for the term of twelve (sic) years, a certain
■ -cheator of the late king's took the tenements into his hands because it was
found by the said recognition that Roger and Isabella, after the demise thus
made to them, made a charter of feoffment of the tenements to the said prior
and convent, which was delivered to Thomas de Nevill to be kept in equal
hand under certain conditions, and that the tenements are still in the king's
hands, the king ordered the record and process of the aforesaid assize to
come before him in chancery and caused enquiry to be made concerning the
whole matter; whereupon Roger and Isabella have prayed the king for
a remedy : the king, wishing to do what is just, sends the record and
process of the said assize and the aforesaid inquisition and petition to the
said Geoffrey and his fellows sub pedc sigilli, and orders them to inspect
and examine the same, and to call before them the aforesaid prior and others,
and to hear the reasons of Roger and Isabella and of the prior and of others,
and to cause due and speedy justice to be done to Roger aud Isabella in this
To Geoffrey de Villers, receiver of the issues of certain lands forfeited
to the king in co. Bedford. Order to deliver to the heir of William de
Keynes of Faldho the issues of William's lands from 14 May, in the 15th
year of the king's reign, when the king pardoned William the suit of his
peace and what pertained to him for adhering to Thomas and Humphrey,
late earls of Lancaster and Hereford, and to other rebels, and restored to
him his lands, which were taken into the king's hands for this reason, and
after his death the king ordered his lands, thus taken into his hands, to be
delivered to his heirs, with the issues thereof from the said 14 May.
To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to John Devery,
whom the king is sending to prepare and hasten certain ships in cos.
Southampton, Somerset, Dorset, Devon, and Cornwall for the king's service
to Ga«cony, 100*. towards his expenses in this matter ; provided that he
account before them for that sum on his return, and that he satisfy the king
for any surplus after allowance have been made to him for his daily
expenses. By bill of the treasurer.
To Jihn Everard, escheator in cos. Somerset, Dorset, Devon, and
Cornwall. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of Alan de
May 20.
May 26.
May 25.
West minster.
Membrane 7 — cont.
Chastillun, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by
inquisition taken by the escheator that he held no lands in chief of the
king at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to
pertain lo the king.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king learns
by inquisition taken by Roger Beler and John de Lungevill that John
Gilfard of Brymmesfeld, Edward de Norton, and Robert de Coventr[eia],
receiver of the aforesaid John, at the time when Humphrey de Bassingbnrn,
late sheriff of Northampton, took the manor of Navesby, which belonged
to the said John, into the king's hands, with other rebels in their progi
to the north, took by armed force from Geoffrey Martyn, then reeve of
the said John, 14/. and had their will thereof, which sum the reeve had
received of the issues of the manor, and that the money did not afterwards
come to the hands of the said Humphrey, and that Humphrey de Bohun,
late earl of Hereford and Essex, and the said John with other rebels in
their said progress came with armed force to the aforesaid manor when
Humphrey de Bassingburn was sheriff of the aforesaid county, and took
and carried away with them divers goods and chattels to the value of
45/. 10*. 8f/., to wit 26 oxen, price 10s. each, 4 horses, price 8*. each, eight
plough Jiorses (affros), price 3s. 4d. each, 2 bulls, price 20s., 234 sheep,
price 2s. each, 34 swine, price 3s. each, and a boar, price 2s., and that
Humphrey de Bassingburn could not resist the said rebels at that time, and
that he did not receive 50s. from any creditors of the said John for sheep
sold at Navesby, and that the aforesaid money did not come to his use ; the
king therefore orders the treasurer and barons to cause Humphrey de
Bassingburn to have allowance in his account for the aforesaid 14/.,
45/. 10s. 8c/., and for the said 50s.
To the sheriff of Essex. Order to seise into the king's hands all the
lands, demesnes, icv^, churches, advowsons, and liberties in his bailiwick
that belonged to the Templars at the time of the adnullation of that order,
and to deliver them, after seisiu has been had in the king's name, to the
prior and brethren of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, in
accordance with the ordinance in the parliament at Westminster [as in
order of 26 March, page 91 above']. The king wills that all the moveable
goods in the said lands shall remain to their owners, and that satisfaction
shall be made by the Hospitallers for the value of the corn growing in the
said lands, or that the owners of the corn may carry the same away and
make their profit thereof when the time comes; provided that the seisin
of the king or of the Hospitallers shall not be retarded by reason of the
corn and goods aforesaid. By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England.
The like, 'mutatis mutandis,' to Edward, earl of Chester, Edmund, earl
of Arundel, justice of Wales, and the bishop of Durham.
To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of John de Apperdele, who is incapacitated by illness and
June 4.
May 31.
Membrane 6.
To John Evcrar 1, keeper of certain forfeited lands in cos. Devon an 1
(' irnwall. Order to expend up to 10/. in repairing the houses in the lands
of Henry Tyeys, a late rebel, in CO. Cornwall, by the view and testimony of
Richard de Erato. By ('.
To Geoffrey la Scrop and his fellows, justices I" hold pleas before the
king. Order to call before them Richard, brother of Reginald son of
June 8.
June 8.
June 8.
June 10.
June 12.
May 26.
Membrane 6 — cont.
Henry de Bokland, to whom the king lately ordered William de Poleye,
late keeper of forfeited lands in co. Hertford, to deliver the manor of
Bokland [as at page 53 above], and to hear the said Richard's reasons,
and to cause justice to be done to the king and to him concerning the
aforesaid manor, as tlie king has found amongst the muniments that
belonged to Bartholomew de Badelesmere a deed of quit-claim whereby the
Baid Richard, on Sunday before the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr,
in the 13lh year of the king's reign, released his right in the aforesaid
manor to Bartholomew, and bound himself and his heirs to warrant it to
Bartholomew and his heirs, for which reason the manor ought to pertain
to the king by Bartholomew's forfeiture.
Vacated, because they were not sealed.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Gregory de Thornton, who has no lands in fee in that
county. [Pari. Writs.']
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the men
of the county of Northumberland to have respite for one year for all debts
exacted from them by summons of the exchequer or otherwise for the
king's use, except the debts due from them for victuals bought from the
king, as the king has granted them such respite in consideration of the
damages sustained by them from the Scots. By K.
To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to Bernard de Maleu,
attorney of Arnald Guillelmi de Malewe, 100/. without delay, the king
having granted that sum to Arnald in alleviation of the damages suffered
by him in the loss of horses, etc., in the king's service in the duchy [of
Aquitaine] and of his expenses in the same service, in which he was
maimed, as the seneschal of Gascony has testified by his letters, which the
treasurer and chamberlains are to receive from the said attorney. By K.
To John de Rythre, constable of the castle of Skypton-in-Craven.
Order not to distrain John le Flemyng for homage for the knight's fee in
Wath, co. York, of the yearly value of 37/. 6*. 8d., held by him, which the
king, on ] April, in the 8th year of his reign, assigned as dower to Matilda,
late the wife of Robert de Clyfford, tenant in chief.
To Robert de Umframvill, earl of Anegos, Roger Heyron, Gilbert de
Bornden, and Richard de Emeldon. Order not to receive to the king's
peace any men of co. Northumberland and the bishopric of Durham who
had lands and adhered to the Scotch rebels, as it is not the king's intention
that such men shall be received to his peace by virtue of their appointment
to receive to the king's peace men of those parts who adhered to the Scots
by reason of poverty and other necessity. [Fcedera.]
To William de Gosefeld. Order not to intermeddle further without
special order with the assizes of novel disseisin in divers counties and
other things, for which the king lately appointed him justice with others.
To Robert de Barton, late keeper of the works of the castle and town of
Carlisle. Order to deliver by indenture to Anthony de Lucy, constable of
the said castle, all the king's implements in Robert's possession fit for the
said works, the king having ordained that the walls, houses, towers, and
other things in the castle shall be repaired by the ordinance of the
constable and by the view and testimony of Robert de Chisenhale, king's
clerk, and that the walls of the town shall be repaired by the king's ordi-
nance intimated to the constable by the treasurer. By bill of the treasurer.
To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford,
Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to intermeddle further with
May 28.
June 12.
June G.
June 12.
June 1 I.
March 17.
>• 1 W I
Metn brane G — cu n t .
the lands of Robert de Berewvk, and to restore the issues thereof, as it is
found by inquisition taken by Master John Walewayn, late escheator this
side Trent, tliat Robert held no lands in chief at his death by reason
whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king.
To the said Master John Walewayn. Order to restore the issues
received by him from the aforesaid lands.
To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to cause the men of Scotland
arrested by John de Glenton, keeper of the water of Sulewath, by virtue
of the king's commission to keep that water, who are in the king's prison
in the sheriff's custodv, and such men as shall be hereafter arrested
and delivered to him by the said John to be brought before the keepers of
the truce between the king and the men of Scotland in those parts, when
summoned by the keepers, at their days of the march, there to receive
what ought to be done according to the form of the truce, the king having
ordered the keepers to cause the said men to be delivered from prison if
they ought to be released by virtue of the truce, and to remit them to
prison under the sheriff's custody until further orders if they ought not to
be delivered. By K.
To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford,
Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to intermeddle further with
the lands of the monastery of Burnham by reason of the present voidance,
otherwise than has been usual heretofore, and to restore the issues thereof,
as Edmund, late earl of Cornwall, by his deed, which the late king con-
firmed by letters patent, which the king has inspected, granted to the nuns
of the said house that upon each voidance of the office of abbot (sic) of that
house, they should have power to choose an abbess without licence from
the earl or his heirs, so that the earl or his ministers should not have
ingress into the monastery or into any of the lands pertaining thereto, and
should not intermeddle with the same, and the nuns have now shewn the
king that although they have had the custody of all the lands pertaining to
the monastery upon each voidance since the time of the grant aforesaid,
the escheator has taken the lands into the king's hands by reason of the
present voidance.
To John de Bousser and John de Cantebrig. Order not to permit
William de Gosefeld, whom the king appointed to take with them all
assizes, juries, and certificates to be taken before all his justices in cos.
Eseex, Hertford, Cambridge, and Huntingdon, to intermeddle in any way
with the said assizes, juries, and certificates or with anything pertaining to
the king, as the king has caused him to be amoved from the said office for
certain reasons. By K.
To Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of Wales. Order to cause one
hundred or two hundred footmen, according to his discretion, to be chosen
in South Wales and West Wales, and to cause them to be armed suitably,
and to cause them to be taken to Plimmuth by pome one in whom he can
tru^t, BO thai they be there in the quinzaine of Midsummer next at the
latent, tO set out for the duchy [of Aquitaine] in the king's service. The
king has ordered the chamberlain of K acrmerdyn to pay them the usual
wages from the day when they set out for IMimmuth until they arrivi
there. By K.
[Pari. Writs.]
To John ile Hampton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester,
Salop, Stafford, and in the adjoining marches of Wales. Order t<> t»tko
proof of the age of William de Hampton, son and heir of Richard
11 1
2301 Membrane 6 — cont.
Hampton, tenant by knight service of the heir of Richard, late earl of
Arundel, lately a minor in the late king's wardship, at a day and place to be
appointed bf the escheator, as William says that he is of full age and prays
tor livery at his lands, wherefore the king wills that he shall prove his age
before the escheator, he having been born at Hampton, co. Salop, and
baptized in the church of Ellesmere in the marches aforesaid.
Vacated, because they were not sealed.
June 13.
W . ^tminster.
June 12.
June 12.
June 12.
June 13.
June 16.
The Tower.
June 16.
The Tower.
Membrane 5.
To John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester,
Salop, Stafford, and in the adjoining marches of Wales. Order to cause
the aforesaid William to have seisin of the lands that his father held as
above, as he has proved his age before the escheator.
To Walter le Gras, keeper of the land of Werthrynneon. Order to
allow the men of the community of that land to have respite for the amerce-
ments inflicted upon them before the keeper for chasing, during the late
disturbance in the realm, in the king's free chace in that land, after it came
to the king's hands by the forfeiture of Roger de Mortuo Mari of
Wyggemor, late lord of that land, and for taking away deer, the king
having granted that they shall have respite for the above amercements upon
their good behaviour during his pleasure.
By K. on the information of W. de Ayrem[ynne].
To Ranulph de Dacre, John de Haryngton, and Adam de Skelton,
keepers in the parts of Carlisle of the truce between him and the men of
Scotland. Order to cause the men of Scotland arrested by John de Glenton,
keeper of the water of Sulewath, to come before them as often as need be,
and to cause them to be released, if they ought to be released according to
the truce, or to remit them to prison under the custody of the sheriff of
Cumberland if they ought to be detained in prison, certifying the king of
the names of those thus remitted to prison and of the cause of their arrest.
To Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent. Order to
deliver to John de Clarun, knight, the issues of the manor of Rothyng
Aythorp, co. Essex, the king having, on 12 July last, ordered the escheator
not to intermeddle further with the said manor, because it was found by an
inquisition taken by the escheator that Guy Ferre held the manor at his
death of the gift of John Bacun by fine levied in the king's court, by virtue
whereof the manor remained to John Clarun upon Guy's dying without an
heir of his body.
To Edmund de Assheby, keeper of certain rebels' lands in co. Lincoln.
Order to deliver to Alesia de Lacy, daughter and heiress of Henry de Lacy,
late earl of Lincoln, the court of the fee of La Haye, the bailey before
the gate of Lincoln castle, and 20/. for the third [penny] of the county of
Lincoln, in accordance with the king's order of 20 September, in the 16th
year of his reign, to Alan de Cubbeldyk, then keeper of the aforesaid lands,
as Alan was amoved from office before he had executed the order.
To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to pay to Rhys {Reso) son of Rhys ap
Mereduk, a Welshman in Norwich castle, such wages as he was wont to
receive in the late king's time and in the present king's time, and to pay
him the arrears of the same from the time of the sheriff's appointment.
To the sheriff of Buckingham. Order to cause a coroner for that county
to be elected in place of William atte Mede of Pithelestorne, deceased.
17 EDWARD II. 115
132-1. Membrane 5 — cont.
To William de Tat ham, receiver of the issues of certain lands in
co. Lancaster. Order to pay to Anthony de Lucy 200/. lor repairing the
walls of* Carlisle castle, in addition to the 100/. that he has paid him by the
king's order for this purpose. By K. on the information of the treasurer.
To the sheriff of Northumberland. Order to cause all the masons and
stone-cutters (ceVH ntarios et quarrerarios) of his bailiwick to come to Carlisle
without delay to do certain works of the king's there, as they shall be
enjoined by Anthony de Lucy, keeper of the aforesaid works.
By K. on the information of the treasurer.
The like to the sheriffs of York and Lancaster.
June 18. To John Everard, escheator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and
The Tower. Dorset. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Wrokeshale,
co. Somerset, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by
inquisition taken by Master John "Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent,
that Ralph de Gorges held no lands in chief of the king at his death except
a third of the manor of Braunton, co. Devon, by the service of finding the
king an arrow when he came or sent to Exmore to take venison, which
arrow was to be there delivered to the king's huntsman, and it is found by
the aforesaid inquisition and by an inquisition taken by the said John
Everard that Ralph held the manor of Wrokeshale of Hugh de Courteney
by knight service and not of the king.
June 18. To Henry de Cobeham, keeper of the forfeited lands in co. Kent. Whereas
The Tower, it appears by part of a fine levied before William de Bereford and his fellows,
justices of the Bench, in the 14th year of the king's reign, between Thomas
Colpeper and Margery his wife, demandants, and Richard de Headen and
John Colpeper, deforciants, concerning two messuages, two mills, 405 acres
of land, 20 acres of meadow, GO acres of pasture, 80 acres of wood, and 20*.
of yearly rent in Peapunbery, Tonebrugge, and Tondcle that Richard and
John granted the tenements aforesaid to Thomas and Margery and rendered
the same to them in court, to hold for their lives, with remainder to Walter
son of Thomas and Margery and the heirs male of his body, with
remainder to John, brother of the said Walter, and to the heirs male
of his body, with remainder to Richard, brother of the said John, and tho
heirs male of his body, with remainder over to the right heirs of the
said Thomas, and it appears by an inquisition taken by the aforesaid Henry
de Cobeham and by William de Northho and William de Ponte Roberti in
the presence of Richard de Potesgrave, late keeper of the aforesaid tene-
ments, that Thomas and Margery continued their seisin of the tenements
according to the tenor of the fine without change of their estate until they
were taken into the king's hands by the forfeiture of the said Thomas, and
that the tenements, with the exception of 5o£ acres, are held of Clarieia,
daughter and co-heiress of Roland de Oxstede by the service of \d. yearly,
and that of the excepted land, 31 acres we held of John de Mereworth by
the service of o£<7. yearly, A\ acres of Walter de Chitecroft by the service
of fir/, yearly, and 20 acres of land of Peter Robert by the service of IQd.
yearly : the king orders the aforesaid keeper to deliver the tenements afore-
said to the said Margery, to be held according to the tenor of the fine;
provided that after the death of Margery, Walter, John, and Richard, the
tenements Shall revert to the king in case Walter, John, and Richard each
die without an heir male of his body. By K. and C.
June 13. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance
Westminster, to be made to John de Grantham of London in the debts due from him to
the exchequer for 40/. Lis. O^J., the said John ha\ ing shewn by bis petition
that William de Iledersi-le and his fellows, collectors of the CUStom {cus-
ti(iiuiiu) of wool in the port of London, received the above sum from him
ti 2
June 16.
The Tower.
July 4.
Membrane 5 — cont.
by wav of imprest for the king's use beyond the custom due for his wool,
and be lias prayed the king to cause that sum to be allowed to him in the
debts due from him to the exchequer of the time when he was one of
the sheriffs of London, and he has prayed the king for remedy because the
treasurer and barons defer allowing him the above sum although they
found by the accounts of the said collectors, which the king ordered them
to examine, that the collectors answered to the king for this sum.
To Alan de Cubbeldyk, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in co.
Lincoln. Order to restore to Henry de Umframvill his lands, goods and
chattels, which were taken into the king's hands by reason of his adherence
to the rebels, and to restore to him the issues thereof. By K.
The like to John Everard, keeper, etc., in co. Devon.
To John de Lek, receiver of the issues of the castle [and] honour of
Tutteburi. Order to pay to John de Denum, to whom the king granted
during pleasure the superior custody of the chace of Duffeldfrith and the
parks within the limits of that forest, the arrears of the wages therefor due
from the time of the grant, and to continue to pay him the same henceforth,
the king having granted that he should receive the usual wages therefor
and the other things that Nicholas de Hungerford, who previously had the
custody, used to receive for the same.
Membrane 4.
June 30. To Henry de Cobeham, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in co.
Tunbridge. Kent. Order to restore to William de Hokiniore his lands, which were
taken into the king's hands by reason of his adherence to the late rebels, as
he has found mainprise for his good behaviour.
By K. on the information of W. de Ayremynne.
July 2. To Walter de Norwico. Order to supply the place of W. bishop of
Rotherfield. Exeter as treasurer in the exchequer, during the treasurer's absence in
Devon, Cornwall, and co. Southampton, whither he is going for the ex-
pedition of certain of the king's affairs. Bv K.
{Pari. Writs.']
June 30. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Eleanor,
Tunbridge. late the wife of Henry de Percy, to be discharged of 3*. lOf </. from 8 March,
in the 16th year of the king's reign, when the king restored to Henry, son
and heir of the said Henry, the knights' fees and advowsons of his father,
which had been in the king's hands during his minority, the said Eleanor
being bound to render the above sum yearly during the said heir's minority
by the hands of the escheator beyond Trent for the excess in value of the
lands assigned to her in dower on 6 November, in the 8th year of the reign
[as in this Calendar, 8 Edward II., p. 125].
June 2. To Petronilla, late the wife of John de Benestede. Order to pay to Joan
Rotherfield. de Balsam 115*. 7d. yearly from the time when the manor of Benyngton,
co. Hertford, was assigned to Petronilla as dower, which manor is of the
yearly value of 41/. 6s. 8d., for which Petronilla is bound to pay 115s. 7d.
yearly to the exchequer during the minority of John's heir for the excess in
value of her dower, as it is found by inquisition taken by John de Blomvill,
«scheator in that county, that the said John de Benestede granted to Joan
de Balsam 10 marks yearly for her lite, and that he charged his lands with
payment thereof, and that Joan has been wont to receive that sum yearly
from his lands from the time of the grant. The king wjll discharge
Petronilla of this sum at the exchequer.
June 28.
June 28.
July 1.
Julv 2.
Membrane 4 — cont.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit the said
Petronilla of the aforesaid 115*. Id. during her life and the life of the said
Thomas de Langele, imprisoned in Neugate gaol for the death of Thomas
de Lenne, ' skynner,' has letters to the sheriff of London to bail him until
the first assjze.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to restore to Master John de Stretford,
now bishop of Winchester, his lands, goods and chattels, which the king
lately ordered them to take into his hands for certain causes. By K.
The like to the following:
The sheriff of Warwick.
H. bishop of Lincoln,
R. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield,
J. bishop of Chichester,
for the ecclesiastical goods in
their dioceses.
To Geoffrey de Edenham, keeper of certain lands in co. York. Order to
permit the sheriff of that county to deliver all the lands, fees, advowsons,
liberties, etc., in his custody that belonged to the Templars at the time of
the adnullation of their order to the prior and brethren of the Hospital of St.
John of Jerusalem, in accordance with the grant of the same to them [ag at
page 91 above]. The king wills that all the moveable goods in the said
lands shall remain to their owners, and that satisfaction shall be made by the
Hospitallers for the value of the corn growing in the said lands, or that the
owners of the corn may carry the same away and make their profit thereof
when the time comes : provided that the seisin of the king or of the
Hospitallers shall not be retarded by reason of the corn and goods aforesaid.
By K.
The like to the following keepers :
John de Kilvyngton in co. York between the waters of Use and Teys.
Thomas Deyvill in the same county this side the water of Use.
Edmund de Assheby in co. Lincoln.
John de Leek in cos. Stafford and Derby.
Adam de Scelton in cos. Westmoreland and Cumberland.
Robert de Coventre in co. Northumberland and the bishopric of
John de Lancastre in co. Lancaster.
William de Tateham in Blakburneshire, Boulond, Salfordshire, Leylond-
ehire, and Amundernesse.
Henry de Hockeleye in cos. Leicester and Warwick.
Henry de Cobeham in cos. Kent, Surrey, and Sussex.
Robert Phelip of Hardereshull in cos. Buckingham, Bedford, Oxford,
and Biiks.
Roger de Gulden in cos. Somerset and Dorset.
•I'lhn de Barewe in cos. Hereford, Worcester, and Salop.
Edmund de Flete in the city of London and co. Middlesex.
Edmund de Assheby in co. {retroconC) Lincoln and the honour of
Lancaster in co. Nottingham.
Roger de W'hatton in COS. Northampton and Rutland.
Robert de Hnngerford in cos. Wilts and Southampton.
Robert de Aston, keeper of lands in co. Gloucester, except the lands
that belonged to Maurice de Berkele.
To John de Blomvill, eecheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Oamhri'
Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to delirer to Margaret, late the
wife of Thomsi de ( 'ailly, tenant in chief, the following of her caid hng-
baod'i knights' fees, which tin- king has ■■signed to her in dower: two fees
July 4.
Membrane 4 — cont.
in Qnerotede, co. Suffolk, which Giles de Wachesham holds, of the yearly
value of 20/. ; a moiety of a fee in Ikelyngham, co. Norfolk, which William
de la Cressenore holds, of the yearly value of 100*. ; a moiety of a fee in
Si uinford and Bukenham near Staunford, in the same county, which
Margaret Cosyn and Ellen de Bukenham hold, of the yearly value of 100*. ;
■ twentieth of a fee in Denton, which William de Wytton holds, of the
\ early value of 100*. •
To the treasurer and baron9 of the exchequer. Order to cause the debts
due to the king from the bishopric of Durham to be levied from the manors
of the bishopric that are still in the hands of Louis, bishop of Durham, if
thcv can be so levied, and to cause the sheriff of York to desist from dis-
training Boniface de Peruche and John Junctyn and their fellows, mer-
chants of the society of the Peruzzi, for the said debts in the manor of
Houeden, as they have shewn the king that the sheriff omits the other lands
of the bishopric, and distrains for the debts in the said manor, which the
bishop demised to them for ten years, which demise the king confirmed,
saving to him the issues of the manor in case of voidance of the bishopric
within that term. By K.
June 26.
June 27.
June 26.
June 27.
Membrane 3.
To John de Frylond, keeper of certain rebels' lands in co. Gloucester.
Order to cause to be paid to Matilda, late the wife of Adam Tilly, the
arrears of a quarter of beans and 3£ yards of cloth, price AQd., of such cloth
as Thomas de Berkeleye, late lord of Berkeleye, used to give to poor men,
yearly from the time when the manor of Alkynton was taken into the king's
hands, and to cause the same to be paid to her yearly hereafter, as the king
learns by inquisition taken by Robert de Aston and John de Hampton that
the said Thomas granted the above beans and cloth to Matilda, to be
received yearly from his manor of Alkynton during her life, and that she
released to him, in consideration of this grant, her right of dower in a third
of a messuage and of a virgate of land within the said manor, and that the
said third is worth yearly 13s. 4d., and is now in the king's hands by the
forfeiture of Maurice, son and heir of the said Thomas, and that Matilda
was seised of the beans and cloth from the time of the grant until the manor
was taken into the king's hands without any change of her estate, and that
she did not release or demise them to anyone, and that the manor is held in
chief by the service of a moiety of a knight's fee, and is worth 64/. 19s. 9%d.
To John de Hampton. Order to deliver to Hugh le Despenser, earl of
Winchester, all the charters in his custody that concern the earl, who has
shewn the king that John Giffard, a late rebel, took certain of the earl's
charters and muniments at Stanle by force, and carried them thence to
Gloucester, and deposited them in the abbey of St. Mary and in the priory
of St. Oswald, which charters afterwards came to the hands of the said
John de Hampton when he was sheriff of Gloucester. By K.
To John de Blomvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge,
Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order to assign dower to Alice, late
the wife of John de Thorp, tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to
marry without the king's licence.
To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the following
manors, and to restore the issues thereof to Alice, late the wife of John de
Thorp, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that the said
John and Alice held jointly on the day of John's death, to themselves and
June 26.
July 26.
June 28.
June li*».
Tht Tower.
Mem b ra n e 3 — con t .
his heirs, the manor of Horham, co. Suffolk, and the manors of Esshe-
wellethorp, Wremyngham, Fundenhale, Bon[ewelle], and Tyveteshale, co.
Norfolk, of the gift of Alexander de lief ham, parson of Stulton church, hy
fine levied in the king's court, and that they held jointly on the said day to
themselves and the heirs male of their bodies the manor of Little Massyng-
ham, co. Norfolk, with remainder to the right heirs of the said John, of the
gift of Hugh de Esshewell, parson of Massyngham church, by fine levied in
the king's court, and that they held jointly on the said day a messuage in
Norwich in free burgage, which manors and messuage are held of others
than the king.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause proclamation to be made in
his county [court] that a fair shall be held at the queen's manor of Kyrke-
ton-in-Lyndeseye, on the eve and day of St. Mark and for six following
days, yearly, and another fair on the eve and day of St. Andrew and for six
following days, yearly, and that a market shall be held in her manor of
Spetele ' in the Strete ' on Friday in every week, and a fair on the eve and
day of St. Ed[mund] the King and six following days, the king having
granted that the queen shall have the said fairs and markets in the aforesaid
manors which she holds in dower of his assignment.
By K. on the information of William de Ayremynne.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge Ralph
Coterel, son and heir of Ralph Coterel, of 4/. 5s. 5d. yearly from 16 July,
in the third year of the king's reign, the late king having, on 24 October,
in the 30th year of his reign, committed to Ralph Coterel, the father, the
custody of two parts of the lands that belonged to Robert de Derleye in co.
Derby, with the exception of the dower of Alice, late the wife of the said
Robert, during the minority of John, brother and heir of the said Robert,
rendering therefor to the exchequer the above sum yearly, as the present
king, on the said 16 July, rendered the lands to the said John de Derleye,
who had proved his age before Gerard Salvayn, the late king's escheator
beyond Trent.
To the same. Order to desist from distraining the executors of the will
of John de Grey, son and heir of Reginald de Grey, for 125 marks, which
sum Henry III., on 17 May, in the 52nd year of his reign, ordered the
treasurer and barons of his exchequer to allow to the said Reginald in the
debts due from him, which sum the said king owed to John de Grey
for the arrears of the fee that he was wont to receive at the ex-
chequer, and to allow the said sum to the said executors.
Vacated because otherwise below.
To John de Bolynbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Notting-
ham, Derby, and Lancaster. Order not to intermeddle further with the
manor of Gunthorp, co. Nottingham, which he has taken into the king's
hands, pretending that it is held of the king as of the crown, and that Peter
de Monte Forti, grandfather of Peter de Monte Forti, entered the same
without royal licence, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by
inquisition taken by the escheator that Peter de Monte Forti and his
ancestors have held the manor from time out of mind in inheritance, and
that the manor is held of the honour of Leicester by the service of
40 marks yearly and not of the king.
To Richard de Musele, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
Wakof'eld. Order to pay to Master Albertinus Bogerii de Pvstore and
John de Triple the arrears due to them of the rent of 21/. yearly that the
prior i.f Lewei ought to receive from him, and to pay tin in the same rent
yearly hereafter, u ii is found bj inquisition taken before the keeper and John
de Doncaetre that the prior and enliven' of Lew* < have been wont to receive
June 26.
^32 1 . Membrane 3 — cont.
that rent yearly from time out of mind for a tithe of the rents of the earl
Warenne for all his lands in co. York, to be received from the hands of his
receiver at Wakefeld, by grant of the said earl, and that the present prior
and the convent of Lewes received the said rent all the time that the afore-
Baid rents were in the hands of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, with the
other lands of the earl Warenne, by the hands of William de Acworth, the
late receiver of the said earl Thomas at Wakefeld, until the rents aforesaid
came to the king's hands by the forfeiture of earl Thomas, and that the prior
ami convent have granted to the said Albertinus and John for five years all
their manors, churches, and lands of Halifax, Conyngesburgh, and B[ray]the-
well, in the diocese of York, with all fruits, rents, etc., and profits pertain-
ing to them in the said diocese. By C.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to the
executors of John de Grey, son of Reginald de Grey, out of the debts due
from Reginald to Henry III., the sum of 125 marks, which Henry III., on
17 May, in the 52nd year of his reign, ordered the treasurer and barons of
his exchequer to allow to Reginald in the debts due from him, which sum
the said king owed to John de Grey, of whom Reginald was the kinsman
and heir, for the arrears of the fee that he used to receive at the exchequer,
as the king understands that the treasurer and barons cause the executors
to be distrained for the above sum.
To Margaret, late the wife of Bartholomew de Badelesmere, a late rebel.
Signification that she may go to her friends within the realm whither she
will, provided that she be always ready to come to the king when sum-
moned, the king having, on 3 November, in the 16th year of his reign,
ordered Roger de Swynnerton, then keeper of the Tower of London, or
him who supplied his place, to cause her to be delivered from the Tower by
the mainprise of William de Ros of Hamelak, Henry de Percy, William le
Latvmer, Peter de Malo Lacu, the elder, John de Cromwelle", and Robert
de Welle, knight. By K.
To John de Neville, Richard de la Bere, and Peter de la Rokele,
justices —
June 28. To John de Neville, Richard de la Bere, and Peter de la Rokele, justices
Tunbndge. appointed to hear and determine certain trespasses committed upon the
king at Fraunkton, co. Lincoln. Order to cause the exaction and outlawry
of Richard de Furneux and all further process against him to be super-
seded entirely, the said Richard having been put in exigent to be outlawed
in that county for not appearing before the said justices, as he has satisfied
the king for his trespass. By K.
To the same, justices appointed to hear and determine certain trespasses
committed upon Hugh le Despenser, the younger, at Fraunkton aforesaid.
Like order concerning the said Richard, who has satisfied Hugh for the
trespass, as Hugh has testified personally before the king. By K.
July 1.
Oct. 2.
Membrane 3 — Schedule.
Warantia Dierum.
To the justices of the Bench. Order not to put John Cosyn in default
for not appearing before them on Sunday in the fifth week of Easter last
and on the Monday following in the suit before them between Richard
Martyn, demandant, and John, tenant, concerning \2\ acres of land and
2s. 4d. of rent in Harewe, as he was in the king's service on the 6aid days.
• ByK.
Oct 20.
Nov. 10.
April 1.
April 12.
Membrane 3 — Schedule — cont.
To the me. Order not to put John de Marnv in default for not appear-
ing on Saturday the morrow of Midsummer last in the suit before them
between John de Insula, demandant, and John de Marny, tenant, con-
cern ing a moiety of the manor of Graston, as he was in the king's service
on the said day. By p.s.
To the same. Order not to put John son of Roger Sharp in default for
not appearing on Sunday the octaves of Holy Trinity and on the following
Monday in the suit before them between William Sharp, demandant,
and the said John and John de Gayshara, tenants, concerning 53 acres of
land in Blecchyngleye, as he was in the king's service on the said days.
By K.
To the same. Order not to put John, bishop of Bath and Wells, in
default for not appearing on Friday the quinzaine of Martinmas last in the
suit before them between John de Thistelden, demandant, and him, tenant,
concerning a moiety of a carucate of land in Meleford and Penynton, as he
was in the king's service on the said day. By K.
To John de Stonore and Ralph de Bereford, justices to take assizes in
co. Wilts. Order not to put Robert de Hurlee, king's clerk, in default for
not appearing on Saturday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in the
assize of mort d'ancestor arramed by John le Newe of Wilton before
them against the said Robert concerning 11 acres of land and 10 acres
of pasture in Peuesy, as he was in the king's service on the said day.
By p.s." [6862.]
Membrane 2.
June 6. To John do Bolyngbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Notting-
Westminster. ham, Derby, and Lancaster. Order to deliver to Christiana, late the wife of
Ingelram de Gynes, the manor of Moureholm and certain lands in Kerne-
ford and in Whitynton and Assheton, which he has taken into the king's
hands by reason of Ingelram's death, as the king learns by inquisition
taken by the escheator that Ingelram and Christiana held jointly on the
day of Ingelram's death the manor aforesaid, of Christiana's inheritance,
and certain lands in Kerneford of the king in chief as of the earldom of
Lancaster by homage and knight service, and certain other lands in
Whitynton and Assheton of Baldwin de Gynes for the term of their lives,
and the king has taken her homage for the said manor and has rendered to
her the lands in Kerneford. -By p.s.
June 16. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to Master Richard de
The Tower. Eryum, who is setting out for parts beyond sea on the king's behalf, half a
mark daily for his wages for so long as he is thus employed. By K.
The like to the same to pay half a mark daily to Master Richard de
Gloucestr[ia]. By K.
June 18. To the same. Order to pay to the said Richard de Glouc[estria], whom
The Tower, the king lately sent to parts beyond sea, 20/. of the king's gills beyond the
expense! granted to him. By K.
June 15. To the keeper of the king's wardrobe for the time being. Order to
The Tower, reeeive bv indenture from Simon le Croiser, clerk of the king's market, all
the money that he will deliver to the keeper lor the lines and amercements
of the townships thai have made Hue before him or thai have been amerced
by him by reason of his oilier, in accordance with the ordinances of the
household made by the king and his council, which provide that such QneS
Juno 22.
June 17.
June 18.
The Tower.
June 16.
The Tower.
Membrane 2 — cont.
ami amercements shall be levied and paid by indenture to the keeper of the
wardrobe, and that estreats of the fines and amercements shall be made
according to the indenture and sent to the treasurer and barons of the
exchequer at Easter and Michaelmas. The king has ordered his said clerk
to deliver the said money to the keeper, and to cause the indentures and
estreats aforesaid to be delivered at the exchequer.
By K. on the information of W. de Ayremynne.
To William de Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, and
Middlesex, and in the city of London. Order not to intermeddle further
-with the lands of Joan, late the wife of William Maufee, and to restore the
issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that she
held no lands of the king in chief by reason whereof the custody of her
lands ought to pertain to the king.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance
to be made to Alan de Cherleton, constable of Wyggemor castle, for 20/. of
the arrears of his account of the issues of his bailiwick, and to cause him
to have respite for the remainder of the arrears until St. Peter ad Vincula
next, the king having granted him the said sum and respite for his good
service in pursuing, taking, and beheading John de Castel, a late rebel.
To John de Blumvill, escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge,
Huntingdon, Essex, and Hertford. Order not to intermeddle further with
two messuages and 30 acres of land of John Burel of Dunton and Matilda
his wife, and John and William his sons, in Dunton, a messuage and
16 acres of land of Hugh Lore of Doketon in the same town, a messuage
and 85 acres of land of John de Esgate of Dunton in the same town,
and with two messuages and 32 acres of land of William Est, chaplain,
Alan Est, John and Matilda Est in the same town, and to restore the issues
thereof, as the escheator has returned that the aforesaid tenements are held
of Thomas de Ha[utville], knight, as of his manor of Dunton, which manor
is held of the king in chief as of his ancient demesne by the service of I . *.
yearly and of keeping a gerfalcon at the king's charges, and that Thomas
granted the tenements to the aforesaid men and women, tenants of that
manor, to hold to them and their heirs by the service of 8s. '3\d. yearly for
all service, changing the customs and services that they used to render in
old times without the king's licence, which rent exceeds the old customs and
services by 8d. yearly, [and that the escheator took the tenements into the
king's hands for this reason].
To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. Wilts.
Order to deliver to Margaret-., late the wife of Henry Tyeys, a messuage, a
mill, and two carucates of land in Bochampton, as it appears by part of a
fine levied, in the 13th year of the king's reign, before William de Bereford
and his fellows, justices of the Bench, between the said Henry and
Margaret, demandants, and John son of Thomas Barry of Bochampton,
deforciant, exhibited before the king and his council, concerning the tene-
ments aforesaid, that Henry acknowledged the tenements to be the right of
John, and that John, for this acknowledgment, granted and rendered the
tenements to Henry and Margaret for their lives, with remainder to Henry
son of Warin del Idle and his heirs, and it is found by an inquisition taken
in the escheator's presence by John de Foxle, William de Harden, and
Robert de H[un]gerford that Margaret continued her seisin of the
aforesaid tenements with the said Henry without change of her estate
until they were taken into the king's hands by Henry's forfeiture, for which
reason they are still in the king's hands, and that Peter de Baa held the said
mill for life at the time when the fine was levied, and that he is still seised
17 EDWARD II. 123
132 [.. Membrane 2 — cont.
thereof, and that after the levying of the fine he made fealty to Henry and
Margaret therefor, and that the aforesaid tenements are held of the bishop
of Lincoln by the service of one fee, and that the messuage and land without
the null are worth 43*. 4rf. yearly in all issues.
To the said Robert, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. Berks. Like
order to deliver to the aforesaid Margaret a messuage, 3 carucates of land,
3^ acres of meadow, and 104s. 3\d. of rent in Burbache Savage, as it
appears by part of a fine levied, in the 9th year of the king's reign, before
William de Bereford and his fellows, justices of the Bench, between Henry
Tyeys and the said Margaret, demandants, and Philip Sturmy and Sarah his
wife, deforciants, exhibited before the king and his council, concerning the
aforesaid tenements, that Henry acknowledged the tenements to be the right
of Sarah, and that Philip and Sarah, for this acknowledgment, granted and
rendered them to Henry and Margaret, to hold to them and to the heirs of
Henry, and it is found by inquisition taken as above that Margaret con-
tinued her seisin of the aforesaid tenements with the said Henry without
change of her estate until they were taken into the king's hands by Henry's
forfeiture, for which reason they are still in the king's hands, and that they
are held of John de Goldyngham by the service of a clove gillyflower
yearly, and that the tenements are worth 54s. yearly in all issues.
June 15. To Nicholas de Hugate, receiver of the money to be paid for the matters
Westminster, touching the duchy of Aquitaine. Whereas the king has appointed Ralph
de Wedon and Philip de Aylesbury to choose and array at Dunstaple
80 footmen archers out of the footmen who are coming thither in the octaves
of Midsummer from cos. Bedford and Buckingham, and has appointed him
to conduct the men to Plimmuth, and has appointed Gilbert de Ellesfeld
and William de Harecourt to choose and array at Welles 60 footmen
archers out of the footmen who are coming thither on Thursday after
the said octaves from cos. Oxford and Berks, and has similarly appointed
William Tracy and Robert Selymon to choose and array at Welles
200 footmen archers out of the footmen who are coming thither on
the aforesaid day from co. Gloucester, and has similarly appointed
Nicholas Kiriel and Ralph Sauvage to choose and array at Winchester
100 footmen archers of the footmen who are coming thither on Wednes-
day after the said octaves from co. Kent, and has similarly appointed
Nicholas Gentil and Alan de Boxhull to choose and array at Winchester
250 footmen archers of the footmen who are coming thither on the afore-
said Wednesday from cos. Surrey, Sussex, and Southampton, and has
similarly appointed John de Clyveden and John de Lurty to choose and
array at Exeter 100 footmen archers out of the footmen who are coming
thither in the quinzaine of the said feast from co. Somerset, and has simi-
larly appointed John Latymer and John Peverel to choose and array at
Exeter 70 footmen archers out of the footmen who are coming thither in
the quinzaine aforesaid from co. Dorset, and has similarly appointed Robert
de Hagham and William de Marny to choose and array at Westminster
100 footmen archers of the footmen who are coining thither in the octaves
of the said feast from co. Essex, and has similarly appointed Walter
Gascelyn and Adam Walrand to choose and array at W. lies 100 footmen
archers out of the footmen archers who are coming thither on the aforesaid
Thursday from oo. Wilis: the king orders the aforesaid Nicholas co have
men in whom he can confide at Westminster, Donstaple, Welles, Win-
chester, and Exeter OB the aforesaid days, and to cause the usual wages to
be paid to the footmen archers and to their Conductors, to wit to the archers
of CO Essex and t heir conductor from the day when they march [te truns-
tuh rnii) from Westminster to Plimmuth, and to the other archers and their
conductors in like manner from the day \s hen they leave their Counties for
1321. Membrane 2 — cont.
Dnnstape] and Welles and for Winchester and Exeter, and from thence until
tin y come to Plimmuth. By K.
June 11. To Ralph do Camoys. Whereas the king lately appointed him and
Westminster. Drogo Barentyn to choose in cos. Oxford and Berks 100 footmen from the
loot men archers of those counties, and to ordain that they be furnished with
suitable arms, and to lead them to Plymmuth, so that they be there in the
quinzaine of Midsummer next ready to set out at the king's wages towards
t lie duchy of Aquitaine, and the king afterwards ordained that the said men
should be conducted by Ralph to Welles, so that they should be there on
Thursday after the said octaves before Gilbert de Ellesfeld and William de
Hareeourt, whom the king appointed to array and ordain the said men by
the aid of the sheriff, to be taken to Plymmuth by Gilbert, and the king
ordered Ralph to attend to the choosing, arraying, and leading of the said
men to Welles; and the king now understands that Ralph is prevented by
illness from doing so, for which reason the king has appointed the aforesaid
Gilbert in his place : the king, being unwilling that the matter shall be
retarded, orders Ralph to aid the said Gilbert and Drogo by some expert
men of his, and to intend to the same himself when he recovers. By K.
[Pari. Writs.]
June 16. To John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester,
Westminster. Salop, and Stafford, and in the adjoining marches of Wales. Order not to
intermeddle further with a messuage, a mill, 2 carucates, 10 acres of
meadow, and 26*. of rent belonging to John son of Adam de Erleton in
Erlcton and Cloteleye, co. Salop, and to restore the issues thereof, it ap-*
peariug by the escheator's return that he took the lands into the king's
hands because he understood that the aforesaid John, who held them in
chief, had alienated them to John de Hynkele and Elizabeth his wife with-
out the king's licence, as the. king is given to understand that John son of
Adam has not alienated the lands to John and Elizabeth, and that John and
Elizabeth claim no estate therein.
June 12. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to pay to Alesia, daughter and heiress
Westminster, of Henry de Lacy, late earl of Lincoln, 201. yearly from the issues of his
bailiwick for so long as he shall be sheriff, in accordance with the king's
order of 20 September, in the 16th year of his reign, which the sheriff has
not executed.
Membrane 1.
July 1. To Henry de Cobeham, keeper of certain forfeited lands in cos. Kent and
La Bayehalle. Sussex. Order to deliver to Margery, late the wife of Thomas Colpepir,
the following lauds, together with the issues received therefrom since they
were taken into the king's hands, the king learning by inquisition taken by
the said Henry and by William de North and William de Ponte Roberti in
the presence of the king's clerk Richard de Potesgrave, late keeper of the
forfeited lands in the said counties, that Thomas son of Thomas Colpepir
and Margery his wife acquired jointly from Thomas Colpepir, the elder, in
the 4th year of the king's reign, 50 acres of land in Foulesdenne, co. Kent,
and, in the 14th year of the reign, from Richard Wyth a messuage and a
carucate of land in Bernette and Ramherst, in the same county, and, in the
7th year, from Ralph Marescot a messuage and 60 acres of land in Bokstede,
co. Sussex, and, in the same year, from Michael de Betesfeld 10 acres of
land at Bayeregge, in the same county, and, in the 10th year, from Roger
son of Richard de Ferrugge 40 acres of land and 1 0 acres of wood in Fernth, in
the same county, and, in the 12th year, from William son of John de
Netteworth 20 acres in the same town, and, in the 13th year, from Reginald
son of Reginald Burgeys of Bokstede a messuage and 50 acres of land in
1321. Membrane 1 — cont.
Bokstede and Biarsefeld, and that tlie said Thomas son of Thomas and
Margery continued their sei>in thereof jointly from the time of the acquisi-
tion without any change of their estate until the lands were taken into the
kin»'s hands by the forfeiture of Thomas, and that the lands are in the
king's hands for this reason, and that the lands are held of divers lords and
not of the king in chief, and the aforesaid acquisitions likewise appear by the
charters exhibited in chancery by Margery. If the lands have been
demised at ferin, the fermors are to be satisfied for their expenditure upon
the land. By K. on the information of W. de Ayrem[ynne].
July 2. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause John de
Rotherfield. Triple to have allowance in the debts due from him to the exchequer for
17/. 7s. 2\d. lent by him to the king upon fifty-two sacks and four nails of
wool taken by him from London to parts beyond sea, by virtue of the grant
by the merchants of a loan of half a mark on each sack of wool, with which
sum William de Hedersete and William de Rude, late collectors of the loan
in the said port, are charged in their account, the said John having prayed the
king to cause allowance to be made to him for the above sum. By C.
June 30. To the same. Order to discharge John de Shaddewoi th of the ferin of
Tunbridge. 20s. yearly from 25 February, in the 6th year of the king's reign, which
ferm he rendered for a messuage, 60 acres of arable land, and 15 acres of
wood that belonged to Roger de Boseo of Colleston, co. Surrey, formerly in the
king's hands by reason of the idiocy of John, son and heir of Roger, which
were extended at 15s. 2c?. yearly by Walter de Gloucestre, late escheator
this side Trent, the custody whereof the king committed to the said John
de Shaddeworth on 8 October, in the 4th year of his reign, as the king, on
the aforesaid 25 February, ordered John Abel, then escheator this side
Trent, not to intermeddle further with the lands of the said John son of
Roger, because it was found by inquisition taken by the escheator that the
said John son of Roger held nothing in chief at his death by reason
whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king.
June 19. To Geoffrey le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the
The Tower, king. Whereas the king, upon learning that many persons of cos. Salop,
Stafford, Gloucester, Worcester, and Hereford had been contrariant to him
and had given aid to the rebels in horsemen and footmen, money and other
things, appointed Ilervey de Staunton, Henry Spigurnel, John de Stonore,
Robert de Malberthorp, and Master Robert de Ayleston his justices to hear
and determine the said matters, wherefore, on 16 March last, he ordered
them to cause the matters commenced and not yet determined by them to
be put before him in fifteen days from Easter last, and they have accordingly
placed the matter and all things touching it before the king, and certain
persons wish to make fines and ransoms with the king for such trespasses
committed by them : the king therefore orders the said Geoffrey and his
fellows to receive fines and ransoms from those who wish to make fines end
ransoms for such rebellion and trespasses.
June 27. To the same. Order to cause Walter de Seleby, Geoffrey de la Mare,
Tunbridge. John (^ueynt, John Burel, John Page, Thomas Evcranl, John Deyvill, and
Malculinus Musard,who are imprisoned in the Tow^r by the king's order, to
come before them, ami to cause them to be addressed concerning the causes,
indictments, right suspicions, and accusal inns against them, and to cause
enquiry to le made, if need he, concerning the same, and to cause to be
done further what ought to be done according to law and OUBtom, the king
having ordered John de Weston, constable of the Tower, to cause the said
prisoners to be brought before the justices without delay, to be delivered i<>
the keeper of the Marshalsea. Bj K
\[\-) | Membrane 1 — cont.
To the Mine. Order to cause Edmund Darel, imprisoned in the Tower
by the king's order, to be admitted and kept safely by the keeper of the
Marshalsea, the king having ordered the constable of the Tower to cause
him to be brought before the justices to be delivered to the said keeper.
The justices are to summon Simon le Warde to be before them at the said
ilav to propound against Edmund on the king's behalf what he knows
ought to be propounded, and they are to cause Edmund to be addressed con-
cerning the causes against him, and to cause enquiry to be made, if
necessary, concerning the same, certifying the king of what they shall find
therein, so that he may cause to be done further what ought to be done of
June 28. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to supersede entirely the exaction and
Tuubridge. outlawry of Richard de Furneux for not appearing before Richard de la
Bere and his fellows, justices appointed to hear and determine certain
trespasses committed upon Hugh le Despenser, the younger, at Fraunkton,
as he has satisfied Hugh for the said trespasses, as Hugh has acknowledged
in person before the king.
To the same. Like order not to outlaw the said Richard for not
appearing to answer for certain trespasses against the king, as he has
satisfied the king for the same.
July G. To Peter son of Walter de Hakelut. Order to deliver to the prior of the
Lowes. order of St. John of Jerusalem, or to his attorney bringing this writ, all
charters, deeds, rolls, and other muniments and memoranda of the Templars,
which the said Walter had in his custody when he was sheriff of Hereford
and which are now in Peter's custody, as it is expedient and necessary that
the prior and brethren of the said order shall have them for the protection
of their rights and liberties, the king having assigned to them the
Templars' lands, etc.
The like to Roger de (sic) Trumwyn, late sheriff of Salop and Stafford,
concerning the charters, etc., in his custody.
Membrane 43c?.
July 9. William de Denom acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynne,
Faxfleet. clerk, 40*.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Northumberland.
Cancelled on payment.
William de Pykeworth of Lenne acknowledges that he owes to William
de Denom 100s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Norfolk.
Cancelled on payment.
William de Hoo acknowledges that he owes to William de Denom 100s. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the afore-
said county.
Cancelled on payment.
Agnes, late the wife of William Charles, acknowledges that she owes to
William de Denom 100s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands
and chattels in the aforesaid county.
Cancelled on payment.
Nicholas de Coloyn, merchant and citizen of York, acknowledges that
he owes to Robert de Pikeryng, dean of St. Peter's York, 159/. 6s. 8d. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
July U.
July 13.
July 8.
July 20.
Membrane 43d — cont.
Ralph de Whyten acknowledges that he owes to John de Ellerker, the
elder, 40*. ; to he levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Lincoln.
William de Snelleslond acknowledges that he owes to William de
Snelleslond, his son, 100/. ; (o be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Lincoln.
John de Gaskryk acknowledges that he owes to William de Snelleslond
40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
the aforesaid county.
Robert Wynny of Fisselak and Richard de Brandon, chaplain, of
Edelington, acknowledge that they owe to William de Melton, archbishop
of York, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in co. York.
Richard, prior of Monks' Bretton, acknowledges, for himself and
convent, that he owes to Godfrey de Staynton and William Scot 1,C00/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
To Archambaud, count of Perigord. Request that he will pray the pope
to revoke anything that may have been done concerning conferring the
bishopric of Winchester upon Master John de Stratford, whom the king
lately sent to Rome upon his affairs, as rumour has reached the king that
John has accepted the bishopric, in violation of his fealty and oath to the
king, and that he will pray the pope to grant free faculty of election to the
prior and chapter of Winchester, the kiug having prayed the pope to grant
these requests.
The like to the following :
Peter de Via, the pope's nephew.
Bernard Jordan i.
John de Buterwyk and Thomas his brother acknowledge that they owe
to William de Seleby of York and Roger son of William 9/. ; to he levied,
in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
To Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of Wales, or to him who supplies
his place. Order to associate with him Robert Power, chamberlain of
North Wales, and to take ransoms from the Scots lately captured in the
county of Anglesye and imprisoned in the king's prisons of North Wales,
upon the king's being previously satisfied for —
Vacated, because within.
Alice, daughter of Thomas le Nedeler of York, acknowledges that she
owes to John Ithun of York 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of her lands and chattels in co. York.
July 10.
Membrane 42d.
Enrolment of release from Margaret, relict of Sir John Salvayn, knight,
to Richard Biset and Elizabeth his wife of her right in a moiety of the
manor of Herswell and Great Thorp, with all appurtenances; to have and
to hold to Richard and Elizabeth for her life. Dated at Esthorp, in the
feast of St. Stephen, 18 Edward II.
Me/toorandum, that Margarel came into chancery at York, on 8 July, and
acknowledged the aforesaid deed.
John ile Ihereton acknowledges that he owes to William de Borghbrigg
f>/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands mim
I chattels in CO.
Julj L2.
July 12.
July 16.
July 18.
July 22.
July 22.
Membrane 42r7 — cont,
Etichard son of Robert de Berlay came before the king, on Tuesday after
the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, and sought to replevy his land
in Collum and Crohuin, -which were taken into the king's hands for his
default before the justices of the Bench against Walter de Haukesworth
and Elizabeth his wife and Gilbert de Cokeryngton. This is signified to
the justices.
Richard son of Robert de Berlay came before the king, on the aforesaid
day. and sought to replevy his land in Collum, which was taken into the
king's hands for the like default.
Robert de Eissheton, parson of Westrasen church, acknowledges that he
owes to John de Ellerker, the elder, 16 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
Roger de Beltoft acknowledges that he owes to the prior of St. Oswald's
Nostell 6 marks 6s. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in CO. York.
Peter Fouue of Little Markham acknowledges that he owes to Thomas
de Burgh, parson of Brigham church, 12/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
John Vanne, parson of Epreston church, acknowledges that he owes to
William de Ryseleye, parson of Misne church, 100s. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands, chattels, and ecclesiastical goods in co.
William de Leede, Peter de Ryther, parson of Ryther church, diocese of
York, and Robert de Ryston, parson of West Rasen church, diocese of
Lincoln, acknowledge that they owe to William, archbishop of York, 11/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. York
and Lincoln.
Thomas de Shefeld, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Henry le
Scrop, knight, 1 00s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Thomas de Boulton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de
Burgh, parson of Brigham church, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Thomas de Beltoft, of the Isle of Haxiholm, acknowledges that he owes to
George de Saluciis, prebendary of Masham in St. Peter's church, York,
20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos.
York and Lincoln.
To Edmund, earl of Kent, constable of Dover castle and warden of the
Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place in the said ports. Order to
cause proclamation to be made that the king has prorogued until Easter the
truce granted until Michaelmas next at the request of Louis, count of
Flanders and Nevers, and to cause the same to be observed, inhibiting all
the king's subjects from inflicting damage upon or aggrieving the men or
merchants of the count's power during the prorogation. The king wills
that all merchants and others of the count's powers may come into the realm
safely with their goods and merchandise, and that their goods shall not be
arrested during the prorogation for the trespasses of others, or for any debts
whereof they are not principal debtors or sureties, or for trespasses hereto •
fore committed contrary to the charter of the staple, provided that the king's
merchants in Flanders enjoy the same immunities. By K. and C.
1323. Membrane 42d — cont.
The like to the following :
The sheriff of Northumberland.
The sheriff of Gloucester.
The sheriff of Cornwall.
The sheriff of York.
The mayor and bailiffs of Exeter.
The sheriff of Lincoln.
The sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk.
The sheriff of Essex.
The sheriffs of London.
The sheriff of Kent.
The sheriff of Surrey and Sussex.
The sheriff of Southampton.
The sheriff of Somerset and Dorset.
The sheriff of Devon.
The bailiffs of Great Yarmouth.
July 27. Andrew son of John de Merkyngfeld acknowledges that he owes to
Cowick. Richard de Neuby, executor of the will of John de Merkyngfeld, 100/. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
William del Hogh of Yakesle acknowledges that he owes to Thomas do
Brayton, clerk, 61. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Suffolk.
Cancelled on payment.
Aug. 19. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Prohibition of his doing anything by
Pickering, virtue of any commission or mandate sent to him by any authority what-
ever, whereby the king's collation upon Master John de Bruyton of the
archdeaconry of Canterbury, which pertained to the king's gift by reason of
the temporalities of the archbishopric being in the late king's hands, might
be weakened, as the king understands that certain persons have procured
certain commissions to this effect. [Fadera.]
July 26.
July 23.
Aug. 2.
Aug. 4.
Membrane 4 Id.
Richard de Brygenhale of York acknowledges that he owes to Master
Adam de Ayremynne, clerk, 17 marks; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Gerard de Useflete, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de
Useflete, clerk, 50 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to cause proclamation to be made
in tlie town of Suthwell and elsewhere in his bailiwick prohibiting any
earl, baron, knight, or other men-at-arms from tourneying, etc., at that town
or elsewhere within the realm without special licence from the king, and to
certify the king of the names of any presuming to exercise any feat of arms
at that town or elsewhere in his bailiwick after this inhibition, as the king
understands that certain persons are coming to make jousts at the said town
on Monday next. By K.
Roger de Okovre, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le
Despenser, earl of Winchester, 100 marks ; to be levied, in default Of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Stafford and Derby.
Robert de Lincoln of the county of Leicester and Richard de Bolton of
the county of York acknowledge thai they owe to Robert de Shelleye L00/.;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in COS. Leicester
and York.
\ 323. Membrane 41 d — cont.
9. To the prior provincial of the order o( Friars Preachers and to all the
Lcckton. brethren of the order about to assemble in chapter-general at Bristol.
Request for their prayers on behalf of the king, queen. Edward, their eldest
son, and for their other children, and for the prosperity of the realm.
By P.s. [6634.]
To the abbot and convent of Redyng' Request that they -will admit into
their h is< Will .-.. !._:_ ;•-. wfcc has long served the k£q£ia place of
Peter de Alberwyk, deceased, who had his maintenance in their house at the
king's request, and that they will deliver to him the same allowance in all
things as Peter was wont to receive. By p.s. [6631.]
The like to the prior and convent of Brustall for Cok Johan, to receive
the allowance that John Coltman had in their house. By p.s. [6630]
Aug 1 To the abbot and convent of Ramesey. Order to admit John de
Owtle. Coventre, clerk, who served the king and his father, into their house
without delay, and to minister to him for life suitable maintenance in food
and clothing, shoeleather, and other necessaries as one of their clerks, to assign
to him a suitable chamber, and to make him letters patent granting the same
to him. in accordance with tfc . _ - previous order to this effect, they having
ministered to the said John such maintenance for many years, but afterwards
they withdrew successively certain portions of his maintenance, and have
expelled him from their house without any crime. They are to certify the
king by the said John and by their letters of their proceedings in this matter.
Enrolment of indenture witnessing that Thomas de Burgh, escheator
th - - .at Duffton, co. Westmoreland, on Monday before the
Nativity of St. Mary, 17 Edward II.. in the presence of Robert de
Nenbyggyng, William de Helton. Robert de Clyburne, Gilbert Engayne,
Hugh de Ermesheved, William Prodhome. Richard Cotesford. John de
Bolton, John del Isle. Thomas de Preston, Richard de Cotesford, the
younger, and William de Keldelich, assigned in dower to Alesia, late the
wife of Ralph, baron of Craystok. a third of two parts of the manor of
Puffton with the orchard, which is extended at l'2d. ; IS acres of arable
land of the demesne of the manor, which is extended at 6s. ; 14 acres o{
meadow of the said demesne, extended at 7s. -, 104<f. of the free ferni of
A iam Co.yr.scne; 2 borates of land that Gilbert Kay holds, which render
.arly 6?.; 2 bovates of land that Thomas Hudsone holds, which render
yearly 6s. ; a third of 4 bovates of land that Thomas the reeve and William
Broun held, which bovates used to render 4^. yearly : 2 bovates of land that
Hugh Lokkes holds, rendering 6c. yearly ; 2 bovates of land that Roger de
Molend ino[ holds, rendering 6s. yearly; 8 acres of land of the 4 bovates
that John Madsone and Christiana his sister held, rendering 4*. yearly :
4 acres of land of the 2 bovates that John the chaplain held, rendering
4s. 2d. yearly ; the cottage that Hugh Godesone held, rendering 2s. yearly ;
and 2d. from the cottage of William Shavaldon ; a third of the cottage that
Philip the hay ward (wtessor) held, rendering 12 d. yearly: a third of the
cottage that William Brounsone held, which formerly rendered S<f. yearly ;
a third of the whole foreland of the town, which used to render 22ti/.
yearly ; a third of the cottage that Xelle Gervays holds, rendering old.
yearly ; from the pond of Knok 2±d, There are also assigned to her in
dower within the court of the manor" a moiety of the great chamber on the
east, and the little chamber between the great chamber and the chapel, and
the plot of land where the bakehouse was : a third of two parts of the said
court; a third of two parts of the orchard nearest to the dower of
xdizabeth ; a third of two parts of the water-mill of Dufton. which is
extended at 8*. 10^d. Of the forests there are assigned to her a third of
two parts of the wood of Dykesehowe by these boundaries : beginning at
1323. Membrane 41c? — cont.
Birkethewayt Yate, descending by the old hedges (sepia) to the water of
Hellemiriheude, and thus descending by the water aforesaid to the bridge of
Bramptou, and from the bridge by the great water to Harlangate, and by
Harlangate to Birkethewayt Yate, excepting the meadows of Le Strandes
and Redekere. Also a third of two parts of the wood of Flascowe by these
boundaries : beginning at Ukeschawe Yate, and ascending by the way to
Dykecrosse, and from Dykecross to Hallepetes, and descending from Halle-
pettes by Sinalburne to Hallestedyate, and from Hallestedyate ascending
equally over (eqite ultra) Kocshaweyate. Also Le Gile Melerdon and all
the hills, valleys, and pastures to be chased and pastured in common. There
are also assigned to her a hundred feet in length and forty feet in breadth
outside the gate of the court, for the site of a barn. Dated the day, place,
and year aforesaid.
Enrolment of indenture witnessing that Thomas de Burgh, escheator this
side Trent, at Craystok, on Saturday before the Nativity of St. Mary,
17 Edward II., in the presence of Robert de Tymparoun, John de Hoton
RufF', Adam de Alaynby, Eustace de Bentecombe, Alan de Kynthorp,
William de Waux, John de Whytebergh, William de Baynwithefd, William
de Sutton, John de Penruddok, John de Gilkamban, William Holeheye, and
others, assigned in dower to the aforesaid Alesia a third of two parts of the
manor of Craystok, co. Cumberland, to wit all the lands that her late husband
had on the day of his death on Dakrebek, with the mills of Sparkehefd and
Wethermelok, which are extended at 16/. 13*. Id. ; the forest of Golebergh ;
12c?. of the free ferm of Adam de Carleton in Staynton ; 5d. of the free ferm
of Alan de Whitebergh there ; 9c?. of the free ferm of Roger de Laton
there ; 4c?. of the free ferm of Robert Tymparon there ; 3c?. of the ferm of
Little Stayton ; 27 acres of arable land of the demesne of Stayton, which are
in the hands of tenants at will and are extended at 20*. 9c?. ; 6 acres of land
of the same demesne, which are extended at 4*. 6c?.; ' forland ' there, extended
at 3*. ; 7 bovates of land in the same town, extended at 27*. 3c?. ; 5 cottages
there, which are extended at 12*. 10c?. ; a moiety of two parts of the mill of
Staynton, extended at 40*.; two parts of Haregill ; the ten[ements] of Le
Brounrigg, which Wadde holds, extended at 4*. 5c?. ; the tenement that
John Peuok holds at the end of Seuterpel, extended at 7*. 4c?.; Le Merewra,
which William Joye and Peter son of William hold, extended at 10*. ; a
third of the meadow of Gilkamban on the south, extended at 13*. 4c?.
Dated the day, place, and year aforesaid.
Aug. 3.
Aug. •').
I rick.
Aug. 4.
Aug. 5.
Membrane 40c?.
John Pecche, lord of Hampton, acknowledges that he owes to Eleanor,
late the wife of Henry de Percy, 60 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Warwick.
Thomas de Dent came before the king, on Friday after St. Peter ad
Yincula, and sought to replevy to the prior of Holand the advowson of
Whitewyk church, which was taken into the kind's hands for the prior's
default before the justices of the Bench against William le Botyller. This
gnined to the justices.
John <lc Rysing acknowledges that he owes to John do Estro, clerk, 40*. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
William Fastolf, merchant of Great Yarmouth, acknowledges that he
owes to William Bilham, citizen and merchant of York, 10/. ; to bo levied,
in default of payimnt, of his Lands and chattels iM fco. Norfolk. — W. do
II. Haston, one of the keepers of the seal, received the acknowledgment
[Part. Writs.]
i 2
1323. Membrane 40d — cont.
John GvfTard, canon of St. Peter's York, acknowledges that he owes
to Master Robert do Pykeryng, dean of the said church, 30/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. York and
Cancelled on payment.
Aug. 6. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made pro-
Kirkham. hibitiug the holding of tournaments without the king's special licence, and
to certify the king of the names of any presuming to exercise feats of arms
after this prohibition. By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England.
To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause proclamation to be made that all
and singular who are in the king's peace shall pursue with hue and cry
Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wyggemor, the king's rebel, who has escaped
from prison in the Tower of London by night, if he come to their parts, and
that they shall arrest him alive or dead, and the sheriff is ordered to do the
like with all the posse of his county, and to cause proclamation to be made
that the king will regard those who are contrary or slow in this pursuit as
adherents and aiders of the said rebel, and that he will punish them accord-
ingly. [Fcedera ; Pari. Writs.'] By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.']
The like, ' mutatis competenter mutandis,' to the keepers of the peace in
all the counties of England. [Ibid.]
To Edmund, earl of Kent, constable of Dover castle and warden of the
Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place. Order to appoint spies in
all the said ports and to cause diligent search to be made for the aforesaid
Roger, and to take him alive or dead if he come thither, and to enquire, in
case Roger have crossed the sea from those ports, who have taken him out
of the realm, in what ship they have taken him, and with whose consent,
and concerning other persons of his bailiwick adhering to the said Roger, if
there be any, certifying the king of his proceedings from time to time. He is
to cause proclamation to be made that the king will repute those who are
contrary or slack in the pursuit as adherents of Roger, and that he will
punish them accordingly. By K.
[Pari. Writs.]
The like to the bailiffs and mayors and bailiffs of the following towns :
Boston. La Rye.
Lenne. Wynchelse.
Great Yarmouth. Romenhale.
Herewych. Hethe.
Gipewych. Hasting'.
Sandwich. Pevenese.
Dover. Donewych. [Ibid.]
To the sheriff of Surrey and Sussex. Order to cause the premises
to be done and executed in all seaports and other ports in his bailiwick.
The like to the sheriffs of the following counties :
Lincoln. Somerset.
Norfolk. Dorset.
Suffolk. Devon.
Essex. Cornwall.
Southampton. Gloucester. [Ibid.]
An?. 6.
Aug. 9.
Aug. 10.
Aug. 2G.
. 28.
Membrane iOd — conl.
To the constable of Pontefract castle. Order to cause all the prisoners
in his custody in that castle to be kept safely and securely at his peril, so
that be can answer for the bodies of all of them at the king's order, and to
cause the castle to be kept and guarded so that damage or peril may not
arise to it. By K.
The like to the constables of eighty castles. [Ibid.]
To the justice of Wales, or to him who supplies his place,
concerning the castles in that land. [Ibid,]
Like order
To the keepers of the bishopric of Winchester concerning the castles of
Farnham, Wolvesheye, and Taunton [Incomplete.] [Ibid.]
To John de Birmyngham, earl of Loueth, justiciary of Ireland, or to him
who supplies his place, Order to cause like proclamation to be made for
the pursuit of the said Roger, and to cause the castles and prisoners in that
land to be kept as above. By K.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause proclamation to be made that
the king wills that, notwithstanding his late prohibition of tournaments,
certain jousts previously proclaimed at Lincoln by his licence shall be
held. By p.s.
To the sheriff of Kent. Order to arrest all persons who shall appear to
him to be receivers or aiders of the aforesaid Roger de Mortuo Mari, and to
cause them to be kept in prison until further orders, pursuing them, if need
be, with hue and cry and the whole jwsse of that county, certifying the king
of the names of those thus arrested. By K.
[Pari. Writs.]
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.]
The like to the keepers of the peace in the same counties. [Ibid.]
To Edmund, earl of Kent, constable of Dover castle, warden of the
Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place. Whereas the king under-
stands that Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wyggemor has escaped from the
Tower of London to parts beyond sea, and intends passing thence to Ireland,
and that three ships of Ireland have lain by the sea coast about the said
parts for some time, and still lie there for the purpose of carrying him to
Ireland, the king orders the warden to appoint spies in this affair, and to
take the said Roger in case he enter the ships aforesaid, and to cause him to
be brought to the king under safe convoy, taking with him for this purpose,
if necessary, sufficient fleet and power of the said ports, and to ascertain the
reason why the said ships lie by the coast thus suspiciously, certifying the
kin<j of his proceedings herein. By K.
[Pari. Writs.]
To the barons, bailiffs, and men of the port of Dover. Like order.
I hid.] By K.
The like to the barons, bailiffs, and men of the following ports :
Sandwich. Hethe.
La Rye. Romenhale.
I'Mvcn-sham. Wynchelse
P< venae.
To Tbomai son of John, carl of Kildare. Order to appoint spiea upon
the said Roger in Inland, and i<> follow him with all the post* of (hat land
if he come thither by ships, and to arrest him, and cause him to be brought
1323. Membrane 40d — cont.
to tlio king together with the ships and the mariners of the same, certifying
tin kilg of his proceedings herein by the bearer of the presents. By K.
The like to the following :
Richard de Bnrgo, earl of Ulster.
Maurice son of Thomas.
William de Burgo.
John de Barry.
Richard Tuyt.
John le Power, baron of Donnoyk.
Arnald de {sic) Power.
Nicholas de Verdoun.
Walter de Cusak.
Maurice de Rocheford.
Simon de Genevill.
Richard le Waleys. [Ibid.]
To John de Byrmyngham, earl of Loueth, justiciary of Ireland, or to him
who supplies his place. Like order. By K.
Memorandum, that under the same form and date as the order to Thomas
son of John and the other magnates of Ireland, letters were sent to the
mayor, bailiffs, and men and whole communities following
Imelagh. [Ibid.]
To Walter de Islep, treasurer of Ireland. Order to urge the magnates
and others to use all diligence in the above matter, and to cause the said
Roger and the ships and mariners to be brought to the king, certifying the
king of his proceedings herein by the bearer. [Ibid. J
Droxhda on the sides of
Meath and Uriel.
Membrane 3dd.
Aug. 14. Henry son of William de Burton Leonard acknowledges that he owes to
PickeriDg. William de Lamar 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Aug. 15. William de la Mote, knight, John de Aspale of co. Suffolk, and John de
Pickering. Percy, of co. Wilts, have mainperned to have the body of John de Ellerker,
the younger, imprisoned in the Marshalsea prison for certain reasons, who
is delivered to them, before the king in the same state as he is in now upon
Memorandum, that, on 20 August, Sir William de Ayremynn, one of the
keepers of the great seal, delivered the seal under the seals of Sir Henry de
Clif and Sir William de Herlaston, keepers of the seal, to the king in his
chamber within his castle of Pikeryng, in the presence of Sir Hugh le
Despenser, the younger, the said Henry and William, and of others, and the
king received the seal, and delivered it to Master Robert de Baldok, arch-
deacon of Middlesex, as his chancellor, who received it from the king's
hands, and caused it to be opened on the following day at the hour of
Aug. 26.
Aug. 26.
Aug. 28.
Aug. 29.
Aug. 30.
Membrane 39d — cont.
vespers in St. Peter's church, Pikeryng, in the presence of the said William,
Henry and William, and of other clerks of the chancery, and caused writs
to be sealed therewith, and the seal remained in the chancellor's custody
after the sealing. [Pari. Writs. ]
Robert de Scardeburgh came before the king, on Friday after St. Bar-
tholomew last, and sought to replevy to the prior of Holand the advowson
of the church of Whitewyk, which was taken into the king's hands for the
prior's default before the justices of the Bench against William le Botiller.
— This is signified to the justices.
Richard de Hasseneye puts in his place Robert de Cave and Edmund de
Brisyngham, clerks, to prosecute the matter of a recognisance for 10/. made
to him by William son of John le Maistreson.
Nicholas deKarliolo, citizen of York, acknowledges that he owes to John
de Essheton 6 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co York.
Master John de Hildesle, parson of Thynden church, diocese of Lincoln,
acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Ayremynu, clerk, 20 marks; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. North-
ampton.— The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert son of German le Orfevre of York acknowledges that he owes to
Thomas de Grantham, citizen and merchant of York, 25/. 6*. Hd. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Thomas son of John Fayrefax of Waleton acknowledges that he owes to
William Malbys, knight, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
John de Leycestre of York, ' spicer', and Henry de Thornton of York,
'spieer,' acknowledge that they owe to Geoffrey de Thyrnum, chaplain,
30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co.
To James, king of Aragon, Valencia, Sardinia and Corsica, count of
Barcelona, standard-bearer, admiral, and captain-general of the holy Roman
church. The king has received his letters borne by Berengar Letonis,
citizen of Manresa (Minonse), containing that Berengar had been
despoiled by malefactors of this realm on the sea between Calais and Sand-
wich of divers goods that he bought in Flanders and placed in two galleys
of the realm of Majorca for carriage to his own parts, and praying the king
to cause restitution to be made to Berengar for 400/. sterling, at which the
said goods, the damages, costs, and interest had been taxed by the authority
of the king of Aragon's court. The king intimates to him that he is and
always will be ready to exhibit speedy justice to all subjects of the king of
Aragon complaining of the king's subjects, but as he is not informed of the
names of the trespassers of whom Berengar complains and is not certified
of the spoliation, and as Berengar would not inform him thereof according
to the requirements of the law, he could not make any condemnation or resti-
tution in certain, but he offered to Bercnger to appoint certain of his
subjects to enquire the truth of the premises, although, according to the
common law of the realm, this ought rather to be done at the prosecution of
the party, and that when the truth had been found, he would cause speedy
Jostieo to he ilone ns to the punishment of the malefactors :m<l the restitution
of the goods, hut Berengar did not care to wait so that the premises might
be duly put into execution, hut preferred to return home with this answer.
The king therefore desires the king of Aragon to weigh the premises
Aug. 27.
Membrane 39d — cont.
impartially, and to impute Berongar's not obtaining restitution to his own
carelessness rathor than to failure of justice. Letters of marque (marcandi
//(•< nda) ought not in anywise to be granted to the king of Aragon's sub-
jects in this behalf, since want or negligence in exhibiting justice cannot
and ought not to be imputed to the king. [Fcedera.~\
Ranulph de Mannby acknowledges that he owes to Hugh son of Adam
de Thorgamby 4 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Sept. 4. Walter de Insula, knight, acknowledges that he owes to "William de
Whorlton. Ayremynne, clerk, 1,000 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
(Whemeuon.) lands and chattels in co. York and in the bishopric of Durham. — The chan-
cellor received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of release by Robert de Sandale to Nicholas son and heir of
John de Benyngton of all actions, etc., by reason of any contract or any-
thing else, and especially by reason of any recognisance made in chancery, the
exchequer, the king's Bench, or elsewhere, and by reason of any feoffment
of charters, etc., made between him and Nicholas. Witnesses : Sir
William de Ayrem[ynne] ; Sir Richard de Cornubia; Sir Edmund le
Wastenais, Sir Anketin Salvayn, knights; Stephen de Eyvill; Nicholas de
Langton, then mayor of York; Nicholas Fouk, Robert de Molseby, and
Robert del Wald, then bailiffs of York. Dated at York, on Thursday
before the Nativity of St. Mary, 17 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Robert came into chancery at York, on 5 September,
and acknowledged the above.
To R. king of Jerusalem and Sicily. The king reminds him that he
lately wrote to him and requested him by his envoys to restore the portions
of the counties of Provence and Forcalquier (Folcatarii) due to the king
by inheritance, but at present the king has no certain knowledge of the will
of the king of Jerusalem and Sicily ; he has therefore caused to be sent to
the king of Jerusalem Master Adam Myrymouth, J.C.P., canon of Hereford,
to whom the king has fully expressed his will upon these matters and upon
others near the king's heart in the Roman court, and he requests the king of
Jerusalem to cause the aforesaid portions to be restored amicably, in con-
sideration of their near kinsmanship, and that he will give credence to what
Master Adam shall say to him on the king's behalf, and that he will prose-
cute before the pope those things that the king has prayed for, and that he
will send a suitable written answer by Master Adam as to what he will do
concerning the portions aforesaid. [Fcedera.]
Membrane 3Sd.
Aug. 28. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause proclamation to be made
Greenhow. that the king has granted licence to Edmund, earl of Kent, that he and
others may tourney at Northampton on Sunday after Michaelmas next,
notwithstanding the king's late order to prohibit tournaments. By p.s.
Sept. 1.
Brother Walter, abbot of Vaudey, acknowledges, for himself and convent,
that he owes to Gerardinus Janny, Taldus Valory, Bonus Philippi,
Bernardus Cattany. Peter Renery, John Francisci, and their fellows of the
society of the Bat di of Florence, 800 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their ecclesiastical goods and lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
1323. Membrane 38c? — cont.
William de Bernthorp and Thomas Shepeshank of Addewyk acknow-
ledge that they owe to the master and brethren of the hospital of
St. Leonard's York 6/. os. Of/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in co. York.
Sept. 7. John de Evesham came before the king, on Wednesday after St. Bertin,
Barnard Castle, and sought to replevy to William Uth[l]agwe of Ireland the said William's
land in Bristol, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before
the justices of the Bench against the master of the hospital of St. John the
Baptist, Bristol. This is signified to the justices.
Richard Gerveys came before the king, on Wednesday after St. Bertin,
and sought to replevy to Nicholas de Roubergwe his land in the suburbs of
Bristol, which was taken into the king's hands for his default against the
aforesaid master. This is signified to the justices.
Sept. 4.
Sept. 20.
To him who supplies the place of the constable of Dover and of the
warden of the Cinque Ports. Whereas the king has frequently ordered
him, by letters under the great seal and by letters under the privy seal, to
cause diligent search to be made in the aforesaid ports of all letters coming
into the realm from parts beyond sea and going from this realm to parts
beyond sea, and to send to the king all those that are prejudicial to him
or the right of the crown, or that are suspected of being so, before execu-
tion of them be done, in which matter he has been negligent, as the king
learns by experience, especially as many letters with bulls and other letters
from parts beyond sea were afterwards brought into the realm ; the king
therefore orders him, under pain of grievous forfeiture, to cause such
diligent search to be made in the ports aforesaid for such letters brought
into, or sent out of the realm that no letters under bulls or other letters
prejudicial to the king or the right of his crown shall be brought into the
kingdom, but that they shall be sent to the king for inspection before they
be put into execution, as is aforesaid.
The like to the mayors and bailiffs of the following places :
Sandwich. Donewyche.
La Rie. Seford.
Rymenhale. Ipswich.
Bristol. Yarmouth.
Wynchelse. Plymmouthe.
Heeth. Lenne.
Dover. Blakeney.
Portemuthe. Weymouth.
Southampton. Herewych,
London. Axemuth.
To the same. Whereas the king has frequently ordered him to make
diligent search for letters as above, and, notwithstanding these orders,
many letters have been since brought into the realm and presented to the
king that are prejudicial to the king and his crown and to others of his
realm, of which letters the king had not been previously warned by him,
whereby it is evident that he has been remiss and negligent in the execution
of the above orders, and the king is now given to understand that Roger de
Mortuo Mari of Wygemor, who lately escaped from prison in the Tower
of London and went to parts beyond sea, and other rebels who have
escaped to parts beyond sea and many others suspected by the king have
sent divers letters into the realm, and send them day by day, whereby many
perils may arise; the king therefor orders him, under pain of grievous for-
feiture, to cause diligent search to be made of all letters brought into the
realm from parts beyond sea and sent thither from the realm, and if the said
Sept. 20.
Membrane 38c? — cont.
Roger or others of the king's enemies aforesaid come to any parts of his
bailiwick or send letters into the realm, he is to arrest them or the said
Utters, and to send the letters to the king, and to arrest all persons bring-
ing letters into the realm from any suspects or carrying the same to parts
beyond sea. By K.
The like to the following :
The bailiffs of Harwich.
The mayor and bailiffs of La Rye.
The mayor and bailiffs of Wynchelse.
The mayor and bailiffs of Sandwich.
The mayor and bailiffs of Bristol.
The bailiffs of Hastyng'.
The mayor and bailiffs of Southampton.
The bailiffs of Dunwich.
The bailiffs of Waymuth.
The mayor and bailiffs of Romenale.
The mayor and sheriffs of London.
The mayor and bailiffs of Portesmuth.
The bailiffs of Yarmouth.
The bailiffs of Lenne.
The mayor and bailiffs of Dover.
The mayor and bailiffs of Hethe.
The mayor and bailiffs of Ipswich.
The bailiffs of Plummuth.
The bailiffs of Blakeneye.
The bailiffs of Seford.
The bailiffs of Axemuth.
To W. bishop of Exeter, the treasurer. Order to take counsel with those
of the port of London and to cause diligent search to be made for such
letters as are aforesaid on both sides of the water of Thames from London
to the high sea, and to arrest the aforesaid Roger or other enemies of the
king, etc. (as in preceding order), as such letters may be carried con-
veniently by the water of Thames between the sea and London by day and
night. By K.
Membrane 37c?.
Aug. 24. To John de Kilvyngton, keeper of the lands of certain rebels in co. York.
Edgeton. Order to pay to Isabella, late the wife of Gilbert de Briddeshale, the arrears
of 8 marks yearly out of the issues of the manor of Hugate from the time
when it was taken into the king's hands, and to restore the manor to her to
be held in dower, unless he think it more to the king's advantage to retain
the manor in his hands for the unexpired year of the two years after the
death of Bartholomew Bakun, in which case he is to pay her 8 marks for
that year and to restore the manor to her at the end of the year, as the
king learns by inquisition taken by the keeper that Isabella was dowered of
the aforesaid manor at the church door by the said Gilbert on Thursday
before Christmas, 22 Edward I., and that Gilbert dowered her thereof by
charter, and that he afterwards demised the manor to the said Bartholomew
for life and for two years after his death for the execution of his will,
rendering therefor to Gilbert 8 marks yearly, and that Isabella accepted the
demise after Gilbert's death, and that she received the said sum yearly from
Bartholomew from St. Nicholas, 20 (sic) Edward I., until St. Barnabas, in the
15th year of the present reign, when the manor was taken into the king's
hands by reason of Bartholomew's adherence to certain rebels, and that she
received the 8 marks in name of dower, in form aforesaid. If the manor
Sept. 1.
Aug. 28.
Membrane 37d — cant.
have been demised at ferm by the king's order, Isabella shall satisfy the
fermors for their expenses in the manor from the time of the demise by the
keeper's view. By p.s.
Vacated, because otherwise within.
Nicholas del Clay of Fadmore in Rydal and William de Carleton acknow-
ledge that they owe to John de Farmanby, chaplain, 100s. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
John de Rotherfeld acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Raynevyll
8/. 2*. 6d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. York.
Sept. 12. William de Berley acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynn,
Barnard Castle. clerk, 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Sept. 12. Robert, son of Roger de Thorleby near Brunne, co. Lincoln, acknow-
Barnard Castle, ledges that he owes to John son of Richard son of Petronilla de Sancto
Botulpho 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Lincoln.
Adam de Polles of York acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Coup-
manthorp of York 18/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Sept. 15.
Sept. 21.
Sept. 23.
Sept. 20.
Oct. 1.
Master William de "Walyngford, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to the
king 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Oxford.
John son of Richard son of Adam de Clyf acknowledges that he owes to
William de Ayremynne, clerk, 6/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York.
William son of William de Skipton came before the king, on Friday after
St. Matthew, and sought to replevy his land in Broghton near Skipton in
Cravene, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the
justices of the Bench against Joan, late the wife of William de Sheffeld.
This is signified to the justices.
To the abbot and convent of Begham. Request that they will admit
brother Thomas de Dunolm[ia], canon of Egleston abbey, of the same
order, to stay amongst them until the latter abbey be relieved, as it has been
so destroyed by the Scotch rebels that the canons cannot live together
there, and that they will minister to him all things necessary as to one of
their own brethren. By K.
The like to the following houses for the canons of the said abbey
mentioned below :
The abbot and convent of Langedon for brother Bernard de Langeton.
The abbot and convent of Barlynges for brother John de Thexton.
The abbot and convent of Neweson for brother Alexander de Eseby.
The abbot and convent of Derham for brother Geoffrey de Driffeld.
The abbot and convent of Langeleye for brother Michael de Ber-
The abbot and convent of Coverham for brother Thomas de Thexton.
The abbot and convent of Croxton for brother Thomas do Oteryngton.
li'iuy son of Alan Reynoldson of Normanton acknowledges that he owes
to Benedict de Normanton, clerk, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
o Membrane 36c?.
Sept. 25 To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. Gloucester.
Havwra. Order (o distrain all those who are bound to do homage to the king by
reason of the aforesaid lands and have not yet done so to come to the king
without delay to do homage, certifying the king of the names of those
distrained in execution of this order. By K.
The like to the following keepers :
Richard de Emeldon, in co. Northumberland and the bishopric of
John de Kilvyngton, between the waters of These and Use, co. York.
Thomas Deyvill, this side the Use, except the manor of Skipton-in-
Craven, in the same county.
Henry de Malton, in cos. Westmoreland and Cumberland, and the
castles and manors of Skipton-in-Craven and Burton-in-Londesdale,
in the same county.
Robert de Aston, in cos. Somerset, Dorset, and Gloucester.
Gilbert de Sengelton, of the castle of Haulton and of lands in
Congelton, Wittele, and Longedendale, co. Chester, and Wydnes,
co. Lancaster.
John de Lek, in cos. Derby and Stafford.
Walter de Kilvyngton, in co. York.
Hugh Castelon, in the same county.
Robert Tuchet, keeper of the castle and soke of Melburne.
John de Lanc[astria], in co. Lancaster.
Roger Carles, in cos. Hereford, Worcester, and Salop.
Roger Belegrave, in co. Leicester.
John le Porter of Stebbyng, in co. Essex.
Alan de Cubbeldyk, in co. Lincoln.
Robert de Stok, in cos. Warwick, Oxford, Bedford, and Buckingham.
Richard de Whatton, in cos. Nottingham, Northampton, and Rutland,
and the fee3 of Lancaster and de Ferariis in those counties and in
cos. Lincoln and Nottingham.
Robert de Bures, in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk.
William de Polley of Buntyngford, in co. Hertford.
William de Tatham, clerk, in Blakeburnshire, Totyngton, Rachedale,
and Penwortham, co. Lancaster, and Bouland, co. York.
Robert de Hunger ford, in the city of Loudon and cos. Middlesex,
Wilts, Berks, and Southampton.
Sept. 27. Andrew de Merkyngfeld acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Neuby,
Haywra. executor of the will of John de Merkyngfeld, 100 marks; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Thomas de Scotland came before the king, on Saturday after Michaelmas
last, and sought to replevy to Alan Flondes and Avice his wife their land in
Richemund, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before
the justices of the Bench against Gilbert le Clerk of Rychemound and
Cicely his wife. This is signified to the justices.
Oct. 1. To John de Fienles. The king is given to understand that he receives
Skipton-in- in his lordship of Picardy and cherishes and maintains Roger de Mortuo
Craven. Mari of Wyggemore, the king's enemy, who escaped from the Tower of
London, and other rebels who have likewise fled the realm, and the king is
the more astonished at this because John holds lands within his realm, and
the king has procured John's advantages and profits hitherto and confided
in him especially. As the king reputes the favourers and receivers of the
eaid rebels as adhering to them against him, he orders the said John to
1323. Membrane 36d — cont.
arrest the aforesaid rebels if they have come to or can be found in his power,
and to send them to him, and not to aid or receive them in any way,
certifying the king by the bearer hereof of his proceedings. By K.
The like to Robert de Fienles. [Ibid.]
Richard de Musle, constable of Pontefract castle, sent Thomas de Shirugg,
lately taken and imprisoned in that castle by the king's order, into chancery
at Wakefeld by Henry de Swylyngton, his keeper, who brought the said
Thomas into chancery at Wakefeld on Thursday the feast of St. Edward,
to wit 13 October, before Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of
Middlesex, the chancellor, at the first hour, and the chancellor forthwith
delivered Thomas from Henry's custody, by virtue of the king's writ of
priw st al, and after the delivery Thomas and those named below made the
following recognisance to the king :
Oct. 13. Thomas de Shirugg of cos. Devon and Wilts, Nicholas de Erghes, vicar
Ightenhill. of the church of AH Saints, Pontefract, of co. York, John Alayn of
co. Somerset, and William Spicer of co. York acknowledge that they owe
to the king 200/., to be paid at the king's will ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in the aforesaid county. And the said
Thomas granted that the king may take all his lands, goods and chattels
into his hands, and hold them until the said sum be paid.
John Alayn of co. Somerset acknowledges that he owes to the aforesaid
Nicholas de Erghes 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Somerset.
Oct. 17. To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest beyond
Holland. Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to replevy to the abbot of
St. Victor in Normandy his wood of Clacford, which has been taken into
the king's hands by him, if it be repleviable according to the assize of the
To Master John de Stratford. Order not to bear into the realm,
prosecute, promote, or use by himself or by others, publicly or secretly,
without consulting the king, anything prejudicial to the king or his realm,
the laws or customs of the same, or the king's prerogatives, under pain of
forfeiture of all that he can forfeit, as the king understands that John,
acting fraudulently in the affairs committed to him by the king for the
profit of himself and his friends, not without the vice of ambition, has
procured for himself the contrary of the king's desire enjoined upon him
and expounded to him, and has obtained other things for himself and his
friends prejudicial and derogatory to the king and his crown and the rights
and laws of the realm, and intends to bring, prosecute, and promote them
in the realm.
To the constable of Dover castle and the warden of the Cinque Ports, or
to him who supplies his place. Order to inhibit the said John and the
members of his household and others whomsoever coming into the realm
hereafter from bringing into the realm, prosecuting, promoting, or using
without consulting the king anything prejudicial to the king or his realm, the
laws or customs of the same, or the king's prerogatives, under pain of
forfeiture of all that they can forfeit. In order that the said John may be
unable to excuse himself by the pretext of ignorance, the constable is to
deliver to him by the witness of trustworthy men the king's writ directed
to him, which the king sends to the constable. The constable is ordered
to certify the king by letter of his proceedings in this matter, and of the
names of those whom he shall thus inhibit.
Oct. 1.
Oct. 1.
Skipton in-
Oct. S.
Oct. 25.
Oct. 28.
Membrane 35c?.
Peter Cobbe of Suthkelleseye acknowledge8 that he owes to Master
Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, 64/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
John de Donestaple, parson of Wittele church, diocese of Winchester,
and William de Donestaple, parson of the church of Langathan, diocese of
St. Davids, acknowledge that they owe to Hugh le Despenser, the younger,
200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in
co. Surrey.
Thomas de Wylughby, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Master
Richard de Baldok 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Butterwyk, the elder, and Thomas de Butterwyk acknowledge
that they owe to the master and brethren of St. Leonard's hospital, York,
60*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in
co. York.
Robert de Wombwell acknowledges that he owes to Henry Louvel of
Wombwell, 4/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. York.
Oct. 28.
Nov. 9.
Nov. 2.
Hal ton.
Nov. 10.
Nov. 12.
Nov. 13.
Membrane 32d.
To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest beyond
Trent, or to him who supplies his place in the forest of Claryndon. Order
to cause the wood of Wyly and Babestok, which has been taken into the
king's hands for trespass of vert, to be replevied to the abbess of Wylton, if
it be repleviable according to the assize of the Forest.
John de Mildecombe acknowledges that he owes to Robert son of Guy,
parson of the church of Wygynton, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Gloucester.
The said John acknowledges that he owes to Simon de Mildecombe,
clerk, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Gloucester.
William le Engleys is sent to the abbot and convent of Malmesbury to
receive from their house such maintenance as Philip de Artoys, deceased,
had therein at the late king's request. By p.s. [6726.]
Robert le Conestable of Flaynburgh acknowledges that he owes to
Eleanor, late the wife of Henry Percy, 64 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Fulk de Penbrigge, John de Chetewynde, Walter de Hugford, and
William de Erkhale, knights, acknowledge that they owe to Master Henry
de Mammesfeld, dean of St. Mary's Lincoln, 20/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Salop.
Thomas de Hastang' acknowledges that he owes to the prior of Tuttebiry
12 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Warwick.
John de Waynflet acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Wodehous,
canon of Southwell, 40Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos. Nottingham and Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
1323. Membrane 32(7 — cont.
John de Salop, parson of Swynnerton church, diocese of Coventry and
Lichfield, acknowledges that he owes to William de Holyns, clerk, 33s. 4d. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands, chattels, and ecclesiastical
goods in co. Stafford.
Nov. 15. William son of William le Clerk of Burton ' in the Clay * acknowledges
Nottingham, that he owes to Master Thomas de Corbrigge, canon of St. Mary's, Lincoln,
140/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Nottingham.
William Torkard and John Thebold acknowledge that they owe to
Robert de Hemelhamstede 6/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
John Moritz acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Watevill 100*. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Bedford.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert de Watevill, knight, puts in his place Robert de Bilkemore and
Theobald Portjoye to prosecute a recognisance for 40 marks made to him in
chancery by Thomas de Hauvill.
Nov. 18. Richard son of Henry de Grey of Codenore acknowledges that he owes
Nottingham, to Hugh de Goushill, parson of the church of Radeclyve-on-Trent,
40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Nottingham.
Nov. 20. Geoffrey, prior of Lenton, acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he
Nottingham, owes to Master Thomas de Segrave 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands, chattels, and ecclesiastical goods in co. Nottingham.
Cancelled on payment.
Philip de Somervill, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Walter de
Lincoln of Notingham 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Nottingham.
Thomas de Segrave, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to the prior and
convent of Lenton 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Huntingdon.
Cancelled on payment.
Membrane 3 Id.
Nov. 17. Roger Dayncurt, parson of the church of Esshore, and Hngh de
Nottingham. Stapelford acknowledge that they owe to Hugh le Despenser, earl of
Winchester, 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands
and chattels in co. Nottingham and Derby.
John de Barkeworth, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Hugh lo
Despenser, earl of Winchester, 20 marks; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
Robert son of Robert le Coroner of Scardeburgh acknowledges that he
owes to John de Ellerker, the elder, 40*. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Nov. 1G. Laurence de ToppeclifT acknowledges that he owes to John IVeehe,
Nottingham, knight, lord of Ilainton-in-Ardern, 12/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Henry Pedewardyn, son of Roger Pedewardin, acknowledges that he
owes to Thomas WcM 4001. ; tO h<- levied, in default of payment, of bis lands
and chattels in co. Northampton
Nov, 10.
Nov. 19.
Nov. 19.
Nov. 15.
Nov. 19.
Membrane Z\d — cont.
Michael de Meldon, parson of Camshale church, diocese of York, acknow-
Ledgea that he owes to Walter, bishop of Exeter, 200 marks; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by Robert de Taunton, one of the
utors of the bishop's will.
Alice, daughter of Sibyl Thwong, of Tickehill, acknowledges that she owes
to Robert de Kelm 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her
lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
Enrolment of a rant by Richard Damory, knight, to John de Gorges,
clerk, of 14/. yearly for life, to be received from Richard's manor of
Phim'pton Pirye, co. Northampton. Dated at Notingham, 18 November,
17 Edward II.
Stephen de Insworth acknowledges that he owes to John Sturmy, knight,
40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos.
Norfolk and Suffolk.
Richard de Grey of Codenore and John de Shirfeld, knights, acknowledge
that they owe to John atte Nonnes, citizen and draper of London, 60/.; to
be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Essex
and Southampton.
Cancelled on payment.
The said Richard acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Sallowe of
Stanton 342/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in cos. Nottingham and Derby.
Nicholas de Grey acknowledges that he owes to Philip son of Philip de
Ewe of Oxford, merchant, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Leicester.
To the sheriff of York. Order to permit Neapolio, cardinal-deacon of
the Roman church, to have respite until Midsummer next for all tenths and
impositions touching his prebend of Suth Cave in St. Peter's York, as the
king has granted him respite until then. By K.
The like to the sheriffs of Northampton and Buckingham, concerning his
prebend of Sutton in St. Mary's Lincoln.
Nicholas le Litster of Rypon acknowledges that he owes to Alan de
Tesdale 505. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. York.
Thomas, earl of Norfolk and marshal of England, by his petition before
the king at Notingham, in the octaves of Martinmas, prayed the king that,
whereas the office of the marshalsea, which pertains to him in inheritance
by virtue of the king's gift, has been taken into the king's hands before the
justices to hold pleas before the king, it may please the king to restore the
office to him.
And Hervey de Staunton and his fellows, justices appointed to hold the
said pleas, who were then present, being addressed by the king, said that
when they were lately in the county of Lancaster holding the said pleas, no
one was executing the said office for the aforesaid earl, and the king, when
this was notified to him, appointed one of his men to execute the office in
the earl's default. And the earl was told that he may make a fine with the
king for this default if he thought fit. And the earl made fine with the
king in 100/., and the king restored the office to him for that fine, and
Nov. 22.
Nov. 20.
Xov. 24.
Dec. 2.
Nov. 21.
Nov. 21.
I toe. 7.
Membrane 3 If/ — co>^.
pardoned him the said sum, and enjoined bini orally to appoint such deputies
in the office of the inarslialsea as should be sufficient and suitable for the king
and his people, who should keep the ear] harmless, and should warn [him, and]
that if hereafter damage should arise to the king by any one deputed by the
earl iu these offices, the king would punish the earl {capcrct ad co/nitem).
Thomas de Eyton acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Staunton,
knight, 0/. 6.9. Qd.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Derby. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
To W. archbishop of York. Order to cause the prelates and clergy of
his province to be convoked at York at the octaves of St. Hilary next, and
to explain to them the matters treated of with him and other prelates and
magnates of the realm at Notingham for the honour of the church and the
estate and honour of the realm, which matters could not be then expedited
without the counsel and consent of the prelates and clergy of the realm, and
to induce the said prelates and clergy of his province to give prompt
counsel, aid, and assent to the matters aforesaid. By K.
[Faedera ; Pari. Writs.']
The like to the archbishop of Canterbury, to convoke the prelates and
clergy of his province at St. Paul's London at the said octaves. [Ibid.]
John Malemayns of Waldewershare, knight, acknowledges that he owes
to Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, 97. 7*. 4c?. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands aud chattels in co. Lancaster.
Cancelled on payment.
William de Toppisfeld, citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes to
"William de Felstede 16/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in the city of London.
Cancelled on payment.
Reginald son of Roger de la More of Chelmersford, acknowledges that
he owes to Reginald de Conductu, the elder, citizen of London, 100/. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the aforesaid
Master Thomas de Garton, parson of Overe church, acknowledges that
he owes to William de Ryslaye, parson of the church of Mysne, 60 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Cam-
bridge and York.
To Richard de Burgo, earl of Ulster. Order to aid and counsel John
Darcy, whom the king has appointed justiciary of Ireland, and whom he
has sent to that, land from his side, in those things that are for the good
rule of the said land and for the conservation of the king's honour and
profit, as often as required by the said John. By K.
The like to the following :
Thomas son of John, earl of Kyldare.
John de Bermyngeham, earl of Loueth.
Maurice son of Thomas.
William de Burgo.
John Barry.
John ie Pot r, baron of Donoyl.
Arnald le Power.
Thomas le Botiller.
Richard de Twyt.
l'i reival Simeon acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey (!«• I.e-vlcs 20/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his land- ami chattels in CO, Oxford.
\..v. 18.
Nov. 24.
Nov. 25.
Dec. 6.
Nov. 23.
Dec. 1.
Nov. 20.
Membrane 30d.
To Hugh do Castellon, keeper of the manor of Kirkeby Malesart. Order
not to distrain the abbot of Fountayns for his homage and fealty for the
lands that he holds of the king as of that manor, as he has done homage and
fealty to the king therefor. By K.
The like to Thomas Dayvill, keeper of the castle and honour of Ponte-
fract, in favour of the abbot of Kirkestal.
The like to William de Tatham, keeper of the castle and manor of
Cliderhou, in favour of the abbot of Kirkestall. By K.
To the sheriff of Essex. Order to summon the archbishops, bishops,
abbots, priors, earls, barons, knights, and all other free tenants having lands
within the boundaries of the forest in his bailiwick, and four men and the
reeve from every town within the forest, the foresters of the towns, and all
others who are wont to come and ought to come before the justices of Forest
pleas to be at Stratford-atte-Bowe in the octaves of St. Hilary next, before
Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, William la Zousch of Assheby, and
William de Cleyden,whom the king has appointed justices in eyre on this
occasion for the pleas of the Forest in that county, to hear and execute the
king's order concerning what pertains to the pleas aforesaid, and to cause
to come before the said justices all foresters and verderers since the last
pleas of the Forest, with all their attachments of vert and venison that have
arisen and have not been determined since the last pleas, to wit attach-
ments both of those who reside within the forest and of those who reside
without it, and to cause the regarders in his bailiwick to come before the
justices with all their regards sealed with their seals, and to cause all the
king's agisters of his bailiwick to come with all agistments. By K.
The abbot of Vaudey acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he
owes to Asselinus Simonet and Guitenello Simonet 701. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Master Simon de Clare acknowledges that he owes to Master Geoffrey de
Clare, rector of Bodeneye church, diocese of Norwich, 100 marks; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
The abbot of Waverle acknowledges, for himself and convent, that, he
owes to William de Cusaunce, clerk, 44/. 6s. 8c?. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Surrey.
John de Carleton, parson of a moiety of the church of Ekyngton, diocese
of Coventry and Lichfield, acknowledges that he owes to Duugall Make-
douel, knight, 8/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands, chattels,
and ecclesiastical goods in co. Derby.
William de Newehagh acknowledges that he owes to Master Adam de
Ayremynne, clerk, 100s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Robert But of Norwich acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Todeworth of Salisbury 129/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke. Summons to attend a collo-
quium to be held at Westminster in the octaves of St. Hilary next. By K.
[Pari. Writs.]
The like to nine earls and forty -nine others. [Ibid.]
To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to cause knights of the
shire, citizens and burgesses to come to Westminster at the above date to con-
sent to what shall be then ordained. [Ibid.] By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.]
Nov. 20.
Nov. 20.
Membrane 30d — cont.
To W. bishop of Exctor, (lie treasurer. Order to be at Westminster at
th ■ above date, to treat with the king and others of his council. By K.
The like to twenty others. [Ibid.]
To the abbot of Waltham. Order to attend in person the meeting of the
clergy of the province of Canterbury that the king has ordered W. arch-
bishop of Canterbury to convoke at St. Paul's London at the octaves of
St. Hilary next, to give his counsel, aid, and assent to what shall then
be propounded. [[bid.] By K.
The like to twenty-two abbots, two priors, and the master of the order of
Semplingham. [Ibid.]
Membrase 29c?.
Nov. 24. To the keepers of the port of Dover. Order not to permit Master John
Ravensdale. de Stratford or any of his men or any one in his name to cross the sea
without the king's special order and licence, and to make diligent search in
this matter, so that they may not merit the king's censure for their default
or negligence, certifying the king from time to time in writing of their
proceedings in this matter, the king having lately sent the said John to the
Roman court as his envoy, where John stayed for some time upon the king's
affairs, as the king, upon hearing of his arrival in the realm, sent Hu«h le
Despenser, lord of Glomorgan, the king's chamberlain, Geoffrey le Scrop,
justice of the Bench, and Master Robert de Ayleston, keeper of the privy
seal, the king's secretaries to whom he had committed and communicated
his secret affairs, to the said John at Notingham, ordering him to certify
the king by them of what he had done in the aforesaid matters, and John
would not answer them, and the king thereupon caused him to be called to
appear before him, but the said John withdrew himself by subterfuge.
By p.s.
The like to the keepers of the following ports :
La Pole.
De Lee.
K\ kavene.
Bare taple.
\\'\ Dohelse
I taoewych.
Great Yarmouth.
Little Yarmouth.
Burton Stather.
Hali Bland.
k 2
2323, Membrane 29rf — cont.
Pevenese. Skymburnes.
Buinenhale. Dalton in Furnays.
Rethe. Cartmel.
Sandwich. Cestre.
Favershani. Aberconwey.
Seint Os[yth ?]. Castelcuby.
Hlakeney. Beaumarreys.
Orford. Flynt.
Herewych. Rothelan.
Colecestre. Lampadervaure.
Gosseford. Neuport.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to enjoin all bailiffs or keepers of ports
within his bailiwick to cause diligent search to be made as above, and not
to permit the aforesaid John or any of his men or any one in his name to
cross the sea without the king's special order and licence. By the same writ.
The like to the sheriff's of the following counties :
Kent. Cumberland.
Sussex. Northumberland.
Southampton. York.
Somerset and Dorset. Lincoln.
Devon. Northampton.
Cornwall. Cambridge and Huntingdon.
Gloucester. Norfolk and Suffolk.
Lancaster. Essex.
William Gentilcorps puts in his place Theobald Poleyn to prosecute
a recognisance for 55 marks made to him in chancery by Thomas de
Dec. 11. John de Gloucestre, son of Adam de Tudenham, chaplain, acknowledges
Ravensdale. that he owes to Master John de Gloucestre, son of Robert de Notegrave,
40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Assignment of dower to Margery, late the wife of John de Clare, of a
third of a messuage and of a carucate of land in co. Oxford, by virtue of an
order of Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent, to John de
Bury, sub-escheator in the aforesaid county, made at Mucheleburton on
Saturday before St. Nicholas, 17 Edward II. ; to wit in the chief messuage
in the said town a house on the north, with the adjoining croft called
' Grascroft,' with free ingress and egress at both gates ; a third of a dovecote
with free ingress and egress ; 1^ acres in Yatfurlong ; 1^ acres in Lovecroft-
furlong ; 5 acres and 1 rood in Longcroftfurlong ; Z\ acres in the same
' furlong ' ; 1 \ acres in Sevenacref urlong ; 3^ acres in Brechf urlong ;
4^ acres and a rood in Hullefurlong ; 1^ acres and a rood of meadow in
Honymede ; 1\ acres of pasture in Hullese ; a rent of 2s. Sd. yearly from
Thomas de Walcote ; and Henry Sy ward, bondman, with all his rent and
William Clement of Nastoke puts in his place William de Stoke, clerk,
•r— — and Robert Broun to prosecute a recognisance of 100 marks made to him in
chancery by Walter le Foundre.
Enrolment of grant by John son of John le Campion of Hokesworth to
Thomas de Sibethorp, clerk, of all the lands in Hokesworth that descended
to John after his father's death. Witnesses : Sir Thomas de Novo Mercato,
Sir John de Mounteny, Sir Reginald de Aslacton, knights ; Richard de
]323. Membrane 29rf — cont.
Wliatton ; Robert his son; Simon de Sibethorp ; Henry de Musters ; Jolin
iU> Wvmbissh; Robert le Graunt ; William le Clerk of Hokesworth ; John
son of Nicholas of the same. Dated at Hokesworth, 20 September,
17 Edward II.
Memorandum, that John came into chancery at Westminster, on 10 De-
cember, and acknowledged the aforesaid deed.
Enrolment of release by the aforesaid John to the said Thomas of his
right in all the lands that Thomas has of his gift in Hokesworth. Wit-
nesses as above. Dated at Hokesworth, 1 December, 17 Edward II.
Memorandum, that John came into chancery at Westminster, on 10 De-
cember, and acknowledged the aforesaid deed.
Dec. 13. John son of John de Weston, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Joan
Uavensdale. Hurel of London 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Devon, Southampton, and Oxford.
John de Aune of Chelwarton acknowledges that he owes to Roger
Normaunt 500/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Southampton.
Dec. 14.
Dec. 27.
Membrane 28d.
John Joye puts iu his place Hugh de Rardelby, clerk, to prosecute a
recognisance for 200/. made to him in chancery by Roger de Brok and
William his son.
Henry Norman of Berkhampstede, Thomas de Chetyngton, Ralph his
brother, and Roger Chaunteclere acknowledge that they owe to the prior
of St. Bartholomew's, Smethefeld, London, 400/ ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Buckingham, Bedford,
Middlesex, and Hertford.
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of release by brother John, prior of St. Bartholomew's,
Smethefeld, London, and the convent of the same place to brother Ralph,
rector of the house of Assherugge, and to the convent of the same of their
right in the advowson and patronage of the church of Hemelhampsted, co.
Hertford, and in the church, and in the chapels thereto pertaining. The
prior and convent of St. Bartholomew's renounce all privileges, charters,
and instruments obtained by them or their predecessors, or to be obtained,
for the said church. Witnesses : Sir Philip de Aylesbury, knight ; John
de la Haye ; John Aignel ; Robert de Asshelee ; John Bever ; Roger de
Luda ; Henry Norman of Berkhampsted ; Andrew Jargevile of Mentemor;
Thomas de Chetyugdon, citizen of London ; Ralph de Chetyngdon, his
brother ; Roger Chauntecler of London. Dated at Loudon, on Tuesday,
the feast of St. Lucy, 17 Edward II.
Memorandum, that the prior came into chancery, on Wednesday after
the said feast, and acknowledged the above.
Edmund le Vaux of Maydenstan acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas
Cristemasse of Canterbury 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
John Darcy * le neveu' acknowledges that he owes to the king 100/.; to
1m levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. —
The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Robert atte Gerne of Northelingham and ThomM le Northren of
Bnthehainwell acknowledge that they owe to Robert de Watevill 10/.; to
be levied, in default of paymeut, of their lauds and chattels in co. Norfolk.
1 ',\2',]. Membrane 28d — cont.
Dec -J7. To Aymer de Valencia, carl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this
Kcuiluorth. aide Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to replevy to John de
Gorge, reeve of St. Elizabeth, his wood of Norton, within the bounds of
the foresl of Olaryndon, which was taken into the king's hands by reason
of trespass of vert in that wood.
The like in favour of "Walter de Romeseye for his wood of Donwod,
within the bounds of the same forest.
Assignment of dower to Margery, late the wife of John de Clare, of a
third of a messuage and of a carucate of land in co. Oxford, by virtue of an
order of Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent, to John de
Bury, sub-escheator in the said county, made at Mucheleburton, on
Saturday after St. Nicholas, 17 Edward II. : to wit in the chief messuage
of the same town a house on the north, with an adjoining croft called
1 Gra^crof t,' with free ingress and egress at both gates ; a third of a dove-
cot, with free ingress and egress ; 1 \ acres in Yatfurlong ; 1^ acres in
Lonecroftfurlong; 5 acres and 1 rood in Longooftfurlong (sic) ; 3| acres in
Longooftfurlong ; 1^ acres in Seven acref urlong ; 3^ acres in Brechfurlong ;
4^ acres and 1 rood in Hullefurlong ; 1| acres and a rood of meadow
in Honymede ; 2\ acres of pasture in Hullese ; 2s. 8d. of rent yearly
from Thomas de Walcote ; and Henry Syward, bondman, with all his rent
and service.
Enrolment of partition of the lands that belonged to Gregory de
Felmyngham. Whereas the manor of Felmyngham and Bekham, which
Gregory held of the king in chief by homage, and the manor of Suth-
birlingham, two messuages and 60 acres of land, 4 acres of meadow,
2 acres of turbary, 20 acres of saltmarsh, 20 acres of reedbed, 4*. of rent,
and the rent of four bushels of salt in Malteby, Fyleby, Haryngby,
Stokesby, Runham, Marchham, Ormesby, and Thunstale, which Gregory
held of other lords by divers services, descended in inheritance after his
death to John de Elmyngham and James Rythwys, kinsmen and co-heirs
of Gregory, the issue of his two sisters, and to Christiana, the sister and
third heir of Gregory, to Ela, his sister and fourth heir, married to Oliver
atte Mowe, to Joan, his sister and fifth heir, and to Alice, his sister and
sixth heir, married to James de Whytewell ; and afterwards, before the
making of the partition of the inheritance, the said John de Elmyngham
granted to the aforesaid James Rythwys and to Robert Bryan all his
purparty of the inheritance, and hereupon James and Robert, as of the
king's tenure aforesaid, had the king's licence and charter to hold the same
to them and their heirs ; and likewise before the partition the aforesaid
Christiana enfeoffed one Walter de Whytewell of her purparty of the said
inheritance, and Walter had similar licence from the king and had full
seisin of the purparty by fine levied in the king's court, and he granted the
said purparty by the king's licence to the aforesaid Christiana and to James
de "Whytewell and Alice his wife, and to the heirs of the said James ; and
in like manner the aforesaid Joan granted her purparty before the partition
to the said Christiana and James de Whytewell and Alice his wife, and to
the heirs of James, by fine levied in the king's court and by the king's
licence ; and the said James de "Whytewell and Alice his wife, the sister
and sixth heir of the aforesaid Gregory, granted all their purparty of the
inheritance to "Walter de Whitewell and to his heirs, and had licence from
the king to do so, and "Walter, after having seisin thereof, granted it by
fine levied in the king's court and by the king's licence to Christiana and
James de Whitewell and Alice his wife, and to the heirs of James. And
hereupon, by the king's writ annexed to this inquisition, partition is made
before the king's escheator at Felmyngham, on 4 July, 16 Edward II.,
between the aforesaid heirs and acquirers by their assent in thie form, so
.Ian. 2.
.Tan. 11.
Jan. 18.
.Ian. 10.
Membrane 28c? — cont.
that each of them shall remain as the kind's tenant : to wit that there remain
to the said Robert Brian in the manor of Felrayngham 15 acres of arable land,
extended at 22*. 6d. yearly ; 1£ roods of meadow, extended at 6W. yearly ;
lour messuages and 17 aeres and 1 rood of arahle land in the hands of
John le Wright, Robert Slingge, William Pereu, and Robert Amies, bond-
men, which messuage is extended at 2s. and the land at 25*. lo^c?. yearly;
and 2*. 2d. of rent from free tenants there, with a sixth of a quarter of the
advowson of the church of Felmyngham ; the remainder of the manor of
Eelmyngham, extended at 111*. 8|c?.; five parts of a messuage in Haryngby,
extended at 5d. ; a sixth of a messuage in Malteby, extended at 3d.;
30 acres of arable land in Malteby, Haryngby, Fyleby, Stokesby, Runham,
Mareham, and Ormesby, extended at 60*. ; 15 acres of saltmarsh, extended
at lor/.; 10 acres of rushbed, extended at 15c?.; 2 acres of turbary,
extended at (5d. ; 2 acres of meadow, extended at 12d. ; and a rent of two
bushels of salt, extended at 4c?. ; and 2*. of rent from certain free tenants
remain to the aforesaid Christiana and to James de White well and Alice
hi- wife, and to the heirs of James, for a moiety of all the inheritance afore-
said. There remain to the aforesaid James Rythwys, as his purparty and
for a moiety of a purparty that he has by purchase as above, the manor
of Bekham, except 20*. of rent in the same, extended at 21*. 9^d. ; the
manor of Southbirlingham, extended at 35*. 9^d. There remain to Oliver
atte Mowe and Ela his wife five parts of a messuage in Malteby, extended
at lOd. ; a sixth of a messuage in Haryngby, extended at Id. ; 30 acres of
arable land in Maltbv, Haryngby, Fyleby, Stokesby, Runham, Marchham,
extended at GO*.; 15 acres of saltmarsh, extended at 15c?.; 10 acres of
rushbed, extended at 15c?.; 2 acres of turbary, extended at 6c?. ; 2 acres of
meadow, extended at 12[c?.] ; 2 bushels of salt, extended at 4c?. ; and 2*. of
rent in the aforesaid towns ; and 20*. of rent from the tenants in the manor
of Bekham, wliich rent is above excepted in the purparty of James
Rythwys. In witness whereof the aforesaid Robert Brian, Christiana,
James de Qwytewell, for himself and Alice his wife, James Rythwys, and
Oliver atte Mowe, for himself and Ela his wife, have put their seals to this
John Scut of Carleton acknowledges that he owes to Master Robert de
Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, 32/. 10*. 0c?. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
To the justices of the Bench. Notification that Adam de Leycestre came
before the king, on Thursday after the Epiphany, and sought to replevy to
Master Robert de Leycestre his land in the parish of St. Giles without
Cripelgate, London, which was taken into the king's hands for Robert's
default before the said justices against John de la Chaumbre.
To the same. Notification that John de Evesham came before tho king,
on Thursday after St. Hilary, and sought to replevy to Clement Turtle,
Thomas de Wytaleje, and John le Taverner their land in the suburbs of
Bristol, which was taken into the king's bands lor their default before the
justices against Henry son of William de Hanyngfeld. This is signified to
the justices.
Thomas son of Hugh de Gilingham, knight, acknowledges that he owes
to Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, 100 marks; to be levied, in default
of payment, of bil lands and chattels in co. Kent.
Cancelled on payment*
Nicholas do Bassiugburgh, chaplain, acknowledges tha! he owes to
William de Thannejk, clerk, 20*.; t<> he levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in cos. Lincoln and Gloucester.
Jan. 6,
Membrane 2Sd — cont.
To the justices next in eyre for forest pleas in co. Essex. Order not to
put Robert de Welle in default by reason of the summons made before them
of the eyre in that county, as the king has warranted the absence of the said
Robert, who is in the king's service beyond sea. By C.
To the same. Order not to take the bailiwick of the stewardship of the
forest of Essex into the king's hands by reason of the absence of the aforesaid
Robert, the steward, who is in the king's service in parts beyond sea, and to
receive in Robert's place a fit person to do before them in the eyre the
things that Robert is bound to do if he were present. By C.
Jan. 1.
Dec. 28.
Dec. 26.
Dec. 26.
Membrane 27 d.
Baldwin de Fryvill, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Master Henry
de Clif, clerk, 100s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Warwick.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert de Ardern, knight, acknowledges that he owes to the king
40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
cos. Warwick and Oxford.
Master Robert le Blound, clerk, puts in his place Robert de Monekes to
prosecute a recognisance for 400/. made to him in chancery by Walter de
Cantilupo, rector of Snytenfeld church.
To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke. Summons to attend a parlia-
ment at Westminster in three weeks from the Purification next, instead of
in the octaves of St. Hilary as previously summoned. By K.
[Pari. Writs.']
The like to nine earls and forty-nine others. [Ibid.]
To William de Bereford. Summons to attend the parliament as aforesaid,
to treat with the king and others of his council. By K.
The like to twenty-two others. [Ibid.]
To the sheriff of Rutland. Order to cause knights of the shire, citizens
and burgesses to be chosen to attend the said parliament. By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.]
To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Summons to attend the above par-
liament. By K.
The like to the archbishop of York and to seventeen bishops. [Ibid.]
To the abbot of St. Augustine's Canterbury. Summons to attend the
above parliament. [Ibid.]
The like to thirty abbots and priors and to the prior of St. John of
Jerusalem in England. [Ibid.]
To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Order to cause the deans and priors
of cathedral churches and the archdeacons of his province to come in person
to Westminster at the aforesaid date, and to cause each chapter of
cathedral churches to appear by a proctor and the clergy of each diocese of
his province to appear by two proctors at the said day and place, to treat
of and consent to what shall then be ordained. [Ibid.]
The like to W. archbishop of York. [Ibid.]
2323. Membrane 27 d — cont.
To John Pecche, constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinque
Ports. Order to cause two barons to be chosen from each of the said ports
and to be sent to Westminster at the aforesaid day. By K.
To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Supersession of the king's late order
to cause the prelates and clergy of that province to assemble at St. Paul's
London at the octaves of St. Hilary next, as the king has ordained to hold
a parliament at Westminster in three weeks from the Purification next.
[Pari. Writs.]
The like to W. archbishop of York, superseding the order to convoke the
prelates and clergy of his province at York at the said octaves. [Ibid.]
To the abbot of Waltham Holy Cro?s. Notification that it is not necessary
for him to attend at St. Paul's at the aforesaid date, as the king lately
requested him to do. By K.
The like to twenty- two abbots, two priors, and the master of the order of
Semplingham. [Ibid.]
Peter de Roteham acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey de Ledes 40/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex.
Ralph de Hokynton, parson of the church of Elworth, acknowledges that
he owes to Roger de Gildesburgh, clerk, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Somerset.
Jan. 23. Brother Peter, prior of the monks of St. Mary, Thefford, acknowledges,
Gloucester, for himself and convent, that, he owes to John de Dynieton, clerk, 200/. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and ecclesiastical goods in
cos. Norfolk and Suffolk.
Richard de Rypariis, knight, lord [of] Estmerseye, acknowledges that he
owes to John de Saresbury, clerk, 10 marks; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
William de Danum acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynn,
clerk, 20s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Northumberland.
Cancelled on payment.
Jan. 23.
Membrane 26d.
Jan. 23. Nicholas de Ardena of Middelton Brien acknowledges that he owes to
Gloucester. Thomas Cok, citizen and merchant of London, 10/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Bedford.
Jan. 21. Philip Lagusche acknowledges that he owes to Roger de Gildesburgh,
Gloucester, clerk, 60s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Sussex.
Agnet, late the wife of William son of Edward de Cliarles, Acknowledges
that she owes to William de Ayremynno, clerk, LO/.J to be levied, in default
of payment) of her lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk,
William Lovel of Esingwald acknowledges lint he owes lo Henry le
Cliauf.Mi of Acorn, 20#. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Jan. 15.
Jan. 23.
Jan. 25.
Jan. 24.
Jan. 26.
would have come of age if he had
fees and advowsons of churches of
Membrane 2Gt? — cont.
Nicholas son of Nieholns de Warrewyk acknowledges that he owes to
Nicholas de Guldeford, paroon of Cesterton church, 100/.; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Warwick.
To Hervey de Staunton and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the
king. Order to attertnine until the next parliament at Westminster in three
weeks from the Purification all matters touching the king against Master
John de Stratford depending before them, giving day (adjomautes) to the
said John to be there then to do and receive what shall be considered in
the premises in the said parliament. By K.
[Pari. Writs.]
Robert de Dorkyng, citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes to
Blaster Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, 308/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London.
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of deed by Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex,
witnessing that wbereas the king has granted to him the wardship of the
lands of John Chaunceus, deceased, tenant in chief, which came to the
king's hands by reason of the nonage of Hugh, son and heir of the said
John, during the minority of the said heir, and that if tha heir died a
minor and his heir were under age, the said Robert should have the
wardship of the said lands during the minority of such heir, and so from
heir to heir until such time as Hu
lived, saving to the king the knights'
the said inheritance, as contained in the king's letters patent, and the said
Robert has sold to Robert de Dorkyng, citizen of London, the wardship of
the lands in the town of Canewedon during the minority of the said Hugh,
according to the form of the king's grant, and there remain until Hugb
come of age fourteen years from Michaelmas, in the 17th year of the
king's reign, the said Robert hereby binds himself to warrant to the said
Robert de Dorkyng against the king the wardships of the lands in the
town of Canewedon during Hugh's minority or, if he die, until the time
when he would have been of full age, unless his heir be of full age. In
case Hugh die and his heir be of full age, or if Hugh prove his age before
the end of the aforesaid fourteen years, the said Robert grants that the
recognisance that the aforesaid Robert de Dorking has made to him in
chancery for 308/., [to secure] the payment of 22/. yearly for the said four-
teen years, shall be annulled for such time as Robert de Dorkyng shall not
have the wardship aforesaid. In witness whereof the said Robert de Baldok
and Robert de Dorkyng have put their seals to this indenture. Dated
at London, the morrow of the Purification, in the aforesaid year. French.
Memorandum, that Robert de Dorkyng came into chancery at West-
minster, the day and year aforesaid, and acknowledged the above deed.
John, vicar of the church of Salherst, diocese of Chicester (Sicestr'),
acknowledges that he owes to Master Edmund de London 100s. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex.
Taylifer de Wyncestre acknowledges that he owes to Master Geoffrey de
Clare, clerk, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Essex.
To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Trent, or to him who supplies his place in the forest of Cheut. Order to
cause John de Aune's wood of Langecroft, within the bounds of the said
forest, which has been taken into the king's hands for trespass of vert
committed by him in the said wood, to be replevied to him, if it be re-
pleviable according to the assize of the Forest.
1324. Membrane 26d — cont.
Jan. 24. John de Say of London, ' vyneter,' acknowledges that he owea to
Gloucester. Nicholas Cheyne, clerk, 11 marks 6s. Sd.; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
Jan. 25. Stephen le Bygod, parson of Litlebur[y] church, diocese of London,
Gloucester, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Beverlaco, clerk. 32/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Robert But of Norwich acknowledges that he owes to Farmann Albert'
and William Thurkild of Great Yarmouth 41/. 13*. 4d. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Henry Seneschal of Wengham acknowledges that he owes to Master
Thomas de LTpton, parson of the church of Adesham, 21/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
Nicholas de Huntercoumbe acknowledges that he owes to William le
Teynturer of Walyngford 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Oxford.
Enrolment of release by John son of Richard atte Welde, nephew of the
late Hugh de Tedmersch, to John son of Hugh de Stretlee, lord of
Kerslowe, of his right in the manor of Kerslowe. Witnesses : Sir Robert
filz Neel, knight; Sir John Neirnuit, knight; Sir Robert Malet, knight ;
Sir Robert filz Elyz, knight ; John de Chetindon ; Nicholas Passelev" ■
Thomas Fermbaud ; Ralph de Chetindone ; Walter filz Johan de Masse-
w[orth] ; Nicholas de Wengravc ; William son of John de Walde ; John de
la More of Mursle ; William de Gynes. Dated at Kerslowe, I May,
10 Edward II.
Memorandum, that the said John came into chancery at Westminster, on
29 January, and acknowledged the above deed.
Enrolment of grant by John de Stretlee, lord of Kerslawe, to John son of
Richard de la Waude of the parish of Wenge of 60*". of yearly rent for life,
to be received from his manor of Kerslawe, in consideration of the pre-
ceding release. Witnesses : Sir Robert filz Neel, knight ; Sir Thomas do
Sakevill, knight ; Thomas de la Waude ; William de la Waude; Nicholas
de Wengrave ; John de la More of Muresle; Philip de Walda. Dated
at Kerselawe, on Wednesday the eve of the Ascension, 16 Edward II.
Memorandum, that the said John de Stretlee came into chancery at
Westminster, on 29 January, and acknowledged the above deed.
Jan 26. Philip de Lutteleye acknowledges that he owes to Richard Blundel
Bristol. lOO.v. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Stafford .
Cancelled on payment.
William de la Doune, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to John, abbot of
St. Saviour's Favershani, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Esssex.
Peb. 5. Roger de Morteyn, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William do
Bristol. Aymnynn, clerk, 50*.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Lincoln. — The chancellor received the acknowledg-
Cancelled on payment.
William de Oiirlauston acknowledges that lie owes to Al;m dille, citizen
of London, 40/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Kent. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled "» payment.
};}Oj. Membrane 26d — cont.
Reginald do Cobeham, knight, nml James his brother acknowledge that
tlnv owe to Philip Leffeyn, citizen and vintner of London, 40/.; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Kent.
Jan. 26. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause proclamation to be made in
Bristol. cities, boroughs, market towns, seaports, and other places where shipping
arrives, fairs, markets, and other places where he shall think fit inhibiting
any one, uuder the pains and penalties contained in the king's previous
proclamation to this effect, from taking out of the realm any of the king's
money, except for reasonable expenses, silver in mass or silver vessels, or
from bringing into the realm any clipped money of the king's or any
counterfeit money, and to cause proclamation to be made that all who are
not merchants and have clipped money of the king's or counterfeit money
shall immediately cause the same to be perforated and shall send it to the
king's exchange to be struck anew under the king's die, and that otherwise
all such money shall be forfeited to the king, and the king wills that all
such clipped or counterfeit money when it comes to his hands by forfeiture
shall be also perforated and sent to his exchange to be struck anew, as the
king understands that, notwithstanding his previous proclamation to this
effect, divers native and alien merchants have carried the king's good
money, silver in mass, and silver vessels out of the realm, and have caused
counterfeit money to be made therewith, and have brought back into the
realm such counterfeit money together with clipped money of the king's,
trading with the same to the damage of the king and his people and to the
subversion of his money. The king has appointed certain of his subjects
to cause the premises to be observed diligently within the sheriff's baili-
wick, and to make search therefor when needed, and to take into the king's
hands forfeitures in this behalf. \_Fcedera.~]
The like to all the sheriffs of England, and to the keeper of the Cinque
Ports to cause proclamation to be made in each port. [Ibid.]
Membrane 25d.
Jan. 28. To W. count of Hainault, Holland, and Zeeland, and lord of Friesland.
Berkeley. The king has received complaint from Faremann Albert', merchant of
Great Yarmouth, that certain malefactors and robbers of the count's power
entered his ship called ' Le Blithe ' of Gernemuht, laden with herrings and
other merchandise and goods and chattels to the value of 200/., on the sea
coast before the king's town of Hethe, and slew William Doucrowe, the
master of the said ship, and expelled from the ship all the mariners, and
carried away with them the ship and cargo, pretending that they had a special
order from the count to take and carry away all goods of merchants and others
of the king's power found by them on the sea ; the king therefore requests
the count to hear the complaint of Faremann or his proctor, and to cause
restitution of the ship and cargo or satisfaction therefor to be made to him
without delay, and to cause satisfaction to be made to him for his damages,
and to write the king whether he issued such order, and if so, for what
cause, giving an account of what he will cause to be done in this matter.
To the same. The king has received complaint from Robert de
Sancto Botulpho and John Child, merchants of Great Yarmouth, that
certain malefactors of the count's power entered their ship called ' La
Katerine ' of Yarmouth, laden with herrings and other goods and chattels
of theirs to the value of 400/., by night whilst anchored in La Rode before
the town of Yarmouth, and expelled from her Geoffrey Stonyld, the master,
and all the mariners, and carried away with them the ship and cargo, as in
preceding letter ; the king therefore requests the count to do as in the
preceding letter.
Jan. 28.
Feb. 1.
Feb. 5.
Iron Acton.
Feb. G.
Iron Acton.
Feb. 6.
Iron Acton.
Membrane 25(1 — cont.
Solomon son of Gilbert tie Halvbergh anil James son of James de IFaly-
bergh acknowledge that they owe to Thomas de Bysshoppyston 200/. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the city of
Master Richard de Gravesende acknowledges that he owes to William de
Bampton of London, ' taillour,' 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in cos. Hertford and Middlesex.
John de Kirkeby of Badburgham acknowledges that he owes to Richard
CifVewast of Cleware 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Cambridge.
Elizabeth de Castello acknowledges that she owes to Master Richard de
to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and
Shordych 50/.
chattels in co. .
Benedict de Shorne, fishmonger (piscenariits) of London, acknowledges
that he owes to Richard Pilk, ' waferer ' of London, 10 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert de Edenestowe acknowledges that he owes to Thomas son of
Thomas de Muskhara of Shenle 60/., to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in cos. Nottingham, Lincoln, and York.
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of deed of Thomas son of Thomas de Muskham of Shenle,
witnessing that whereas the aforesaid Robert has acknowledged that he
owes to him 60/., and Thomas is about to grant to Henry de Edenestowe, clerk,
and the said Robert, his brother, two parts of the manor of Northmuskam, to
hold for their lives by the service of rendering to Thomas 16 marks 8s.
10|</. yearly, doing for him the suit due to the court of Adam de Everyngham
at Shelford and scutage and foreign service, and Thomas is about to grant
that if Henry and Robert die between the date of his charter and the end
of eleven years from Michaelmas next, then the two parts shall remain to
their heirs and executors until the end of that term, the said Thomas grants
that the execution of the aforesaid recognisance shall be suspended until
the end of fifteen days after the term of the aforesaid eleven years and
during all Henry's life, and that if Henry survive Robert, the recognisance
shall be of no effect, and that if Robert survive Henry and he or his assigns
render the aforesaid two parts to Thomas within fifteen days after the term of
the said eleven years or within fifteen days of Henry's death, if surrender
be demanded, that the recognisance shall be of no effect, saving to Henry's
executors the corn sown in the said two parts in case Robert do not render
them to Thomas in manner aforesaid. The said Thomas also grants that if
he grant the reversion of the manor or any part thereof before the end of the
said term or during Henry's life to any other than Margaret and Matilda,
-i-ters of the said Thomas, or "Walter his uncle, that the recognisance
shall be of no effect from the time of such grant of the reversion. Dated
at London, 13 February, 17 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Thomas came into chancery at Westminster, on the
said day, and acknowledged the above deed.
William de llarecourt, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de
(ii>v 10/.; to be levied in default <>!' payment) of his lands and chattels
in cos. York, Leicester, and Derbya
Cancelled <>n payment,
Robert Inge, parson of the chnrch of Trenge, diocese of Lincoln,
acknowledges thai he owe- to John Triple, citizen of London, -.')/. L0», W.-j
to be levied in default of payment, of his lands and- chattel-; in CO. Hertford.
1324. Membrane 25d — cont.
Feb. 28. John Cromphorn, chaplain, acknowledges that lie owes to John de
Wwtmimrter. Denton 10/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Southampton.
Cancelled on payment.
William del Hull acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Well, knight,
20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Salop.
Roger atte Bowe, citizen and apothecary of London, acknowledges that
he owes to Master William de Barneby, clerk, 4G/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London.
Enrolment of grant by John de London of Aulton, clerk, to John de
Molyns of all his lands in Horton called ' Poundeslaunde,' and all his lands
in Brokhampton, in the hundred of Knolton, co. Dorset, and a piece of
meadow on the bank of Stoure in Kyngeston Mede, and a virgate of land in
the same towns that John de Berewyk holds for life, after the death of the
said John de Berewyk. Witnesses : Sir William de Ayremynne, Sir William
de Clyf, and Sir William de Herlaston, clerks ; John de Brideport, Joan Wak,
Robert Terri, Giles le Boure. Dated at London, 20 February, 17 Edward II.
Memorandum, that the said John de London came into chancery at
Westminster, on 29 February, and acknowledged the above deed.
Feb. 26. John de Brudeport came before the king, on Monday after St. Matthias,
Westminster, and sought to replevy to Nicholas de Pille, parson of the church of
Ekforde, John de la Forde, and Richard de Godalmyngg their land in
Kyngeston near Jevele, which was taken into the king's hands for their
default before the justices of the Bench against John de Denum and
Margaret his wife. This is signified to the justices.
The said John on the same day sought to replevy the land of Nicholas de
Pille, parson of the church of Ocforde, etc., as above.
March 1. Hugh de Meignill, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de
Westminster. Staunton 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Derby.
Geoffrey Leyr of Bromham acknowledges that he owes to William de
Sancto Johanne 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Wilts.
Cancelled on payment.
March 6. Brother John, abbot of Stanleye, acknowledges, for himself and convent,
Westminster, that he owes to Roger Rykemanny, citizen of London," 100 marks; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts.
Cancelled on payment.
John Morgan acknowledges that he owes to Richard Adryan 40/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Thomas de Hauvill acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Watevill
40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Buckingham.
Enrolment of grant by John son of William de Penreth to Sir William
de Herlaston, clerk, of a messuage and a virgate of land in Herlaston.
Witnesses : William le Curzoun of Croxhale ; Hugh de Tymmore of
Haselovre; Henry le Fremon of Haselovre ; Richard Austin of Herlaston ;
John Breton of Wyginton ; Robert Chaumpion of Edenynghale ; Robert
' of the Halle ' of Edenynghale. Dated at Herlaston, Wednesday after
St. Matthias, to wit 1 March, 17 Edward II.
Memorandum, that John came into chancery at Westminster, on 7 March,
and acknowledged the above deed.
1321. Membrane 25d — cont.
March 6. Adam le Warner of Drayton came before the king, on Tuesday after
Westminster. St. Chadd, and sought to replevy his land in Coliehum, which was taken
into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Rench against
Juliana, late the wife of Robert de Assh. This is signified to the
Membrane 24<f.
Feb. 23. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Order not to molest W. archbishop
Fulham. of York or the men of his household in coming to the parliament summoned
at Westminster, in staying there, or in returning thence, by reason of the
disputes between the two archbishops concerning the carrying of their
crosses in each other's provinces, as it was agreed in the parliament at York
in the presence of the two archbishops that the archbishop of Canterbury
might come to parliaments and other treaties for the king's affairs in the
province of York and that the archbishop of York might in like manner
come into the province of Canterbury without impediment. By K.
[Fcedera ; Pari. JJ'rits.]
To the sheriff of Nottingham and Derby. Order to meet the archbishop
of York when he comes into his bailiwick on his journey to the said
parliament, and to conduct him through his bailiwick, not permitting any
wrong or grievance to be done to him or any of his household. Bv K.
The like to the sheriffs of the following counties :
Warwick and Leicester.
Bedford and Buckingham.
Cambridge and Huntingdon.
Lincoln. [Ibid.]
To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to meet the archbishop of
York when he comes into their bailiwick, and to conduct him to West-
minster in like manner, and to cause proclamation to be made forbidding
anyone molesting the archbishop or any of Ins household during his journey
to the parliament, his stay there, or return thence. By K.
The like to the sheriff of Essex and Hertford. [Ibid.]
March 3. William Sars, parson of the church of Stokton, diocese of Coventry and
Westminster. Lichfield, acknowledges that he owes to Master Elias de Sancto Albano,
clerk, 60 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and
chattels in co. Warwick.
John Byjrot, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Francis Bachemen and
Joan his wife 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk.
Cancelled on payment.
March 6. Richard le Chaumberlayn, knight, and John his son acknowledge that
Westminster, they owe to Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, 10 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co.
Cancelled on jnn/mint.
Thomas le Botiller of Knolle and Henry de IIullcs acknowledge thai
they owe to John de Molyns and William de Cnsaunce, clerk, 50/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in CO, Dorset.
Cane i lied on payment
March 8.
March 8.
March 13.
March 14.
March 18.
Membrane 1\d — cont.
Thomas lc Botiller of Knolle acknowledges that he owes to Henry de
Holies 50/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Dorset.
John de Orreton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de
Tvmparoun, clerk, 20*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and
chattels in co. Cumberland.
Cancelled on payment.
Edmund de Bouhun acknowledges that he owes to Master Roger de
Clisby, clerk, 12 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos. Lincoln and Berks.
Benedict de Ditton acknowledges that he owes to John de Carleton,
clerk, 40a-. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
To the prior and convent of Worcester. Request that they will cause
Alice Conan, who has long served the queen, to receive such maintenance
from their house for life as Perrotus Daveylers, deceased, had therein at the
king's request, making letters patent under their common seal granting the
same to her, and certifying the king by the bearer of their proceedings in
this matter. By K.
Nicholas de Combe acknowledges that he owes to Matilda, daughter of
Thomas de Lokynton, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Oxford.
John de Moun, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas le
Chaundeler of London 147. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos. Somerset and Dorset.
Louis, bishop of Durham, puts in his place William de Killerby to prose-
cute and defend his petitions and matters in the present parliament against
the king.
William Mareschal of Dorchester, the elder, acknowledges that he owes
to James de Cianaxio 80/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Dorset.
Hugh de Burgh, parson of the church of Patrikbrumpton, diocese of
York, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Pykeryng, clerk, 10 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels and ecclesiastical
goods in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to cause Walter le Gras and Henry de
Monte Forti, knights of that shire, to have 14 marks from the community
of the county for their expenses in attending the parliament at Westminster,
staving at the parliament twenty-four days, and being two days on the way
thither and two days on their return, taking 3s. 4c?. a day each. By K.
[Pari. Writs.']
The like for the knights of other counties for various sums. [Ibid.']
To the bailiffs of Guldeford. Order to cause Alan Herman and John le
Conestable, burgesses of that town, to have 6 marks 6s. 8d. from the com-
munity of that town for their expenses in attending the above parliament,
staying twenty-four days and being a day on the way thither and a day on
their return, taking 20d. a day each. [Ibid.]
The like in favour of the following :
John Syward and John de Siowe, burgesses of Radyng', for the like
Osbert de Note [Incomplete.] [Ibid.]
Feb. 5.
Iron Acton.
Feb. 18.
Feb. 23.
Feb. 27.
Feb. 27.
Feb. 29.
W< otiuinster.
If arch 6.
Membrane 23d.
Thomas de Huntercombe, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John
Pice Aquile, citizen of London, 40/.; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Robert son of Oliver Punchardon acknowledges that he owes to David
Martyn, bishop of St. Davids, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his hinds and chattels in co. Southampton. — The chancellor received the
Edmund, earl of Arundel, puts in his place John de Stretton and William
de Northwyk to prosecute a recognisance for 2,000 marks made to him ill
chancery by John de Warenna, earl of Surrey.
The said earl puts the said John and William in his place to prosecute a
recognisance for 500 marks made to him in chancery by Oliver de Ingham
and Henry Nasard.
The said earl puts in his place the aforesaid John and William to prose-
cute a recognisance for 500 marks made to him by Henry de Perers.
Walter de Cantilupo, parson of the church of Snytenfeld, puts in his place
John de Evesham, clerk, to defend the execution of a recognisance for 400/.
made by him in chancery to Master Robert le Blound of Snytenfeld.
John son of Richard de Tenham, chaplain, puts the aforesaid John in his
place to defend the execution of a recognisance for 60 marks made by him
in chancery to Master Henry de Cantuaria, clerk.
Philip de Cernaie, prior of Durhurst, acknowledges that he owes to
Master Roger de la Bere 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Gloucester.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert de Wicham acknowledges that he owes to John de Mildecombe
40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Guy de Manecestre, knight, acknowledges that he owes to the king 40/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Warwick.
Cancelled by privy seal remaining on the file.
The said Guy acknowledges that he owes to the king 100/. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, as above.
[ Cancelled as above.]
John Baynard, parson of Whetacre church, diocese of Norwich, acknow-
ledges that he owes to William Baynard of Hemenhale 100 marks ; to be
lei led, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
Nicholas de Bolevill acknowledges that he owes to Stephen de Ilaccombe,
knight, 21/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Somerset.
Martin Squyrel, Henry atte Ree, Thomas Burdun, and Walter Andreu
acknowledge that they owe to Matilda Haukes of Northflete 20/. ; to bo
levied, in delimit of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Eases and
John le Mareechal ol Boneden acknowledges that he owes to .lames de
v. . ■•,,: aster. Norton, knight, -»•/. ; to l>e levied, in default of payment, cf his lands and
chattels in e<>. Southampton.
John de Bfohonn acknowledges thai he owes to Thomas Weal 70 marks;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Somerset,
*V2'J4. L
March 7.
Feb. 3.
March 8.
March 7.
March 12.
Westm atter.
Membrane 22d — cont.
Geoffrey de la Lee acknowledges that he owes to Simon Flambard, clerk,
100/. ; to he levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Robert de Erpinghara and John de Cursun acknowledge that they owe to
Robert de Sapy and William de Leycestre, parson of the church of Chinnore,
20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co.
Cancelled on payment.
John dc Sharnebrok of Reyndon acknowledges that he owes to Robert de
Insula, knight, 9/. 2s. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Essex.
Andrew Payn acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Holepute of
Winchester 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Southampton.
Geoffrey de la Lee acknowledges that he owes to Simon Flambard, clerk,
100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
John de Solers of Poteslep acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Penebrugg of Olehungre 111 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Gloucester.
To the justices in eyre for the Forest in co. Essex. Order not to put
Robert son of Walter in default by reason of the common summons of
the eyre before them in that county, as the king has warranted him his
absence. By K.
To the prior and convent of Bridelington. Request that they will admit
into their house Master Robert de Noreys, the king's Serjeant, who has
long served the king, in place of Gilbert Torel, ' sompter,' deceased, who
had his maintenance in their house, and that they will grant to him such
maintenance in all things as Gilbert received.
Robert de Monte Alto acknowledges that he owes to William Gocelyn of
Suetesham 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Norfolk. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Geoffrey Luterel, Elizabeth, late the wife of Walter son of Walter de
Gloucestria, and Roger Arnold acknowledge that they owe to Master John
Walewayn 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in co. Lincoln
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by Thomas de Burgh, one of the
executors of John's will.
Henry de Cauntebr[igg], William de Coumbe of Stanebrigg, Laurence le
Porter of Pretirwell, and Geoffrey de Sudbyry of London, ' spicer,' acknow-
ledge that they owe to Hugh le Despenser, the younger, 63/. 15s. 1\d. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Cam-
bridge, Essex, and London.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert de Monte Alto acknowledges that he owes to William de
Ayremynn, clerk, 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Norfolk. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Note of payment of 20 marks.
Giles de Trumpetoun, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Master Roger
de la Bere 20/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Cambridge.
Cancelled on payment.
132-A. Membrane 2?>d — cont.
"Walter de Altn Bipa of Hollebeck acknowledges that he owes to John
Moryn of Brompton 50/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Walram de Tloeheford and Richard Bydford acknowledge that they owe
to Richard de Gatesbury 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in co. Hertford.
Cancelled on payment.
March 12. Thomas de Furnival, knight, and Thomas his son acknowledge that they
Wc-tminster. owe to William de Tweug 500 marks; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
Robert de Morle, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de Camoys
40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. ^Norfolk.
Robert Seignour acknowledges that he owes to the prior and convent of
St. Mary's hospital without Bisshopesgate, London, 40s. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Oliver de Ingham acknowledges that he owes to John de Sutton, knight,
200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Norfolk.
Thomas Wakelyn acknowledges that he owes to John de Sutton, knight,
40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Northampton.
Membrane 22d.
March 8. Theobald Russcl acknowledges that he owes to John Perbroun of Great
■Westminster. Yarmouth 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Southampton.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert atte Gerne and Ralph atte Halle of Gcrne acknowledge that they
owe to Edmund, earl of Arundel, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
March 1 1. John de Kirkebrid, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de Burgh,
rummer. <tailour,' 5 marks Qs. #d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels i" co. Cumberland.
William de Monte Acuto acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de Brok
30 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Somerset.
Enrolment of release by Robert de Stangrave, knight, to Thomas son of
Richard de Abberbury of his right in certain tenements of Conelingleye,
in the parish of Estgrenstede and Wort he, which belonged to Sir Robert de
engrave, his father, and which Thomas had of the releasor's gift The
releasor grants that he will warrant the tenements to Thomas and the heirs
of hi- body, with remainder to John his in-other and the heirs of his bo.lv,
with remainder to Richard de Abberbnry and the heirs of his body, with
remainder to \ . sister of Richard, and the heirs of her body, with
remainder to Alice, sister of Agnes, and to the heirs of her body, with
remainder to Margaret, ber sister, and io her heirs. Dated at Westminster
i a
1324. Membrane 22c? — cont.
S "March, 17 Edward II. Witnesses: James de Audele ; Roger Blome;
John dr Abbcrbury ; Simon Golias; William atte Stock e.
Mi morandum, that Robert came into chancery at Westminster, on
12 March, and acknowledged the above deed.
March 14. Richard de Aula of Genynton acknowledges that he owes to Isabella de
"Westminster. Middelton 61. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Sussex.
Cancelled on payment.
Peter de Ouuedale, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Walter, arch-
bishop of Canterbury, 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lauds and chattels in co. Norfolk.
March 14. To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
"Westminster. Trent, or to him who supplies his place in the forest of Savernak. Order
to cause Theobald Russel's wood of Estbedewynde, within the bounds of
the said forest, which was taken into the king's hands for trespass of vert
in the forest, to be replevied to him, if it be repleviable according to the
assize of the Forest.
Enrolment of grant by Roger, son of Sir Guy Butetourt, to Hervey
de Staunton, parson of the church of Estderham, of the donor's mes-
suage in Cantebrigg in the parish of St. Michael, with the buildings,
gardens, quay, and rents, etc., in consideration of a payment of 100 marks.
Dated at Westminster, 16 March, 17 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Roger came into chancery at Westminster, on the said
day, and acknowledged the above deed.
March 16. John Lambyn, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to Edmund
"Westminster. Lambyn of London 300/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Kent.
John, prior of Chikesand, acknowledges that he owes to Manett Fran-
cisci, merchant of Florence, 400 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels and ecclesiastical goods in co. Bedford.
Cancelled on payment.
Master John de Everdon, dean of St. Paul's London, acknowledges that
he owes to Robert de Wodehous, clerk, 140/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Chisenhale, parson of the church of Barton-in-Rydale, diocese of
York, acknowledges that he owes to John de Stirkeland, knight, 40 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands, chattels and ecclesiastical
goods in co. York.
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by Roger de Kendale, clerk,
attorney of John de Stirkeland, on 1 April.
Membrane 21d.
March 12. Nicholas de Watford and Juliana his wife came before the king, on
Westminster. Monday in the present feast of St. Gregory, and sought to replevy their
land in Coleham, which was taken into the king's hands for their default
before the king against Juliana atte Asshe. This is signified to the justices
of the Bench.
2324. Membrane 2\d — cont.
John son of Thomas de Ferariis of Lockesleye came before the king, on
Monday aforesaid, and sought to replevy his laud in Great Lockesleye,
which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the
against John son of Richard de Calewych
of the Bench.
This is signified to the justices
Adam de Skelton puts in his place Theobald Poleyn to prosecute a recog-
nisance for 26 marks made to him in chancery by William de Roseles of
co. Surrey.
John de Theneltham puts in his place Robert de Bywell and Thomas de
Geyigrave to prosecute a recognisance for 120 marks made to him in
chancery by William son of John Pexenere.
March 12. John de Mohoun acknowledges that he owes to Robert Mylys, clerk,
Westminster. 22/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Oxford.
Cancelled on payment.
Roger de Langedon acknowledges that he owes to John de Wrotham and
Henry de Stureye 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Kent.
John de Stirkeland, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Alan de
Tesdale 100*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Westmoreland.
Cancelled on payment.
Walter de Sweynthull acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de Excestre
of Winchester, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Devon.
The abbot of St. Albans acknowledges that he owes to Bartholomew
Richo, merchant of Chieri (de Kirio), 260 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford.
Cancelled on payment acknowledged by Bartholomew. And Sir William
de Leyc[estria~] said that he had knowledge of Bartholomew 's person.
William de Alverstou, parson of the church of Kyngeswyneford, acknow-
ledges that he owes to John de Sutton, knight, 40/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
March 12. Philip Lovel acknowledges that he owes to Robert fiz Payn and Ela his
Westminster, wife 1,000/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in cos. Dorset, Wilts, and Devon.
March 13.
Anthony de Lucy acknowledges that he owes to Roger de Clyssby,
clerk, Hi. 7s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Cumberland.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Iluncote of Leicester acknowledges that ho owes to William de
Rodington of Leicester 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chat 1 « Is in co. Leicester.
Robert son of Robert do Jorce of Birton acknowledges that he owes to
Henry de Bdenestowe, clerk, and Robert Ids brother 40»< ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
Cancelled on payment.
1 324 * Membra n e 2 1 d — con t.
Robert de Sandale acknowledges thai he owes to Alan de Tesedale 40/.;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
•John Munlak, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Philip de Clanwoe
200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
The said John acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Withacre 200/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment of his lands and chattels in co. Stafford.
Giles Pecche acknowledges that he owes to John Soneday, rector of the
church of St. Mary, Wolcherchawe, diocese of London, 80/. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
The said John Soneday, William le Palfreyman of Nasyngg', and Bartholo-
mew son of the said William, acknowledge that they owe to Giles Pecche
80/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas de Hastang', knight, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de
Halghton 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Lincoln.
March 13. Thomas de Halghton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Edmund,
Westminster, earl of Arundel, 200/. ; to be levied, iu default of payment, of h*is lands and
chattels in co. Norfolk.
Philip de Clanvowe acknowledges that he owes to the aforesaid earl,
200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Richard de Whitacre acknowledges that he owes to the said earl 200/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
William de Eaucomberge, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Richard
de Bourne, parson of Wroxale church, diocese of Bath and Wells, and to
Walter Waleys, parson of the church of Stratford Tony, diocese of Salis-
bury, executors of the will of Ralph de Gorges, knight, 8/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Somerset.
Cancelled on payment.
Walter le Seler of Dunmawe puts in his place John de Evesham, clerk,
to prosecute a recognisance for 40/. made to him in chancery by Richard
de Pertenhale, clerk.
March 18. Thomas le Brewer of Westhamme acknowledges that he owes to Roger
"Westminster, de Stalham 6/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Essex.
John de Puntyngdon puts in his place John de Briggewater, clerk, to
prosecute a recognisance for 48/. made to him in chancery by Roger
Stephen le Bygod, parson of the church of Littlebur[y], acknowledges
that he owes to Nicholas le Mareschal, clerk, 40 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Enrolment of deed by Richard But, 'mercer,' of London, witnessing
that Sir Robert de Monthaut, steward of Cestre, has paid him all manner
of debts due from Robert or Emma his wife by recognisance or otherwise,
and acquitting Robert of all manner of actions for debt. Dated at London,
Sunday, 3 April, 17 Edward II.
132i. Membrane 21c? — cojU.
Mtmorniulum, that Richard came into chancery at Westminster, on t. o
aforesaid day, ami acknowledged the above deed.
March 19. John son of John le Botoner acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de
Westminster. lft Bere of co. Southampton 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in the city of London.
John del Idle son of William del Idle of Kent acknowledges that he
owes to Richard de Bourne, parson of the church of Wroxhale, 20 marks;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
John le Whyte of Donestaple acknowledges that he owes to William
Danet 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Bedford.
Walter de Nevill, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Edmund, earl of
Arundel, 250 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands aud
chattels in co. Hertford.
Richard de Ferrers acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Nevill
250 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Hertford.
John de Dufford, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Kirkeby, clerk, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Worcester.
Cancelled on payment.
Hugh, prior of Caldewell, acknowledges that he owes to Ascelinus
Simonet de Luca, merchant, 80/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Bedford.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Hegham of Norhampton and William de Keythorp, clerk,
acknowledge that they owe to Robert de Dyggeby of Tylton 20/. ; to be levied.
in default of payment, of their lauds and chattels in cos. Leicester, Warwick,
and Northampton.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert de Diggeby of Tilton acknowledges that he owes to the said John
de Hegham 50 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds aud
chattels in co. Leicester.
Cancelled on payment.
Membrane 20c/.
Enrolment of release by William de Beppes and Thomas his brother to
John, bishop of Norwich, of their right in the manor of Rollesby, with the
advowBoo or the church of that town, which manor and advowson the bishop
ha- entered and holds as Ins escheat by reason of the felony of William
► HI M I I I \t\ I I I \i\, \;H TMUIIj 'Ml III' II. II
Nicholas Fastolf; Peter Withskyn.
Memorandum, that William de Beppei ami Thomas his brother came
into chancery at Westminster ami acknowledged the above deed.
II -
March -JO.
W< m minster.
March 22.
Membrane 20r/ — cont.
John Cursoun, knight, acknowledges that he owes to the abbot of
St. Albans 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Northampton.
Laurence do Aete acknowledges that he owes to Christiana, daughter of
Giles de Insula, and to Elizabeth and Eleanor her sisters 200/.; to be
hvicd, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham.
John de Orreton acknowledges that he owes to John de Burgh, ' taillur,'
75*. \d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
William de Brokesburn, prior of Merton, acknowledges that he owes to
Pctronilla, late the wife of John de Benstede, Robert de Aspale and John
Bataille, executors of the will of the said John de Benstede, 40/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Surrey.
William Freman, parson of Prilleston church, and Robert Cospelowe of
Redenhale acknowledge that they owe to John de Herwarstok, parson of
the church of Stirston, 56 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
John son of John le Botoner of London and Henry de Staunton of London
acknowledge that they owe to Richard de Bourne, parson of Wroxhale
church, 14 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in the city of London.
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of grant by Thomas, son of the late king, earl of Norfolk,
marshal of England, to Hugh le Despenser, lord of Glamorgan and Mor-
gauno, for Hugh's life, of the castles of Storgoill and the manors and towns
of Chepstowe and Tudenham, and all his other lands beyond the Severne
between that water and the water of Weye, and elsewhere in Wales, and in
the marches of Wales outside the counties of England, excepting the office
of the marshalsea, rendering therefor 200/. yearly. Witnesses : Walter,
bishop of Exeter ; Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex ;
Sir Robert de Morle ; Sir Robert Aspall ; Sir Gregory du Chastell. Dated
at Grenehou in Cliveland, 17 August, 17 Edward II. French.
Memorandum, that the earl came into chancery at Westminster, on
24 March, and acknowledged the above deed.
Robert de Swynbourne acknowledges that he owes to Edmund, earl of
Arundel, 80 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands a*nd
chattels in co. Norfolk.
Cancelled on payment.
John le Chaumberleyn acknowledges that he owes to Master Robert de
Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, 100*. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford.
Cancelled on payment.
Richard de Hales, parson of the church of Aldington, diocese of Canter-
bury, acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Gedding 8 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels and ecclesiastical
goods in co. Northampton.
John Gloumargan acknowledges that he owes to John Perbroun 80/. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his goods and chattels in co. South-
Cancelled on payment.
March 23.
Membrane 20d — cont.
Richard de Ellesfield, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Roger, hit-hop
of Coventry and Lichfield, 700/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of hid
lands and chattels in cos. Middlesex and Essex.
Thomas Tony of Sydingburn acknowledges that he owes to John de
Wrotham, citizen of London, GO/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lauds and chattels in co. Kent.
William de Bordenne, parson of the church of Stockebury, diocese of
Canterbury, acknowledges that he owes to John de Wrotham, citizen of
Loudon, 13/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Kent.
March 28. Richard de Grey of Codenovre acknowledges that he owes to John de
Westminster. Chetinsjdon and Robert de Blecchele, parson of the church of Great Brik-
hulle, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Kent.
Raph Despaigne of Cotyngham acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de
Escrik, parson of the church of St. Cross, York, 8 marks; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
March 29. Thomas Tanay of Storteford of London, butcher, acknowledges that he
Westminster, owes to John de Heselarton, parson of the church of Wymbissh, 8 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford.
Membrane 19c?.
March 22. Brother Geoffrey, prior of Lenton, acknowledges, for himself and convent,
Westminster, that he owes to Bartholomew Rico, merchant of Chieri, and to Anthony
Malocelli of Genoa 168/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands
and chattels and ecclesiastical goods in co. Nottingham.
John Vanne and Peter Galeys, sons of the late John Vanne, merchant,
acknowledge that they owe to Rusticus Philippi, merchant of Luca, 100
marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in
the city of London and [in co.] York.
William de Eggesclive, son of Robert de Eggesclive, acknowledges that
he owes to Roger de Waltham, canon of St. Paul's, London, 9/. 15s. 8d. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the bishopric
of Durham.
Enrolment of release by Edmund, son and heir of Sir Robert de Pynkeny,
knight, to Sir Hugh le Despenser, earl of Winchester, of his right in the
manors of Fulmer and Dachet. Witnesses : Sir John de Hand . ., Sir
Ingelram Berenger, Sir Martin de Eissheacre, Sir Edmund Gracelyn, and
Sir Richard Talbot, kuights ; William de Goseford, Thomas de Staunton,
clerks. Dated at Westminster, 22 March, 17 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Edmund came into chancery at Westminster, on the
said day, and acknowledged the above deed.
March 26. Geoffrey Sparkcln igLr<' of Bloxham acknowledges that he owes to
Webtmiiisttr. Stephen de Hampslap, ' messagcr,' 6 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Ralph de Brok of Shephale acknowledges that he owes to John de
Hegham, clerk, 9/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. 1 1< rtford.
^30 j. Membrane I9d — cont.
March 27. Simon Warde, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Eleanor, late the
Weatminater, wilt- of Henry de Percy, 10/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lauds and chattels in co. York.
Robert de Reppes acknowledges that he owes to John de Ifeld, knight,
20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Ifeld, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Westden
16 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands aud chattels in
cos. Surrey and Sussex.
Cancelled on payment.
March 25. Peter de Mount Touse, clerk, has letters to the abbot and convent of
■Westminster. Abbotesbury to receive the pension due to one of the king's clerks by
reason of the new creation of the abbot. By p.s. [6843.]
March 27. Peter Saucier,* king's serjeant, is sent to the abbot and convent of
Westminster. Stretford to receive such maintenance in all things as Master Adam le
Chaundeler, deceased, had in their house by the king's order. By p.s. [6846.]
Membrane 18c?.
March 24. Brother Thomas le Archer, prior of the Hospital of St. John of
Westminster. Jerusalem in England, acknowledges that he owes to Taldus Valoris,
Bonus Philippi, and Peter Reynery, merchants of the society of the Bardi
of Florence, and to Boniface Thomasi of Perugia (Pertich'), John Junctini,
and Silviannus Letoii, merchants of the society of the Peruzzi of Florence,
and their fellows, merchants of the said societies, 1,303/. 6s. 8d. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Essex,
Hertford, and Bedford.
Cancelled upon payment, acknowledged by James, Nicholas, and
Alexander de Bardes, merchants of the society of the Bardi, and Stephen
Huguicionis and Henry Acursi, merchants of the society of Peruzzi.
Roger de Notingham, ' cordewaner,' acknowledges that he owes to John
de Wrotham, citizen of London, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Surrey and in the city of London.
March 26. William de Herle, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Westminster. Bereford, knight, 38/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Leicester.
Cancelled on payment.
March 25. Thomas de Leukenor, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de
Westminster. Godesfeld 110s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Middlesex.
John son of Robert le Chaumberleyn acknowledges that he owes to
William de Ayremynn, clerk, 46*. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. York.
James de Ispannia, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Master John de
Wamberg' 4/. 10s. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Somerset.
Cancelled on payment.
He is described as Pieres, nostre saucier in the Privy Seal.
17 EDWARD II. 171
132-1. Membrane 18d — cont.
William de Horkesle, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John do
Fnltenye, citizen and merchant of London, 32 marks; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Essex and Suffolk.
Cancelled on payment.
April 1. Hugh de Louthre, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
"Westminster. Ayremynn, clerk, 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Westmoreland. — The chancellor received the acknowledg-
John de Pelham acknowledges that he owes to the said William 40*. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Middle-
sex.— The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Orreton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to the said William
100*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Cumberland. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
March 30. To James, king of Aragon, Valencia, Sa[r]dinia, and Corsica, count of
Westminster. Barcelona, standard-bearer, admiral, and captain-general of the Roman
church. Master Peter de Galicien', the king's clerk, has again brought to
the king, on his return from king James, letters of the latter concerning a
treaty of marriage between Edward, the king's eldest son, and James's
daughter, and has told the king certain things by word of mouth on James's
behalf. The king desires king James to give credence in this matter to
Arnald Guillielmi de Bearnio, lord of Lescun, and the aforesaid Peter,
whom the king is sending to king James. [ttedera.]
To the same. Request that he will give credence to what the said
Arnald and Peter shall communicate to him concerning the matters that
have been previously treated of between the two kings by Peter's inter-
mediation, and that he will write back by them what he desires to he done
in these matters. \_Ibid.~\
Memdrane 17 d.
April 1. Ralph Gyffard of Godeleston acknowledges that he owes to Hugh lo
Westminster. Despenser, the younger, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in cos. Essex and Hertford.
Robert Flcmyng' of Ronewell acknowledges that he owes to Robert do
Wodehous, clerk, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of release by Robert de Rocheford, knight, to Robert
Flemyng of Ronewell of his right in the advowson of the church of
Ronewell. Dated at Westminster, on Sunday after the Annunciation,
17 Edward II.
Memorandum, thai Robert de Rocheford came into chancery at West-
minster, on the said day, and acknowledged the above deed.
March 24. To W. count of Ilainault, Holland, and Zetland, and lord of Friesland,
w minimi! r. On the complaint of Robert de Sane to Botulpho and John Child, merchants
of Yarmouth (Grenemuth), thai certain malefactors of the count's power
eiiter.-d by oighl a ship of the said Robert and John called ' La Katerine'
of Yarmouth, laden with herrings and other their goods to the value of
inn/ , whilst lying at auchor in La Rode before Yarmouth, and expelled
March 30.
April 1.
April 1.
Membrane \ld — cont.
Geoffrey Stonyld, master of the said ship, and all the mariners thereof in a
naked state, and carried away the ship and cargo with them, pretending
thai they had a special order from the count to take and carry away all
goods 01 merchants and others of the king's realm found by them at sea,
the kin<^ requested the count to hear the complaint of Robert and John
and to cause restitution or satisfaction to be made to them, and to write the
king whether he had issued such order as the malefactors alleged that he
had done; and the count has written the king that, when he received the
king's letter, he was at Cologne with the king of the Romans, where he
asserted that he had no one with him who could speak concerning the
aforesaid ship, and that he would shortly enquire into the matter in
Holland, asserting that many of his men of Zeeland (SellancT) had been
robbed by the king's men, and that his men could not refrain from
recovering their goods thus stolen from the king's subjects, and that he
had frequently written to the king desiring him to cause restitution to be
made of such goods, but that the king would not deign to do so. The king
informs him that he has not hitherto received any complaint of wrongs or
damages inflicted by his subjects upon the count's men, either from the
count or at the suit of any of his men, and the king will cause justice to be
done to the count's men making complaint of such wrongs and damages,
and he therefore again requests the count to cause restitution or satisfaction
to be made to the said Robert and John according to the king's previous
request, and that the count will write back whether such order to take the
goods of the king's merchants emanated from him, and for what reason it
was issued, and what he will cause to be done in this matter.
Roger Foun acknowledges that he owes to Edward de Sancto Johanne,
' conversoy 8 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Derby.
Cancelled on payment.
John du Lay of Great Paxton acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de
Boweles 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Huntingdon.
"Walter de Carleton acknowledges that he owes to Adam Bacon, the
elder, 50*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. York.
William Haward acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le Despenser, the
younger, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Cambridge.
John de Icham, clerk, has letters to the abbot and convent of Battle to
receive the pension due to one of the king's clerks by reason of the new
creation of the abbot. By p.s. [6853.]
John son of Andrew Oulvei t acknowledges that he owes to Thomas le
Mareschal of Oxford 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Oxford.
Alan de Claveryng acknowledges that he owes to John de Felton 200/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
John de Felton acknowledges that he owes to the said Alan 100/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and
John de Strengesham acknowledges that he owes to Roger de Depham
10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment of his lands and chattels in
co. Essex.
17 -EDWARD II. 173
1324i. Membrane I7d — cont.
April 1. To John Pecche, constable of Dover castle anil warden of the Cinque
Westminster. Ports, or to him who supplies his place in the aforesaid ports. Order to
cause proclamation to be made that the king has, at the request of Louis,
count of Flanders and Nevers, continued the truce concerning the
dissensions between subjects of the king and of the count until a vear from
Easter next, to which time the king had previously continued the truce,
and to cause the truce to be observed, etc. (as in the king's previous order).
The like to the following :
The sheriff of Northumberland.
The sheriff of Gloucester.
The sheriff of Somerset and Dorset.
The sheriff of York.
The sheriff of Cornwall.
The sheriff of Devon.
The bailiffs of Great Yarmouth.
The mayor and bailiffs of Exeter.
The sheriff of Lincoln.
The sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk.
The sheriff of Essex.
The sheriffs of London.
The sheriff of Kent.
The sheriff of Southampton.
The sheriff of Surrey and Sussex.
To W. count of Hainault, Holland, and Zeeland, and lord of Friesland.
Whereas, at the complaint of Faremaun Albert, merchant of Great
Yarmouth, that certain malefactors of the count's power had entered by
night his ship called ' La Blithe ' of Yarmouth, laden with herrings and
other his goods to the value of 200/., whilst anchored on the coast before
the town of Hithe, and had slain William Donterowe, the master of the
said ship, and expelled the other mariners, and carried away with them the
ship and cargo, pretending that they had special order from the count to
arrest all goods of merchants and others of the king's power found upon
the sea, the king requested the count to hear the complaint of the said
merchant and to cause justice to be done to him, and to certify him whether
such an order had emanated from him, and, if so, for what reason, and also
of what he would cause to be done in this matter, and the count has
written back that, when he received the king's letter, he was at Cologne
with the king of the Romans, where he had, as he asserted, no one with
him who could speak of the said ship, but that he would shortly enquire
into the matter in Holland, asserting that many of his men of Zeeland
(Selland') had been robbed by the king's men, and that his men could not
refrain from recovering from the king's subjects their goods thus stolen,
and that he had frequently written the king desiring him to cause resti-
tution to be made of such goods, and that nothing had been done in answer
to his requests, and that he would cause restitution to be made to the
king's men if the king would deign to cause justice to be done to the
count's men for the robberies committed upon them by the king's nun.
The king informs him that he has not hitherto received any complaint of
■wrongs or damages inflicted by his subjects upon the count's men, either
from the count or at the suit of any of his men, and that lie will cause
justice to be done to the count's men making complaint of such wrongs
and damages, etc., as in preceding letter.
John de Stirkeland puts in his place Ko.L'er de Kcndalo, clerk, to
prosecute a recognisance for 40 marks made to him in clmncery by John do
1324 Membrane \1d — cont.
April 4. Oliver de [ngham, knight, acknowledges that he owes to queen Isabella
Westminster. 30/. j to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos.
Norfolk and Suffolk.
Oliver de Ingham and Hugh Madefrey put in their places John de
Norton and John de Evesham to prosecute a recognisance for 500 marks
made to them in chancery by John Pecche.
John Fylol, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le Despenser,
the younger, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Essex.
/ .
Membrane 15 c?.
April 1. "William de Brewosa, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le
Westminster. Despenser, the younger, 10,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in Co. Sussex. [Pari. Writs.~\
April 6. John de Sancto Johanne of Basyng of co. Southampton acknowledges
Westminster, that he owes to Adam Salesbury and John de Oxon[ia], citizens of London,
429/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
William de Furneux and Robert de Furneux acknowledge that they owe
to Hugh le Despenser, the younger, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert de Furneux acknowledges that, he owes to John de Molyns 1 00s. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Sancto Johanne of Basing' acknowledges that he owes to
Cambinus Fulberti of Florence 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Southampton.
William de Stretton, parson of the church of Hoghtoun, acknowledges
that he owes to Thomas de Thorp and John de Lenton, executors of the
will of Master Walter de Thorp, 60 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Leicester.
John de Urtiaco, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas Gaillard,
parson of the church of Cory Ryvel, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Somerset.
Roger Cursum, knight, acknowledges that he owes to the abbot of St.
Alban's 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and
chattels in co. Norfolk.
Robert de Erpyngham, knight, acknowledges that he owes to the aforesaid
abbot 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of pavment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Norfolk.
April 8. William Giffard, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le Despenser,
Westminster, the younger, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Suffolk.
Cancelled on payment acknowledged by Hugh, on the information of
W. de Ayrem\jjnn~\ and W. de Cusancia.
April 9. Nicholaa, late the wife of John de Hertrugge, came into the king's court,
iangley. on Monday after St. Ambrose, and sought to replevy her land in Yerdecombe,
which was taken into the king's hands for her default in the king's court
against Robert de Lestre. This is signified to the justices of the Bench.
];}2-A. Membrane \bd — cont.
Richard son of William de Hyeweye acknowledges that he owes to the
prioress of Ambresbury 1 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lauds and chattels in co. Wilts.
Stephen le Bygod, parson of the church of Litlebury, acknowledges that
he owes to Master John Walewayn, clerk, 30/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
April 7. Richard son of William de Hieweye acknowledges that ho owes to the
Fulmer. prioress of Ambresbury 90/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lauds and chattels in co. Wilts.
3/embrane lid.
April 9. Brother Thomas Larcher, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem
Fulmer. in England, acknowledges that he owes to Master Bindus de Bindinel
200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Margery de Irlond acknowledges that she owes to Nicholas de Thunstall
12/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in co.
April 1. To L. count of Flanders and Nevers. The king has received complaint
Westminster, from William Oure, merchant, of Dorcestre, that whereas he caused a ship
called ' La Seitit Marie Cogge' of Melecumbe to be laden at Melecumbe
with 30 sacks of wool and 50 wool-fells in twenty-two sarplers and a pocket,
for the purpose of carrying the same to Calais to trade there with the same,
Peter son of Arnald, Waytus his brother, Waytus Sot, and other malefactors
and pirates of the count's power in a ship and a barge (bargea) of Flanders,
entered the aforesaid ship by armed force on the sea whilst vovaging to
Calais in a place called ' Outresclif ' on Wednesday after the Annunciation,
in the lGth year of the king's reign, and took the said ship and her cargo
and 100«. in money by tale and other goods of the said William to the value
of 350/. sterling, and carried the same away with them to Sluys {Lescluse)
in Flanders, and there the aforesaid Peter, Waytus, and Waytus and the
others and John Vanele and John Gerlof, then bailiffs of Sluys, and Peter
son of Daniel, burgess of that town, took the wool and wool-fells and other
goods on shore, and distributed them and the ship amongst them, and took
the said William and his son William, who were found in the ship, and im-
prisoned them at Sluys, and detained them in prison for sometime, wherefore
William has prayed the king for a remedy; the king therefore requests the
count to hear the complaint of William or of his attorney, and to cause resti-
tution or satisfaction to be made to him, and also satisfaction for his damages,
conducting himself in this matter so that it may not behove the king to
provide William with another remedy, certifying the king of his proceedings
in this matter.
April 13. William Cokerel, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le Despenser,
Langley. the younger, 1<H)/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, 01 his lands and
Chattels in CO. Suffolk. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
John (!«• Furaeux, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Hugh 20/. j to
In- lc\ ied, in default of pa\ inent, of his lands and chattels in co. Cambridge. —
The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
April 1. To the Infant Philip, son of the king of Spain, the king's nephew. Request
We^ttuinster. that he will give Credence to what shall be explained in him on the kit
1324, Membrane 14d — cont.
behalf by word of mouth byArnald Guillelmi de Bearnio, lord of Les[c]un,
and Master Peter de Galicien', whom the king has enjoined to explain
certain matters to him. [Ftedera.]
The like to the following :
Sir John, son of the Infant John de Ispan[nia], lord of Biscaye, the
king's nephew.
Sir John Manuel, son of the Infant Manuel de Ispan[nia].
Sir John Alfonsi de Farewe, lord of Kemell.
Sir Ferandus Roys, lord of Soldane.
Lady Mary, late the wife of the Infant Sir John de Ispan[nia], lord
of Biscaye.
Sir Garcias de Villa Majori.
Sir Alfonsus, king of Spain.
Sir Agarsilascus de Valle Carceris.
Sir Gunsallus Roys de Tolleto, guardian of the king of Spain.
The Infant John, archbishop of Toledo.
Sir Gundisallus, bishop of Burgos. [Ibid.']
Membrane 13d.
April 19. John le Keu,* who long served the king and his father, is sent to the
Langley. abbot and convent of Kirkestali to receive from their house such main-
tenance as Thomas Quatresoutz, deceased, had therein at the late king's
request. By p.s. [6865.]
April 22. Thomas le Frenche came before the king, on Saturday after St. Alphege,
Langley. and sought to replevy his land in Northflet, which was taken into the king's
hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Matilda,
daughter of Stephen de Bydenerche and William son of Christiana Sporeun.
This is signified to the justices.
April 18. John de Muriden acknowledges that he owes to John de Swaveseye
Langley. 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Hertford.
April 24. John son of John de Kynebell came before the king, on Tuesday after
Langley. St. George the Martyr, and sought to replevy his land in Knight's
Theleshunte and Theleshunte Tregoz, which was taken into the king's
hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Robert Stace
and Matilda his wife. This is signified to the justices.
April 26. Reginald de Pavely, knight, and Walter le Keu of Hurle acknowledge
Langley. that they owe to John de Oxonia, citizen and vintner of London, 80/. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Wilts.
April 26. William Waleys came before the king, on Thursday the morrow of
Langley. St. Mark, and sought to replevy his land in Denham, which was taken into
the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against
Thomas Durdaunt of Denham. This is signified to the justices.
April 24. The abbot of St. Albans acknowledges that he owes to John le Squiler
Langley. 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
April 24. William Balsham, who has long served the king and queen, is sent to the
Langley. abbot and convent of Westminster to receive from their house such main-
tenance as Agnes Capoun had therein. By p.s.
* lie is described as nostre bien amez Kok Johan in the Privy Seal.
April 26.
May 1.
April 22.
May 1.
May 2.
May 2.
May 2.
Membrane \3d — cont.
To the master and brethren of the hospital of Nenton in Holdernesse-
Order to admit into the hospital Henry de la More, who has long served tho
king and his father, and who is incapacitated by age and infirmity, and to
provide him, for life, with such maintenance as a brother of the hospital
receives. By K.
John de Farleye acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de Cammovs 10/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts.
William Dantre, who has long served the king and his father, is sent to
the abbot and convent of Louth Park to receive such maintenance as Ralph
le Kyngesman, deceased, had therein at the king's request. By p.s. [G8ti8].
The like in favour of the following: — [Incomplete.]
Andrew le Botiller acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynn,
clerk, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Nottingham.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Bottelegh acknowledges that he owes to Thomas son of Retheric
de Tattelesfeld 18 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Surrey.
Roger de Suthcote acknowledges that he owes to Matthew de Essex,
citizen of London, 100 marks; to be levied, in default-of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Dalby, parson of the church of Atherston, near Stretford-on-
Avene, diocese of Worcester, acknowledges that he owes to Roger Beler,
knight, 300/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Warwick.
Arnulph son of Arnulph de Mounteny and William de Perham acknow-
ledge that they owe to John son of Arnulph de Mounteny, knight, 200/. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk
and Suffolk.
John son of Arnulph de Mounteny, knight, acknowledges that he owes to
the aforesaid Arnulph and William 100/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Hugh de Northo, parson of the church of Horstede Kaynes, diocese of
Chichester, acknowledges that he owes to William de Northo, the elder,
84 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Sussex.
William, prior of Tobye, acknowledges that he owes to Henry Prod-
homme, fishmonger of London, 'SGI. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Fssex.
May 3. To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Westminster. Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to cause to be replevied to
Agnes, late the wife of Henry Eiusee, her woods in Shottwode and Hey-
wode, within the bounds of Savernake forest, which were taken into the
king's hands for trespass of vert, if they be repleviable according to tho
of the Forest.
Enrolment of release by Robert de Muudeii, clerk, to .John de l.i Porde
ofEdelmeton and Matilda bis wife, for their lives, of ins right in 10 marks
of yearly rent, in which they are bound to him for his little manor
81294. M
May 3.
Ma j 3.
May 4.
May 5.
May 4.
May 5.
Membrane \2>d — cant,
{m a ii( ret to) of La Morh[nlle] in Erdeleyo, which they hold for their lives
of his demise. Witnesses: Robert de Asshewell ; Henry de Thurston;
William de Norwyco. Dated at Westminster, on Thursday the Feast of the
Invention of the Holy Cross, 17 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Robert came into chancery at Westminster, on the
said day, and acknowledged the above deed.
Luke de Vyenna acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Peccham,
parson of the church of Terrynge, 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex.
William de Northo, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to Walter de
Pecham, parson of the church of Terringe, 61. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex.
William Latimer acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas Latymer 30/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Lincoln
and Bedford.
Cancelled on payment.
William de Weldon acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Geddyng
10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the
city of London.
Roger de Belegrave acknowledges that he owes to Master John de Bele-
grave, his brother, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Leicester.
John, parson of the church of Petrestre, puts in his place Geoffrey Stace
and William de Crossefeld to shew cause in chancery why a moiety of the
lands that John holds of the lands that belonged to Thomas atte Rente of
Ipswich on 10 May, in the 15th year of the king's reign, should not be
delivered to Hugh le Despenser, the younger, by virtue of a recognisance
of 153/. 6s. Sd. made to him in chancery by Thomas.
William Buteller of London acknowledges that he owes to Master
Richard de Gloucestre, clerk, 24 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in the city of London.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Richard
de Grey, who is going to Gascony on the king's service, to have respite
until Michaelmas for all debts due to the exchequer.
Thomas son of William de Somercotes acknowledges that he owes to
Matilda Taney 30 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Lincoln.
George atte Grenhull, chaplain, and Richard his brother acknowledge
that they owe to Peter de Horton 13 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Wilts.
Nicholas le Mareschal of Cotyngham and Richard son of Robert son of
Peter de Swanlound acknowledge that they owe to John Gay of Watteford
40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co.
Cancelled on payment.
Membrane 12d.
May 9. Henry de Weyvill, parson of the church of Aldryngton, diocese of
Westminster. Chichester, acknowledges that he owes to Roger Broun 6 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels and ecclesiastical
goods in co. Sussex.
April 8.
May 9.
1321. Membrane \2d — cant.
Robert de la Ryvere acknowledges that he owes to Edmund de Bildesle
20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of bis lands and chattels in
co. Berks.
Cancelled on payment.
John son of Richard de Derteford, ' clerk,' acknowledges that he owes to
Walter de Pateshull 7~> marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Kent.
To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to cause to be replevied to
John lYverel his wood of Penyngton Meysv, within the forest of Chut and
Vynkele, which was taken into the kind's hands for trespass of vert and
venison committed therein, if it be repleviable according to the assize of
the Forest.
"Walter de Ebor[aco] of Lincoln acknowledges that he owes to Master
John Walewayn, clerk, !s"0/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
John Wyn of Chaulerton and John Doget of Kyngesle acknowledge
that they owe to Philip Marmyoun 20/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of their lands and chattels in co. Southampton.
Geoffrey de Cornubia and Edmund de Cornubia, knights, acknowledge
that they owe to William de Sancto Johanne 160 marks ; to be levied, in
default cf payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Northampton and
Cancelled on payment.
Robert le Boucked acknowledges that he owes to Reginald atte Garston
and John le Hurt 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Surrey.
The said Robert, Reginald and John acknowledge that they owe to
John de Wyndesore, parson of the church of Bedyngton, 40 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Surrey.
Note of payment of 10 marks.
Ha mo de Moreston puts in his place William de Emeldon and Hugh de
Ebor[aco] to prosecute a recognisance for 40 marks made to him in chancery
by William de Cobcham.
May 10. Thomas de Courzoun acknowledges that he owes to Ranulph de Veer
Westminster. 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Asshe acknowledges that he owes to John le Esturmy 22/. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. —
The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Henry de Cantebregg, the king's tailor, acknowledges that he owes to
Richard de Monte Caniso, knight, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Cambridge. — The chancellor received the
Adam | ': ) S pin <>k of Andevere acknowledges that he owes to Robert Milys,
clerk, 'jo marks; to be Levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in the city of London.
Cana Hi il mi paj/mt ni.
John Waters acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Goldyngton
200/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of bis lands and chattels in co.
M 2
May 13.
May 15.
The Tower.
May 16.
The Tower.
Membrane Vld — cont.
William de Gosefeld acknowledges that he owes to John le Waleys
10/. ; to be levied, in defanlt of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Thomas de Maundevill, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John le
Waleya 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Essex.
John Galeway of Mundeford acknowledges that he owes to William de
Neuport 100*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Essex.
Thomas de Cobeham, ' wodemanger,' of the parish of All Hallows le
Graunf, acknowledges that he owes to Alexander le Peyntour, keeper of the
king's ships, 8/. Is. Sd. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels hi the city of London.
Robert le Conestable of Fleynburgh acknowledges that he owes to
Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, 24/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
The abbot of Stoneleye in Arderne acknowledges, for himself and
convent, that he owes to Amieto Gilebaldi and Anthony Malocello 150/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Roger de Haveryng acknowledges that he owes to Master Richard de
Gloucestre 23 marks ; to be levied in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Kent and in the city of London.
John de Blounvill acknowledges that he owes to Roger de Goldyngton
40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Hertford.
John le Lyndraper of Huche acknowledges that he owes to Adam,
vicar of the church of Henlowe, 9/. 10s. Od. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford.
Nicholas Haldan of Sneynton acknowledges that he owes to Henry de
Percy, lord of Spoford, 93/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Ralph de Sechevill acknowledges that he owes to John Baudewyn of
Barlyng, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Leicester.
Stephen de Redenesse, merchant, acknowledges that he owes to William
de Ayremynne, clerk, 60*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
John le Bruyn of Okie acknowledges that he owes to Edmund de
Malyns 100s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Buckingham.
William de Traylly, parson of the church of Northyevele, diocese of
Lincoln, acknowledges that he owes to Simon Croyzer 40s. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels and ecclesiastical goods in
co. Bedford.
Cancelled on payment.
Richard Fynore and Nicholas de Bamre acknowledge that they owe to
Stephen le Ferour of Staneforth 10/.; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in co. Cambridge.
May 18.
May 22.
Membrane \1d — cont.
John atte Wode, chaplain, acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas Crane,
citizen and butcher of London, 100s. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
William atte Hole acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Brome, clerk,
9 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in
co. Berks.
Adam de Brome. clerk, acknowledges that he owes to William atte Hole
9 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Oxford.
Stephen de Redenesse acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de
Saltmersk 41. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. York.
Cancelled on -payment.
Thomas de Leycestre of Northampton, the elder, acknowledges that he
owes to Stephen atte Redenesse 100*. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
John le Marchal of Britlampton, parson of the church of Esthatteleye,
diocese of Ely, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Evesham, clerk,
20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands, chattels, and ecclesi-
astical goods in co. Cambridge.
Stephen de Redenesse acknowledges that he owes to Master Adam de
Ayremynne, clerk, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
John de Sapy, Robert de Kendale, and John Hauward, James de Audele,
John de Hanstede, and John de Dufford acknowledge that they owe to
Hugh le Despenser, the youuger, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in cos. Hertford {Her'), Buckingham, Suffolk,
Stafford, Northampton, and Worcester.
John de Oddingeseles and Emma his wife acknowledge that they owe
to William de Ayremynne, clerk, 200 marks; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Warwick and Oxford.
Margery late the wife of John de Hache, acknowledges that she owes to
Simon de Shepeye 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her
lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
John de Felton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de Claveryng
2")/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Cancelled on payment. %
Matilda, late the wife of Richard de Vernon, the younger, acknowledges
that she owes to William de Herlaston, clerk, and John de Pyehecote, vicar
of the church of Billesdon, 300/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
her lands and chattels in cos. Stafford and Derby.
Cancelled on payment.
May 8.
Membrane \\d.
Constantine le (sir) Mortimer, knight, acknowledges that he owes to
Laurence de Brok 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in cos. Cambridge and Norfolk.
May 6.
May 11.
May 10.
May 10.
Membrane \\d — cont.
The prior of .St. Mary of Suthwerk acknowledges that he owes to
Master Walter de Barton and Master Richard de Anlton, executors of the
will of Master Philip de Barton, late archdeacon of Surrey, 23 marks,
6s. 8rfj to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in co.
Cancelled on payment.
To the justices in eyre for forest pleas in co. Essex. Order not to put
the abbot of Caen in default by reason of the common summons of the eyre,
as the king has warranted to him his absence. By K.
Robert de Tong has letters to the abbot and convent of Cerne to receive
the pension due to one of the king's clerks by reason of the new creation of
the abbot. By K.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made that all
men of his bailiwick who have 40/. of land or rent yearly or hold a whole
knight's fee of the value of 40/. yearly, and who have held them for three
whole years, of whomsoever they may hold, shall take the order of knight-
hood before Michaelmas next or at that feast, and to certify the king at the
said feast of the names of those who have such land or rent or fee in his
bailiwick. The king will enquire concerning the sheriff's bearing in the
execution of this order, and will cause a remedy to be applied. By K.
[Feeder a ; Pari. Writs.]
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.]
To the same. Order to cause proclamation to be made that all those who
wish to receive knighthood from the king shall come to London before
Whitsunday next to receive their necessary apparatus from the king's
wardrobe. [Ibid.]
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.]
Memorandum, that the archbishops and bishops, earls and barons of the
realm, are ordered by letters under the privy seal to be with the king
at Westminster on Sunday after the Ascension next to speak and treat with
him upon matters touching him. [Ibid.]
To the bailiffs, men, and whole community of the town of Southampton.
Order to prepare six of the greatest ships of the town, and to cause them
to be provisioned with men, and to cause them to come to Portesmuth
by the feast of Holy Trinity next, in order to carry thence at the king's
wages men-at-arms and their horses and other men in the king's service as
the masters of the ships shall then be enjoined on the king's behalf, as the
king understands that certain men are endeavouring to usurp his rights in
the duchy of Aquitaine and to attack the duchy with armed force. They
are ordered to certify the king without delay of the names of the ships and
of their masters. 'Ihe king has ordered the sheriff of Southampton to cause
gangways (pontes) and hurdles (clayas) necessary for the shipment
(eskippamento) of the said men and horses to be provided and carried to
Portesmuth. By K.
The like to the mayors, bailiffs, and men, and bailiffs and men of the
following places:
Sandwich for f. ur ships.
Wynchelse for six ships.
La Rie for two ships.
Faversham for one ship.
Seford for one ship.
Shorham for two ships.
Weymuth for ten ships.
Portesmuth for one ship.
132-1. Membrane \ld — cont.
Hamelhok for one ship.
Boklre for one ship.
Jernemue under Wyght for two ships.
Pole and members for four ships. [Ibid.']
May 10. To the mayor and bailiffs of Sandwich. Order to cause all the ships of
Westminster, that port and of its members, capable of carrying 40 tuus of wine and
upwards, to be prepared and found without delay, so that they shall be ready
to set out in the king's service on three days' summons, and not to permit
such ships to go to parts beyond sea hereafter, and to cause such ships as
are now without the port to be retained and prepared as above upon their
return, certifying the king of the number of such ships now in the port
and outside the port, and to warn the mariners and others of the port who
are absent to proceed cautiously during their stay and return so that they
do not fall into the hands of their adversaries, pirates, or others. By K.
The like to the following :
The barons and bailiffs of Dover, Hethe, Romenhale, Wynchelse, La
Rye, Hasting', Faversham.
The like to the mayors and bailiffs, and bailiffs of the following places :
La Pole.
The Isle of Wight.
St. Bees (Sancta Bega).
St. Michael's Mount in peril of
the sea.
St. Karantocus.
Welles and Holkcham.
'I hornham.
The prior of St. Helen's bailiiT of
the Isle of Wight.
Neuport in the Isle of Wight.
Mt inbrane \\d — cont.
Dertcmue, with Tottonye.
Yalinmue under Nyweton Ferers.
Plvmmue with Sutton.
Exeinue, with Luleham, Kyen
and Tuppeshani.
The like to the ahbot and bailiffs of Furneux, the prior of Kertemel, and
the justiciary of Ireland or him who supplies his place.
May 9. To Geoffrey le Scrop. Order to be with the king at Westminster on
Westminster. Sunday after the Ascension next to treat and give his counsel upon the
king's affairs with the prelates, earls, barons, and other proceres of the realm,
whom the king has ordered to be with him at the above date. By K.
[Pari. Writs.']
The like to fourteen others. [Ibid I]
May 9. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause proclamation to be made that all
Westminster, knights of his bailiwick shall be with the king at Westminster on Wednesday
after the said Sunday, laying aside all excuses, to treat and give their counsel
upon the aforesaid matters with the king and the prelates, earls, barons, and
proceres aforesaid. The sheriff is ordered to be there in person on the
aforesaid day, certifying the king of the names of all knights and other
men-at-arms of his bailiwick and his proceedings herein. ■ By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England. By K.
[Ibid ]
Membrane lOd.
May 16. Joan, late the wife of John de Barton of Oswaldkirk, acknowledges that
The Tower, she owes to Roger de Grymston, knight, 9/.; to be levied, in default of
payment, of her lands and chattels in co. York.
Ralph Bygot acknowledges that he owes to Thomas West 400 marks ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk
and Northampton.
The said Ralph acknowledges that he owes to the said Thomas 130 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the afore-
said counties.
William de la Doune acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey de
Sheringg 40*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Cambridge, Essex, and Hertford.
Cancelled on payment.
Maimselinus Marmyoun, parson of the church of Stanhopp, diocese of
Durham, and William son of William Marmyoun acknowledge that they
owe to Roger Beler 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in cos. York and Leicester.
Cancelled on payment.
May 19. Thomas son of Richard Wale of Eydon acknowledges that he owes to
Westminster. Richard Wale of Eydon 1,000/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
1321. Membrane 10c/ — cont.
Willi im Bever, parson of the church of Ilarnbury, diocese of Worcester,
acknowledges that he owes to John de Eyne&ham and William atte Wblde
of London 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Worcester.
Cancelled on payment.
Peter, prior of the church of St. Mary, Suthwerk, acknowledges, for
himself and convent, that he owes to William Roce and Hilary Roce
3fi marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their kinds and chattels
and ecclesiastical goods in co. Surrey.
Cancelled on payment.
Walter, archbishop of Canterbury, acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas
de Falleye, William de Herlaston, and Edmund de Breccles, executors of
the will of Gilbert de Rouburv, 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels and ecclesiastical goods in cos. Surrey
and Kent.
John son of Arnald de Percy acknowledges that he owes to William de
Ayremynne, clerk, 40s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
May 20. John Galewey of Mundeford acknowledges that he owes to William de
Westminster. Neuport 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Essex.
John son of Warin Quyntyn of Neuport acknowledges that he owes to
William de Neuport 40*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Essex.
May 24. Philip de Hardeshull acknowledges that he owes to John de Lowe of
Westminster. Asshene 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in cos. Leicester, Buckingham, and Northampton.
Guy Breton acknowledges that he owes to Hugh de Kelsale 4/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
John de Chekewell acknowledges that he owes to Guy Jacobi, spicer
(apotccar') of London, 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in the city of London and co. Kent.
John de Say of Mertok acknowledges that he owes to William son of
John de Say of Mertok 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Somerset.
May 26. Geoffrey de Wykewane of Aston Somervill acknowledges that he owes to
Westminster. John de Sloughtre 170 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Gloucester.
Thomas son of Eustace acknowledges that he owes to Elizabeth do Burgo
and Matter Richard de Clare, parson of the church of Dunmowe, 500/.; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in eo. Gloua ster.
John Knyght of Stystede acknowledges that he owes to John de Bonsser
10().s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Il.imo de Baraham acknowledges that he owes to John de ArcheSi
Id/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and
chattels in co. Norfolk.
Cancelled on puyment.
May 27.
132 I . Membrane \§d — cont.
Roger de Mortivall' and Thomas de Foxle, executors of the will of John
Le Flemyng, put in their place John de Neweland, clerk, to prosecute a
recognisance for 51/.
Memorandum, that on 26 May, to wit the feast of St. Augustine the Arch-
bishop, the king at Westminster granted, with the assent of Master Robert
de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, his chancellor, and of others of his
council, to Sir Richard de Ayremynne, his clerk, the custody of the rolls of
chancery, to have in the same way as others who have previously had the
custody thereof; and the said Richard took the oath that he ought to take
in this behalf on the same day in the chancellor's lodging in the houses of the
earl of Richmond near St. Paul's London, in the presence of the chancellor,
Master Henry de Clyf, Sir William de Herlaston, Adam de Brom, and
other clerks of the chancery, and Sir William de Ayremynne, previously
keeper of the rolls, there delivered the keys of the chests wherein the rolls
are kept. [Pari. Writs.']
Thomas Chaunterel acknowledges that he owes to John son of Robert
de Norton 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Berks and Surrey.
Release by Hugh de Dryby, son and heir of Sir Ralph de Dribi, to John
son of Sir John de Harsyk of co. Norfolk and Margery his wife of his right
in the manor of Dryby, co. Lincoln, and in all knights' fees, advowsons,
and all other things pertaining thereto. Witnesses : Sir William de
Kyme, Sir Robert Darcy, Sir Simon Chaumberleyn, Sir William de Paris,
Sir Robert de Morle, Sir John Haward, Sir John de Felton, knights;
William Morteyn ; John Pecok. Dated at London, 27 May, 17 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Hugh came into chancery at Westminster, on the
same day, and acknowledged the above deed.
Enrolment of grant by John son of Sir John de Arsyk, knight, of
Northfolk, to Hugh de Dryby, son of Sir Ralph de Dryby, knight, of a
robe, price 2 marks, or 2 marks yearly from his manor of Suthacre,
co. Northfolk, Witnesses : Sir John Haward, Sir John de Felton, knights;
John Pecok. Dated at London, 28 May, 17 Edward II.
Memorandum, that John came into the chancery at Westminster, on
the aforesaid day, and acknowledged the above deed.
May 28. Reginald son of John de Peckebrigg acknowledges that he owes to
Westminster. Matilda Sampsom of Eston 9 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Membrane 9d.
May 20. To the bailiffs, men, and whole community of the town of Southampton.
Westminster. Order to cause the six ships that the king lately ordered them to cause to
be prepared and sent to Portesmuth by the feast of Holy Trinity next to
be sent to Plymmouth by that date, certifying the king without delay of
the names of the ships and of the masters thereof. By K.
The like to twelve ports for the ships (specified at page 182).
May 10. To the bailiffs, men, and whole community of Great Yarmouth. Order
Westminster, to prepare five of the greatest ships of the town, and to cause them to be
provided with men [and] mariners, and to cause them to come to Plimmuth
by the feast of Holy Trinity next, in order to carry thence at the king's
wages men-at-arms and their horses and other men in the king's service as
the masters of the ships shall be then enjoined on the king's behalf, as the
king understands that certain men are endeavouring to usurp his rights in
the duchy of Aquitaine and to attack the duchy with armed force. They
1324k Membrane Qd — cnnt.
are ordered to certify the king without delay of the names of the ships and
of the masters of the ships. The king has ordered the sheriff of South-
ampton to cause gangways (pontes) and hurdles (clayas) necessary for
the shipment of the said men and horses to be provided and carried to
Plymmuth. By K.
The like to the bailiffs, men, and communities of the following places :
Little Yarmouth for two ships.
Ipswich for two ships.
Herewych for one ship.
Donewiz for two ships.
Romenye for one ship.
Hasting' for one ship.
Lym for one ship.
Exemuth for one ship.
Dertemuth for four ships.
Plummuth for one ship.
Fowy for one ship.
Tengemuth for one ship.
May 20. To the bailiffs, men, and community of the town of Weymuth. Order to
Westminster, cause six of the ten ships that the king lately ordered them to prepare and
send to Portesmuth to come to Plymmuth at the feast of the Holy Trinity
next, to set out in the king's service at his wages, certifying the king of
the names of the ships and of the names of the masters of the same. The
king will spare them from providing the other four ships upon this occasion.
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to go in person to the ports of
Portesmuth, Hamelhok, Suthampton, Boldre, and Yarmuth under Wyght, and
to cause the ships that the king has ordered the bailiffs and men of those
ports to prepare for the carrying of horses to be arrayed and to hasten the
preparation of the same, so that they be at Plymmouth at the feast of Holy
Trinity at the latest. The king will cause gangways (pontes), hurdles, and
other such necessaries to be brought to Plymmouth from the parts of South-
ampton at the said day. By K.
The like to the following :
The sheriff of Sussex for a ship at Seford and two ships at Shorham.
The sheriff of Dorset for four ships at La Pole with its members and
six ships at Weymouth, and a ship at Lym.
The sheriff of Devon for a ship at Exmuth, a ship at Tengemuth, four
ships at Dertemouth, and a ship at Plymmouth.
The sheriff of Cornwall for a ship at Fawy.
May 2G. To the mayor, bailiffs, and community of the town of Lyme. Order to
Westminster, prepare and send to Plummuth two of the greatest ships of that town,
instead of one as previously ordered, to be at Plummuth at the feast of
Holy Trinity next at the latest. The king has ordered the sheriff of Dorset
to buy and provide gangways and hurdles and other necessaries, and to
carry the same to Plumuth. They are to obey the said sheriff and the
king's clerk John Devery, and either of them, whom the king is Bending to
them in this behalf, in all things concerning the premises, as they shall bo
required by the sheriff and John, or cither of them. The king will cause
the wages <>i' the sailors of the ships to be paid iii advance for twenty daya
from the time when the ships set out in his service. By K.
The like to the bailiffs, men, and community of the following towns :
Plumuth, For two ships instead of one.
Tengemuth for two ships instead of one.
Kxmnth for two ships instead of one.
Membrane 9d — cant.
In which three writs the sheriff of Devon is ordered to buy and provide
gangways and hurdles, etc., with the clause about payment of the sailors'
wages ;is above. By K.
The like to the bailiffs, men, and community of the towns of Boldre,
Lymyntoii, and Kyavene for two ships instead of one, with like order to
the sheriff of Southampton, and clause for payment of wages.
To the bailiffs, men, and community of Southampton. Order to provide
and send as above two of the greatest ships of that town, instead of six as
previously ordered. The king has ordered the sheriff of Southampton to
provide gangways, hurdles, etc., and he will cause the sailors' wages to be
paid as above. By K.
To the bailiffs, men, and community of Fowy. Order to cause the ship
that the king previously ordered them to provide to be sent to Plumuth by
the above date. The king has ordered the sheriff of Cornwall to provide
gangways, hurdles, etc., and he will cause the sailors' wages to be paid as
above. By K.
The like to the bailiffs, men, and community of Weymuth for six ships,
and to the bailiffs, men, and community of La Pole and Warham and their
members for four ships, in which two writs it is written that the king has
ordered the sheriff of Dorset to provide gangways and hurdles, etc.
The like to the bailiffs, men, and whole community of Dertemuth for four
ships, in which it is written that the sheriff of Devon is ordered to provide
gangways and hurdles.
The like to the bailiffs, men, and whole community of Yaremuth under
"YVyght to prepare two ships, and to the bailiffs, men, and community of the
towns of Hamele and Hamelok to prepare a ship, in which two writs it is
written that the sheriff of Southampton is ordered to provide gangways and
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause gangways and hurdles
and other necessaries for the shipment of horses and men in the ships that
the king has ordered the bailiffs, men, and community of the towns of
Boldre, Yaremuth under Wyght, Hemelok, and Southampton to provide
and send to Plumuth to be bought and purveyed by the view and testimony
of John Devery, king's clerk, whom the king is sending to him in this
behalf, or of a person to be deputed by John. By K.
The like to the sheriffs of the following counties :
Somerset and Dorset, for the ships to be provided at Lym, Waymouth,
Pole, Warham, and their members.
Devon, for the ships to be provided at Plumuth, Dertemuth, Tegne-
muth, and Exemuth.
Cornwall, for a ship to be provided at Fowy.
May 26. To the mayor, bailiffs, men, and community of Great Yarmouth. Order
Westminster, to supersede until further orders the sending of five ships of that port to
Plimmuth ; provided, however, that the said ships and other ships of that
town be at the king's service when summoned. By K.
The like to the mayors, bailiffs, and community, and bailiffs, men, and
community of the following towns, concerning the ships ordered to be pro-
vided by them :
Little Yarmuth. Wynchelse.
Ipswich. La Rye.
Herewych. Faversham.
Donewich. Seford.
Romeneye. Shorham.
Hastyng'. Portesmuth.
17 EDWARD II. 189
-.qnf Membrane 3d.
May 26. Robert Prille acknowledges that he owes to John de Bousser 10/. ; to be
Westminster, levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in eo. Essex.
William BaMewyne of Wyndesore acknowledges that he owes to John
de Arderne of Chabeham 2;) marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Berks.
May 27. John de Segrave and Stephen de Segrave acknowledge that they owe to
Sheen. the king 10,000 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands
and chattels in England, Ireland, and Wales. [Pari. Jl'rits.]
Cancelled by the king's order, as appears by the tor it sewed to this.
Memorandum, that this recognisance was made for having pardon of the
trespass committed by Stephen concerning the escape of Roger de Mortuo
Mari of Wygemor, a rebel and traitor, from his custody from the Tower of
London. After the recognisance was made, a deed was delivered to Stephen
that he had made to the king for the safe custody of the tower under
grievous penalties contained in the said deed. [Ibid.]
Richard de Bonyton and John Lucas of Shaldeford acknowledge that
they owe to Robert son of William de Rokeswell 1 0/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Richard Homedewe acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Ilungerford
63*. 4d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Wilts.
Ralph le Taverner of Mailing acknowledges that he owes to James
Beauilour, citizen of London, 10/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
The aforesaid Ralph acknowledges that he owes to the said James 10/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, as above.
Robert de Dynmer acknowledges that he owes to John de Astwyk 210/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Leicester
and Southampton.
Cancelled on payment.
John de A[stw]yk and John de la Marche acknowledge that they owe
to Robert de Dynmere 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of
their lands and chattels in cos. Buckingham, Leicester, and Oxford.
Cancelled on payment.
Adam de Everyngham of Laxton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to
Robert de Wodehous, clerk, 23 marks; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
John Harsyk acknowledges that he owes to Hugh de Dryby 60/.; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Lincoln and
Cancelled on payment.
Robert de Dommere acknowledges that he owes to John do Astwyk 200/. ;
to he levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Leicester
and Southampton.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas de Barpeden ami William de Lusteehnll acknowledge thai they
owe to Blatter John Walewayn 467. 19*. Orf. j to be levied, in default of
payment, <>f their lands and chattels in co. Wilts. — The chancellor received
tie' acknowledgment!
1 » I
May 18.
June 3.
June 6.
June 9.
Membrane Sd — cont.
William de Venablea acknowledges that he owes to Master Robert de
Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, 50 marks; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Stafford.
Cancelled on payment.
Walter le Furrotour, who has long served the king, is sent to the abbot
and convent of Waledenne St. Mary to receive such maintenance in their
house as Hekenettus, the king's late huntsman, had therein. By p.s. [6890.]
Nicholas de Guldeford, parson of the church of Cestreton, puts in his
place Richard de Stonle and John de Braundeston to prosecute a recog-
nisance for 100/. made to him in chancery by Nicholas son of Nicholas de
The said Nicholas de Guldeford puts in his place the said Richard and
John to prosecute a recognisance for 15/. made to him in chancery by
Thomas Huscarl.
The said Nicholas puts the said Richard and John in his place to prose-
cute a recognisance for 10 marks made to him in chancery.
William de Staunford, clerk, puts in his place Thomas Prat to prosecute
a recognisance for 1 1 marks 6s. Sd. made to him in chancery by Robert
Achard, knight.
The aforesaid William puts the said Thomas in his place to prosecute a
recognisance for 1 10s. made to him in chancery by John son of John de
John de Bekyngham of Redenesse acknowledges that he owes to William
de Ayremynne, clerk, 20*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Elias Stoil (?) acknowledges that he owes to Dionisia de la Ryvere, late
the wife of John de la Rivere, knight, 201. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Devon.
Cancelled on payment.
Nicholas Trymenel acknowledges that he owes to John son of Nicholas
Trymenel, the younger, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Warwick.
The said Nicholas acknowledges that he owes to the said John son of
Nicholas 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Warwick.
The said Nicholas acknowledges that he owes to William son of Nicholas
Trymenel 100/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Warwick.
The said Nicholas acknowledges that he owes to the said William son of
Nicholas 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Warwick.
William de Maidenstan came before the king, on Wednesday after
St. Boniface, and sought to replevy the land of Walter atte Bergh, William
son of Mariota, Robert Gose, Stephen Benere, and Katherine, late the wife
of William Gose, in Hegham, which was taken into the king's hands for
their default before the justices of the Bench against Alice, late the wife of
John Gose. This is signified to the justices.
Thomas son of William de Hastinges, knight, acknowledges that he owes
to William de Ossyngton, clerk, 45 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex.
Cancelled on pa>/ine>it.
Jane 11 .
June 4.
Membrane 8d — cont.
Robert (?) Beygnard (?), knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Cuaancia, clerk, 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands aud chattels in co. Norfolk.
Cancelled on payment.
Richard Portreve of Nortbflete acknowledges that he owes to Bartholo-
mew Muscard, citizen of London (?), 5 marks; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
To the sheriff of York. Whereas the kins lately ordered him to cause
proclamation to be made that all who have 10/. of land or rent yearly or a
whole knight's fee worth 40/. yearly, and who have held the same for three
years and are not knights, shall become knights by Michaelmas next at the
latest, the king now signifies to him that it was and is his intention that all
those who are not knights and who ought to receive knighthood before the
said feast shall, although they have not received knighthood, provide them-
selves with horses (eqyitaturd) and arms according to their estate, to wit
every one at least [a horse] for himself and another (etd minus pro se altero).
The king also wills and has ordained by his council that all those who have
20/. of land or rent shall, although they be not knights, in like manner
provide horses and arms for themselves at least without delay, and that all
those who have less shall be assessed to arms and arrayed according to the
form of the statute of Winchester. The king therefore orders the sheriff
to cause proclamation to this effect to be made in his county [court] and
in cities, boroughs, and market towns, and in other places within his baili-
wick where be shall see fit, and that every one shall cause the premises to
be observed and done under pain of forfeiture. The king will appoint cer-
tain men in whom he has confidence to supervise the premises in every
county, and to punish those who neglect to observe the premises as they
have been enjoined by the king.
The like to all the sheriffs of England.
June 1. John de Fylsted of London, ' vineter,' acknowledges that he owes to
Westminster. John de Knyghton 04/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in the city of London.
Robert de Aymunderby acknowledges that he owes to the abbot of
St. Mary's York G/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Robert de Novo Burgo, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Adam
Walrand, knight, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Dorset.
Cancelled on payment.
Peter atte Wat re of Sende acknowledges that he owes to William de
Weston 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Surrey.
June 2. Brother Thomas Larchier, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem
Westminster, in England, acknowledges that he owes to Aymer de Valencia, earl of
Pembroke, 5,000/. J to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Lancaster.
Cancelled <<n payment, acknowledged by Mary, late tin wife of Aymer,
and executrix of his will
132 L Membrane Id — cont.
John di' Daggewerth acknowledges that he owes to Elias Peyk 10/. ; to
he levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk.
Rohert son of Robert de Jorz, knight, acknowledges that he owes to
Ralph de Crophill, knight, 20/. ; to he levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
Walter le Povre, 'chivaler,' acknowledges that he owes to John le Povre
his son 100/. ; to he levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Oxford.
Enrolment of deed of Edmund de Bacounesthorp, son and heir of Sir
Robert de Bacounesthorp, knight, manumitting John Somer, son of Regi-
nald Somer, of Depham, co. Norfolk, his bondman, from all servitude and
all servile works and conditions, making and quitclaiming him and all his
sequela and issue, lands, rents, goods and chattels, a free man and of free
condition. Witnesses : Hugh de Garton, William de Causton, John de
Causton, John de Dallingg, John de Ayllesham, Robert de Hakebourn,
citizens of London. Dated at London, 1 June, 17 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Edmund came into chancery at Westminster, on the
aforesaid day, and acknowledged the above deed.
June G. Roger Beler acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de Freschevill
Westminster. 2,000 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Leicester.
Cancelled on payment.
The aforesaid Ralph acknowledges that he owes to the said Roger
2,000 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Nottingham.
Cancelled on payment.
June 6. John de Shene of Long Staunton acknowledges that he owes to Robert
Westminster, de Insula 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payineut, of his lands and
chattels in co. Cambridge.
John de Stapelton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Ayremynne, clerk, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
June 7. Roger de Grymmeston, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Westminster. Ayremynne, clerk, 40s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
June 7. Matilda, late the wife of William le Wyne, acknowledges that she owes
Westminster, to Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, 100 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of her lands and chattels in co. Salop. — The chancellor
received the acknowledgment.
John de Mohun, lord of Dunsterre, acknowledges that he owes to John
de Wylynton 400 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos. Somerset and Devon.
Robert de Dykeby of Tylton acknowledges that he owes to Edmund
Trussel 50 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co Leicester.
John de Wylynton, lord of Umberleye, acknowledges that he owes to
John de Mohun, knight, lord of Dunsterre, 5,000/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Gloucester, Berks, and Devon.
Thomas son of Roger le Wryght of Gretford acknowledges that he owes
to Master Henry de Ayremynne, clerk, 32s. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
June 8.
June 12.
June 12.
June 13.
June 13.
Membrane Id — cont.
"William son of Richard de Bodekesham acknowledges that he owes to
John le Smale, clerk, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of Ii is
lands and chattels in co. Surrey.
The aforesaid William acknowledges that he owes to the said John
20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
the aforesaid county.
William de Burgo, burgess of Northampton, acknowledges that he owes
to Hugh, earl of Winchester, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
Cancelled on payment.
John son of Adam de Aperdele acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de
Ledred 11/. 4s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Surrey.
Cancelled on payment.
Nicholas Kyriel of co. Kent, Richard de Perers, John de Lyston, Robert
de Cheddeworth of co. Essex, Martin de Fysshacre of co. Devon, Robert de
Aspale of co. Suffolk, Master Richard de Clare of co. Somerset, John
Pysegle of the city of London and co. Essex, and Eustace de Swafham of
co. Cambridge acknowledge that they owe to the king 500 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the aforesaid
counties and city.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the afore-
said sum to be levied from the said lands and chattels at the terms of pay-
ment specified in the above recognisance, and not to intermeddle further
with the matters touching William de Gosefeld by reason of a counterfeit
letter of acquittance in the name of Bartholomew de Badelesmere exhibited
by him, concerning which he is impeached before them. By K.
Gilbert son of William de Maiden acknowledges that he owes to John le
Smale, clerk, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Surrey.
John de Wodehaye, parson of the church of Hertleye, diocese of Win-
chester, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas Palmere of Maldon 100*. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. South-
John de Maldon, son of William de Maldon, acknowledges that he owes
to John le Smale, clerk, 41 marks, 6s. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Surrey.
John de Hardeshull, knight, and Philip de Hardeshull acknowledge that
they owe to Richard de Perers, knight, and John de Vienna 10/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Bedford.
Enrolment of grant by Matthew son of Richard de Whitefeld to Sir
Robert de Tymparon, clerk, of all his lands in Aynstaplelith and Routho-
clive, co Cumberland, and of the reversion of all the lands in Bourstede in
the town of Burgh-on-Sands (de Buryo super Sabuloncs), and the manor
of Terribj, except 60 acres of land and meadow in tlie same manor, whicli
lands and manor Richard, father of the donor, holds by the courtesy of
England of the donor's inheritance. Witnesses: Richard de Kirkebridde,
Peter de Tiliol, Richard de Denton, Robert de Hampton, knights j Robert
Parnynk, Thomas de Uardgill, Thomas de Neuby, John de Ormesby, John
132 I. Membrane Id — cont.
de Kirkoswald, Richard de Salkeld, Thomas Beauchamp. Dated at London,
8 May, 17 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Matthew came into chancery at Westminster, on the
aforesaid day, and ackuowledged the aforesaid deed.
June 8.
June 5.
June 13.
June 13.
Membrane 6d.
John son of Andrew de Jarpevill came before the king, on Friday after
St. Boniface, and sought to replevy to Nicholas Moille and Agnes his wife
their laud in Mentemor, which was taken into the king's hands for their
default before the justices of the Bench against Hugh de Stretle. This is
signified to the justices.
To the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. Whereas the king lately ordered
the bailiffs, men, and communities of the following towns to provide the
ships specified below, to wit Lyme two ships, Weymuth six ships, Pole,
Warham and their members four ships, and to send them to Plymmuth by
the octaves of Holy Trinity next, and the king now understands that certain
masters and mariners of ships of the said towns eloigned (?) themselves from
the ports of those towns after they had knowledge of the premises, so that
ships cannot be found in those ports to set out in the king's service, where-
for the king [intends] shortly to punish the offending masters and mariners.
The king, being unwilling that his expedition shall be retarded, orders the
sheriff to go to Melecoumbe and the other ports of his bailiwick, and to
cause ships to be prepared to the number deficient from the greater ships
of those ports, and to cause them to be furnished with men and mariners,
and to cause them to come to Plymmuth, so that they be there in the said
quinzaine of Holy Trinity.
To the sheriff of Devon. Like order concerning the towns of Plymmuth,
Dertemuth, Tegnemuth, and Exmuth.
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to inform the owners, masters
and mariners of the ships from the towns of Boldre, Yaremuth-under-
Wyght, Hemelok, and Southampton that the king lately ordered to be
provided and sent to Plymmuth by the octaves of Holy Trinity next, that
the king has prorogued the time for their coming from the aforesaid octaves
until the quinzaine of Midsummer. The sheriff is ordered to cause the
gangways and hurdles, which the king ordered him to provide and carry to
Plymmuth by the said octaves, to be there before the aforesaid quinzaine.
The like to the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset concerning the ships from
Lyme, Weymuth, Pole and Warham and their members; the sheriff of
Devon concerning the ships from Plymmutht, Dertemuth, Exmuth, and
Tegnemuth ; and the sheriff of Cornwall concerning a ship from Fowy.
John de Bos, son of William de Bos of Hamelak, knight, acknowledges
that he owes to William de Ayremynne, clerk, 10 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
William de Grossefeld acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de Cryel,
Bichard de Perers, Martin de Fysshacre, Robert de Aspale, John de Lyston,
Bichard de Clare, clerk, John Puicelegle, Bobert de Cheddeworth, and
Eustace de Swafham 500 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
17 EDWARD II. 195
132 1-. Membrane Qd — cont.
.Tune 15. John de Strircheslegh (sic), knight, acknowledges that lie owes to Hugh
The Tower, le Despeneer, earl of Winchester, 10/.; to he levied, in default of paym mt,
of his lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
Membrane od.
June 13. Richard le Waleys, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
\\ e-tmiii-ur. Ayremynn, clerk, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
John de Malmeyns of Hoo, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Walter
Neel, citizen of London, GO/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Kent.
Cancelled on payment.
June 15. Gregory de Clementhorp came before the king, on Friday after St.
The Tower. Barnabas last, and sought to replevy the land of Robert le Hakere of Aton
and of Dionisia, late the wife of John de Burton of Aton, in Aton, which
was taken into the king's hands for their default before* the justices of the
Bench against William son of Elias de VVylton and .Margaret his wife.
This is signified to the justices.
June 18. Henry Bernard of Eton acknowledges that he owes to John de Baverton
The Tower, and Johu his son and to John de Bokelynton 60/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hereford.
June 1!). To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause two of the better ships of
The Tower, the ports within his bailiwick to be provided in addition to the ships that
the king has ordered the bailiffs, men, and communities of certain towns
within his bailiwick to provide and send to Plymmuth, an to cause the
said two ships to be provided with mariners, and to cause gangways, hurdles,
and other necessaries to be prepared and carried to Plymmuth by the
quinzaine of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. The king will cause the
wages of the mariners of the said two ships to be paid in advance for twenty
days from the time when the ships set out in his service. By K.
June 18. Matthew de Clyvedon, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de
The Tower. Amwcll 100s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Somerset.
Enrolment of letters of Stephen de Segrave, knight, witnessing that
whereas the king lately delivered to him the custody of the Tower of
London, and Stephen bound himself by deed to keep the Tower well and
truly and (specially to keep safely Roger de Mortimer of W \ g. more, a rebel
and attainted traitor, who was then imprisoned wit bin the 'lower, and who
was delivered to Stephen for custody, so that he should answer to the king
for Roger's body under grievous pains and forfeitures contained in the said
deed, and afterwards, because Soger escaped out of his custody by night,
the king caused Stephen's body to be taken and put in prison, and now lin-
king, 01 bi^ grace and good will, and by a recognisance lor a sum of money
that Sir John de Segrave, his father, and he have made in chancery, has
delivered Stephen from prison and has made B (barter of pardon for the
said trespass; Stephen, desiring to so do that the kingmaj assure himself
of him in all points, bas, of his lice will and wilbout coercion, taken oalb
upon the Gospels to the king to be obedient, intendent, and aiding to him
in all matters and undertakings, and to aid, maintain, and defend him and
his friends, etc*, by all mean- which the king shall enjoin upon him, etc.,
N 'I
June 21.
June 20.
June 6.
Membrane 5d — cont.
etc. To make greater security to the king for the execution of the premises,
he charges himself, liis lands, goods, and chattels, and wills and grants that,
if he do the contrary, the king may take and imprison him and treat him as
one attainted of falseness and malice and may seize his lands, goods and
chattels as forfeited, and he has, moreover, found mainpernors for the
execution of the premises. Dated at Westminster (JVeymoster), 1 June,
in the 17th year of the king's reign. French. [Pari. Writs.']
Brother Thomas Larcher, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem
in England, acknowledges that he owes to John de Acherico de Portenaire
of Florence 252/. ; to he levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Leicester.
The said prior acknowledges that he owes to James Gety of Luca 450/. ;
to he levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Leicester.
Cancelled on payment acknowledged by Peregrine de Srancone, attorney
of James.
To the abbot and convent of Malmesbury. Order to grant to John de
Thynden, king's clerk, the pension due to one of the king's clerks by reason
of the new creation of the abbot. By K.
William son of John Peyvre puts in his place John de Langeton to
defend the execution of a recognisance for 120 marks made by him in
chancery to John de Thelnitham.
Thomas de Veer acknowledges that he owes to Thomas Gobyoun 30/.
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
June 28.
July 2.
Membrane Ad.
John son of Stephen le Eyr of Cestrefeld acknowledges that he owes to
John de Beaufey 15 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Derby.
Thomas de Kersbrok, parson of the church of Little Laufare, diocese of
London, acknowledges that he owes to John de Wrotham 40/. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
John de Boylond acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Harwold,
'grosser' of London, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Norfolk.
William de Clif, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to John de Boselyng-
thorp 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Lincoln.
Adam Amory of Harpeden acknowledges that he owes to Roger de
Prestope 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in co. Hertford.
Nicholas de Huntercoumbe, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to
Master Adam de Hoghton, clerk, 60/.; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Oxford.
Enrolment of release by John son of Richard de Buselynthorp, knight,
to Sir William de Clif, clerk, of his right in five messuages, a mill,
4 bovates of land, 40 acres of meadow, 8 acres of wood, 100 acres of wood,
100 acres of marsh, and a fishery in the water of Le Idle, 26s. Sd. of rent
in Everton, Herewell, and Scafteworth, and in all other lands and rents
1324. Membrane 4d — cont.
that William holds in the said towns for the terra of the life of Lucy de
Clatthorp of the releasor's inheritance after the death of Isabella, the relea-
sor's mother. Witnesses: Hasculph de Whitewell ; John Waldeshef ; Eudo
de Billesby ; John de Trehampton ; John Bik ; Richard de Berners; Robert
do Kelm ; Thomas de Sibthorp, clerk. Dated at Westminster, 2 July,
17 Edward II.
Memorandum, that John came into chancery at Westminster, on the
said day, and acknowledged the above.
Enrolment of deed by William de Clif, clerk, reciting the above release,
and granting that if he be impleaded concerning the aforesaid tenements
by Thomas son of Richard de Buselingthorp, Henry and Ralph his brothers,
or by their issue, the aforesaid John shall not be charged with warranty
against them at William'* suit. Witnesses : Gilbert de Tondeby ; John de
Denom ; Ascolf de Whittewelle ; John de Waldeschaue ; Ivo de Billesby.
Dated at Westminster, 3 July, 17 Edward II.
Memorandum, that William came into chancery at Westminster, on the
said day, and acknowledged the above deed.
July 4. William de Braybrok acknowledges that he owes to Master John Wale-
Rotherfield. wayn, clerk, 33/. 6s. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos. Surrey and Dorset.
John de Oddyngseles, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William
de Ayreinynn, clerk, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos. Warwick and Oxford. — The chancellor received the
July 5. Thomas de Tochwyk, clerk, and John de Bledelawe, the younger, of
Bayhall. co. Buckingham, acknowledge that they owe to Edmund son of Henry de
Malyns 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in cos. Buckingham and Oxford.
John, abbot of Certeseye, acknowledges, for himself and convent, that
he owes to Master Walter de Barton and Master Richard de Aulton, clerks,
124/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels and
ecclesiastical goods in co. Surrey.
Cancelled on payment.
Membrane 3d.
July 2. William de Luttrington acknowledges that he owes to Roger de Lange-
Rotherfield. don 10/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co. Kent.
Robert son of Adam de Hakebeche acknowledges that he owes to John
de Shardelowe 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Lincoln, Cambridge, and Norfolk.
Hugh de Poyntz of Curimalet acknowledges that he owes to John de
Olneye 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in cos. Kent, Somerset, and Gloucester.
July 5. Thomas Wither, knight, William de [pstanes, Roger de Ressinton, Roger
Kotherfielri. le Foun of Feyle, Thomas Adam of Assheburn, and William de Bentell -y
acknowledge that they owe to John de Kynanleseye 2(J/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Stafford and Derby.
Enrolment of agreement between Sir Richard de Vernoun, the elder,
and Matilda (Maude), late the wife of Richard de Vernoun, the younger,
132 I. Membrane 3d — cont.
witnessing that whereas Matilda has sued the said Richard by divers writs
of down- before the justices of the Bench, demanding a third of the manors
of Harleston, co. Stafford, and Little Apjjelby, and 2s. of rent in Great
Appelby, co. Leicester, as her dower of her late husband's free tenement,
and the said Richard the elder has rendered to her before the said justices,
in three weeks from Easter last, her dower of the said manors and rent,
upon which render judgment was given (se tailla) for Matilda, the said
Matilda hereby grants that execution of the said judgments shall cease
during Richard's life, so that he may hold the said manors and rent entirely
for his life without disturbance by her, saving to her a yearly rent of 20/.
from the said manor of Little Appelby, according to the form of a deed
made to her by him and according to an indenture made between them.
Witnesses: Sir William de Harleston, clerk; John Talebot; Richard de
Penrysj Hugh Turvill; Adam de Swyneshevede; John del Lee; Simon
de Norton ; John de Tamworth. Dated at London, Monday after SS. Peter
and Paul, 17 Edward II. French.
Memorandum, that Richard and Matilda came into chancery at West-
minster, on 3 July, and acknowledged the above.
Enrolment of agi*eement between the aforesaid Richard and Matilda,
witnessing that whereas Richard has granted to her a yearly rent of 20/.
from his manor of Little Appelby during his life, she grants that he shall
be acquitted of the said rent upon payment of 10/. yearly. Witnesses as
above, with the addition of Roger de Baucquell and Roger de Norton.
Dated at London, on Sunday after the aforesaid feast, 17 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Richard and Matilda came into chancery at West-
minster, on 3 July, and acknowledged the above deeds.
Enrolment of grant by Richard de Vernoun, knight, to Matilda, late the
wife of Richard de Vernoun, the younger, of a yearly rent of 20/. for his
life from his manor of Little Appelby, co. Leicester. Witnesses : Sir
Robert, parson of Swepston church ; Sir William, parson of Stretton church ;
Osbert de Streston ; Henry de Norton ; John de Overton ; Robert le
Freman of Norton ; Simon de Norton ; Roger de Norton ; William de
Croxhale of Norton. Daled at Little Appelby, on Thursday before
St. Barnabas, 17 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Richard came into chancery at Westminster, on 3 July,
and acknowledged the above.
Enrolment of grant by Ingelram son of Ingelram Folenfaunt of Addewyk
to John de Bossevill of Tyckyl of 100s. of yearly rent from his manors of
Addewyk and Nonyngton. Witnesses: John de Pudyngton; Robert le
Hende ; Reginald le Ferour. Dated at London, in Holleburn, Saturday
before St. Barnabas, 17 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Ingelram came into chancery at Westminster, on
5 July, and acknowledged the above deed before the chancellor.
June 29. John de Stratford, bishop of Winchester, acknowledges that he owes to
Tunbridge. the king 10,000/. to be paid at the king's pleasure ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in England.
Memorandum, that the king wills that 2,000/. of the above sum shall be
levied for his use at his pleasure, and that the residue shall be levied at his
pleasure, and if aught of the residue be unpaid at the death of the king or
of the bishop, then the bishop and his successors and his executors shall be
acquitted thereof, and that the recoguisance shall then be cancelled so far as
concerns the said residue.
1324. Membrane 3d — cont.
Memorandum, that, on 26 July following, when the king was at Porcestre,
the interlined words were added by the chancellor's order.
Mi inorandunt, that the aforesaid recognisance for 10,000/. icas cancelled
on 9 February, 1326, by the king's order by writ of privy seal, remaining
on the files of the first year of the same (sic) king.
Enrolment of deed of Margery, late the wife of Thomas Colepeper,
witnessing that whereas a fine was levied in three weeks from Michaelmas,
14 Edward II., before William de Bereford and his fellow.-;, justices of the
Bench, between the said Thomas and her, demandants, anil Richard de
Headen and John Colepeper, deforciants, concerning two messuages, two
mills, 405 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 60 acres of pasture, 80 acres of
wood, and 20*. of rent in Peapymbury, Tonebrug', and Tendele, whereby
Thomas acknowledged the tenements aforesaid to l>e the right of John, and
Richard and John, in consideration of that acknowledgment, granted
and rendered the tenements to Thomas and Margery for their lives, with
remainder to Walter, their son, and to the heirs male of his body, with
remainder to John, brother of Walter, and the heirs male of his body,
with remainder to Richard, John's brother, and the heirs male of his body,
with remainder over to the right heirs of Thomas, which tenements were
taken into the king's hands by the forfeiture of Thomas, and are stdl in his
hands, the said Margery, in consideration of a grant of 12 marks yearly for
life from the exchequer, hereby grants and releases the tenements to the
king for her life. Dated at La Bayhalle, 1 July, 17 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Margery came into chancery at Fynesbury, on the
said day, and acknowledged the aforesaid deed.
Membrane 2d.
June 20. Walter de Shireford, canon in the chapel of Bosham, and Richard
Northfleet. Pernegarde of Bosham acknowledge that they owe to John de Tyngewyk,
prebendary of Bosham in the chapel aforesaid, 190 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Sussex.
William de Manthorp, parson of the church of Cotton, diocese of Norwich,
and Alan de Goushull acknowledge that they owe to Master Robert de
Pyncebek 420/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels and ecclesiastical goods in co. Norfolk.
June 11. To Thomas Gobion and William de Marny. Order to lay aside all other
Westminster, matters and intend the choosing, ordaining, and arming of the 150 footmen
archers that the king lately appointed them to choose in co. Essex, to be
taken to Westminster by Thomas, so that they be there in the octaves of
Midsummer, instead of at Plimmuth in the quinzaine of Midsummer as
previously ordered, as the king wills that they shall be at Westminster in
the said octaves before Robert de Hagham and the aforesaid William, whom
the king has appointed to array them and take them to Plimmuth. The
king has appointed certain of his subjects to pay the archers their wages.
The like to the following :
Gilbert de Kllesf'eld aud Drogo Bareutyn, appointed to choose 100 nun
in cos. Oxford and Berks, to be taken by (i illicit to Welles on
Thursday after il e said octaves, and thence to Plimmuth.
Reginald de Abenhale and William Tiacv, appointed to cl -e 500 men
in co. Gloucester, as well bo the bailiwick of St. Briavels as in the
forest of Dene aud Berkeleyh[ernes], and elsewhere in that county,
to be taken by Reginald to Welles on Thursday as above.
1321. Membrane 2d — cont.
Roger de Bavent, John de Ifeld, and Nicholas Gentil, appointed to choose
200 men in co. Kent, 100 men in co. Surrey, 200 men in co. Sussex,
to be taken by Nicholas to W[elles] on Wednesday after the said
octaves, the men of Kent [to be taken] thence to Plimmuth, by
Nicholas Kiriel, and the men of cos. Surrey and Sussex by Alan de
John de Ticheburn and Ed. de Kendale, appointed to choose 150 men
in co. Southampton, to be taken by Ed. to Winchester on the afore-
said Wednesday, [to be taken thence] to Plimmuth by Alan de
William de Faucomberge and the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset,
appointed to choose 200 men in co. Somerset and 130 men in co.
Dorset, to be taken by William to E[xeter] on the quinzaine of the
said feast, the men of Somerset to be taken thence to Plimmuth by
John de Lurtye, and the men of Dorset to be taken thither by John
Roger de Tyringham and Ralph de Wedon, appointed to choose 140 men
in cos. Bedford and Buckingham, to be taken by Ralph to Dunstaple
at the octaves aforesaid, and thence to Plimmuth.
Walter Gacelyn and Robert le Bore, appointed to choose 200 men in
co. Wilts, to be taken by Walter to Welles on the said Thursday,
and thence to Plimmuth by William Tracy.
June 18. Peter de Redham acknowledges that he owes to William de Shirford,
The Tower, canon and sacristan of the chapel of Bosham, and to Richard Perngard of
Bosham 23 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Sussex.
Robert de Swynburn, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Adam son of
Robert de Swynburn 500/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Suffolk.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert Breton, knight, and William de Paunton acknowledge that they
owe to Alesia de Lacy, countess of Lincoln, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
The aforesaid Robert and William acknowledge that they owe to the said
countess 57/. 3*. 4d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in co. Lincoln.
June 21. Brother John, abbot of Faveresham, acknowledges that he owes to Bartho-
The Tower, lomew Rik' of Chieri (de Kirid) and Anthony Malocelli of Genoa 156/. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert de Swyneburn, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Adam son of
Robert de Swyneburn 500/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Suffolk.
Thomas de Preyers of Strixton and John ' in the Wilewes ' of Thynden
acknowledge that they owe to Henry de la Leye of Eston and Thomas son
of Walter de Burnham, executors of the will of Thomas de Verdon, 120/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chatties in co.
William de Cicestre acknowledges that he owes to John de Grantham,
citizen and pepperer of London, 100 marks; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex and the city of London.
132 t. Membrane 2d — cont.
June 22. John le Chaumberlein of co. Hertford acknowledges that he ones to
Northfleet. Master Robert do Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, ~> marks ; to be levied,
in default of payment of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford.
Cancelled on payment.
June 21. Edmund Lambyn puts in his place Nicholas de Thorastall to prosecute a
Northfleet. recognisance for 50 marks made to him in chancery by John Abel.
June 26. To the mayor and bailiffs of Lenn. Although the king lately ordered them
Tunbridge. to cause all ships of that port and its members capable of carrying 40 tuns of
wine and upwards to be prepared and found, so that they should be ready
to set out in the king's service upon three days' summons, and that they
should not permit such ships of that port to go to parts beyond sea, and to
retain and prepare such ships then without the port upon their return thither,
the king, wishing to provide for the indemnity of the men owning the ships
as much as possible without prejudice], orders the mayor and bailiffs to
retain in the port as many ships carrying the said weight as shall suffice for
the king's service, having respect to the number of ships of that port, so that
they be ready to set out in his service upon three days' summons, and to
permit all other ships, which they have caused to be retained and prepared
by virtue of the above order, to go to Poitou {Pay to) or Gascony, as the
masters of the ships shall elect, for the exercise of merchandise. The king
wills that the ships that they have caused to be retained for his service shall
be allowed to go to Poitou or Gascony as above upon the return of the afore-
said ships to port, and that the same number of the latter shall then be re-
tained for his service. By K.
The like to the following :
The mayor and bailiffs of Ipswich.
The bailiffs of Great Yarmouth.
The bailiffs of Little Yarmouth,
The bailiffs of Dunwich.
The bailiffs of Orford.
The bailiffs of Blakeneye.
The bailiffs of Brunham.
Enrolment of release by Robert son of Richard Illyng of Laughton to
Robert son of Walter de Oseville of his right in a messuage, 7 virgatcs of
land, 10 acres of meadow, 6s. Ad. of rent in Laughton, which the said
Robert son of Walter de Oseville has of the gift of the releasor's father.
Witnesses : Nicholas de Kertlyngg ; . . . de Castre ; William atte Castel ;
Reginald de Brayntyngthorp; Thomas de Stagenho; Adam le Dorturer ;
Roger le Mareschal the younger; J. . . de Padyngton ; Hamo atte Welle;
Robert le Fruter. Dated at Westminster, on Midsummer eve, 17 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Robert came into chancery at Westminster, on 3 July,
and acknowledged the above deed.
July 6. Agnes, late the wife of William Charles, acknowledges that she owes to
Rotherfield. William de Ayremynne, clerk, 9/. 5s. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of her lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk.
John Pecche, knight, puts William de Emeldon, clerk, in his place to
prosecute a recognisance lor 1,000 marks made to him in chaucery by John
( 202 )
July 13.
July IS.
July IN.
Membrane 39.
To William Tracy, Robert Selyman, and Robert de Sapy. Order to
certify the sheriff of Gloucester by indenture of tbe names of the footmen
of that county who withdrew themselves and did not, come to Plymmuth,
after they had received wages and arms from the communities of the towns,
the kinu: having appointed the said William, Robert, and Robert to choose
200 footmen out of the 500 footmen archers that he had previously ordered
to be chosen and taken to Plymmuth from co. Gloucester, as well from the
bailiwick of St. Briavels as from the forest of Dene and Berkeley Hurnes,
and elsewhere in that county. The king has ordered the sheriff to take and
imprison until further orders those who have thus returned. By K.
[Pari. Writs.]
To the sheriff of York. Order to pay to Thomas de Grey 6d. daily from
the issues of his bailiwick, and the arrears thereof from Michaelmas last,
the king having, on 2o February, in the 13th year of his reign, granted to
him &d. daily from the issues of the sheriff's bailiwick in aid of the main-
tenance of himself and his wife, during the king's pleasure. By K.
To the treasurer, or to him who supplies his place, and to the barons of
the exchequer. Order to permit John Haward to have respite during his
absence on the king's service in the duchy [of Aquitaine], whither he is
going, for 100/. yearly, which the king granted that he should pay for the
debt due to the exchequer for the time when he was sheriff of Norfolk and
Suffolk. By p.s.
To the mayor ami sheriffs of London. Whereas the king, because John
de Lortye, a prisoner in Neugato, was bound by agreement with the king to
srt out in his sen ice for the duchy [of Aquitaine] with ten men-at-arms in
the next passage at Plymmuth ordained by the king, ordered the mayor and
Bheriffs to release the said John from prison upon his rinding mainprise to
have him back again in the same prison at the king's will unless he set out
in tbe king's service as aforesaid, and the mayor has signified by his letters
to the chancellor that John and others were condemned in 30/. for damages
for certain trespasses committed by them upon Richard de Burton of
co. York and in 30/. for damages for certain trespasses committed by them
upon Thomas de Bethuin, and in 20 marks for damages committed upon
Adam de Berburn, and were adjudged to the said prison until they had
satislied the said parties for the above damages, wherefore it seemed to the
mayor that he could not proceed to deliver the said John without a warrant
making mention of the cause of his imprisonment : the king, considering
that John's services would be very useful to him in the duchy, orders the
mayor and sheriffs to release him from the said prison upon his finding
mainpernors to satisfy the aforesaid Richard, Thomas, and Adam for their
damages before Easter next and also mainpernors to have him back in the
saiil prison at the king's will unless he set out in the king's service in
accordance with the agreement aforesaid.
July 23.
To Roger de Gulden, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. Somerset.
Order to restore to Thomas de Gurnaye, knight, a late rebel, his lands, as
Julj 6
Julv 21.
.In I v 30.
July 30.
Minihraiiv 39 — cout.
In1 lias made ransom with the king for his life and lands, provided thai If
tli-- lands have been demised at Perm by Ate king's order, the said Thomai
sliall satisfy ilu' Pennon For their expenses upon the lands. By K
The tike to Richard Le Wayte, esoheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton,
Oxford, Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham.
The like to Robert de Hungerford, keeper, etc, in no. Wilts.
To l'eter -mi of Welter dc> Bakelot. Order to deliver to the prior of the
Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem all charters, writings, letters with hulls,
rolls, and other muniments and memoranda of the Templars, which Walter
l.i- lather had in his OUStodj when he was sheriff of Hereford, and which
are still in Peter's custody, as the king has granted the possessions of the
Templars to the said Hospital.
To the justices of the Bench. Order not to molest John le Ohaloner, to
whom the king, on lo November last, granted protection for two years, as
he was staying in the king's service in the duchy [of Aquitaine] in the com*
pany of Ralph Basset of Drayton, Beneschal of Gascony, by reason of ■ "tit
of deceit sued out at the suit of the prior of Coventry against him under the
pretence that he had stayed continuously in England before and alter the
date of the protection, they having ordered him to he attached hv bis body
to answer to the king and to the prior at a certain dale, as it appears to the
king that John set out in his service in the said dnchy and staved there for
some time and has now returned to England on the king's service by order
of the seneschal, ami will shortly return to the duchy. By K.
The like to the -aid justices in favour of Henry de Ilynton, staying with
the Beneschal under the kind's protection.
The like, 'mutatis mutandis,' to the sherilV of Warwick and the shcrilVs
of London not to arrest the aforesaid John.
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to release from prison Margery,
late the wife of Robert Lewer, a late rebel, and to cause her to he delivered
to Ralph Cammoys. B] K.
To John de Bolyngbrok, escheator in cos. Warwick, Leicester, Not
tingham, Derby, ami Lancaster. Order not to intermeddle further with the
priory of Bredon, which 18 a cell of the priory of St. Oswald, Nostelle,
otherwise than by placing a porter at (he gate, who is to he amoved when a
prior is instituted, and to re-lore to the canons any issues id' the priory
received hy him, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the c-chcator
that the canons of the priory have been wont from the time of the founda
tion of that call i<» receive all issues and profits of the cell, and to dispo e
and ordain of the same at their pleasure, without Thomas, late earl of
Lancaster, formerlj patron of the cell, or any other patrons thereof int. i
meddling with any issues and profits thereof at any time of voidance, or
receiving the issues or profits thereof, and the earl in Ins time and the other
patrons nave been wont to have a porter at the •jjate of the cell at each
voidance in recognition of their lordship, and that the porter received his
maintenance From the canons, without taking or receiving any other profit
To R l de Ayremynne and William de Pillaund, late keepers of the
bishopric ol Winchester, void and in the kind's hand-. Order to sell to
John, bishop of Winchester, ail the king's beasts and chattels in the manors
of the bishopric at a reasonable appraisement, and to deliver the same to
him hy indenture according to such appraisement, and to certifj the
treasurer and barons of the exchequer in the octaves <>i Michaelmas next ..t
the priOfl. ami delivery of the -anie, SO that thev may ordain for payment
thereof; By K.
Aug. l.
Membrane 39 — cont.
To the sheriff of Oxford and Berks. Order to release William Tenturer
of Wahngford and his goods, and to permit him to make his profit upon the
latter, upon his finding security to be faithful to the king and not to eloign
his goods and merchandise out of the realm, the sheriff having arrested him
and bis goods in execution of the king's order to arrest all the men of the
dominion and power of the king of France, together with their ships and
goods, the Flemings excepted, which order the king issued because Charles,
king of France and Navarre, has assembled his army to make war upon the
king and his duchy of Aquitaine and has caused all the king's men and
subjects in his power to be arrested together with their goods, as the king
learns that the said William, a merchant born in the power of the king of
France, has a perpetual domicile in the said counties, and is, and has been
for a long time, in lot and scot, aids, tallages, and other charges whatsoever
with the communities of those counties, and has paid customs to the king
upon his goods within the realm as a native, and the king wills that persons
thus born in the power of the king of France and thus dwelling and at scot
and lot, etc., within this realm shall not be molested by virtue of the
above order, provided that they find security as above. By K.
The like in favour of the following :
Robert du Boys, addressed to the sheriff of Middlesex.
Nicholas le Chaumberleyn, addressed to the sheriff of Wilts, Somerset,
and the mayor and bailiffs of Southampton.
Reyner Berfrei, merchant and burgess of Bristol, addressed to the
mayor and bailiffs of Bristol.
Hervey de Forges, addressed to the sheriff of Kent. By K.
John le Charrer. By K.
July 9.
July 15.
July 16.
July 16.
Membrane 38.
To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to release John de Lortie,
who is bound by agreement to set out in the king's service for Gascony
with ten men-at-arms at the next passage at Plimmuth, from Neugate
prison, upon his finding mainpernors to have him back in the said prison
unless he set out in the king's service aforesaid.
By writ of the secret seal.
To John Everard, escheator in cos. Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and
Dorset. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Brodewynde-
sore, co. Dorset, and with the other lands of John de Alneto, and to restore
the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator
that the said John de Alneto and Alice his wife, who survives, held jointly
on the day of John's death the said manor, as of Alice's inheritance, of the
king in chief by the serjeanty of rendering yearly 41. 9s. Od. to the ex-
chequer by the hands of the sheriff of Dorset, and that John held no other
lands of the king in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his
lands ought to pertain to the king.
To the sheriff of Warwick. Order to cause the prior of the house of
St. Sepulchre, Warrewyk, to have seisin of 8 acres of land in Hatton near
Haseleye, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that
Juliana Mordak, who was hanged for felony, held them of the said prior,
and that they have been in the king's hands for a year and a day, and that
William de Neville, late sheriff of that county, had the king's year, day and
waste thereof and ought to answer to the king for the same.
To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain rebels' lands in co. Gloucester.
Order to deliver to John Gylemynne and Katherine his wife a third of a
messuage and of two virgates of land in Acton Turvill, and to restore the
July 21.
July 23.
1324. Membrane 38 — cont.
issues thereof to them, as the said keeper has certified the king that he took
the aforesaid part, which John and Katharine held as her dower, into the
king's hands because John took charge of a horse of Rogo Gacelyn, an
adherent of John de Wylinton, a late rebel.
To the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. Order to expend up to 20/. in
repairing the houses within the king's castle of Shirburn and the walls of
the castle, by the view and testimony of the abbot of Shireborn.
By bill of the treasurer.
To Robert le Power, chamberlain of Kaernarvan. Order to allow to
Erlenettus Gogh, to whom the king has granted the bailiwick of the beadlery
of Tourkelyn in Angleseye. which is worth 1 1 Of. yearly, for his maintenance
for life, receiving therefor 100s. yearly and rendering the remaining 10*.
to the exchequer of Kaernarvan, the aforesaid sum of 100*. yearly in his
account from the time of the chamberlain's appointment.
July 25. To John Darcy, justiciary of Ireland. Order to cause the marshalsea of
Porohester. Ireland to be replevied to Robert de Morlee or his attorney, together with
the issues thereof since it was taken into the king's hands, to be held at the
king's pleasure, as Robert has given the king to understand that the justi-
ciary has taken the marshalsea, which Robert holds of the inheritance of his
wife, into the king's hands, because Robert or any one in his name did not
come to the justiciary at his first coming to Ireland to execute that office at the
justiciary's summons, and Robert has prayed the king to cause the bailiwick
and the issues thereof to be restored to him.
To John Everard, escheator in cos. Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, and
Dorset. Order to assign dower to Margery, late the wife of Gerard de
Aylesford, tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the
king's licence.
To the same. Order to deliver to Eleanor, late the wife of Ralph de
Gorges, mother of Ralph, his son and heir, as nearest [friend] of the heir,
two parts of a third of the manor of Braunton, co. Devon, together with the
issues received therefrom since her husband's death, as the king learns by
inquisition taken by Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent,
that Ralph held at his death a third of the said manor of the king in chief by
service of finding the king an arrow when the king came or sent to Exemor
to take venison there, the arrow to be delivered to the king's huntsman,
and that he held no other lands of the king in chief at his death by reason
whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, and that
Ralph de Gorges, his son, is his nearest heir and was aged fifteen at
Michaelmas last, and the king lately ordered dower of the aforesaid third
part to be assigned to the said Eleanor.
To Master John Walewayn. Order to deliver to the aforesaid Eleanor,
for the use of the heir, the issues of the two parts of the aforesaid manor
received by him when he was escheator.
To Richard le Wnyte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford,
Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order to pay to Peter de Heghes tin'
arrears of 3*. pearly from the time when 3 acres of arable land and an acre
of meadow, which John de Benstede, tenant in chief, held at his death of
him by t Ik- service <>! 3*. yearly, as appears by inquisition, were taken into the
king's hands with other land- of the said John, and to pay him that sum
yearlj tor BO long as the lands are in the king's hands.
Aug. 3. To the sheriff oi Gloucester. Order to arrest and imprison until further
Guildford, orders all the footmen archers of that county, of the forest of Dene and
July 29.
July 29.
July 31.
Aug. 1.
An- 12.
Aug. 3.
Aug. 5.
Aug. 5.
Aug. 5.
Aug. 4.
Membrane 38 — cont.
Berkelehirnes who were chosen and sent to Plymmuth to set out for Gas-
cony, and who have returned home without the king's licence. By K.
To him who supplies the place of the treasurer of the exchequer and to the
barons and chamberlains. Order to make account with Michael atte Grene
of Wycombe for 3d. daily for his food, 10*. yearly for his robe, 5*. yearly
for his summer tunic, and 5*. yearly for his other necessaries for all the time
that 60 acres of land and H acres of meadow in Wycombe have been in the
king's hands, and to cause the arrears thereof to be paid to him, as it
appears by the certificate of the treasurer and barons that Michael gave the
aforesaid lands to the master of the order of the Temple in England and to
the brethren of the same, for his maintenance for life in food and clothing
in the New Temple, London, and that the lands were taken into the king's
hands with the other lands of the Templars, and that they were in his hands
for some time, and that it was considered and ordained at the exchequer
that Michael should receive his maintenance as aforesaid for the aforesaid
tenements according to the form of his charters, as other possessors of such
maintenance from the Templars' lands have received in like case. By C.
To the sheriff of Oxford and Berks. Order not to disquiet or aggrieve
William de Heles, Thomas Estyne, John le Fauconer, and John de
Formerye in their persons or goods because they are born of the power of
the king of France, as they are staying in the company of Tidcius de
Varisio, archdeacon of Berks, by the king's licence, and the archdeacon has
mainperned to have them before the king at his will.
By K. on the information of William de Ayremynne.
To Henry de Cobham, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
co. Kent. Order to resume into the king's hands and to deliver to William
Edward of Romeneye 32 acres of land in a place called ' Tunstalle ' in the
marsh of Romeneye, which belonged to Bartholomew de Burewassh, a rebel,
and which came to the king's hands by his forfeiture, as William has shewn
the king that Henry has delivered the aforesaid land to H. bishop of Lincoln
as if the land belonged to the bishopric in execution of the king's late order
to deliver to the bishop all the lands of the bishopric in Tunstalle together
with the issues from 27 March last, the king having committed the said
32 acres to William for life on 1 February, in the 16th year of his reign, to
be held by the same services as they were held by before they came to the
king's hands.
To Richard de Grey, keeper of certain lands that belonged to John de
Grey, tenant in chief, in divers counties, or to him who supplies his place.
Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of the said John, and to
restore the issues thereof from 23 July last, when the king took the homage
of Henry de Grey, son and heir of the aforesaid John, for the lands that
Johu held in chief at his death, and ordered John de Hampton, escheator
in cos. Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester, Salop, and Stafford, and in the
adjoining marches of Wales, to cause Henry to have seisin of the aforesaid
To Henry de Cobbeham, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. Kent.
Order to restore to Adam de Wynston, a late rebel, his lands, as he has
made ransom with the king for his life and lands; provided that if the
lands have been demised at ferm by the king's orders, Adam shall satisfy
the fermors for their expenses upon the lands. By K.
To Matthew Broun, escheator in cos. Lincoln, Northampton, and Rutland.
Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Hegham Ferers,
co. Northampton, and with the castle and manor of Thorpe Watervile, with
232 1 . Membrane 38 — cont.
the hamlets of Achirche and AJdewynkele and other appurtenances, which
he has taken into the king's hands by reason of the death of Aymer de
Valencia, earl of Pembroke, and to restore the issues thereof to .Mary his
wife, as the king, on 1.3 March, in the loth year of his reign, granted t<> the
Bfid Aymer and Mary the manor of llegham Fen-rs, which came to him as
escheat by the forfeiture of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, and the castle
and manor of Thorpe Watervile, etc , which belonged to Robert de Iloland,
and which came to the king's hands in like manner because Robert, upon
being charged and prosecuted by the king for divers excesses and adhering
to certain rebels, submitted himself to the king's will, to have and to hold to
the Baid Aymer and Mary and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to
the king. ' By K.
Aug. B.
Membrane 37.
Aug. 9. To the treasurer, or to him who supplies his place, and to the barons of
Henley. the exchequer, and to the chamberlains. Order to supersede the demand
made upon John de Castelacre, the king's goldsmith, of Loudon, for 100/.
that he received by way of imprest, and to discharge him of the same at the
exchequer, as it appears to the king that he bought 600 golden florins of
Florence by the king's order and delivered them wholly to the king out
the 10t)/. that he received as loan from the merchants of the society of the
Bardi of Florence. By K. on the information of W. de Ayremynn.
To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
co. Wilts. Order to cause Thomas, son and heir of John Tyes, to have
seisin of a messuage, -!4 acres of land, S acres ot meadow, and 13*. \rf. of
arly rent in Lideyard, in that county, as the king learns by an inquisition
taken by the escheator and by Adam Walraund and Geoffrey de Weston
that the said John held the aforesaid land, etc., at his death of Henry T
by the service of a twenty-fourth of a knight's fee and by rendering a pound
of cumin yearly, and that the lands came to Henry's hands by reason of the
minority of the said Thomas, and that they were taken into the king's
bands by Henry's forfeiture with Henry's other lands, and that the said
Thomas IS the nearest heir of the said John and is of full age, the king
having taken homage from Thomas. By K.
An:. 8 To the sheriff of Bedford. Order to release Guy Test and John his
Guildfonl. brother and their goods and chattels, the sin riff having arrested them by
reason of the king's order to arrest men of the power of Charles, king of
Prance and Navarre, with their goods and chattels, under the pretext that
Guy and John were of' the power of the kin<» of Fiance, as the king hams
upon trustworthy testimony that they are merchants of the city of L
Luco) and not of the lord.-hip Of power of the king of France. By K .
To Roger de Whatton, keeper of certain lands in co. Northampton.
Order to restore to Thomas de Byngham, knight, a late rebel, the lands
that he and Margaret his wife held at her dower of the inheritance of
William le Piash i. her first hushand, which were taken into the king's
hands i,\ reason of the rebellion of the said Thomas, as be lias made fine
with the kin"; for his life ami lands; provided that if any of the lands have
been demised at ferm by the king's orders, Thomas shall satisfy the formers
tlnreof for tin ir expenses upon the land- Bj K.
To William de Tatham, the kini,''- receiver in 00 I. ter, and ke. p r
of certain of the king's goods in thai county. Whereas lately at the prosecu-
tion of Alice, Lite the wife of William de lloldeiie of Samlcsl <ur\ , suggesting
J 3 24. Membrane 37 — cont.
that her husband, when he was keeper of the king's manor of Samlesbury,
in that county, which belonged to Robert de Holand, and came to the
king's hands by his forfeiture, was taken to Scotland by the Scots, and
that i he king's goods and chattels in the manor were occupied and dissi-
pated entirely by them, and that certain of the king's bailiffs afterwards
seized into the king's hands the goods of her husband, then in her custody,
to the value of 100*., by reason of the goods and chattels thus taken by the
Scots, the king appointed John de Lancastre and the said keeper to
enquire concerning the premises, and it is found by their inquisition that
the king's goods and chattels in the manor, to wit two carts, price 4s. ;
18 oxen, price 13s. 4c?. each ; 55 ' aketones,' price 11/. ; 100 lances (lancee),
price 20s.; 30 ' polhaches,' price 10s. ; 4 saddles (celle), price 4s.; 4 reins,
price 12c?. ; 4 targes (targia), price 4c?. ; 2 vestments for a chapel, price 12s.;
a chalice, price 10s. ; a missal, price 6s. 8d. ; a psalter, price 2s. ; 7 brasen
pots {pile), price 53s. 4c?. ; a bowl, price 18c?. ; a laver (lavacrum), price 12c?.;
a pan (patella), price 12c?. ; a coverlet for a bed, price 2s. ; 3 cloths for
covering beds, price 3s. ; and two sheets, price 20c?., were taken and carried
away to Scotland by the Scots, by the sudden coming of the said Scots, and
not by the negligence of the said William, and that the aforesaid goods were
occupied and dissipated by the Scots, and not by any others, and that the
goods of the said William, to the value of 100s., found in Alice's custody,
were seized into the king's hands by John Travers, late keeper of the
king's lands in that county, because he was given to understand that the
goods were occupied and dissipated by the Scots by William's negligence,
and that William's goods are in the king's hands for this reason and for no
other ; the king, therefore, orders the keeper to restore William's goods
and chattels to Alice without delay. By C.
To the mayor and bailiffs of Dover. Whereas the king, on 26 July
last, sent Henry, lord of Sully (Sulliaco), to France as his envoy, and the
said Henry then proposed to send to Whitsand for two or three ships to take
him, his household, horses, and equipments from Dover to the said parts ;
and the king took him, his household, horses, etc., into his protection whilst
going to France, staying there, and returning for as many times as he should
happen to pass to France, or return thence in connexion with the said
matters, and also took into his protection the said Henry's men and envoys
coming to him with letters from Henry and returning to France ; and the
king now understands that the said mayor and bailiffs have arrested a ship,
with her mariners and the goods in her, for which Henry sent to carry him,
his household, horses, and equipments, from Dover to the aforesaid parts :
the king orders them to release the ship, mariners, and goods, if it appear
to them that Henry sent for the ship for the above purpose, and that
she came to Dover from the said parts for this purpose, and for no other
Vacated, because they were not sealed.
Aug. 8. To the mayor and bailiffs of the port of Dover. Order to release a ship
Henley. of Whitsand, bringing certain envoys with letters to the aforesaid Henry in
that port, and the mariners thereof, and the goods in the same, which,
the king is given to understand, they have arrested by virtue of his
order to arrest ships of the power of the king of France coming to that
port. By K.
Aug. 7. To J. bishop of Bath and Wells. Order to cause the rolls and memo-
Henley, randa of the passage of the king's fleet to Grascony in the last war in the
late king's time to be searched concerning the aids that the late king
made, in money or otherwise, to the men of the Cinque Ports for that
passage, and to certify the king thereof. By writ of the secret seal.
Aug. f>.
Aujr. 1.
Aug. r,.
AllLr. 1").
Aug. 19.
Membrane 37 — cant.
To Edmund de Passele, John de Ifeld, and William do Cotes. Order to
supersede until farther orders the taking of the ioqnisitioD that the king
lately ordered them to take concerning a trench (trenckiam) made between
Apuldre and the port of Romenhale, whereby, the king learned, many
inconveniences and damages were cati-ed daily to the adjacent parts, as the
king, who is given to understand that great dissension has arisen between
the barons of the Cinque Ports and the community of the marsh of Romen-
hale concerning the same, and that both sides are preparing themselves to
attack each other with arms if the taking of the aforesaid inquisition be
proceeded with, considering his present necessity for the services of his
subjects by land and sea, wishes to provide for their unity and peace as
much as possible. By K. on the information of W. de Ayrem[ynne].
To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to release the prior of
Okeburn, the proctor-general in England of the abbot of Bee Hellouin (de
Becco Hvrleicini), who is an alien, and his monks, if he have arrested them
by virtue of the king's order to arrest all men of the p>wer of the king of
Fiance found within his bailiwick, and to deliver to the prior the abbot's
possessions and goods taken into the king's hands by him, and to restore to
the prior the issues thereof from the time of the seizure, as it was not the
king's intention that alien men of religion governing priories, cells, or
places of religion within the realm or their possessions should be arrested
by pretext of the said order, the sheriff, exceeding the bounds of the order,
having caused priors and other religious aliens governing priories and cells
within his bailiwick and there conversant to be arrested, and having caused
their goods to be taken into the king's hands under colour of the order
aforesaid. William de Leycestre, clerk, of co. Oxford, James Fresel, John
de Stretle, and Thomas de Tochwyk, of co. Buckingham, have mainperned
in chancery for the said prior that he will conduct himself well and faith-
fully towards the king, and that he will not send out of the realm or eloign
in any way the goods of the abbot's manors in his custody, and that he will
not leave the realm without special licence from the king. By C.
The like to the sheriffs of the following counties:
Southampton. Warwick.
Sussex and Surrey. Oxford and Berks.
Essex. Dorset.
Buckingham. Wilts.
Northampton. Middlesex.
The like to the sheriffs of London.
The like in favour of the following, by the like mainprise :
The prior of Hermodesworth, addressed to the sheriff' of Middlesex, by
the mainprise of Adam de Brome, clerk, of co. Oxford, Robert de
Phi, Walter Saling, Richard de Merk, and William Bisshop, of co.
The same prior, addressed to the sheriff of Buckingham.
John de Pounches, parson of the church of Farnham St. Martin's,
addressed to the Bheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, by the mainprise of
Blaster William de Maldon, of London, John de Tudenham, Thomas
de Stoketon, and William de IIoo, of the aforesaid counties. By K.
John de Qwenghon, parson of the church of Ledenham, addressed to
the sheriff <>(' Oxford, by the mainprise of Luke de ( 'oh ill, of co.
York, Henry de Brepon, of the city oi London, William atte R jgh, of
the same city, and William do Kurnvvall, of the -ame city. Bj K.
John de Ourtiniaco, parson of the church of Sheraton, diocese of
Salisbury, in <•(>. Wilts, addressed to the sherilT of Wilts, by the
mainprise of Soger le l'almere, Thomas de C'hcdington. and SolomOD
le Coffrer.
Aug 18.
Aug. 6.
Aug. 6.
Aug. 4.
Aug. 6.
Aug. 10.
( Yeshampstcde.)
Aug. 18.
Aug. 18.
Membrane 37 — cont.
The prior of Prittewell, addressed to the sheriff of Essex, by the main-
prise of William de Cusancia.
The prior of Bermundeseye, addressed to the sheriff of Surrey, by the
mainprise of the said William.
Peter de Cusancia, parson of Northreppes church, addressed to the
sheriff of Oxford, by the mainprise of Richard Coffrer and Walter
Barber of London.
To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of Gregory de Rokesle, who has no lands in that county
to qualify him.
Membrane 36.
To John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester,
Salop, and Stafford. Order to pay to Richard de la Leylond 6 marks of
yeaily rent from the time when the manor of Whitchirche was taken into
the king's hands, and to pay him the same henceforth for so long as the
manor shall remain in the escheator's hands, as the king learns by inquisi-
tion taken by the escheator that Fulk Lestraunge, deceased, granted the
above rent to Richard from his mill of Whitchirche, within his manor of
Whitchirche, and that Richard was seised of the rent before Fulk's death
for six years, and that he continued his seisin thereof peacefully until Fulk's
death, and that the manor is not held of the king in chief but of John de
Warenna, earl of Surrey, by the service of taking the earl's venison in all
his lands in England at the earl's cost.
To the sheriff of Devon. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of John Walraund, who is incapacitated by illness and
To the sheriff of Buckingham. Order to take security from Ingelram de
Bamvill, parson of Bledelawe church, an alien, that he will conduct himself
well and faithfully to the king, and that he will not send the goods of his
benefice out of the realm under any pretext or eloign them in any way, and
that he will not leave the realm without special licence from the king, and
to release him, if he have arrested him by virtue of the king's order to arrest
men of the power of the king of France, and to restore to him his goods
taken into the king's hands by the sheriff under pretext of the said order,
together with the issues thereof, as it was not the king's intention that alien
men of religion governing priories, cells, or places of religion within this
realm or ecclesiastical persons having certain benefices within the realm
should be arrested or their goods taken into the king's hands by virtue of
the aforesaid order. By K. and C.
The like in favour of the following :
Brother Peter Marye, monk and proctor-general of the abbot of
Fecamp, addressed to the sheriff of Gloucester.
The prior of Monk Kyrkeby, addressed to the sheriff of Warwick and
Brother William le Veyle, proctor-general of the abbey of St. Nicholas,
Angers, in England.
The prior of Lenton, addressed to the sheriff of Nottingham.
The prior of Wy velesford, addressed to the sheriff of Lincoln.
The prior of St. Neots, addressed to the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk.
William de Dorso Usto, parson of the church of Temesford.
13i' I ,
Ann;. 20.
Aug. 18.
Aug. 15.
Aug. 18.
Sept. 25.
Aug. 13.
Aug 10.
Mt mbrane 36 — cant .
Master Peter Fillol, parson of the church of Marteleye.
John ilf Falons, parson of the church of Bykeueure.
Master Stephen de Claro Monte, proctor-general of the dean and
chapter of Houen in England, addressed to the sheriff of Devon,
concerning the goods of the dean and chapter's manor of Otery.
The same Stephen, proctor-general of the archbishop of Rouen and of
the said dean and chapter, addressed to the sheriff of York, concern-
ing the goods of the manor of Killum, belonging to the archbishop,
dean and chapter.
The same Stephen, addressed to the sheriff of Southampton, concerning
the goods of the dean and chapter's manors of Kynglesclere (sic)
and Bynteworth.
The abbot of Counches, addressed to the sheriff of Hereford.
The prior of Eye, addressed to the sheriff of Sussex.
The prior of Lancaster, addressed to the sheriff of Lancaster.
The prior of Clatford, proctor-general of the abbot of St. Victor,
addressed to the sheriff of Lancaster.
The prior of Avebury, proctor-general of the abbot of St. George,
Boscherville (BaskervilV), addressed to the sheriff of Lancaster.
To the sheriff of York. Order to release the possessions and goods of
Elias Talairandi, archdeacon of Richmond, and to restore them to the arch-
deacon, who dwells in parts beyond sea, or to his vicar-general in the
archdeaconry, together with the issues thereof, the sheriff having taken the
same into the king's hands under pretext of his order to arrest men of
the power of the king of France and to take into his hands their goods,
as the archdeacon is not of the dominion or power of the king of France, as
the king learns upon trustworthy testimony. By K.
The like in favour of the following :
Master Brunus de Jodico, prebendary of Brampton in St. Mary's
church, Lincoln, addressed to the sheriff of Huntingdon. By K.
The prior of "Wottou, proctor-general of the abbot of Counches, an
alien, addressed to the sheriff of Hereford. By K.
To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to release the men of that county
arrested by him in execution of the king's order to arrest the men who were
chosen in that county and sent to Plymmuth, and who returned home with-
out the king's licence, upon each of them finding mainpernors to be with tho
king at Portesmuth on Monday after St. Bartholomew next well found with
anus, to do then what shall be enjoined upon them for the defence of the
realm, and to cause them 1o know that the king will regard as disobedient
any who shall not come to him after such mainprise on the said Monday, or
who shall turn back on the journey, and that he will punish them accord-
ingly. The sheriff is ordered to certify the king at the said day of the
names of those thus released upon mainprise. By K.
[ Pari. Writ*.]
To Robert de Kendale, constable of Dover Castle and waiden of the
Cinque Porte, or to him who supplies hi> place. Order to permit the abbot
of Aunay (de Olneto), of the Cistercian order, to pass the sea in France in
the port of Dover with three monks, <.'mht alien grooms, and eight hor
provided that he do not carrv with him anything in name of "/)/""'''""'
contrary to the statute in this ease provided, or an} suspected letters, as be
has eoiue to this realm to visit divert houses af the order within this realm
uii'l he ig now about to return to France Hy K.
o 2
132 I.
Aug. 14.
Aug. 16.
Aug. 18.
Aug. 18.
Membrane 36 — cont.
To Richard le Wayte, escheator in cos. Wilts, Southampton, Oxford,
Berks, Bedford, and Buckingham. Order not to intermeddle further with
the lands in Stone that AVilliam Chippe held of Aymer de Valencia, late
earl of Pembroke, and with his other hinds in Hardeleye, and to restore the
issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that
he held do lands in chief as of the crown at his death by reason whereof the
custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, the escheator haying taken
them into the king's hands by reason of Aymer's death.
To Geoffrey le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the
king. Order not to molest John de Stokeffery by reason of his withdrawal
from his appeal of Geoffrey de Bauseye of Lenne before the king for robbery
and breach of the king's peace, for which withdrawal it was considered that
he should be taken and imprisoned until he made ransom with the king, as
the king has pardoned him the imprisonment and whatever pertains to him
in this behalf. The king has ordered the sheriff of Norfolk to supersede the
arrest of the said John. By K.
To Thomas Dayvil, keeper of certain forfeited lands in co. York. Order
to restore to Hugh de Eland, a late rebel, his lands, as he has made ransom
with the king for his life and lands ; provided that, if the lands have been
demised at ferm by the king's orders, Hugh shall satisfy the fermors for
their expenses upon the lands. By K.
The like to Roger de Whatton, keeper of certain lands in co. Nottingham.
To the treasurer, or to him who supplies his place, and to the barons of
the exchequer. Order to allow to John de Crosseby, king's clerk, 71. 4s. 2d.,
which the king owes him for his expenses about the provision and delivery
of divers victuals in co. Essex for the Scotch war, in the 16th year of the
king's reign, as appears by a bill of Roger de Waltham, late keeper of the
wardrobe, out of 71. 3s. 2d. due from him, to wit 7 marks for the custody of
a third of the manor of Little Totham, and 50s. for the custody of two parts
of certain lands that belonged to John Gernoun in Tolleshunte, which
custodies he had of the king's commission, as he has prayed the king to
cause allowance for the above sum to be made to him as above. By C.
Membrane 35.
Aug. 18. To the sheriff of Kent. Whereas at the frequent complaint of John de
Westminster. Bartoun and his fellows, merchants, that they landed in a ship with their
goods and merchandise in the port of Fecamp in Normandy, within the
lordship and power of the abbot of Fecamp, and that Roger Furmentyn, a
man of the abbot's, on Sunday before Lent, 1321, entered the ship by force
whilst lying at anchor in the said port, during the absence of John and his
fellows, who had gone into the said port to buy victuals, and assaulted and
slew Richard de Barton, brother of the said John, whom John had left in
the ship for custody, and broke open the chests of the merchants [and]
mariners of the ship, and took and carried away 800 golden florins de
agnello, price 4s. each, and 20/. sterling, the goods of the said merchants,
the king frequently requested the abbot to cause restitution or satisfaction
to be made to the said merchants ; but the abbot did not do so, although the
merchants solicited justice from him, as appears by the letters patent of the
constable, bailiffs and whole community of Scardeburgh under the common
seal of the town ; wherefore the king, being unwilling to refrain longer from
exhibiting justice to the said merchants for the loss of their goods and their
damages, which are taxed by the aforesaid community at 100/., orders
the sheriff to arrest goods of the men and merchants of the lordship, power,
Aug. 21.
Aug. 18.
Aug. 15.
1324. Membrane 35 — cant.
and jurisdiction of the abbot to the value of 100/. sterling, in part satisfac-
tion of the aforesaid 280/., and to keep the same safely until the merchants
have been satisfied for that sum or until further orders. It is not the kind's
intention that the goods and merchandise of men or merchants of the king
of France, which he lately ordered to be taken into his hands for certain
reasons, shall be arrested or released on this account. The king has ordered
the sheriff of York to arrest goods in like manner to the value of 100/., and
the sheriff of Northumberland to arrest goods in like manner to the value
of the remaining 80/. By K.
To John d« Lancastre, keeper of certain forfeited lands and other things
in the king's hands in co. Lancaster. Order to restore to William de
Bradeschawe, who was lately imprisoned for certain trespasses in that
county for which he was convicted by consideration of the king's court, his
lands, goods and chattels, which were taken into the king's hands upon his
conviction, together with the issues thereof since they were taken into the
king's hands, the king's order by writ of privy seal to take William's lands,
goods and chattels into his hands notwithstanding, as William has made fine
with the king for the trespasses aforesaid, wherefore the king has caused
him to be released from prison.
By K. on the information of W. de Ayremfjynne].
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Simon de la Sartryne, deceased.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Alan son of Geoffrey de Pyncebek, deceased.
To the bailiffs of Great Yarmouth. Order to release any men of the
parts of Holland, Zeeland, Friesland, Voorne (Vorn'), Brabant, and
(Pisati') whom they may have arrested under pretext of the
king's order to arrest men of the power of the king of France, together with
their ships and goods, and to restore to them their ships and goods, as the
king understands that the bailiffs, exceeding the said order, have arrested
fishermen, merchants, and mariners of the aforesaid parts, who are not of
the lordship or power of the king of France, together with their ships and
goods. By K. and C.
The like to the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, ' mutatis mutandis.'
Aug. 20. To Henry de Cobeham, keeper of the forfeited lands in co. Kent.
Westminster. Order to deliver to Joan, late the wife of Walter Colepeper, a messuage,
a garden, and three acres of land in Estfarleye, two messuages, 22 acres
of laud, and two acres of wood in the same town, and three acres of
land in the same town, together with the issues thereof since they
were taken into the king's hands, as it is found by au inquisition taken
by the said Henry and by William de Northho that Walter and Joan jointly
acquired the first-named messuage and land from Richard de Norffolk,
clerk, in the 10th year of the king's reign, to them and their heirs in fi e,
and that they acquired the aforesaid two messuages and land from Thomas
Bakere, in the 1 3th year of the king's reign, and the three acres aforesaid
from Constance Bttfl Sole, in the 10th year of the king's reign, to them and
the heirs of Walter, and that Joan continued her seisin of the premises
jointly with Waller until they wen; taken into the king's hands upon
Walter's forfeiture, and that all the lands aforesaid are held of the prior of
Christ Church, Canterbury, by certain services and not of the king, and that.
the) are in the king's hands by reason of Walter's forfeiture ami lor no
other reason • provided that, after Joan's death, the lands acquired from the
aforesaid Thomas and Constance -hall reverl to the king. Hy pet. of ( '.
An'.' 23. I " A ni hon y <le Lucy, keeper of the town of Carlisle and constable of the
Wcntmmsor ca>tle of the same. Order to rau-e Nicholas de llrwyk, knight, imprisoned
Aug. 20.
Aug. 20.
1321. Membrane 35 — cont.
in the ensile for adhering to the rebels, upon his finding mainpernors to
haw him at Portesmath on Monday after the Nativity of St. Mary next,
to sot out in the king's service as he shall be then enjoined.
To Adam de Helnak. Order not to intermeddle further with the custody of
the priory of Llanthony, near Gloucester, and to restore the issues thereof to
the sub-prior, the king having lately taken the priory into his hands and com-
mitted the custody thereof to Adam during pleasure, because it appeared, after
he had ordered John de Hampton, escheator in cos. Gloucester, Hereford,
Worcester, Salop, and Stafford, not to intermeddle further with the priory
by reason of the late voidance, that in the election in the priory of brother
Robert de Gloucestre and Walter de Longeneye, canons of the house, as
prior had been made in discord, and that they and their adherents
endeavoured to destroy the house by wasting and dissipating the goods of
the same. By K.
To William de Weston, escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Middle-
er. sex, and in the city of London. Order to cause Richard de Gloucestre, son
of Richard de Gloucestre, to have seisin of a messuage called ' Bloemundes-
bury,' in the parish of St. Giles of the Lepers, London, and of certain lands
in the same parish, upon his finding security for payment of his relief, as the
king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Richard held at his
death the aforesaid messuage and lands in chief by the service of rendering
a sore-coloured sparrowhawk to the exchequer at the Gule of August, and
that Richard, his son, is his next heir, and is of full age, the king having
taken the son's fealty.
Vacated, because on the Fine Roll.
To Robert de Hoton, king's clerk. Order to deliver to John de Chel-
mersford all charters, writings, fines, and other muniments in the king's
hands and in Robert's custody that shall appear to Robert to relate to John's
lands, as the king has, in consideration of a fine, pardoned John the suit of
his peace and what pertains to him for adhering to the rebels, and has
restored to him his lands.
To the sheriff of Kent. Order to go with all speed to La Strode in that
county, and to arrest a ship of Stephen de Crey, of London, whereof Roger
Haukyn is master, carrying the weight of 100 tuns of wine, aud to proceed
to Gillyngham and to arrest a ship called ' Le Petrel of Gillyngham, carry-
ing the weight of 180 tuns of wine, whereof Stephen atte Hoo is master,
which ship belongs to divers men of Gillyngham and to William de Bodele
of London, and to proceed to La Clyve in the same county, and to arrest a
ship called ' La Jonette ' of London, carrying the weight of 120 tuns of wine,
whereof Curteys de Bures is master, and which belongs to Curteys and other
men, and to cause the said ships to be taken to Portesmuth, so that they be
there on Monday after the Nativity of St. Mary, to set out in the king's service
with all the ships of value in war of all the ports and shores of the realm,
which the king has ordered to be assembled at Portesmuth on the said
Monday, because the king of Prance has gathered a great army and a multi-
tude of ships to aggrieve the king in war, as the king is given to understand
that the three ships aforesaid are lying at anchor at the said places. By K.
Aug. 18. To the sheriff of York. Order to release Richard Bowet from prison as
Westminster, he has shewn the king that whereas he was in the company of Andrew de
Hartcla when .Andrew rebelled against the king, and that although, upon
hearing of the rebellion, he forthwith rendered himself to the king's peace
to Walter de Stirkelond, according to the king's commission to the latter to
receive to his peace the adherents of Andrew who wished to render them-
selves to his peace, nevertheless Simon Warde, late sheriff of York, arrested
Aug. 21.
132 k Membrane 35 — cont.
him by iv.ison of his adhesion aforesaid as if he had not rendered himself to
the kind's peaee, and caused him to be imprisoned in York castle, wherein
he is still detained, wherefore he praye 1 the king to cause him to be released,
and the king thereupon ordered Walter to certify him concerning the premises,
and Walter has signified that Richard, being aware that Walter had such
commission, came to him at Syrieherd in Kendale on Sunday in Mid-Lent,
in the 10th year of the king's reign, and acknowledged that he was of the
household and sworn and consenting to the said Andrew some of the time
■when Andrew was a rebel, Richard not knowing of his malice, and rendered
himself to the king's peace, and that Walter received him to the king's
peace according to his commission, and received the oath of allegiance
from him. By K.
Membrane 34.
Aug. 18.
To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to cause the footmen archers of that
tminster. county who returned home without the king's licence, and whom the king
ordered him to release from prison upon their finding mainprise to be with
the king at Portesmuth on Monday after St. Bartholomew next, to know
that they are to be there on Monday after the Nativity of St. Mary instead
of the aforesaid date, the king having prorogued the date. If any of the
said men not yet arrested refuse to find such mainprise or to come to the king
at the said day, the sheriff is ordered to take them and imprison them
according to the king's previous order, and he is ordered to certify the king
of the names of those thus released on mainprise and of the names of their
mainpernors at the said date. By K.
[Pari. Writs.']
Aug. 23.
Aug. 24.
Aug. 23.
Aug. 2o.
I! i\ ham.
(li< jiham.)
. 2(5.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of "William del Howe, deceased.
To Richard le Wayte, escheator in